This collection of school photos from various school yearbooks and albums, etc. If you would like to contribute a vintage school photo (before 1980) to this gallery, please email the photo to the admin at

Miscellaneous Logan County School Photos

Buffalo High School Football Squad, Accoville, Logan County, WV - Tuesday, October 3, 1939. Clipping courtesy of Mark Edward Jones. Image 39146.
Buffalo High School Football Squad, Accoville, Logan County, WV - Tuesday, October 3, 1939. Clipping courtesy of Mark Edward Jones. Image 39146.

1955 Man Senior High Football Squad, yearbook photo. Image Ref. 38791.
1955 Man Senior High Football Squad, yearbook photo. Image Ref. 38791.

Old Greenville School courtesy of John Blankenship. Image 89164.
Old Greenville School courtesy of John Blankenship. Image 89164.

1931 Logan East Jr. High School Football Team courtesy of Bob Piros. Image 11567.
1931 Logan East Jr. High School Football Team courtesy of Bob Piros. Image 11567.

1965 West Logan Grade School, Mrs. Dobbins First Grade Class courtesy of Dale Lezu. (1) Dale Lezu, (2) ????, (3) Tracy Hager, (4) ????, (5) Ebenetta Staggs, (6) Karen Bryant, (7) Mark Mareske, (8) ????, (9) Kevin Smith (Lacy Smith’s son), (10) ????, (11) ????, (12) ????, (13) Donna Murray, (14) Ronnie Bailey, (15) ????, (16) ????, (17) “Crockett” Fisher, (18) Tammy Staggs, (19) ????, (2) ????, (21) Bobby Mullins, (22) Lee Ann Coleman, (23) ????, (24) Erna Ellis, (25) Mrs. Dobbins. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment and reference photo 8134.
1965 West Logan Grade School, Mrs. Dobbins First Grade Class courtesy of Dale Lezu. (1) Dale Lezu, (2) ????, (3) Tracy Hager, (4) ????, (5) Ebenetta Staggs, (6) Karen Bryant, (7) Mark Mareske, (8) ????, (9) Kevin Smith (Lacy Smith’s son), (10) ????, (11) ????, (12) ????, (13) Donna Murray, (14) Ronnie Bailey, (15) ????, (16) ????, (17) “Crockett” Fisher, (18) Tammy Staggs, (19) ????, (2) ????, (21) Bobby Mullins, (22) Lee Ann Coleman, (23) ????, (24) Erna Ellis, (25) Mrs. Dobbins. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment and reference photo 8134.

1952 6th Grade, Logan Central courtesy of Kenneth Singleton (front, center, left of girl with long scarf). 3156
1952 6th Grade, Logan Central courtesy of Kenneth Singleton (front, center, left of girl with long scarf). 3156

LHS Marching Band, Logan Banner, Sat., Jan. 15, 1966 courtesy of Herb Harvey.
LHS Marching Band, Logan Banner, Sat., Jan. 15, 1966 courtesy of Herb Harvey.

Logan Central Junior High School courtesy of Tom Rollins. Image 14154
Logan Central Junior High School courtesy of Tom Rollins. Image 14154

1953 Annual Huntington Band Festival. Left to right. Jim Singleton, Ronnie Curry, Fred Hammond, Fred Clark, Sammy Turner, Siegel Counts, and David Lanthorne. Courtesy of Kenneth Singleton. 221189
1953 Annual Huntington Band Festival. Left to right. Jim Singleton, Ronnie Curry, Fred Hammond, Fred Clark, Sammy Turner, Siegel Counts, and David Lanthorne. Courtesy of Kenneth Singleton. 221189

Lundale Grade School (back view) from the 1953 School Yearbook courtesy of Jim Rorrer. 891345
Lundale Grade School (back view) from the 1953 School Yearbook courtesy of Jim Rorrer. 891345

1954 LHS Yearbook Ad - Vanta Coda at Brumfield Motors, Stollings, WV
1954 LHS Yearbook Ad - Vanta Coda at Brumfield Motors, Stollings, WV

Adolph (Rudy) Marushi 1931 Logan High School Football Photo
Adolph (Rudy) Marushi 1931 Logan High School Football Photo

1931 Logan High School basketball team with Adolph (Rudy) Marushi (front row, third from left). Photo submitted by Bill Marushi, nephew.
1931 Logan High School basketball team with Adolph (Rudy) Marushi (front row, third from left). Photo submitted by Bill Marushi, nephew.

1931 Logan High School football team with Adolph (Rudy) Marushi (last in top in white). Photo submitted by Bill Marushi, nephew.
1931 Logan High School football team with Adolph (Rudy) Marushi (last in top in white). Photo submitted by Bill Marushi, nephew.

Freddie Blackmon was a talented-straight-A student. He died in a car crash in 1969. Photo courtesy of Dwight Williamson. (846316)
Freddie Blackmon was a talented-straight-A student. He died in a car crash in 1969. Photo courtesy of Dwight Williamson. (846316)

Lacy Smith taught 10th-grade biology at LHS and was a state championship coach of the Aracoma High Bulldogs. He was also a member of the Flying Aces that won a WV Softball Championship. Photo courtesy of Dwight Williamson. (778166)
Lacy Smith taught 10th-grade biology at LHS and was a state championship coach of the Aracoma High Bulldogs. He was also a member of the Flying Aces that won a WV Softball Championship. Photo courtesy of Dwight Williamson. (778166)

1965 Logan High School Band Macy´s Thanksgiving Day Parade Award courtesy of Keith Gibson.
1965 Logan High School Band Macy´s Thanksgiving Day Parade Award courtesy of Keith Gibson.

Verdunville Grade School courtesy of Dwight Williamson. 1146
Verdunville Grade School courtesy of Dwight Williamson. 1146

1963 Logan Spring Band Concert booklet courtesy of Keith Gibson.
1963 Logan Spring Band Concert booklet courtesy of Keith Gibson.

1963 Logan Spring Band Concert booklet courtesy of Keith Gibson
1963 Logan Spring Band Concert booklet courtesy of Keith Gibson

Picture of Principal Garnett O. Nelson with teachers and students courtesy of Brenna Mitchell.
From his obit. Garnett was born at Simoda. His parents were Joseph W. Nelson and Martha A. Hedrick. He was the principal of a grade school and listed his employer as the Logan County Board of Education when he registered for the draft. Garnett registered on 24 May 1917 in Logan County, WV.
That death leaves a shining mark was said long ago and has been demonstrated over and over. But perhaps never more strikingly so than in the subject of this sketch. Garnett Otis Nelson was born June 21, 1890. Entrained for Camp Lee May 25, 1918, and died November 15, 1918. In Camp Lee he was promoted to office of Corporal and in France he became a Sergeant.
In 1907 he completed the free school course, then taught in his home county of Pendleton four years, completed the state normal course at Shepherd College in the class of 1914. Later he attended the West Virginia University and taught in Logan County four years; one year as principal of the Henlawson school and three years as principal of Logan city school.
Picture of Principal Garnett O. Nelson with teachers and students courtesy of Brenna Mitchell.
From his obit. Garnett was born at Simoda. His parents were Joseph W. Nelson and Martha A. Hedrick. He was the principal of a grade school and listed his employer as the Logan County Board of Education when he registered for the draft. Garnett registered on 24 May 1917 in Logan County, WV.
That death leaves a shining mark was said long ago and has been demonstrated over and over. But perhaps never more strikingly so than in the subject of this sketch. Garnett Otis Nelson was born June 21, 1890. Entrained for Camp Lee May 25, 1918, and died November 15, 1918. In Camp Lee he was promoted to office of Corporal and in France he became a Sergeant.
In 1907 he completed the free school course, then taught in his home county of Pendleton four years, completed the state normal course at Shepherd College in the class of 1914. Later he attended the West Virginia University and taught in Logan County four years; one year as principal of the Henlawson school and three years as principal of Logan city school.

Peach Creek Grade School Toy Band under the direction of Mary Elizabeth Davis. Courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson. If you can name any of them,, please leave a comment and reference photo 1146813.
Peach Creek Grade School Toy Band under the direction of Mary Elizabeth Davis. Courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson. If you can name any of them,, please leave a comment and reference photo 1146813.

Stollings School rhythm band about 1937. The School had eigth grades, one through eight. Courtesy of Robert Harvey.
Stollings School rhythm band about 1937. The School had eigth grades, one through eight. Courtesy of Robert Harvey.

Peach Creek Grade School courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Peach Creek Grade School courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Man Hillbillies early 1930s Paul Perry, Sr. - 1st from left, 2nd row. Photo courtesy of his son, Paul Perry.
Man Hillbillies early 1930s Paul Perry, Sr. - 1st from left, 2nd row. Photo courtesy of his son, Paul Perry.

The old Stollings Grade School taken July 27, 2019 courtesy of Dylan Vidovich.
The old Stollings Grade School taken July 27, 2019 courtesy of Dylan Vidovich.

East end of Stratton Street early 1940s courtesy of Steve Wellman.
East end of Stratton Street early 1940s courtesy of Steve Wellman.

Typing class at Logan High School in 1941 courtesy of Dylan Vidovich.
Typing class at Logan High School in 1941 courtesy of Dylan Vidovich.

Sharples High School courtesy of James W. Baldwin.
Sharples High School courtesy of James W. Baldwin.

Sharples High School (1924-1993) courtesy of James W. Baldwin.
Sharples High School (1924-1993) courtesy of James W. Baldwin.

Sharples High School (1924-1993) courtesy of James W. Baldwin.
Sharples High School (1924-1993) courtesy of James W. Baldwin.

Sharples High School courtesy of James W. Baldwin.
Sharples High School courtesy of James W. Baldwin.

Mrs. Hutchinson, teacher (not shown). Donna Caldwell, Brenda Debta, Mary Blankenship, and Josephine Lamber. Photo courtesy of Jane Kelley. Please leave a comment to correct the any of the names.
Mrs. Hutchinson, teacher (not shown). Donna Caldwell, Brenda Debta, Mary Blankenship, and Josephine Lamber. Photo courtesy of Jane Kelley. Please leave a comment to correct the any of the names.

Mrs. Hutchinson, teacher (not shown). E Hager, Scott Maynard, Terry Robinett, John Cooper, Glen Sparilding, Billy Ruggles, Terry ?. Photo courtesy of Jane Kelley. Please leave a comment to correct the any of the names.
Mrs. Hutchinson, teacher (not shown). E Hager, Scott Maynard, Terry Robinett, John Cooper, Glen Sparilding, Billy Ruggles, Terry ?. Photo courtesy of Jane Kelley. Please leave a comment to correct the any of the names.

The Hartman Trophy is in memory of Homer Hartman. He was a Logan Junior High honor student and all around killed in 1957. Clipping courtesy of Dwight Williamson.
The Hartman Trophy is in memory of Homer Hartman. He was a Logan Junior High honor student and all around killed in 1957. Clipping courtesy of Dwight Williamson.

Crooked Creek Grade School courtesy of Dale Browning.
Crooked Creek Grade School courtesy of Dale Browning.

Ethel School c. 1925 courtesy of Lynn Skaggs Davis
Ethel School c. 1925 courtesy of Lynn Skaggs Davis

Mid 1920s Amherstdale School, Logan County, WV courtesy of Lynn Skaggs Davis.
Mid 1920s Amherstdale School, Logan County, WV courtesy of Lynn Skaggs Davis.

Photo courtesy of Lynn Skaggs Davis. Circa 1926, 1st Grade Class, Ethel School. Standing at the top is the teacher, Miss Clay and the Principal, R.H. Carder (my grandfather).
Photo courtesy of Lynn Skaggs Davis. Circa 1926, 1st Grade Class, Ethel School. Standing at the top is the teacher, Miss Clay and the Principal, R.H. Carder (my grandfather).

1952 Logan High School graduation photo courtesy of Scott Miller.
1952 Logan High School graduation photo courtesy of Scott Miller.

Whitman Grade School circa 1912 courtesy of Helen (Tarkany) Piros (Nov. 16, 1912 - Dec. 8, 2006). The photo was given to her parents Gabor & Susan Tarkany. The ink mark under the two boys ID her two brothers, Paul & Steve Tarkany born in 1905 at Pocahontas VA. Image Ref. 112421.
Whitman Grade School circa 1912 courtesy of Helen (Tarkany) Piros (Nov. 16, 1912 - Dec. 8, 2006). The photo was given to her parents Gabor & Susan Tarkany. The ink mark under the two boys ID her two brothers, Paul & Steve Tarkany born in 1905 at Pocahontas VA. Image Ref. 112421.

Coal Branch Grade School, Lincoln County circa 1955.
Courtesy of Joy (Adams) Moore
Courtesy of Joy (Adams) Moore
Coal Branch Grade School, Lincoln County circa 1955.
Courtesy of Joy (Adams) Moore
Courtesy of Joy (Adams) Moore

Copperas Grade School at 7 & 8 Holden (long, lat: 82.087829 W,37.8288613 N). 1957-58, 1st & 2nd Grades. Submitted by Michael Ivan Stratton. He is in the 4 row, 4th from the right. Top row L-R, 1st Ms. Nichols, 3rd Darlene Carver, 6th Terry Garner. 2nd row L-R, 3rd Sally Evans. 3rd row L-R, 6th Denise Jones and 7th Lois Jones. Bottom row L-R, 3rd Julius Luksa. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment.
Copperas Grade School at 7 & 8 Holden (long, lat: 82.087829 W,37.8288613 N). 1957-58, 1st & 2nd Grades. Submitted by Michael Ivan Stratton. He is in the 4 row, 4th from the right. Top row L-R, 1st Ms. Nichols, 3rd Darlene Carver, 6th Terry Garner. 2nd row L-R, 3rd Sally Evans. 3rd row L-R, 6th Denise Jones and 7th Lois Jones. Bottom row L-R, 3rd Julius Luksa. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment.

L/CPL Danny M. Greene, USMC
10/28/1947 – 05/09/1967 Vietnam KIA
Logan High School Class of 1966 had he stayed in school.
10/28/1947 – 05/09/1967 Vietnam KIA
Logan High School Class of 1966 had he stayed in school.
L/CPL Danny M. Greene, USMC
10/28/1947 – 05/09/1967 Vietnam KIA
Logan High School Class of 1966 had he stayed in school.
10/28/1947 – 05/09/1967 Vietnam KIA
Logan High School Class of 1966 had he stayed in school.

Old Logan High School and East Junior High School 11-11-2011
Note the tree growing through the roof.
Note the tree growing through the roof.
Old Logan High School and East Junior High School 11-11-2011
Note the tree growing through the roof.
Note the tree growing through the roof.

Old Logan High School and East Jr. High 11-11-2011
Old Logan High School and East Jr. High 11-11-2011

School Mates of Pauline Dingess from Chapmanville High School
School Mates of Pauline Dingess from Chapmanville High School

School Mates of Pauline Dingess from Chapmanville High School
School Mates of Pauline Dingess from Chapmanville High School

Don't remember name -- LHS about 1973
Courtesy of Peggy Berry Borth
Courtesy of Peggy Berry Borth
Don't remember name -- LHS about 1973
Courtesy of Peggy Berry Borth
Courtesy of Peggy Berry Borth
Looking for a picture of Landville Grade School
Many good pictures I’vew found nowhereelse.Thank you.
Thanks for the photos Dwight.
Hope to see more.
When was Lacy Smith coach of the
Aracoma High School Bulldogs?
Is there a team photo?
Which team did Freddie Blackmon
play on?
For those of you who have a 1964
LHS Guyana yearbook, please go to
page 14 top row to see a photo of
Lacy Smith. Amazing next to him is
a photo of John Smith who I had for
a teacher.
Found at
Freddie Blackmon was born
Feb.9,1951 in WV. He died
Oct.1, 1969 in Switzer.
His car fell from a bridge.
He lived in Cherry Tree Addition.
His parents were Ausbern &
Vernice Blackmon ( Davis ).
He is buried in Madison Memorial
Cemetery Madison, WV.
Just want to say thank you to Franklin Thompson for having a great website. It’s a real pleasure to be able to look at all the pictures and reminisce of days gone by.
Keith, interesting articles that you
have posted. So you were known
as Larry when you were in the
Jr.High School Band in 1965?
You were at Logan East Jr.High?
Bits of History on this website shows
the 1966 LHS Marching Band its on
page two. Where are you in the photo?
Thanks for the comment Bob. Yeah, my name is Larry Keith. At home I was always called Keith. In school and on the job (in later years) people called me Larry. I went to Logan East in the early 60’s and if I remember correctly my 7th grade teacher was Mrs, Fortney. And yeah, I played trumpet in the band with guys like Richard Kazee, and Doug Harris, and the trumpet section was pretty close to the end. I’m not sure, but I think we were about the 3rd or 4th row from the end.
Patty Burdick if your the same lady my kid sister Lorraine McDonald knew in school. Did you live at West Logan. We lived at Peach Creek. My sister is still alive in Columbus, Ohio working at Riverside Hospital. She never married.
I was a member at Central from 1972 – 1974