Our 2012 Vintage Photo Contest has ended. A special thanks to everyone who entered their photos and to those who voted for their two favorites. Congratulations to our two contest winners!
1st and 2nd Place 2012 Vintage Photo Contest Winners
The contest was created in hopes of acquiring a few historically significant photos that should be preserved as an important part of Logan County history. Although I wish more photos were entered, the winning photos and few others did achieve the contest goal. One such photo that deserves at least an honorable mention is that of Bertha Mullins. She was a very remarkable lady and I am very grateful that her photo and legacy is here to pay her homage.

Vintage Photo Contest Gallery

Joe Mullins with son, Donald and cousins David Baisden and Jackie Baisden on Fred.
Submitted by Loretta Mullins. Contest Entry #41
Submitted by Loretta Mullins. Contest Entry #41

On Fred were Gerald Mullins, Garfield and Ernest Dingess. Submitted by Loretta Mullins.
Contest Entry #39
Contest Entry #39

Logan, WV 1952 Centennial Parade photo showing the old Court House and the Piggly Wiggly Store.
Contest Entry #37
Monitor Road ~ a book by Carla Haslam Herkner
Contest Entry #37
Monitor Road ~ a book by Carla Haslam Herkner

Bertha Mullins was a midwife who delivered over 300 children in Logan County. She had 8 children and adopted 4 orphans. She also ran a store at Trace Fork and kept records of births and deaths, owned two cemeteries and was in charge of annual meetings to keep the peace. Submitted by Darrell Mullins. Contest Entry #20

Van Mullins at the Trace Fork Store on Harts Creek owned by Bertha Mullins. Van died Dec. 15, 1948. Submitted by Loretta Mullins. Contest Entry #19

Logan County Deputy Sheriffs
Roy (Pete) Hinkle of Holden is on the front row far left.
Submitted by Robert E. McCormack
Contest Entry #10
Submitted by Robert E. McCormack
Contest Entry #10

1st Grade 1942, Holden 22
Top L-R, Bernice Bias (dau. of 2nd Grade Teacher), Freddy Maynard, Tommy Curry, Robert Iceson
4th Row L-R, unidentified, Ronald Sisson, Bobby Bannister, James A. Bradshaw
3rd Row L-R, LaVerne Maynard, Billy Joe Patterson, Betty Burgett, June Maynard, Bobby Spaulding, unidentified
2nd Row L-R, Mrs. Virginia McCormack, James Doss, “Blackie” Evans, Donald Wright, Aldo Ardis, Richard Fields
Bottom L-R, Mildred Stewart (?), Ralph Maynard, Deloris Canterbury, Janice Elkins, Sandra “Shorty” Padgett, Treca Morehouse, Nadia Colliers, ? Colliers
“My mother, Virginia Taylor McCormack was the teacher. She left home in Cherry Tree before sunrise and arrived home after dark in the winter time.” Submitted by Robert E. McCormack
Contest Entry #4
Contest Entry #4