About Robert E. McCormack & Family

I am a single, retired school teacher now living in Palm Springs, CA. I grew up in Logan County, WV, did most of my teaching career in Montgomery County, Md and the rest in Palm Springs, CA. Life is great! I see it as an adventure full of lessons and detours but a journey to be relished and experienced. I don’t endorse any organized religious organization but take the good from many of them. A spiritual connection to our universe and the belief in the good in everyone is my motto. Recently I ran across this: “There is neither good nor evil; thinking makes it so.” (Shakespeare) This rang a bell with me. My past exploration in religion has resulted in seeing a much broader perspective and to enjoy the present –all that we really have. The glass is always half full.
In my retirement I meditate regularly, now take classes for fun (don’t need any more credits or degrees), practice the piano (making up for squandered childhood opportunity), visit the gym 3-4 times per week, attend concerts and theater as well as do home improvement projects.
- Masters Degree from George Washington University, Washington, DC
- BA Degree from Greenville College, Greenville, Illinois
- Logan County Schools, Logan, WV -Chapmanville High School, Chapmanville, WV
- Prince Georges’ County Schools, Prince Georges County, MD -High Point High School, Beltsville, MD
- Montgomery County Schools, Montgomery County, MD -Rockville High School, Rockville, MD; Winston Churchill High School, Potomac, MD; Damascus High School, Damascus, MD; Seneca Valley High School, Germantown, MD; Watkins Mill High School, Gaithersburg, MD
- Palm Springs Unified Schools, Palm Springs, CA -Palm Springs High School, Palm Springs, CA; Nellie Coffman Middle School, Cathedral City, CA

I am blessed with a wonderful home in Palm Springs, California

I have two wonderful adult children who lived with me through their teen years -I could tell you many stories about that. It was a learning curve for all of us and they are loving, dependable adults.
My Daughter, Michelle (Soon to be Dr. Michelle Schall)

Michelle was a young widow with 6 children who has now combined her

life with Jeff. The new family now has 7 children and live in Virginia. At the left is the happy couple and me. At the right are my 6 grand kids with me. Both pictures were taken on the occasion of Michelle and Jeff’s wedding at their new home in Virginia.

The entire wedding party of Jeff and Michelle and the new family -now there

are Nine.
My son, Robb

Robb has served two terms in the U.S. Army, served in Afghanistan and is now full time in the National Guard. Robb is married to Olivia.

For My Family Roots visit: Robert E. McCormack Genealogy
Thank you so much! I found a picture of my mom from the JB Ellis memory. She was in 5th grade in 1947-1948. She passed away in 2015 so this has been a blessing for sure.
Hi Robert! I have been away for a few months. Glad to see your site is still up. I have learned much, sir.
Your cousin, spike
Hopefully he will see your comment.
Bob do you know if Robert is still active on the site?
Robert, I have some astonishing findings regarding Cherry Tree.
If there are any other Cherry Tree natives who read this, do feel free to contact me, spike@rainier66.com so we can discuss. It’s cool.
Gregory, go to the Cherry Tree Home Page.
Robert has his email and phone number posted.
Robert, this was a great look back. I grew up in Logan, WV all my life. Went to Marshall University for Undergraduate School and them moved to Orlando, FL where I have lived for the last 22 yrs. Thank you and GREAT JOB. We were lucky to have had such a great HOME.
I was in Cherry Tree for Mothers Day visted with my Mother Ruby Browning,she will be 93 in December and has lived there over fifty years.She showed me your card,map and some pictures she really enjoyed talking to you.
I enoyed visiting with your mother, Ruby Browning, and hope to visit her again in August while I’m back east. She’s delightful. Robert
Jerry Burchill here. Give a call as I’ve lost your phone number
Jerry, You can contact Robert on FB.