Blair, WV

This is a collection of photos of Blair, WV.

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Blair, Logan County, West Virginia
Photo Gallery

12 thoughts on “Blair, WV”

    1. Karen Eastham Hopson

      Janice is alive and well. Unfortunately Mike died of a heart attack in 2017. I think his brother Jim is taking care of the cemetery now.

  1. We rented the upstairs apt in the two story building just next to Curts store in 1967 while dad (Jack Coots) was in Vietnam. That was mother Margret mullins Coots, brother Jackie me Roger and sister Debra then moved to Madison in the big house on the hill across from funeral home does anybody have pictures my grand pa was ed mullins and james coots

  2. I have her as Mae Perry,prior to her marriage to Other Palmer Cook. She was probably buried with the other Perrys around the hilli from the Burgess/Mullins side.One old Perry who was in the Civil war had a marker there. I put a small flag on h is grave, as well as the other war vets in the cemetery. each visit

  3. i will have to take another look around in the summer with photos or video. Last time I was there I had to beware of a lot of poison ivy; guess I’ll take some “Roundup along’.

  4. Curtis Reeves was my uncle; my mother was Eathel Cook whose sister Pearl was Curtis’ wife. My mother’s mother, Margaret Mae Cook, wife of Other Palmer Cook, died of the Flu in 1918 and was buried in the White Oak cemetery with only a rock as a headstone. I wish I knew which was hers so we could place a marker at her grave. Maybe you know someone who knows someone who knows which is hers. If so please post here so we can talk. I’m on Facebook. Thanks.

    1. Shelby Burgess

      Fred :
      The first four rows of graves in the White Oak Cemetery are the old line of Burgess’, Mullins,. The graves you are searching for is probably around the hill a bit further. A few graves in that area have markers, mostly P erry and other family names. I will be there for our annual Dinner Meeting Memorial day (Sunday). I knew those names you mentioned well. I am not on Facebook

      Shelby B.

      1. Judi Burgess Cassie

        Shelby are you still there …This is Red burgess daughter Judi ..Scott burgess was my grandfather…I talked to you befor …then lost you email address…


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