This is a collection of photos of the community of Coal Branch located in Logan County, West Virginia.
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Coal Branch, Logan County, WV Photo Gallery

Old Aracoma High School (1929-1962) at Coal Branch taken 11-11-2011.
Old Aracoma High School (1929-1962) at Coal Branch taken 11-11-2011.

Woodrow Hicks (son of Iva Workman by a previous marriage).
Woodrow Hicks (son of Iva Workman by a previous marriage).

Josephine Ellen Copland, born 1874, married Philip Null Oct. 4, 1892.
Josephine Ellen Copland, born 1874, married Philip Null Oct. 4, 1892.

Jerry Bryant, Woodrow Vance, Sue Workman, and Virgie Vance
Jerry Bryant, Woodrow Vance, Sue Workman, and Virgie Vance
Attention: If anyone has a photo of the old Coal Branch Grade School, please share a copy with us.
My grandfather Albert Wilson and grandmother America Blevins Wilson lived on Peach Creek with my uncle Robert “Bud” Wilson until they died, and then he lived there also until he died. Hope to connect with some cousins.
Does anyone from Coal Branch have any historical information, that there may have been a coal mine in Coal Branch Hollow? In the 1950’s, I remember a slate dump next to City View Cemetery, above the hollow. Also, on City View, there’s a vented pipe from underground, that constantly blows out cold air. I suspect coal mining activity took place under City View, most likely from Coal Branch Hollow. I have searched and searched this topic, with no results. My guess, mining may have taken place here in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. Maybe an old timer from Coal Branch, has heard stories passed down from grandfather’s or great grandfather’s about any coal mining activity. Any information would be helpful and interesting. Thanks!
There was extensive mining in both sides of Coal Branch. Aracoma Coal Company was the main operator.
Douglas: Thanks for the information. Do you know what years, Aracoma Coal Company mined Coal Branch Hollow?
The 1915 WV Geological Survey report for Logan and Mingo counties listed Aracoma Coal Company Mine #1 producing 325 tons per day and Mine #2 producing 600 tons per day. The report did not list any production by Aracoma Coal in 1912 (although the railroad had come to Logan in 1904).
The power plant was built at Logan in 1916 and Aracoma Coal Company fed the plant coal directly from their mines for some time.
Aracoma Coal mined from Coal Branch up to the Gay Coal & Coke property near where the K-City store was.
Mine maps show a Gay Coal & Coke mine called “Ben Coal” in Coal Branch in 1923. Another Gay mine came into Coal Branch from openings at Mount Gay.
My grandfather John W Vance and my Mother Betty Jane Vance is from Logan West Virginia. The Vance family lived in Cole Branch for many years. I have a lot of cousins that were raised there also. My grandfathers brother Poppy (wife Liza) lived there with 15 children.
My grandfather was William Herbert vance, poppy, and grandmother Liza Vance.
Hi Diane, which one of Poppys children is your Mom or Dad ? I just found out this summer that Lloyd Vance lives a mile from me. I remember Brenda Marcum but I don’t know where she is now. I checked Facebook but I have no idea what her married name would be now.
My uncle Herb and wife Aunt Liza lived there. Pastored a little church. We used to go to their house up in head of Coal Branch. Is this your family? I need to hear from family.
We are related Bobby. My Grandfather is John (Wes) Vance, Herb’s brother. Do you remember their other brother Columbus Vance. ?!
Hello Judy, my grandfather was Poppy, can we connect with each other. My Facebook name is Shawna Vance. I would love to find other cousins out there.
Shawna: Are you related to Betty Vance who lived at the top of City View, and she had a son named John? We moved from City View to California in 1963. Betty Vance lived behind our house. As a young child, I chopped her wood and carried her coal, among other chores.
Betty was my great grandmother
Hello Shana, I sent you a friend request on Facebook. Who were your parents ?
I want to connect with cousins as well. I’ve been trying to locate Brenda Marcum her parents were Lee and Margie. When I was young I traveled from Indiana to West Virginia for visits with my grandparents Wes and Myrtle Vance and we always stayed at Marcum’s house. I enjoyed going up in the hollow to visit with Poppy and I think her name was Margie as well.
Thank you for contacting me.
Hi, Poppy and Liza were my paternal grandparents. Can’t wait to connect with you.
Shawna Vance Leath
I live in coal branch in logan west virginia and the biggest part of the hensley family does
Hi Rylee, my mom’s sister is married to a Hensley and lives up on Hensley Hollar off of Coal Branch
My great grandmother and grandfather lived here. (Genova & Basil Lee) and my mamaw Barbara Lee (Caudill) still lives here.
Yes, they are part of my family. My grandfather John Wesley Vance was Herb’s brother. He was married to Myrtle Vance. They moved to Indiana and they always took me with them to WV for visits and when they had the big outside revivals. We usually stayed with Lee and Margie. I spent a lot of time with Brenda Marcum as a child. It is some of my best memories growing up. We walked up the road a lot to Herb and Liz’s house in coal branch hollow at least once a day. I remember me and Brenda riding in the back of Herb’s pickup going up and down that scary road to his house. I lost tract of Brenda and have tried finding her on Facebook but haven’t been able to.
Judy, Now you are talking closer and closer to our lineage.
I was raised down in coal branch harts My father allen dingess my mother is virgie adkins dingess. I am the only one alive out of my family….My father owns coal branch curry branch and little hart which i am the one of the heirs. I was back there and walked the land oct.2010. my mother and father are buried up in curry branch cemetary.
I still do, most all of my life
Brenda, were you a Marcum ??
Brenda Marcum is my sister and she is Brenda Thabet
I have been searching for Brenda Marcum, I remember her growing up when I went to WV with my grandparents John and Myrtle Vance on vacations. Does anyone have an email address for her or is she on FB ?
dock and cookie workman was a part of my family do you know them
Comment made six years ago.
I just read your post and recognized the name Dingess. I have several Dingess names in our tree as in-laws, but haven’t found the great aunt of ours they are connected to. Perhaps a few of the names might sound familiar” Mariano, Rankins,Clark, Murray, Mitchem. One of the sons James Murray died in Coal branch as a young man, and burried in Crooked creek. I am trying to find any stories connected to the family as well as his actual burial location. I’ve already looked in findagrave with no luck..
Sandy Mariano
Sandy, regarding James Murray,
you need his D.R. which should
show his burial location. is a good place to
Also in your search for graves,according
to friends that I have in WV.,the best time
to search is in Oct. & Nov.
My mothers family lived up Coal Branch, at the head of the holler. Her family was The Saunders, Ernest and Ada. Mom was Ruby. Her brother GC drowned in the Guyan River in the 50s, he was 14. Apparently pushed in by a group of boys, and he couldn’t swim. No one was ever brought to justice. I’m sure they are still alive today and remember. At any rate, does anyone remember my mom or her family? Brothers: Jim, Frank, GC. Sisters: Mary, Liz, Virginia. Thank you.
I am also from Coal Branch, Delilah Riffe, the funeral homes can give you info too. My Maternal Grandfather’s name is D E Vaughn, Honaker_Harris Funeral Home gave his name, Dannie Eugene.
I have the article from microfilm out of newspaper concerning Grover Cleveland Saunders. If you want a copy, send me a text or reply to this & let me know where to send it. I AM ON FB
Sandy,I found James Murray’s D.R.
& I have put up a Memorial page for
him on the find a grave site.
He was born in 1905 & died in 1932.
There is only one gravestone photo
in the Crooked Creek Cemetery.
You might have to get some help
to clear the brush to find his grave.
This might be hard to do as the
grave might have sunk in & the
gravestone might have fallen into
the grave & filled in with rain & dirt.
Vandals might have destroyed the