By Robert McCormack
Long before many of us experienced attending the new high school on Midelburg Island beginning in 1957, the island served as Logan’s playground: Ballfields, carnivals, circuses, site of the outdoor drama, “The Aracoma Story,” horseback riding, and tent revivals.
I’m reminded of three Logan Junior High Band members from Cherry Tree who walked the railroad track to Midelburg Island to ride the horses – Dick Webb, Steve Ratz, and yours truly. When Steve was trying to mount his horse, it laid down and rolled over. You can imagine the fodder that provided for many weeks of kidding.

Please help us identify the other band members. If you recognize anyone, please leave a comment.
There were two rememberable tent meetings held on the island. One was the Eddie Martin Crusade.
The other tent meeting most memorable to me was one sponsored by the Logan County Ministerial Association in 1951. Featured workers were Russell Delong, Nazarene minister, evangelist, and college president and song evangelists Mr. & Mrs. J. Byron Crouse from Asbury College at Wilmore, KY. The theme song every night was “Everybody Ought to Know.” The choir made up of singers from many churches furnished an arousing atmosphere. Some sopranos would sing the high part providing the alternate melodic line. It still rings in my head.
When was Logan Jr HS band photo taken? If taken around 1959, #13 appears to John Bodo.
It would have been taken in about 1953 or 1954.
Robert, wonderful story and photos. Could you give row and photo number where you, Steve and Richard are located in the photo? Hopefully more people will see themselves in the photo for more IDs.
Your brother, Joe, is also in the picture but as I remember, it was the three I mentioned that went to the island for horse back riding that day.
Look at the row behind the majorettes: Steve-3rd from right; Me -4th from right; Dick -6th from right. Your brother Joe is up higher just in front of the base horn.