Fires change course of Logan’s history

By Dwight Williamson Fires have always taken their tolls on historical sites in Logan County, including two Logan County courthouses. However, two significant fires of interest which some people will remember occurred at very historical sites: the Aracoma Hotel in November of 2010, and the Chafin Building (formerly known as the Guyan Valley Bank) also

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Coal Company Scrip

Scrip – Coal Miners Money In the early days of coal mining, the miner became indebted to the company for everything from food and housing to the tools necessary to perform his job. He could draw scrip as an advance against his wages. The Company built houses which were rented to their employees and general

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The Creation of Logan County

By Dwight Williamson When you are talking about the history of Logan County, West Virginia, in reality you may also be speaking of the history of Cabell County and the Commonwealth of Virginia. So, when one is describing the events prior to 1823, such as the first white settlers in the Guyandotte Valley, or the

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Death of the Hatfield brothers

By Dwight Williamson “It is my land and my corn—why can’t I do with my crop whatever I please?” For years— before, during and after Prohibition— mountain people asked that question of its government, virtually to no avail. With the Appalachian mountain region always lending itself admirably to the making of moonshine, and Devil Anse

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Halloween escapades of the “Porch Sitters”

By Dwight Williamson With Halloween just around the corner, I am reminded of times past when danger lurked on nearly every roadway in Logan County during this time of year. Thank goodness, everybody now seems to have their cell phones and other gadgets to keep themselves occupied, and perhaps that helps to keep people out

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The end the Hatfield political dominance

By Dwight Williamson The years from 1920 through 1932 should be of great historical significance to Logan Countians and the names of Chafin and Hatfield figure prominently during this time period when political control of the county meant everything to its leaders. The Prohibition era, which lasted from 1920 until 1933, caused more problems than

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A stringent look into the history of Logan County

By Dwight Williamson A stringent look into the history of Logan County will reveal that from 1924 until 1932 two of Devil Anse Hatfield’s sons pretty much ruled the county, but it should be pointed out that the “dynamic duo” really was just following up on the practices of their predecessor, Sheriff Don Chafin, who

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