
Cap Hatfield led an interesting life

By Dwight Williamson Some of the most renowned residents ever in Logan County, W.Va., have never really left. In fact, though their spirit’s may have long ago vanished, their human remains still belong to the people of the county in which they chose as their final resting places. I am speaking of the mighty Devil […]

Cap Hatfield led an interesting life Read More »

Searching for the Holland grave

By Dwight Williamson When one really thinks about the history of Logan, there are some things that many people simply are not aware of; some of which exist right before our eyes. For instance, when one enters the town/city of Logan by crossing the Guyandotte River by either bridge on the western part of town

Searching for the Holland grave Read More »

Kathy’s story

By Dwight Williamson “I was six years old when my peg-legged father sold our two-room shack near Charleston, West Virginia, for thirty cans of Wilson’s evaporated milk. He moved the family fifty miles away to Logan County where we continued to struggle with poverty. I stood beside him as he sat in front of dime

Kathy’s story Read More »

1916, 1917 were especially eventful years in Logan County

By Dwight Williamson You can choose just about any year in Logan County’s colorful past, especially 1910 through 1960, and there will always be two things that stand out in every era — murder and politics, which sometimes go hand-in-hand. The bottom line is: Murders can be political, and politics can be murderous. The years

1916, 1917 were especially eventful years in Logan County Read More »

Logan’s Boulevard has a storied history

By Dwight Williamson Now that part of the new boulevard bridge in Logan is open and with the July 4th holiday completed, perhaps a little rehashing of local history might be in order. I can’t help but wonder about how congested things must have been in Logan prior to the completion of the Logan Boulevard,

Logan’s Boulevard has a storied history Read More »

Logan County is rich with Native American history

By Dwight Williamson I get quite a bit of information from folks all over this country in reference to some of the material produced weekly in this column. I have received numerous books, letters, pictures and other materials through the mail, as well as numerous comments and suggestions via the internet. On some occasions, I

Logan County is rich with Native American history Read More »

Hatfield and Chafin clans played large role in Logan history

By Dwight Williamson Since some people no longer feel the town of Logan has much of a future, the fact of the matter is it may be time to resurrect the dead in hopes for a more eventful and forlorned date with destiny. A short tour of Logan will reveal from its brick structures that

Hatfield and Chafin clans played large role in Logan history Read More »

Today’s kids don’t know the freedom we had

By Dwight Williamson We are living in what must be the scariest time that nearly any of us have ever witnessed. My concern is mostly with the younger generation, especially the younger children, who cannot fully understand what is going on in our barely functional society. School kids, including high school and college students, are

Today’s kids don’t know the freedom we had Read More »

Even without the vote, Logan women accomplished much

By Dwight Williamson It was 1912 in Logan County, and even though they were not allowed to vote, women had already started making a difference for the town of Logan, which was well on its way to becoming a true and bustling city. Thanks to the rapidly growing coal industry, Logan would become an enlightened

Even without the vote, Logan women accomplished much Read More »

Some find their life goals at home; others move away

By Dwight Williamson When I have more time, I hope to write about the number of former Logan Countians who became outstanding in one profession or another — some who departed their homeplaces, and a few who remained within our mountainous confines. Logan County has produced former NFL greats, one of the best sports agents

Some find their life goals at home; others move away Read More »

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