Pocahontas, my most treasured ancestor
Daughter of Chief Powhatan
Wife of John W Rolf
Mother of Thomas Bolling

Robert McCormack’s Pedigree Chart
More links about my family:
- A Soldier’s Letters
- Carter County, KY Fire Tragedy & Ballad
- Love Letters to a Coal Miner’s Daughter
- Monitor, WV
My Genealogy Photo Gallery

Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor taken in the yard in 1923 at Monitor, WV.
Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor taken in the yard in 1923 at Monitor, WV.

Woodrow Hubert McCormack Family of Ashland, KY with son Jeff and daughter Angie taken at West Point Military Academy.
Woodrow Hubert McCormack Family of Ashland, KY with son Jeff and daughter Angie taken at West Point Military Academy.

William Donald Rice, son of Laura Williams, grandson of Ellen (Nelliel) Taylor Williams.
William Donald Rice, son of Laura Williams, grandson of Ellen (Nelliel) Taylor Williams.

William Bowling and grand son, Paul Taylor, taken at the home Alonzo Bowling of Hitchens, KY.
William Bowling and grand son, Paul Taylor, taken at the home Alonzo Bowling of Hitchens, KY.

Virginia Taylor on the front porch of her home at Monitor, WV.
Virginia Taylor on the front porch of her home at Monitor, WV.

Virginia Taylor, senior picture at Logan High School, Logan, WV . Virginia. Nickname in her years book is "Curls."
Virginia Taylor, senior picture at Logan High School, Logan, WV . Virginia. Nickname in her years book is "Curls."

Virginia Taylor (center), Elizabeth Taylor (second to left of Virginia), Joe Hatfield and Monitor friends taken in 1925.
Virginia Taylor (center), Elizabeth Taylor (second to left of Virginia), Joe Hatfield and Monitor friends taken in 1925.

William Bowing of Hitchens, KY, his daughter, Lizzie Bowling Steele and grand daughter, Shirley Steele
William Bowing of Hitchens, KY, his daughter, Lizzie Bowling Steele and grand daughter, Shirley Steele

William Alson McCormack, son John and Sarah McCormack of Straight Creek, Carter County,KY. The family refered to him as "The Preacher." He served with the Southern Methodist Chruch including pastorates at Knosville TN and Mascot, TN
William Alson McCormack, son John and Sarah McCormack of Straight Creek, Carter County,KY. The family refered to him as "The Preacher." He served with the Southern Methodist Chruch including pastorates at Knosville TN and Mascot, TN

Virginia Taylor with her mother Alice Taylor taken on the back steps of their home.
Virginia Taylor with her mother Alice Taylor taken on the back steps of their home.

Virginia Taylor with cousin Shirley Steele taken in August of 1925 at the home of her Uncle Alonzo Bowling at Hitchens, KY.
Virginia Taylor with cousin Shirley Steele taken in August of 1925 at the home of her Uncle Alonzo Bowling at Hitchens, KY.

Virginia Taylor, senior at Logan High School, Logan, WV
Virginia Taylor, senior at Logan High School, Logan, WV

Virginia Taylor McCormack taken on the steps of Micco School where she taught.
Virginia Taylor McCormack taken on the steps of Micco School where she taught.

Virginia Taylor, Lula Taylor and Johnny Jones taken in 1927.
Virginia Taylor, Lula Taylor and Johnny Jones taken in 1927.

Virginia Taylor, Lula Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor taken in 1927
Virginia Taylor, Lula Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor taken in 1927

Virginia Taylor (center), Elizabeth Taylor (second to left of Virginia), Joe Hatfield and Monitor friends taken in 1925.
Virginia Taylor (center), Elizabeth Taylor (second to left of Virginia), Joe Hatfield and Monitor friends taken in 1925.

Virginia Taylor and Sewing Class at Logan Junior High School, Logan,WV taken in 1923. Virginia is front far left..
Virginia Taylor and Sewing Class at Logan Junior High School, Logan,WV taken in 1923. Virginia is front far left..

Virginia Taylor and her boy friend, Lacy Howe taken in 1924.
Virginia Taylor and her boy friend, Lacy Howe taken in 1924.

Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor taken Easter Sunday in 1922. Virginia is to the far left in the back row. Elizabeth is in the center of the front row.
Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor taken Easter Sunday in 1922. Virginia is to the far left in the back row. Elizabeth is in the center of the front row.

1929 Virginia Taylor with her sister-in-law, Elizabeth Pyburn Taylor and the Pyburn siblings.
1929 Virginia Taylor with her sister-in-law, Elizabeth Pyburn Taylor and the Pyburn siblings.

Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor taken in 1925.
Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor taken in 1925.

Virginia Taylor, senior at Logan High School taken Mar 21 1926.
Virginia Taylor, senior at Logan High School taken Mar 21 1926.

Virginia Taylor taken June 10, 1924 in her front yard at Monitor, WV. Notice the machine building of The Monitor Coal Company in the background.
Virginia Taylor taken June 10, 1924 in her front yard at Monitor, WV. Notice the machine building of The Monitor Coal Company in the background.

Virginia Taylor, sophomore at Logan High School, Logan, WV taken in 1924.
Virginia Taylor, sophomore at Logan High School, Logan, WV taken in 1924.

Eliabeth Sepolcha Tayor, Virginia McCormack, Elizabeth Keathley, Jess Keathley and Gwendolyn Brooks taken during a visit the the home of Clyde and Elizabeth Taylor of Eleanor, WV.
Eliabeth Sepolcha Tayor, Virginia McCormack, Elizabeth Keathley, Jess Keathley and Gwendolyn Brooks taken during a visit the the home of Clyde and Elizabeth Taylor of Eleanor, WV.

Virginia Hatfield and Leona Brown of Monitor taken in 1920. They were best friends and Virginia would later teach Leona's daughter, Gloria, at Yuma School across the creek. They would walk to school together.
Virginia Hatfield and Leona Brown of Monitor taken in 1920. They were best friends and Virginia would later teach Leona's daughter, Gloria, at Yuma School across the creek. They would walk to school together.

Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor of Monitor, WV taken in 1923.
Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor of Monitor, WV taken in 1923.

Victoria Taylor, daughter of George and Catherine Taylor.
Victoria Taylor, daughter of George and Catherine Taylor.

Victoria Taylor and Cheney Taylor of Willard, Carter County, KY.
Victoria Taylor and Cheney Taylor of Willard, Carter County, KY.

Taylor Outing at Gilbert, WV. Ray Wendell, Louis Taylor, Doreen Taylor, Paul Taylor and Bobby Wendell. The Wendell boys are the step children of Jess Ursel Taylor Senior.
Taylor Outing at Gilbert, WV. Ray Wendell, Louis Taylor, Doreen Taylor, Paul Taylor and Bobby Wendell. The Wendell boys are the step children of Jess Ursel Taylor Senior.

Taylor Family visit to Switzer, WV. Bobby Wendell, Mrs. Adkins behind Ray Wendell and Doreen Taylor, Elizabeth Seplocha Taylor holding Billy Taylor and Lula Taylor holding Lois Taylor. The Wendell boys are the step chldren of Jess Ursel Taylor Senior
Taylor Family visit to Switzer, WV. Bobby Wendell, Mrs. Adkins behind Ray Wendell and Doreen Taylor, Elizabeth Seplocha Taylor holding Billy Taylor and Lula Taylor holding Lois Taylor. The Wendell boys are the step chldren of Jess Ursel Taylor Senior

Taylor Family outing at Gilbert,WV Johnny Jones, Clovis McCormack with Lula Taylor behind, Elizabeth Seplocha Taylor behind Virginia Taylor, behind Jack Ursel Taylor, Mildred Taylor in front of Clyde Taylor, Bobby Wendell, Ray Wendell. Elizabeth Taylor Jones probably took the picture.
Taylor Family outing at Gilbert,WV Johnny Jones, Clovis McCormack with Lula Taylor behind, Elizabeth Seplocha Taylor behind Virginia Taylor, behind Jack Ursel Taylor, Mildred Taylor in front of Clyde Taylor, Bobby Wendell, Ray Wendell. Elizabeth Taylor Jones probably took the picture.

Taylor Cousins taken at Monitor, WV. Johnny Jones, Ronnie McCormick, Jack Ursel Taylor, Paul Taylor, Mildred Taylor, Bobby Wenell and Ray Wendell
Taylor Cousins taken at Monitor, WV. Johnny Jones, Ronnie McCormick, Jack Ursel Taylor, Paul Taylor, Mildred Taylor, Bobby Wenell and Ray Wendell

Scott Taylor of Carter County, KY. Son of George and Catherine Taylor of Willard, KY.
Scott Taylor of Carter County, KY. Son of George and Catherine Taylor of Willard, KY.

Scott Taylor Children with Sweethearts. Lacey Howe, Virginia Taylor, Ethel Gartin, Ed Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor and Johnny Jones. Taken at the Scott Taylor home at Monitor, WV in 1927.
Scott Taylor Children with Sweethearts. Lacey Howe, Virginia Taylor, Ethel Gartin, Ed Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor and Johnny Jones. Taken at the Scott Taylor home at Monitor, WV in 1927.

Scott Taylor and M A Steele Families. Back: Lizzie Steel, M A Steele, Bijah Taylor, Scott Taylor, Alice Taylor Front: Howard Steele, Jess Taylor, Virginia Taylor, Mabel Taylor, Ed Taylor, Clyde Taylor
Scott Taylor and M A Steele Families. Back: Lizzie Steel, M A Steele, Bijah Taylor, Scott Taylor, Alice Taylor Front: Howard Steele, Jess Taylor, Virginia Taylor, Mabel Taylor, Ed Taylor, Clyde Taylor

Scott Taylor and Alice Taylor of Carter County, KY.
Scott Taylor and Alice Taylor of Carter County, KY.

Scott Taylor and Alice Taylor with Neighbors on their front porch at Monitor, WV. Scott Taylor, Alice Taylor, Beulah Minnick, Sylvestor Jones and unknown. Beulah drove regularly to church in Cherry Tree and Alice often rode with her. Alice also read the bible to her since Beulah could not read.
Scott Taylor and Alice Taylor with Neighbors on their front porch at Monitor, WV. Scott Taylor, Alice Taylor, Beulah Minnick, Sylvestor Jones and unknown. Beulah drove regularly to church in Cherry Tree and Alice often rode with her. Alice also read the bible to her since Beulah could not read.

Scott Taylor and Alice Taylor in their yard at Monitor, WV in 1926.
Scott Taylor and Alice Taylor in their yard at Monitor, WV in 1926.

Scott Taylor and Alice Taylor on their front porch at Monitor, WV in 1923.
Scott Taylor and Alice Taylor on their front porch at Monitor, WV in 1923.

Scott Taylor, Alice Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor during a trip to KY in 1921. It may be Ed Taylor fixing the flat tire.
Scott Taylor, Alice Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor during a trip to KY in 1921. It may be Ed Taylor fixing the flat tire.

Scott and Alice Taylor Family do Moniroe, WV. Back: Clyde Taylor, Bijah Taylor, Ed Taylor, Jess Taylor. Front: Mabel Taylor, Alice Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Scott Taylor, Virginia Taylor
Scott and Alice Taylor Family do Moniroe, WV. Back: Clyde Taylor, Bijah Taylor, Ed Taylor, Jess Taylor. Front: Mabel Taylor, Alice Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Scott Taylor, Virginia Taylor

Scott and Alice Taylor Children taken at Knoxville, TN in 1957 durng the funeral of Elizabeth Taylor, Wife of Bijah Taylor. Virginia McCormack, Ed Taylor, Bijah Taylor, Clyde Taylor, Elizabeth Keathley, Jess Taylor
Scott and Alice Taylor Children taken at Knoxville, TN in 1957 durng the funeral of Elizabeth Taylor, Wife of Bijah Taylor. Virginia McCormack, Ed Taylor, Bijah Taylor, Clyde Taylor, Elizabeth Keathley, Jess Taylor

Sarah Burk McCormack, daughter of Pleasant Burk taken on her front porch at Straight Creek, Carter County, KY
Sarah Burk McCormack, daughter of Pleasant Burk taken on her front porch at Straight Creek, Carter County, KY

Sarah Burk McCormack and her daughter-in-law, Virginia Taylor McCormack at Sarah's home on Straight Creek, Carter County, KY.
Sarah Burk McCormack and her daughter-in-law, Virginia Taylor McCormack at Sarah's home on Straight Creek, Carter County, KY.

Sandy Taylor with son, Logan and daughter Megan Sandra Kay Taylor Bailey and children, Logan and Megan of Kanawha County, WV.. Sandy is the daughter of Bijah William Taylor, Granddaughter of Alonzo Clyde Taylor.
Sandy Taylor with son, Logan and daughter Megan Sandra Kay Taylor Bailey and children, Logan and Megan of Kanawha County, WV.. Sandy is the daughter of Bijah William Taylor, Granddaughter of Alonzo Clyde Taylor.

About 1908 Sam McCormack Family of Straight Creek, Carter, County, KY, Back: Alson McCormack, Emma McCormack, Oscar McCormack Front: Lula McCormack, Sarah McCormack holding Clovis McCormack, Sam McCormack holding Emma McCormack and John McCormack.
About 1908 Sam McCormack Family of Straight Creek, Carter, County, KY, Back: Alson McCormack, Emma McCormack, Oscar McCormack Front: Lula McCormack, Sarah McCormack holding Clovis McCormack, Sam McCormack holding Emma McCormack and John McCormack.

Sam and Sarah McCormack of Straight Creek,Carter County, KY. They are the parents of Clovis McCormack
Sam and Sarah McCormack of Straight Creek,Carter County, KY. They are the parents of Clovis McCormack

S. S. Edinburgh ship. Sketch of ship done by Frank Doll. George and Catherine Taylor sailed from Greenock, Scotland in 1858 on the same ship that had hit an ice burg three months before.
S. S. Edinburgh ship. Sketch of ship done by Frank Doll. George and Catherine Taylor sailed from Greenock, Scotland in 1858 on the same ship that had hit an ice burg three months before.

Ruth Christine Williams, age 50, of Carter County, KY. Christine is the granddaughter of Nellie Williams of Willard, KY.
Ruth Christine Williams, age 50, of Carter County, KY. Christine is the granddaughter of Nellie Williams of Willard, KY.

1938 Ronald McCormick and Johnny Jones, first cousins, taken at Monitor, WV.
1938 Ronald McCormick and Johnny Jones, first cousins, taken at Monitor, WV.

Ronald Charles McCormick Feather weight champion in Golden Gloves, refereed by Jack Dempsey.
Ronald Charles McCormick Feather weight champion in Golden Gloves, refereed by Jack Dempsey.

Ronald Charles McCormick and Johnny Jones taken at Monitor, WV. Ronnie and Johnny are first cousins.
Ronald Charles McCormick and Johnny Jones taken at Monitor, WV. Ronnie and Johnny are first cousins.

Ronald Charles McCormick Senor picture from Logan High School, Logan, WV in 1951.
Ronald Charles McCormick Senor picture from Logan High School, Logan, WV in 1951.

Virginia Taylor McCormack and Clovis McCormack taken in the front yard of their home in Cherry Tree, WV in 1952.
Virginia Taylor McCormack and Clovis McCormack taken in the front yard of their home in Cherry Tree, WV in 1952.

Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor of Monitor, WV. taken in 1922.
Virginia Taylor and Elizabeth Taylor of Monitor, WV. taken in 1922.

Robert McCormack with Michelle McCormack and Robb McCormack on the campus of the Randolph Macon Military Academy in VA.
Robert McCormack with Michelle McCormack and Robb McCormack on the campus of the Randolph Macon Military Academy in VA.

Robert McCormack, Jarae Taylorl, Gerald Taylor and John Taylor taken at the home of Robert McCormack in Palm Springs, CA.
Robert McCormack, Jarae Taylorl, Gerald Taylor and John Taylor taken at the home of Robert McCormack in Palm Springs, CA.

Robert McCormack Family taken in 1981 for First Church of the Nazarene directory.
Robert McCormack Family taken in 1981 for First Church of the Nazarene directory.

Robert McCormack Family taken in the living room of their home at Mt. Airy, MD. Robb McCormack, Robert McCormack, Michelle, McCormack and Esther McCormack. Dad is reading a story.
Robert McCormack Family taken in the living room of their home at Mt. Airy, MD. Robb McCormack, Robert McCormack, Michelle, McCormack and Esther McCormack. Dad is reading a story.

Robert McCormack Family taken in 1983. Their home, Westwind Farm at Mt. Airy, MD is in the background. Robb McCormack, Robert McCoramck, Esther McCoramck, Michelle McCormack
Robert McCormack Family taken in 1983. Their home, Westwind Farm at Mt. Airy, MD is in the background. Robb McCormack, Robert McCoramck, Esther McCoramck, Michelle McCormack

Robert McCormack Family in front of their home at Mt. Airy, MD taken on the day of Robert's graduation from George Washington Universtiy graduate school in 1982.
Robert McCormack Family in front of their home at Mt. Airy, MD taken on the day of Robert's graduation from George Washington Universtiy graduate school in 1982.

Robert McCormack in his scout uniform and Ronald McCormick in his Army uniform taken in their backyard at Cherry Tree, WV while Ronnie was home on leave.
Robert McCormack in his scout uniform and Ronald McCormick in his Army uniform taken in their backyard at Cherry Tree, WV while Ronnie was home on leave.

Robert McCormack and Ronald McCormick taken in 2006 during Roberts visit to Chicago.
Robert McCormack and Ronald McCormick taken in 2006 during Roberts visit to Chicago.

Robert McCormack and Robb McCormack at their home on DeVries Circle in Lewes, DE.
Robert McCormack and Robb McCormack at their home on DeVries Circle in Lewes, DE.

Robert E McCormack on graduation from Logan High School, Logan, WV.
Robert E McCormack on graduation from Logan High School, Logan, WV.

Robb McCormack taken his senior year at Seneca Valley High School, Germantowqn, MD.
Robb McCormack taken his senior year at Seneca Valley High School, Germantowqn, MD.

Robb McCormack on graduation day from Seneca Valley High School in Germantown, MD.
Robb McCormack on graduation day from Seneca Valley High School in Germantown, MD.

Robb McCormack, Olivia McCormack and Robert McCormack attending the Burk reunion at Armaco Park in Ashland, KY.
Robb McCormack, Olivia McCormack and Robert McCormack attending the Burk reunion at Armaco Park in Ashland, KY.

Robb McCormack, Michelle McCormack and Kathleen Barber (Granny) at her home on Robert's Drive in Ashland, KY.
Robb McCormack, Michelle McCormack and Kathleen Barber (Granny) at her home on Robert's Drive in Ashland, KY.
Hi. I have been trying to find information regarding my grandfather Jack Ursel Taylor. He was married to Dorothy Marie Louise Wagner and had 2 children, Jack Jr. and Jeffrey. Jack and Dorothy divorced in 1960 and the trail goes cold from there. I’m not sure if this is the same person in your photos, but any information would be greatly appreciated.
Jack’s son, Jerry Taylor live in Mechanicsburg, PA. His father, was my first cousin but a generation ahead of me. I remember him visiting in our home and sitting down at the piano and playing boogie woogie. Jack played entirely by ear. His son has a degree in music
Jerry Taylor: jerrytaylor501@aol.com 717 609 2818
Hi Robert:
Charlie Clark here, myself and my sister Janet share a common ancestry by our Grandmother, Eva, whose father was John Samuel McCormick, mother Sarah Ann Burk. Our mother was Marie Hardy, who would have been a cousin. (I think?) I spoke with you once awhile back on the phone.
Hello! My name is Jennifer Jarrett. My grandfather was William Bijah Taylor (brother of Mildred Taylor and Doreen Taylor). I am so glad I came across your site! Its opened my eyes to all the history in our family! Please feel free to send me any information not posted on your site. I’d love to get to know the family more. 🙂 Thanks for all your work!