By Keith Gibson
Elijah Gibson Sr. – (son of William D. Gibson) Born 1800 Russell County, Virginia. Died between 1880-1890 in Wayne County, WV. He married Nancy Mcgee October 15, 1824 in Pike county, Ky. She was born between 1800-1805 in Virginia, and died between 1830-1840.
David Dameron Gibson – (son of Elijah Gibson Sr.) Born March 10, 1835 in Pike County, Ky. Died August 26, 1923 (age 88) at Hutchins, Carter county, Ky. He married Sylvania Jane “Vaney” Bolling, Born April 26, 1840 in Pike County, Ky; Died October 11, 1914 in Grayson, Carter County, Ky.
Source: Book, Marriage Bonds Pike County, Ky 1822 – 1865 by Clyde Runyon File #76. License issued February 23, 1824 by Spencer Adkins CPCC for marriage of Elijah Gipson and Nancy Mcgee. Bond signed by Elijah Gipson and William Gipson. Clerk states that needed certificate was given. Letter signed by Merredmon (Marriman) Mcgee by his mark and Alijah (Elijah) Gipson; attested by William Gipson.
Children of David Dameron Gibson:
1. Died as infant – Pike County, Ky
2. Died as infant – Pike County, Ky
3. Male – Born July 30, 1856. Died: July 31, 1856.
4. Henry Martin Gibson – Born: June 3, 1857 in Pike County, Ky. Died:Unknown
5. Elizabeth Ann Gibson – Born June 3, 1857 in Pike County, Ky. Died: June 10, 1921 in
Grayson, Carter County, Ky
6. Alexander “Alex” Gibson – Born 1859 in Pike County, Ky. Died: Unknown
7. Spurlock “Spur” Gibson – Born February 1860 in Lawrence, Ky.
Died: June 10, 1821 in Denton, Carter County, Ky.
8. Dulcena Gibson – Born: 1865 in Lawrence, Ky. Died: February 8, 1960 in Preble, Ohio.
9. Armenta Michela Gibson – Born: 1872 in Louisa, Ky.
Died: September 19, 1929 at McCracken, Ky
10. David Thomas “Tom” Gibson – Born: September 17, 1879 in Lawrence, Ky.
Died: March 21, 1977 St. Joseph, Indiana.
Spurlock Gibson – (son of David Dameron Gibson) Born 1860 in Louisa, Lawrence County, Ky. Died September 10, (age 66) in Denton, Carter county, Ky. He married Mary E. “Molly” Rice on October 18, 1887 in Denton, Carter county, Ky. She was born April 26, 1872 and died August 19, 1921 (age 49).

Children of Spurlock and Mollie Gibson:
Alice Gibson – Born: November 1, 1888. Died: September 10, 1940.
Charles Gibson – Born July 1, 1889. Died: January 29, 1961.
Sylvania Gibson – Born: January 18, 1891. Died: June 12, 1963.
Vint Gibson – Born: October 2, 1896. Died: November 5, 1953.
Robert M. Gibson – Born April 24, 1900. Died: January 9, 1975.
Joe Gibson – Born: December 23, 1902. Died: August 25, 1941.
Carl Gibson – Born: October 2, 1904. Died: January 19, 1989.
Hayden Gibson – Born: May 29, 1908. Died: May 4, 1990.

Hayden Gibson was the youngest son of Spurlock Gibson. he was born May 29, 1908 in Robin Run, Carter county, Kentucky. When dad and his brothers arrived in Logan county in 1928 it was growing, and more and better roads were being built to and from the county. This was the same year that the first Logan Bus Terminal building was built, and only six years after the “Battle of Blair Mountain,” one of the largest armed uprisings in U.S. History (since the civil war) between coal miners and coal company supporters.
After arriving in Logan county it wasn’t long before he met a young girl named Pearl Harless in a little community called Buchanantown, and it wasn’t long after that they fell in love, got married, and over the next 22 years had six kids, me being the youngest.
As everyone knows, the stock market crashed in October 1929, but it didn’t affect Logan county directly and some time passed before the coal industry began to slow down. However, dad didn’t start out working in the mines when he first arrived in Logan. I remember him telling me about earning .25 cents per hour carrying water for the county road workers. He did eventually enter the mines, hand loading coal, but later became one of the best electricians in the mine industry. After many years he finally left the coal mines and worked in machine shops rebuilding mine equipment for companies like J.T.Fish, Guyan Machinery, and Mayo Manufacturing, just to name a few, and then retired. But never stopped working.

I guess it’s kind of obvious that I’m very proud of my dad. The thing about dad that really amazed me was that he only had a third-grade education. But that didn’t stop him from succeeding in life, and him and mom making a home and raising a family. Dad continued to work even after he retired, buying and rebuilding sawmills and sawmill motors which was something he loved to do. When he was up in his 70’s one of our neighbors asked him if he was ever “really” going to quit working. He just smiled and said “Yeah, when my toes are sticking up.”Sadly, dad suffered from black lung and passed away in 1990 at the age of 82.

I have researched my husband’s Gibson line from Orange County, NC, Floyd County, Ky, Logan County, WV to McDowell County, WV. I was able to use his DNA results for a match in the Gibson Surname DNA Registry to determine the correct Gibson Line. Thank you for a great article!
Tara, I too have used my husband’s DNA to trace his lineage to Martin Gibson of Orange County, NC. The Gibson Surname DNA Registry is a treasure
Keith , I am in this Clan. John Gibson married Rodice { Dicey } Elswick in Pike County , KY . Their son Ross is my GGgrandfather. We had heard that we were related to the McGees somehow but never could find how. Thanks for this story it is wonderful ! Thanks soooo much.
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it.!
Ross Gibson Is also My GGrandfather, He married Flotilla Lawson, from Wolfe county KY , Their children , Jack , Henry , Betty And Jejff were told to me by our cousin Edith Gibson Robinson of Pike County , KY. I have been looking for Elijah and Nancy for ages and hoped to find out something before I leave this earth.. Edith was Jacks daughter.
Thanks for doing this research! Wonderful! This is my first time seeing a photo of my great grandfather Spurlock Gibson. My grandfather was Joe Gibson, my father was John Carl Gipson. My dad often talked about his Uncle Hayden, and I think I met Uncle Hayden once when I was just a young kid. Kind Regards, – Johnny Gipson
Wow! Thanks for the comment. My Dad spoke often about his brother Joe. I guess that makes us distant cousins. I remember meeting Joe Paul and John Carl years ago at a Gibson reunion. I was blessed to grow up around uncle Mont and uncle Carl Gibson. However, I don’t remember Uncle Vint because he died when I was just a little kid. I do (barely) remember uncle Charlie Gibson, I think I was around 9 or 10 years old. Great to hear from you and great talking to you. Take care. – Keith Gibson
Hi Keith, hope all well. I was recently going through some photos of my late father and found a color photo of my dad with your mom and dad and two other young girls. The young girls in the photo are Vivian and Denise (all names are hand-written on the back of the photo). I’d like to attach a copy of the photo to this site, but can’t figure out how to do it on this format. Kind Regards, – Johnny Gipson
Wow!! Good to hear from you! Vivian is my oldest sister. Everyone calls her Susie, and her daughter is Denise. Vivian is 91 and lives in North carolina.
I just ran across this post after a visit down to Grayson, KY to visit my step grandmother. Johnny is my uncle, and John Carl was my grandfather so Spurlock is my great great grandfather and Hayden is my great (great?) uncle. Love seeing the history!
I’m also interested in this line what I’m looking for is documentation on the parents for David dameron gipson/Gibson
You can find documents at I found Grandpa Spurlock and Mollie’s marriage license there. There are also many other documents you can find.
Has it been settled yet that Elijah born abt 1800 and died between 1880 and 1890 in Wayne County, VA and Nancy McGee are the parents of David Dameron Gibson born 1835?
I’ve always heard that David Dameron was adopted by the Gipson/Gibson family. But I haven’t found any documents to confirm that rumor.
That would explain why we can’t confirm where he hailed from! There was probably nothing done legally.
Hello, online search shows your family at Shows Wayne County WV. Lots of Gibson family info on the site. Starts with J.Willaim Gibson born in 1770 in VA. and he died about 1860 in Pike Co.KY. Shows same names you all have in your family tree but in more detail.
Thanks for the info, Bob! Really appreciate it!
After Mollie (Spurlocks first wife) died, he went on to marry Ona Hunter in Denton, Ky. The family knew her and called her “Onie.”
I am from this lineage, as my grandfather Walter Raleigh Gibson was Spurlocks youngest and last child recorded with his second wife. (that we have researched or know about) before his death. My grandfather was born June 1927 and died Feb 1985.
Anyway, enjoyed reading about Hayden, he looked like my grandfather Walter.
Thank you for your comment. Glad you enjoyed it.
I’m looking for information on the father and mother david dameron gipson/Gibson which I’m related to . I would also,like to get copies of these photos to put with each of the children’s profiles
Deborah I am looking for David Dameron Gibson/Gipson’s parents too but for now I’m going with Elijah and Nancy McGee!
There is an 1850 census of Pike County Ky… it shows them on this census. If my memory serves me correctly you will see the entire household.
The 1850 census with Elijah and Nancy does not have david in the census the 1859 census where david is 16 it has William snd elizabeth gibson and William sweeney in the census .
I did the same Gloriana although I have no documented proof of that so far
Keith, very interesting story.
Where was Buchanantown located in
the County of Logan? Near what city?
What were the names of the coal mines
where your Dad worked?
Bob, Buchanantown was more or less just a community that existed on the opposite side of the river between Lyburn and Neibert. The people in the community referred to it as “Buchanantown” because the land was owned by my great grandfather, Floyd Buchanan. And as I can remember, dad worked at Lyburn Mines, the MacBeth mine up Rum Creek back in the 1950’s, and also at Jewell Eagle. I’ll be sending Franklin some more info. and photos about Buchanantown, also some about dad.
Hey Keith, or Keefer…loved the story of your family. Of course I am “biased” and loved your Dad and Mother. Well, actually I thought a lot of the whole clan…Really enjoyed the pictures to. Actually, I have been doing family research myself…finding out a lot of things I never knew. I did a DNA test that started it all off…DNA don’t lie you know…lol unlike many of those old timers that kept secret a lot of happenings in and around the neighborhoods…thanks for sharing my friend. Hope one day we can get together and share old times.
Pastor and friend
Tom Bias Jr
Hey ol’ friend!! Good to hear from you and glad you liked the article, which I knew you would, because I know how you truly did love mom and dad. Yeah I started messing around with the genealogy thing and got hooked. Did you see the Buchanan article that’s on here? My grandmother (on mom’s side) was a Buchanan. It’s a very sad story. Franklin Thompson, the administrator of this website graciously posted them for me and I really appreciate it. We do need to preserve our history as much as possible. And yes, we do need to get together some day soon pastor.
Franklin – Great publishing job!! Thank you. I appreciate what you do, keeping Logan county history alive and well.