Court House Elm is Slowly Dying
Logan Banner, 14 April 1922

The old elm that has stood on the western end of the court house plaza has given evidence that it is about ready to give up the ghost and pass away. Efforts have been made this week to water the roots and otherwise assist Mother Nature in bringing life into the old trunk that has stood there for many years. This tree has afforded shade for practically every inhabitant of the county and under its spreading boughs has, for many years, gathered what is known as the “Elm Tree Club,” composed of citizens who have grown in age and who are inclined to enjoy the comforts of the seats on the plaza and the breeze as well and to enjoy viewing all passing traffic. Should the old tree die, it is understood, Lee Justice will be called upon to deliver the funeral oration. It is said that Yie Buskirk, father of several of the prominent Buskirks who have lived in Logan, gathered the shrub while roaming in the mountains and brought it to the village and planted it where it now stands. The tender shrub grew with years until it gained a huge size, but recently when that part of the lawn was concreted, not sufficient amount of earth was left about its trunk to afford moisture and the tree has been declining for years.
Although it gives signs of budding forth this year, it will not remain with us many more years to afford us a pleasant shade.
*The text from this article was transcribed by Brandon Ray Kirk.
Thanks Brandon for the interesting article.