Lorado, Logan County, WV Photos
The Lorado name is an acronym derived from the name of the Lorain Coal and Dock Company that had mining operations there. (Wikipedia)
This is a collection of photos of Lorado, WV. You can help preserve our Logan County history and memories by sharing your vintage photos with us. To share a photo, please email it to the admin at loganwv.us@gmail.com. Please note that you must own the photo you are submitting or ensure that no one has a copyright claim on it. If a photo owned by you appears on this website and you do not want it here, please notify the admin for its immediate removal.
Lorado Gallery

1940s Lorado, Logan County WV via Paula Solar courtesy of Gertie and Jeff Moore. Gertie said the train depot on your right was turned into the old Lorado post office. Image 81649.
1940s Lorado, Logan County WV via Paula Solar courtesy of Gertie and Jeff Moore. Gertie said the train depot on your right was turned into the old Lorado post office. Image 81649.

Lorado, Logan County, WV courtesy of Ray Waller. Image 46912.
Lorado, Logan County, WV courtesy of Ray Waller. Image 46912.

1951 new Lorado School for color students courtesy of Paula Solar. Source Lorain-Lorado Journal, September 1951, p. 13. Image 16492.
1951 new Lorado School for color students courtesy of Paula Solar. Source Lorain-Lorado Journal, September 1951, p. 13. Image 16492.

Published in October 1951, Lorain-Lorado Company newsletter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Molnar and Cecelia Lankas Molnar, married in Logan, September 8th, 1951. Courtesy of David M. Browning. 16891
Published in October 1951, Lorain-Lorado Company newsletter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Molnar and Cecelia Lankas Molnar, married in Logan, September 8th, 1951. Courtesy of David M. Browning. 16891

Easter 1959, Lorado, WV courtesy of Stan Jeffery. 51169
Easter 1959, Lorado, WV courtesy of Stan Jeffery. 51169

Lorado Coal Miners, April 1918 courtesy of the Library of congress. If anyone can name any of them, please leave a comment and reference photo 156799
Lorado Coal Miners, April 1918 courtesy of the Library of congress. If anyone can name any of them, please leave a comment and reference photo 156799

Lorado, WV Mine courtesy of Jack Browning. (91371)
Lorado, WV Mine courtesy of Jack Browning. (91371)

Lorado Theatre c1940s courtesy of David M. Browning. 1167913
Lorado Theatre c1940s courtesy of David M. Browning. 1167913

Early 1930s postcard of Lorado. Image 1497. See more pictures of Lorado, WV.
Early 1930s postcard of Lorado. Image 1497. See more pictures of Lorado, WV.

Lorado Grade School, 1957. Photo courtesy of Jane Kelley. "My Dad, Cecil Hutchinson was a teacher there in 1956-57." If anyone can recognize any of these students, please leave a comment and reference photo 1167812
Lorado Grade School, 1957. Photo courtesy of Jane Kelley. "My Dad, Cecil Hutchinson was a teacher there in 1956-57." If anyone can recognize any of these students, please leave a comment and reference photo 1167812

Steam Shovel at Lorado used to build the road between Lorado and Pardee. Robert Perry was the operator c1920. Courtesy of Thomas Mullens. 46871
Steam Shovel at Lorado used to build the road between Lorado and Pardee. Robert Perry was the operator c1920. Courtesy of Thomas Mullens. 46871

Druey Lee Hatfield - Lorado, WV. Vietnam casualty 03/28/1971. Image 781134.
Druey Lee Hatfield - Lorado, WV. Vietnam casualty 03/28/1971. Image 781134.

Terry Robert Albright - Lorado, WV
Casualty Date: 10/11/1970. 116715
Casualty Date: 10/11/1970. 116715
Terry Robert Albright - Lorado, WV
Casualty Date: 10/11/1970. 116715
Casualty Date: 10/11/1970. 116715

Lorado, West Virginia, Buffalo Creek Disaster courtesy of Paula Wells.
Lorado, West Virginia, Buffalo Creek Disaster courtesy of Paula Wells.

Lorado Guest House and Community Church
1922 Man High School Yearbook.
1922 Man High School Yearbook.
Lorado Guest House and Community Church
1922 Man High School Yearbook.
1922 Man High School Yearbook.

Photo taken by James LeMaster of Landville on Buffalo Creek in the 1940's. The bus driver, Joe Conley has his sign rolled to Lorado. This is truly a picture worth ten-thousand words.
Photo taken by James LeMaster of Landville on Buffalo Creek in the 1940's. The bus driver, Joe Conley has his sign rolled to Lorado. This is truly a picture worth ten-thousand words.
My cousins lived there with there parents Rob and Fanny Osborne
Can’t be real sure but the pic of the kids fifth boy from lift kneeling looks like me I would have been eight at that time but I can’t remember that far back but I do remember those big high slides we had
Carl, on this website, you can find more info and photos about Lorado by going to Logan County Photos and down to Cook’s Cove. Only you would know if these people are related to your family.
My Pawpaw was the Rev Herbert Bailey who was the Pastor at the Saunders Church. We lived at Saunders when I was born and I can remember that church well.
Was born in lrado in 1949,opell and hiwardcook were my parents mom’s buried at stow and dad is at pecksmill