Anyone wishing to reconnect with their Logan County friends or classmates they’ve lost contact with is welcome to place a message on this page. When you leave a comment, there is an option to check a box that will notify you of new comments. Please note, unless you leave your email address in the body of your message, your email address will not be displayed. If you are on Facebook, you can also add your Facebook link in the website field.
Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
I was curious about Gail Allen Cooper who was in the 8th grade at Holden Jr. High School 1964-65. She competed with me at the Herald Dispatch Spelling Bee in Huntington and she won. She went on to the National Spelling Bee. This is George Dudding email
George, online search shows the event was held June 9-10, 1965. Gail was given # 15 to wear. Unknown how far she went. The winner was Michael Kerpan of Tusla, Okla.He wore # 70. shows a G.A. Cooper born March 22, 1951 and death Aug. 1999 in New Jersey. I can’t confirm that this is the Gail Cooper that you knew.
Thank you, I believe that the person you located is her.
looking for anyone that knows the shumate family from logan west va my dad was willie shumate his mom was laura shumate was my grandma my name is pamela shumate _butler if anyone knows of my family please get in touch with me
Looking for Sandra wright from evil and Logan wv
Vince, do an online search as her record is there.
Would anyone know a Carl Herbert Goff?
There are a few listings for him at
Was there a Hoffman’s Ice Cream there or somewhere close around 1940-42?
Check in the 1947 phone book on this website.
Would like to reconnect with Bill Bob Coster, Eddie Wagner, Arson Workman. School mates from Justice Grade School in the 70s
I am a family member of Ralph Sturgill. I would like to get in touch with him
Try online search or
Hello my name is Mark Riley. My grandmother was Dicie Thompson and her father was Millard Thompson, her mother’s maiden name was Mary Vance. I am reaching out to reconnect with family that I may and haven’t meet. If someone reads this please leave a comment and I will message you for contact info.
Hi- I am looking for any people with relations (either family or friends) to the Tyree family of WV, some of whom lived in Logan for a period of time. Specifically Pricie Gray Cook Tyree (b.1891 d.1973), Delpha Marie Tyree (1911-1993), Ruby Lillian Tyree (1909-1992) and most importantly Charles Lee Tyree Jr. (1920-1999). Any interactions with any of them would be wonderful to hear of. Doing research on behalf of my grandfather.
Please email me at or 301-938-9099
Hi Paige. My mother Charlotte Nix was born July, 1920, and in Whitman, W. Va. She graduated from Logan High School in 1938, so she and Charles Lee Tyree Jr. were probably classmates.
Your uncle Harold Clayton Nix and I were classmates both in high school and then in college. I knew your uncle Robert, but not your mother or your uncle Norman Harold and I exchanged a few letters after our college days and I believe he worked at Humble Oil, but I later lost track of him.
As I remember it your mother was the manager of the YMCA at Island Creek No. 20 mine.
Robert Harvey (
Hi Robert,
Yes you are right. My Uncle Harold worked for Humble Oil in Texas. He married Dorothy Bryan in Houston in about 1956. They moved with their two young sons to California in about 1970.
It was my grandmother Nellie Nix who became postmistress in Whitman after my Grandfather Hulie Nix, who was postmaster, died in 1942. She also taught second grade.
Oops I left out the part about my grandmother being manager of the YMCA. My grandfather was manager for about 25 years. I don’t know if my grandmother Nellie Nix took over that job as well, after he died in 1941.
I’m looking for any Whitmans or Farmers in Logan, Chapmanville, or in the area. I’m looking for long lost family. My Grandma was Fay Whitman ( Farmer was her maiden name ), she lived in Chapmanville. My Grandfather Enoch Whitman was killled in the mines when he was in his 30’s. Never got a chance to meet him. Would love to find any cousins out there.
Fay Whitman was my aunt. I don’t remember Enoch (I think he died when I was very young).
Hi JD! Thanks for the reply. Yep, my Grandpa Enoch passed away in the coal mines when he was in his mid thirties. Nice to meet you. Grandma Fay passed in 2006. My Dad, Bill Whitman passed in 2018. I just want to connect with family. We never knew anyone from the Farmer side.
What would be best way to connect? I have a Facebook account is
My Grandma Fay had a sister, named Emma. My Grandma Fay passed back in 2006, and Aunt Emma Buther I think in 2017.
I would love to keep in touch.
Looking for George Lucas Jr – had a daughter Teresa born in Logan. I believe Mr. Lucas moved to area around Niceville, Fl and went on to teach for many years at Northwest Florida State College.
Trying to find him on behalf of his daughter Teresa (Lucas) Frame who would like to reach out to him.
Thank you,
Carla, you might try
to find him.
Trying to make contact with Brenda Blair (apx 71 yoa), lived in Aracoma with her Grandmother (Mrs. Cox) and I believe uncle, Tom Trent), Brenda was my neighbor growing up. Her Mother’s name Betty Blair (Mrs. Cleve Curry).. Graduated Logan High School apx 1966. Believe she moved to Ohio sometime after graduation. Any info please reply to Dolores Staggs Lopes at
There is a Love Shadd that lives up Hart’s wv around Chapmanville wv her husbands name was Thomas Shadd and they have a son by the name of Tommy Shadd. He is on Facebook
Thomas Shadd is the son of my Uncle Charlie Shadd. I know Love Shadd she married Alfred Setser after Thomas died.
I left Logan in 1952, I was 12 years old. I would like to hear from anyone who I went to school with. I went to Logan Central Grade School.
Bob Leeson
Anyone knowing any history of the SHADD family who lived at pecksmill would be much appreciated. My granpa’s name was Loren Shadd. I am also looking for the whereabouts of the SHADD cemetery supposedly located near Chapmanville. Anyone having any information about the SHADD family please email me at NARLIN@SBCGLOBAL.NET.
Narlin, shows the
Shadd Family Cemetery located in
Peck Mills, WV.
You might want to do the Shadd
family research at
Narlin, there is a Loren Shadd
1941-1985, SP 4 US Army Vietnam,
buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery in
Peck Mills. Lots of Shadd family
members buried there.
Charlie Shadd was my great uncle. My grandmothers mother was Maryann Shadd. Also a lot of the Shadd live on pigeon roost about 2 miles below pecks mill. They are my family. I also knew if Loren Shadd
I remember my dad Garland Conley talking about the Shadd family when I was little boy.
Claude, go to to view
his draft card of 1917.
Shows he was born Nov.7,1894 in Switzer WV.
Shows he had gray eyes & brown hair.
You will have to set up an account on the
site to search for his death record.
Claude, you’re welcome.
Hopefully you found the
rest of your question at the
familysearch site.
Does anyone know of Berry Adkins, the son of Harmon and Mary Adkins? In 1920 was living in Monavile with his sister. I am research my grandmother’s family and don’t know much about Berry. Would like to know where he was from 1920 to 1940. He was married in 1940 and had a newborn Patricia and 18 year old stepson Frank. He died in 1965 and is buried in Ohio. Wondering also about how he came to be in Ohio after WV. Thank you for any info someone might have.
Becky, a few records for him can be
found at
Shows his marriage to Nancy Shaver
Jan.5, 1932 in Ohio.
Bob, that record is Jan 5, 1832. That is not him. He was born in 1904. I’ve already searched Family Search for all that I could find on him. He is in Logan Co WV in the 1920 and 1940 census, but can’t find him in 1930 even trying misspellings. 1920 he is a miner, 1940 he is a fireman in power plant according to census. His wife Hessie from the 1940 census is deceased in 1954, and buried in Shelby Co Ohio and he is deceased in 1965 and buried with her. I am missing his whereabouts in WV and occupation during 1920 to 1940.
Becky, sorry for the error.
You are right about no records as I did a search also.
Since Berry was a coal miner he might have
moved around to different areas looking for a
better job & missed the 1930 census.
He might have also gone to a training school to
get the job at the power plant.
He might have moved to Sidney Ohio to retire.
He died in Wilson Memorial Hospital in Sidney,
its a long shot but they might have his record
as to cause of death. Also Vital Records in Ohio.
Appreciate your efforts very much. I was hoping someone or descendants of his brothers and sisters may have had knowledge of him. The forum here is such a wonderful avenue for sharing information.
Hello everyone I left buffalo creek in 1974 after the flood I was in the 7th grade a good friend of mine I would like contact is James Allen Willy his last name might not b spelled right an also David mitten Billy fox wade Maynard Rodney Harrison Robin Morris. Shelley Duncan John an Joe Miller brothers Ray morris Jeff fox or anyone else that went to amersteal grade school Rosie Jeanie fox this is john morgan everyone called me Johnny. I would love to hear from any of you it’s been so long
My grandfather was Spencer Red Adkins he had brothers (Harm/ Lemic/ Rosco/ Oscar/ Ben Morgan Adkins. My granderfather was born 1897 died 1968.
My name is Russell Thompson and I am from Fayette County, WV not Logan County. I am looking for a Bill Nelson that I was with in the Air Force. I have been trying to find him for many years. I know he was from Logan County, WV and he was about my age. He would now be about 72 years old. We were both stationed in Trabzon, Turkey in 1967. I came back from Turkey before Bill. He gave me his home phone number and I was to call his Mother and let her know he was doing OK. However I somehow lost his phone number and couldn’t call her. He most likely has never forgiven for that. I think he would have graduated from High School in 1965. Not sure where in Logan County he lived and went to school.
I found my friend from the Air Force, so everyone can now ignore my post. Thanks for the help.
Buckie Mosley harald McCoy johnny Jeffers. This is some more people I thought of an would like to hear from
John, you might want to try
Facebook and
to search for your friends.
I lived in Justice Addition from ’59 or ’60 until the first part of ’63. Just wondering whatever happened to Tommy Keeney, Phyllis Gore or Stanley Simon.My dad was the pastor at the Christian church when we lived there.
I neglected to include my Email info.
Dave, have you tried looking for them at or
There is always Facebook.
I was looking for a life long realative of Cecil Grimes. Apply to
Darlene, try
I am searching for a copy of a 1957 yearbook. Any ideas on how to get one? digitally reprints yearbooks (if they have an original one in inventory) for about $100. I think you pay a membership to join the site. I have been told by a 1960 classmate his reprint was good quality. Do a Google search for the website and you will see mention that one customer found their reproduction “poor quality”. I have no personal experience with them.
Apparently, if their original copy in inventory is one that is marked up with notes in the margin, etc. your reprint will have those markings.
Good luck!
I just noticed that someone posted a 1957 GUYANA yearbook on the Logan County West Virginia FACEBOOK site.
Here is the link to the LHS 1957 Yearbook:
Douglas – Look for a researcher who I connected with awhile back now and wonder if it was you….I remember the first name but terrible with last names. I live in the UK and we kept in touch until my computer crashed. I just wanted to connect and see how you are doing these days and say thanks for all your help Debbie McGuire Djukic (UK)
Deborah, In the words of Bob Dylan:
“It ain’t me you’re looking for babe!”
At least, I don’t think so. If you can remember what the topic was, perhaps I can recall it.
Good luck !
Oh dear but thanks Bob oopps Douglas lfor getting back to me lol . I came across him researching my family in the Logan area McGuires, Smiths and he helped me with the family connected to Oscar McGuire and knew people in the area they built the beautiful home and he knew stories only known mostly to the family connected so he was the real deal as they say.l I thought his name was Doug. He told me he retired down to Fla for a short while but then he went to live with his son shortly afterwards and not sure what state to be honest.
Glad you figured it out!
I note that you are researching the “McGuire” family name in the Logan,WV vicinity. I don’t know if your research encountered a person named Litz McGuire who was a notable politician and businessman in Logan, WV
He was once the county sheriff and the mayor of Logan city. He was a colorful personality and known for his greeting of everyone with “HOWDY CUZ!”
I note that in the 1916-1917 era, there was a “Litz-Smith Island Creek Coal Company” coal mining company at Chauncey, WV (about 8 miles south of Logan)
Also, there is a community known as “Litz Addition” (a couple miles west of Logan).
I don’t know if Litz McGuire or his family was affiliated with the coal company or the naming of the community.
I am looking for Polly Jarrell I believe class of 1962 Logan High School. I worked with her in Washington, DC in 1962, 1963.
Mary, you might try doing a
search at
Buddy, look for him or the
Chandler family name at
I grew up in Whitman until we moved to KY in 1963 when I was in the 9th grade at Logan East. My name is Charlene Wright Goff. I’ve connected with a few friends on facebook, and would love to hear from more. It probably be better to use facebook friend request using “Whitman” as reference.
Raised at Monaville, live at Whitman, can answer some questions relatung to Whitman
We lived. In Yolyn and Rum Creek for about 2 years at a time. My father,Homer Pierce was a electrical engineer for the mines. We lived above one of the company stores until a house was remodeled. I remember the Cooper family lived next to the store. Does anyone know where they moved.
Carol, shows lots
of Cooper family members living
in the Logan area with their
phone numbers.
Does anyone have any historical information about Lundale, WV? My father lived there in from 1925 to 1944.
I am Charles Eddie Holbrook. I was born in Holden hospital in 1948. I grew up in Holden 22 and attended grade school. My father worked in the mine but he was off shift when it exploded in 1960. My grandmother was Parlle Mullins and my grandfather was Roy Browning. Both from Harts Creek. My mother was Mary Lou Browning Holbrook and my father was Sherman Holbrook. I attended 7th grade at Holden Junior High. My parents moved to Utah in search of work. There were uranium mines there and work was plentiful? We never lived in West Virginia again.
Does anyone remember Robert Guy(one of the drum majors for the 1967-1969 Logan High School Marching Band) and if so, please email me at
Just read Deanna Bayer’s comment and it brought back memories of that fateful day when I lost my father, Bertie Horvath. You never know when you will see a loved one for the last tome. Every moment with friends and family are all so precious.
My name is John Thacker, a native of Kenova WV. I worked at Channel 13 in Huntington in the mid-60’s and hosted the one hour “Let’s Dance” dance party show on Saturday afternoons and known as “Johnny T.” I have such fond memories of the people in Logan, Man and Accoville, where I would run sock hops in the school gyms on Saturday nights. I was treated so well by all the folks involved in these fund raising events. Although their names have faded over the years, if any of you read this, I want you to know I still carry one of those $2 bills you paid me with after the shows. I was always booked on “mine payday weekends,” when those TWOs were plentifully circulating. I live in Florida now and I’m semi-retired. Just want all to know, I’ll never forget you.
JTKEYS@aol dot com.
I moved from Logan to Boston, MA in 1959. The last school in Logan I graduated from was Logan Central Jr. High and was wondering if any of my classmates are active on this site. Maiden Name was Sue Evans
Hi Sue. From Margaret Adkins. I am not on sight but I live in Scott Depot WV. My family also left Logan in 1959 to move to Huntington WV. I also graduated from Logan Central in 1959
my name is don tomblin and I am looking to find out anything about bobby dow Shelton. he is my cousin and lived with my family for a few years. he is related to the chambers family.
Don, shows 4
people with the Shelton last name
living in Logan,WV. Lists their
phone numbers.
Can anyone tell me how to get in touch with Brian Smith who posted some photos of Becco in the 1920s on this site. I would like to talk to him about those pictures. I can be emailed at Thanks! Paula
I served with David Browning aboard USS Walworth County LST 1164 1965 to 1968.Does anyone know him or what ever happened to him?
Steve, shows a few
David Browning names, you need to
know his birth year to begin your
search. You might also check at for him.
I am his brother…we went to jail together..he lives in Toledo Ohio…
Hi Eddie. My name. Is Lois Cox Garman. Are you the same Eddie. Who had Barber shop
Still looking for relatives of Mark Cecil Workman; please help.
I’m looking for anyone who knew the H. C. Nix Family of Whitman. He was head of the YMCA 1919-1940. Nellie Nix taught school in Holden until about 1954. My mother Charlotte Nix was born 1920 in Whitman and graduated Logan High School 1938. Please reply to
I knew a Paul Nix who worked/delivery for
Logan Laundry. Any body recall him?
Looking for relatives of Mark Cecil Workman, who died 12-21-1983. Please contact me @
Does anyone remember, Ann Hamilton ,gaynell curry, Margert linsely email me all letters are lower case no caps.
Does any one remember Margret Lindsay or Barbara Hutchinson or gaynell curry?
I remember Gaynell Curry. She lived on the hill at West Logan above Me and my family in one of Bob Frye’s houses. She had a little brother. Can’t remember his name.
Do u know if Gaynell Curry is still alive? U r right about where she lived. I dated her for awhile. Thank for any help!
Do u know if Gaynell Curry is still alive? U r right about where she lived. I dated her for awhile. Thank for any help! Betty if u know about her contact me by email all of the email is in lower case no caps.
Does anyone remember a person by the name of Daneen Varassi? class of 71-74 maybe.
Class of 1973. Remember her Sara Daneen Varassi Siracuse in the 1994 Alumni Directory for Logan High School has her address now the following. 241 Holiday Lane, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. Telephone 407-327-1503. This may all have changed since then but good luck.
Sara Siracuse on Face book. Says she lives in Cary, NC
I’nm looking for Tracy Carr from Logan WV. If you have any information where he may be please contact me by email. He graduated from Logan High School about 1955. He was a friend of my sister Connie Conley. Thank You
Judy,you didn’t list your e-mail.
There is a process to follow,go to Carr is in
the 1940 Census,see him in public
records,see him in Elkins,WV.
Go to & find him.
My e-mail is
Good Luck.
I grew up at Mt. Gay and went to school there. I am looking for information on a Wanda Collins that went to Mt. Gay Grade school in the 60,s. Any one with any information on her please contact me.
John, shows a
Wanda Collins living in Chapmanville.
Thanks Bob,
I did call and she is not the Wanda I’m looking for.
John, shows lots of
Wanda Collins on their site.You just
have to narrow down the date
of her birth.
I am living in Lebanon Va. I was raised up in 22 Holden. I was in the Holden Jr. High School I run the Movie projectors at the DOUBLE TWO THEATER in Holden #22 I Also played Foot ball at Jr high.
Ray my name is Lois Cox Rowe would love to hear from you. How is Ethel. She and I were the best of friends.I live in Melbourne Fl. So much I would li would like to share my email is. please reply
Lois:: Did you grad LHS/ Year? I am from Peach Creek & once lived in Tampa.
Now am widower in Texas. Reply & I can list those I recall at LHS too.
Send to
Thx, Col. Robert Hanger.
I grew up friends with the children of Harry Adams, who ran the theater at some point.
Hello, my name is Gary Ghee father of Matt Ghee. We are looking for any info on the Ghee family. Dads name was Henry Ghee and he always talked about Holden Wv. His parents were Thomas and Sarah Shepherd Ghee. Thomas died in a mining accident in. 1923 and we don’t know what happened to grandmother Sarah. Any information would be appreciated. We live in Pennsylvania. E mail is Thanks
Trying to locate Karen Dean from Man W.V. Any information contact
If any one have information about the location of Karen Dean?
I don’t remember Karen but I remember a old man named Fred Jones who tried to bowl around Logan. If this is the old bowler- a big hello from Lin and Sue Collier.
Moved from W. Va. when I was 18.That was 50 years ago.Now live in N.J. ,never bowled a day in my life.Thank you for your kind reply. Fred.
Fred, shows a
few people with the Karen Dean
name & a few are listed at
Does anyone remember a Freda Perry Spry from Logan?
I think she was married to a James Spry
I found her family.
She has passed away.
Does anyone remember Paul Zimmerman from Slagle ? He graduated from Logan High in 1958 .
I am looking for Charlene (not sure of maiden name) Browning – she attended Logan High in the early 1960’s and married Ralph Browning in Massachusetts in 1973. I need information on her if possible or on someone who would know her.
trying to find Brenda Sue Ellis,lived in S.JOE. ALLY in the early 60’s,married Tommy Fergerson,her family moved to Bronx n.y.
my dad is Franklin Vanover, son of Orville and Dixie Vanover.
just checking to see if anyone that my dad grew up with is still around. he said that alot of his buddies went in the military same time he did. my mom was Geraldine (Polly) Meredith Vanover. she passed away last year, Daddy is still going strong. He will be 90 in December.
I remember a Vanover family at Sharples,Logan Co. WV. Your Franklin and I are near the same age (ww2) vet. Somehow, I just cant place him well in my memorys. I lived at Blair at the time
I will ask Dad if he remembers you Shelby 🙂 my dad seems to remember everything 🙂 I will get back to you. thank you Shelby. hoping you are well.
Did you ever ask him, Joyce ?
Left Logan County in 1960 but wish I was still there it is just different from any place else. email
I was wandering if anyone remembers either James Dewey Golden or Betty Porter. This is my Grandparents and they grew up in holden wv.
Betty is my father’s sister and lives in Bartley, WV.
Sorry, Cindy! I misread your post.
I lived at Whitman WV 1931 till 1952 I lost contac with all friends I am looking for Mary Lou Gilliam , Don Williams Gene Cook Willis Bartoe ,Any one else from Whitman that might remenber me I am oldest daushter ofTivis & Velda Wright email
Looking for any info on the Cordell family from Monaville, West Virginia. My birth mother was from there. I was adopted and have no info as to my roots. Any info or a good starting point would be appreciated. I was born in Cleveland Ohio, her birth date would be circa 1923-1929 best I can figure. Feel free to call me on my cell with any leads 901 652-4302. I’m now 60 and in iffy health, Thanks SCG
Did you find the info you were looking for.. re: your birth mother Anna Cordell?
I found some info that may be what you’re looking for.
Email me.
I was born in Cleveland Ohio, birth mothers name was Anna Cordell, born in Monaville, West Virginia circa 1923-1929. When the laws changed I was able to get a orginal copy of birth certificate, thus the above info, no father listed. I’m now 60 years old and just curious as both adopted parents have passsed. Any family history info would be appreciated or a good starting point, (that won’t cost a fortune). it is believed she was a domestic worker when I was born.
I was born the son of Arlen (duck) and Lona Workman born 1959 at Man General Hospital. We were poor dad was a miner at Laredo Coal Mines where he was a hero for saving other miners when a large part of the roof fell on them. My mom and dad did the best they could for us 6 kids (Thomas Arlen, Donna Sue, Janet Lynn, myself, Linda Jane and Christopher Arlen.) We’re are all grown. dad’s left us. mom’s still with us. this is who I am and proud to be who I am. I had forgotten this and lost my way. It’s my opinion that if you don’t remember where you come from how can you know where to go next in life. Thank you dad for being hard on me he made me a stronger man, Thank you mom for always being there to listen and give good advice. Much love to you both.
We’re t&y from Coal Branch, Logan WV
I grew up part time in the Wanda coal camp between 1962-1967. We lived beside the Cecil and Beula Smith family. I also remember the Grace and Charlie Young family from the neighborhood. I attended Ethel Elementary in the last year it was open. That was my 1st grade year (1993-1994). I have very fond memories of my childhood in Logan county. My family attended Sunbeam Chapel for worship. The pastor was a man named Mr. Fortune. He had a son named Jim, who, I beleive, worked for the railroad. If you are from this area and think you know me please feel free to contact me: My maiden name was Walker. My parents were Carl and Doris.
My name is Theresa Cooper my birth date 12-26-68 my father’s name was Harold Stanley Cooper he was born and raised in logan wv he passed away at a young age I don’t know when I have 11 siblings and I am told I have other half brothers and sisters in logan wv if anyone out there has any infomation please call me at 740-680-1830 thank you
I am looking for more information on the Perry’s of Logan County, West Virginia. They moved from Monroe County to Logan County in about 1814. There were four brothers, Henry, Joe, James, and Jack. They were the sons of John Perry who emigrated from the north of Ireland. My husband is from the James G. Perry line. James was supposedly a Colonel in the Logan County Militia. Any information would be very helpful.
I, too, am a descendent of John Perry. He fought in the war of America’s independence. His daughter, (Caroline), married to Samual Canterbury, of Pond Fk. of Boone county (then Logan) James has many kin in the area. There was anothr Perry, named James D, but I believe they are not related. He lived in the head of Spruce Fk (Blair). I have never did a search on that line of Perrys.
Correction: Samual Canterbury’s wife was named “Florence”, not Caroline. Sorry for the mistake. Samual was b. 1790. I don’t have a birth date for his wife (Florence). I decend from this couple.
I too, am a descendent of John Perry (1760-1813) through his daughter
Mary Ann (1775-1832). She married William Hinchman (1768-1851) and their daughter Elizabeth (1785-1852) married my 4th Great Grandfather Phillip Ellis in 1804.
More than happy to share whatever information I have with you.
Dave Ellis
Looking for any information on the small grave yard behind Chapmanville Middle School’s library. There are several people there but as of yet no one can tell much about it, What I can gather looks like a Stallings or Stollings womans grave there? Can anyone help me out.
Go to the local funeral home maybe Evens and they might have it on record. It has to be a local funeral home that berried they body, and the have all kinds of records on the little cementer.
I am searching for a family that lived in Peach Creek, W.VA in the late 30’s early 40’s. The husbands name was Henry Campbell, wife, Mildred, two children, Sonny {nickname, do not remember real name}, Sylvia {Poochie} Campbell. Mildred had a sister from the same area named Mozell. They used to come visit us in Monroe, MI when I was young. Mildred was my godmother when I was baptized. I don’t think they would still be living, but would like to try to find out where they are buried and find the children. Thank you for any help you can give me. Pat
Pat: I lived in P.C. 1935-1945,leaving at age 11. we may kno same residnts too;
I will reply to…Thx, Col.Robert Hanger,now RET in TX.
I am looking for decendants of 1st Lt. James G. Peery who was captured during WW2 and spent time in a POW camp called “Stalag Luft III.” Lt. Peery may have lived at 664 1/2 Straton St. in Logan, WV.
I am also looking for James G. Perry, but I am unsure whether its the same James that you are looking for. My James was supposedly a colonel in the Logan county militia. He was the son of John Perry, who emigrated from the “north of Ireland”. My James had 3 brothers, all of which moved from Monroe County to Logan County in about 1814. Joe, Henry and Jack. Does any of this match what you have?
Seek info on 1951 LHS Grads.
Col. Robert Hanger
Seeking 1951 grads LHS. I moved away & grad
Huntington, but recall many friends at LHS.
Just wonder where they may be now. Would
appreciate list of names for class 1951. Thanks.
Contact anytime
Col.Robert Hanger.
I am looking for information about Mart and Farabelle Morris and Salena Vance. My contact info is
Big Mistake! Fred Sparks was my Grand Dad. I was with him with he died in Millville NJ. The Legg Family Tree had him as being adopted. He was not adopted. My cell is 609-805-6767, zip code 08349 I also Have a face book account. IM always looking for the truth.
I am the Granddaughter of Bird Bryant and Narrie Bryant. Looking for pictures of my my Great Grandmother Minnie Williams-Bryant. Making a scrapbook for my Father, we don’t have pic of her. Thank You and any information etc, Thank You and God Bless
I am the granddaughter of Bird and Narrie Bryant of Logan West Virginia, and looking for photos of Hester Ann Hensley-Bryant and General Bryant of Logan West Virginia. Thank You and God Bless
Who are your parents? I believe I have a picture you might like to have. It is Bird Bryant as a young boy with his father, General Bryant. This General was my mother’s uncle and my great uncle.
My Father is Clovis Bryant, Yes I would love to have those pictures. 🙂 Thank you so much!!
I didn’t know Clovis. Is he Minnie’s brother? There is only one picture. It is father and son together. It is a snapshot from a larger picture that was hanging on a relatives’s wall. I need your email address. Is it okay for Frank (the owner of this site) to give it to me?
Minnie, James, Willard Joyce Wanda died around 1 years old, Larry , Clovis then Patricia.
Laura, Did you get the picture of Bird Bryant and General Bryant that I sent in private email last night? I didn’t get an acknowledgement so just want to make sure you got it.
That is not Bird Bryant, that is James Bryant with General Bryant. James Bryant is the second child of Bird and Narrie Bryant. Thank You for the Picture, we love looking at old photos. Showing them to my sons. 🙂
Thanks for the correction, Laura. That is who I was told it was when my husband took the snapshot back in the 1980s.
Hi, I an trying to get in touch with a friend of mine that I went to school with. Havent seen her since 1976.Her name is Janice lilly. she was married to Harold Kidd, the last i know of . She had a sister named Junita and one named Judy and one named Sharon.I sure would appreciate if you know her let me know.
Seeking information on Lorenzo D. Hill family connection with Hiram Hill family.
I am glad someone mentioned the Hill family of Chapmanville. I have never researched that family, but have some notes left by my late wife (Norma Hager Burgess). She was a descendent of Alonzo Dow Hill. He was the first postmaster of Chapmanville (1836). I have nothing on Hiram Hill; but would like info about him, if possible. Thanks.
Excuse me; his name was: Lorenzo Dow Hill.
Wow, I just happened to stumble across this site here and am reading along when I came upon this thread.
Lorenzo is Hallies Dad.
Hallie is my grandmothers Dad.
Mud River , Lincoln County, West Virginia
Hallie married Esta Hill
Esta Hills mom was a Tudor
Lorenzo’s wife was Victoria
I see Hill is in your name , we must be related!
Lorenzo was my GG Grandfather.
Hi, I am looking for any information on my grandparents Lockard Bryant and Margaret Baily. Lockards father and mother were Thomas Bryant and Lula Mae Adkins and Thomas’s father and mother were Alex Bryant and Zola Ronyon. That is where I am stuck. Any information on any of them would be a great help. My email address is:
Hi Jewel,
I have heard of Zola Runyon for years but have never been able to find anything about her in public records. The Runyons didn’t live anywhere near the Bryants and there was no transportation back in those days. I know that Anthony Bryant gave the information on Thomas’s death record that Tom’s parents were Alex Bryant and Zola Runyon, but I am almost positive this was an error. Alex Bryant was only 12 years old when your Thomas was born and didn’t live anywhre near the Runyons (who lived in what later became Mingo County). IMHO, Anthony was probably confused when questioned, and gave Thomas’s brother’s name instead of his parents. Tom’s marriage record in Lincoln County to Lula Mae didn’t give information on their parents either. I am almost positive that Thomas was the son of my great grand parents, Corbin and Patsey (Thompson) Bryant. Your Thomas’s age fits with the age of Corbin and Patsey’s son, Thomas, who first married his first cousin Martha Thompson and then when he was a 58 year old widower, married Lula Mae Adkins in Lincoln County when she was age 20. There were other men named Thomas Bryant, but yours is the only one old enough to be the s/o Corbin and Patsey. Their Thomas was born August 1850. I feel certain that your Thomas was an older brother to my grandfather, Preston Bryant, as well as a half brother to Anthony “Tone”Bryant and to Alex “Uncle Zan” Bryant..
Could you please contact me by email?
I have copies of Thomas and lula mae’s marriage certificates and death and some birth certificates! But it is easy for someone to give the wrong info! I also have an uncle named Thomas Bryant son os Thomas and lula Mae but he can not remember anything! My mother and all her brothers and sisters were taken and adopted out! I am not only looking for me but for my mother as well who has spent most of her life searching for answers! Did your Thomas have a son named lockard? If so then they are te same person! Thank you for the information and I look forward to speaking with you more!
I forgot to mention that I have found history on Zola Runyon that does list her as Thomas’s mother and from an old bible my mom has it is written in there but pages are missing so we do not have Thomas’s siblings names!
Any information on Frank Opatrny, he may be my great uncle and am looking for information on the family. I recall my grandma having lived in Neff, Ohio.
Hello – I am looking to connect with anyone who might have known Opal Imogen Cole, born October 3, 1916 or her son, David Cole, Sr. (nickname Mick) born July 5, 1946. They are my grandmother and father. I know that Opal’s mother’s maiden name was Mc Comas (or Mc Comis…not sure of spelling). I am not sure of all of Opal’s siblings, but I do know she had an older brother named Ralph (LN?), and sister’s named Merle (LN?), Hallene (LN?), and Doris Blankenship. I was also told of a possibly Uncle “Whitey”. I can be reached at and would love to hear from anyone related or who may have connection to the family. Thanks very much – Katie
Hello everyone my name is Lisa, I am the Granddaughter of Ose Richey. I am in hopes that someone may have, pictures buried in an old trunk or an attic of my family. My Mother Violet Moore Richey died in 1958 at the age of 24, several years later my grandfather house burned and most family pictures were lost. I also would love to here from anyone who know my mother, if living she would be 78. She moved from Mason County around 1952, My e-mail is Thank you
My email address has changed to ., still looking for putty, please and thank you
Lisa,try relatives.
Looking for my former college roommate at Ohio Northern Univ., Ada, OH, in 1965. Her name was Donna Norman and her family came from Logan, WV. Please contact at
I would like very much to connect to a dear friend from Logan that I believe lived on Stratton Street close to me. At the time we lived in the Episcopal Parsonage because my father was Father George A. Burns, the priest at Trinty Episcopal Church. Her name was Marilyn Royer. Interestingly I was only 5 years old when her family moved but it tramatized me so that I have tried to find her ever since. This would have been about 1953. I remember something of her father going to Pebble Beach, Ca but not sure if that is accurate. We also moved about that time to Indiana.
I also would like to know if any Hagans, Evendolls (sp) or Brewers are still around who would remember our family.
Additionally, I ran away from home on my tricycle and ended up on Statton Street a few blocks from home at an ice cream store where I borrowed the money for a cone. Does anyone know where that store was? Is the building still there?
Thank you for your help and hello to all……miss the mountains.
would love to hear from anyone from DEHUE.
My father’s family is from Dehue. He was born in 1932.
I would love to email or talk with Dodie (Smith) Browning. I have a phone number from a few years ago. If you can, please email or write. My number is 304 426-4136
love Wilma
Hey, Sweet Girl,
It is so good to hear from you! I’m calling right now! My phone number is still the same.
To: Tom DeFobio (Manila)
I just discovered the passing of your mother.
Please e-mail me at so we might connect again.
Steve Holloway
Palm Springs, CA
i lost contact with a friend hassan wright who lives in hamiton ohio. pls any one with any information pls should contact. thank you and God bless!
I would like to reconnect with a friend from my old school days, Carlene Gibson. I think she married an Avis. We were both from Slagle, WV. I haven`t heard from her in years. I would appreciate any information.
Yes Carlene married Raymond Avis she resides in Michigan. She has a Facebook account. Hope this helps.
Are you sister of Johnny Hinchman that lived in McConnell. I knew several Hinchman’s families lived there.
LHS Class of 1960 will hold its 50th Reunion Oct. 7, 8, and 9, 2010. We need addresses for the following classmates. Email me if you have any information. Thanks.
My email is
@Sharon (Hall) Daniels
Hello Sharon, I too, am from McConnell, Wva. and Went to Stollings Grade School , Logan Jr. High and Logan High School. Came to Ohio in 1960. I also live in Fl. Give me a shout. Peggy
I’m searching for information on my ancestor, John Henry Baker, who was the son-in-law of the Rev. Jacob Stollings and moved to the Crawley Creek area at about the same time. He and his wife, Susannah Stollings, were the parents of several children, including George H. Baker, father of my great-great-grandfather Jackson Moss Baker. Any help is appreciated!
I am a descendant of Jackson Moss Baker as well, Tamela. I am his great-great-great granddaughter. I don’t have any info further back from him but I have the direct line to myself. If you would like to get in touch, please email me! I am from Cabell Co.
Hi Sharon this is your cousin Diane Maynard ( Denver & Audreys daughter. I just came across your name and would love to connect with you, it has been a long time. Will be waiting for your reply.!!!!
Lived at Rum Creek until 1962…Married Shilo Daniels and moved to Florida. Would love to hear from friends I went to school with at Dehue Grade, Logan Jr High and Logan High School…
Hi Sharon…. I spoke with you when I was in WV. However, I left your phone No. at my sister’s house. Would like to meet with you to have lunch and catch up. Maybe you will be coming to Tavares to see your son, or when I visit my daughter at Daytona, we could meet as well…Keep in touch!!!
what year were you in Dehue? My father was born there in 1932.
My grandfather was Rev Jesse Blankenship, he was a miner at Holden 22, and pastored churches in Logan area, including starting the Shamrock Free Will Baptist Church. I was wondering if we were related, or if you had any info on him. He died when I was very young. I am especially interested in any information about his ministry.
Mercy, this was posted was left 10 years ago.
I was raised on Rum Creek until I went in the Air Force in 1966, what a wonderful
childhood and precious people!
Remember Hall’s Beer Garden, think my best friend died there on Feb.15, 1957, I will never forget that day.
He went under a car on his sled and they took him into Hall’s Beer Garden and waited for an ambulance. James
Popeye Cochran was only 10. Remember Lowes Beer Garden and Lonnie Ward’s store where Dad worked.
Mom worked for Arnold Lowe in his store for a while. Spent many an evening in the theater watching moves, believed
it belonged to a man named Chambers.
i am rom rum creek his brother ralph was pulling him with car that was hager mov1e house what ever happened to ronnie ward
would love to connect with childhood friends and find family i havent heard from in a long time.
I lived in Cherry Tree , left at age 12. father Helmut, mother Beatrice, brother Bennie, sister Connie – Any of my young old friends remember me ( lived next to R C Cola ) be good to here from you.
Ron Zaborowsky
I am living in the Philippines now, but always keep a candle burning in the window.
Looking for any my old friends from the Logan area and Monaville. Long time, I know but let’s reconnect soon. Just email me and we can talk and talk and get to know each other all over again! ha ha! Smile now, hope to hear from others. My email address is:
Any Logan friends that would like to get in touch with me please do. My address is:
Joan Taber-Steele
15 Mountain Valley Court, No. 2
Blairsville, GA 30512