Reunion Announcements

Logan High School Class of 1943
Logan High School Class of 1943, 47th-Year Reunion, Oct. 19, 1990

High School Class and Family Reunion Announcements

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Reunion Announcements

  • The LHS Class of 1969 will hold its 55th Reunion Oct. 11-13, 2024 at the Chief Logan State Park Conference Center.

23 thoughts on “Reunion Announcements”

  1. I am hoping someone can suggest where I can find information on my Mother, Gladys George daughter to Walter “Red” and Carrie George. They lived at (I believe) at 7B Sycamore Ave., Logan W. VA.

  2. Sandra Rothermel

    Does anyone remember Dorothy Evan’s from Logan? I’d love to find her. If no one can help me, I’m going to hire a Private. investigator, that’s how badly I want to find her. She probably graduated from LHS in the mid 60’s. Thank you to anyone who might have information. Sandra (Dickens) Rothermel

  3. Beverly Becker Bivins

    The LHS Class of 1969 will hold its 55th Reunion Oct. 11-13, 2024 at the Chief Logan State Park Conference Center. Hope to see you all there to celebrate the Wildcats and remember the good times.

    1. Debbie Richards

      Which Richard’s family does this include My Husband s family came from Shively, Albert and Lula(Phillips) Richards

  4. My mother used to go to Dehue grade school when she was a young girl she told me she went to the eight grade then quit, her mother told her she could go on to the ninth grade but they were poor so she quit school so it would not put any strain on her parents to continue sending her there. Later on she married a wild guy (my Dad) and they settled down and lived the rest of their lives in West Virginia and moved later on to Columbus, Ohio. They had five children and we all are still alive and well still in Ohio with our families.

    1. Donna Burress Lucas

      Donna Burress Lucas And Kay Griffith NIsbet Started The Annual Dehue Community Reunion in 1986, now in it’s 33rd year. It will be held at Logan Middle School, Logan WV
      6 pm Friday August 10th and 11 am Saturday August 11th, 2018. Last Year We Had 300 In Attendance And Growing Each Year. For More Information Contact Donna At 304 525-4218 Or 304 412-2959 Or Email To See You There In August…

  5. The 4th annual Holden Reunion will be held on Saturday, September 17 at Holden Elementary at 7&8. Everyone is welcome – from those that lived there, went to school at Holden, worked in the town, etc. Just come and see those friends from years gone by. It was a great place to grow up.

  6. Eloise T. Messer

    Logan High School Class of 1959 will be celebrating their 55th year reunion on September 12-13, 2014 at Angie’s Special Occasions at Yuma. All classmates invited to attend.

        1. carole 'Perry' Rautio

          Hi Eloise, I am a graduate of 58 class, is this the Reunion for those that graduated in May of 1959. I remember you as a Junior when I went to Logan. I was a Senior.
          Carole (Perry) Rautio

          1. Eloise Taylor Messer

            Yes, Carole this is for the class that graduated in May 1959. I’m going to get my Guyanas out and look you up. If you would like to attend …you just need to pay the registration fee. You’re more than welcome.

      1. Jean:

        We would be delighted and thrilled to have you and buddy as guests for the LHS Class of 1959, 55th Year Reunion, which will be held on 12-13 Sep 14. I would also like to invite other teachers, e.g., Mary Beth, Elizabeth Willis, etc.; unfortunately I do not have your addresses for a formal letter I would like to send. Could you help?

        Very respectively,

        Ronald L. Taylor
        972 E. Brentwood Drive
        Morristown, TN 78314
        703-951-8256 – Cell

    1. Brenda Andersen

      I came upon this webpage while looking for info regarding land grants and transfers. I was raised on Whitman Creek, Bradshaw. Next to where the old Creosote (sp?) Plant was. This reunion is for Whitman Creek? My maiden name is Colegrove. My stepdad’s family has been on Whitman Creek since 1910 (for sure), I think maybe even longer. I’m trying to find a source for checking land records to see when the family cemetery (Baisden) came into being. It was up on a hill across from the old homestead. There is a road now and even houses but way back then there wasn’t. If you could tell me where I might find land ownership records, I’d appreciate it. I now live in Florida. Thanks. Brenda

    2. My husband was born and raised on whitman. We would like to attend. I would like to know if needed to do or bring anything. Please let me know.
