Documents and Pictures regarding Steve Tarkany’s U. S. Army Service
Submitted by his nephew, Joe Piros, Jr.

November 7&8, 1943– The 94th Division moved to Camp Forrest near Tullahoma, TN for three short weeks. This is where all the troops from 1941 to 1945 trained in preparation for the D-Day invasion. This was known as the Tennessee Maneuvers. This training was credited to saving many lives during the invasion.
November 29, 1943– The 94th moved to Camp McCain, Elliott, MS. Both of these camps doubled as POW camps. This is where the 87th and 94th’s final training took place before going overseas for over 50,000 troops.
July 23-28, 1944– Troop filled trains left for Camp Shanks, NY, the designated Port of Embarkation.
August 3-5, 1944– Troops of 94th plus several thousand British, (18,000 total), moved by rail to Piermont Pier to load aboard Queen Elizabeth, along with 85,000 tons of equipment.
August 6, 1944– The Elizabeth weighed anchor and sailed down the Hudson River out into the Atlantic, destination: unknown! (Arial escort first day, after that only speed and deck guns for protection. The ship changed course in a zigzag motion every two to four minutes to avoid enemy submarine attack.)
August 11, 1944– Land was sighted and all the Irish aboard saw their fatherland for the first time. The Elizabeth swung into the beautiful Firth of Clyde, sailing up to Greenock, Scotland, near Glasgow.
August 12-13, 1944– Debarkation with no sea sickness!
August 13-14, 1944– The day was spent on English railway coaches traveling to Bromham, England where the 319th Medical Battalion was housed.
August 14, 1944– Letter from Uncle Steve stated that he did not get sick while on board ship, the food was good and the bread was really good as it was dark bread.
September 1, 1944– Letter from Uncle Steve stated that roads were narrow, crooked, and dusty, with lots of bicycles on them.
September 3, 1944-The 94th moved to the towns of Southampton, Weymouth and Portland where they boarded Liberty ships to cross the English Channel to Utah Beach, France.
September 8, 1944-The 94th opened its’ first combat command post in the village of St. Marie-du-Mont in Normandy.
September 10, 1944– The 319th Medical Battalion left for the Lorient section in support of the 302nd Infantry.
November 2, 1944– Letter from Uncle Steve stating he was in no danger, out of enemy air force range and that he was in a warmer part of France that was not too cold, nor was there any frost.
November 17, 1944– Post card from Uncle Steve. He was safe in his foxhole and wished for his “good buddy”!
December 2, 1944– Letter from Uncle Steve, still in France, war may fold up soon. He was 100 miles from the front. His “Hitler mustache” may help end the war! He was not sure why they had him over there as a WAC could do his job.
February 7, 1945– Letter from Uncle Steve stating he will not dig a foxhole for Joe Jr., but he would show him how to do it.
February 26, 1945– Letter from Uncle Steve looking for more 616 Kodak film as he could not buy any in Paris.
March 9, 1945– Letter from Uncle Steve stating he was doing a lot of sleeping and reading. He was ready to have the war end and come home.
March 27, 1945-Letter from Uncle Steve stating war was folding up like an accordion and that he would have to go back to work for a living.
April 9, 1945-Letter from Uncle Steve regarding his Lodge dues. He wanted to be sure they were paid.
August 17, 1945-Letter from Uncle Steve in Germany stating he is now working as a telephone operator. He was transferred from the 94th to the 1st which was in better and bigger cities with more USO shows. News came over the radio that men were being discharged in three months or sooner!
October 15, 1945– Uncle Steve left Europe and arrived @ Fort Meade, Md. USA on October 25, 1945 & on October 30, 1945 was honorably discharged.
Uncle Steve did receive a back injury while participating in the Tennessee Maneuvers as he wrote of it in a couple of his letters home.
— Joe Piros Jr

First Card Stateside transcribed by Carol Piros:
May 10, 1944
Hello Everybody,
We got your card today so I am going to ans. it so you can get our key to us as I am getting my furlow on the 17th you had better send it as soon as you get this card. Tell Paul I haven’t got enough gas to come there as its 200 miles out of the way. Besides I am only getting 7 days with 4 days traveling time. I am well all but a little sore in the back leg & neck yet. I was bruised up bad but no bones broken. We will come up on a 3 day pass when we get back after we get back as I will get more gas after the 25th. Anna send’s her best regard’s & she would like to see Jr so would I.
Love to all,
Steve & Anna

Gallery of Photos, V Letters & other Correspondence from Steve Tarkany
Good collection of photos.
Many thanks to my brother Joe Piros Jr.
for dioing such a wonderful job of putting
together all of this info about our Uncle
Steve Tarkany.