By Carlo Ciliberti, III
Ilonà Hajdù was born on December 25, 1891 in a small Hungarian town in the county of Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen. Called Vizsoly Hungary. She was the third of six children born to Pàl Hajdù and Zsuzsanna “Julianna” Spisàk.
Her siblings:
- Pàl Hajdù (12/5/1884-9/24/1941)
- Jànòs Hajdù (5/28/1886-2/5/1963)
- Erzsébet Hajdù (5/28/1889-)
- Anna Hajdù (4/16/1903-)
- Gizella Hajdù (4/29/1905-)
Pàl Hajdù immigrated to America on October 4, 1901. He arrived at Ellis Island and Americanized his name to Paul Hajdu, adding John as a confirmation name. He married Agnes Rohaly (1893-1994) on April 8, 1910. They resided in Bridgeport, CT their entire lives. They had two children, Helen Catherine and Paul John, Jr. Sometime after naturalization (October 8, 1911) the last name was changed from Hajdu to Haydu (the same pronunciation – a different spelling).
Jànòs Hajdù immigrated to America in 1906. He arrived at Ellis Island and Americanized his name to John Hajdu. In 1910, he married a woman named Julia. They resided in Johnstown, PA for their entire lives. They never had any children. After Julia’s death, John remarried to a woman named Bertha Barbara Kalcic (12/22/1887-4/25/1976). They were married until his death.
One of the brothers briefly lived in Stonega, WV to meet their sister and get her stable.
Ilonà Hajdù*
Erzsébet Hajdù – stayed in Hungary. Died before 1988.
Anna Hajdù – stayed in Hungary. Married Mr. Nagy. Had at least one son, Miklos Nagy. Died after 1988.
Gizella Hajdù – stayed in Hungary. Died before 1988.
*Ilonà Hajdù spent her entire childhood living in Vizsoly. It was in that very town where she met her future husband, Andràs Halàsz. They were married circa 1910. Andràs immigrated to America on November 4, 1910. He arrived at Ellis Island and Americanized his name to Andrew Halasz. He was going to meet his brother-in-law in Stonega, WV. (Looks like John). Ilonà arrived in America on April 16, 1911 and Americanized her name to Helen Haydu Halasz. Together the couple had two children:

- Elizabeth Dolores Halasz (10/5/1912-6/23/1998)
- Helen Mary Halasz (10/13/1914-2/22/1993)
They resided in West Virginia. Andrew Halasz died sometime in 1918, presumably while fighting in World War I. Overwhelmed and devastated for help, Helen looked for a new husband.
After less than a year of grieving her husband’s death, she met a man named Frank Barath (1888-1966), who was on vacation from Pennsylvania. He told Helen that he had children, from his divorced wife. He was also widowed back in Hungary. After seeing each other for a while, they moved into a house in Slagle, West Virginia. They quickly fell in love. Frank adopted Helen’s children as his own and changed their last name to Barath. Helen got pregnant with two more children while living in Slagle.
- Steven Ray Barath (9/21/1921-12/8/1992)
- Thelma Louise Barath (9/2/1923-8/24/2006)

On August 2, 1926, Helen and Frank were wed in Holy Matrimony in a Yolyn, West Virginia Church. Now, Frank could legally adopt Helen and Elizabeth, and they could now legally go by Helen Barath and Elizabeth Barath. After their marriage, they moved to Braeholm and conceived
- Robert Lee Barath (3/8/1928-3/1/1962) – Listed as Paul on the 1930 census
They moved again to Triadelphia, WV and conceived their final child
- David Lee Barath (1/9/1932-2/26/1980)
On September 21, 1934, Helen Barath (young Helen) married Coleman Matthew Augustine. The couple had three children. In December of 1936, Elizabeth Barath married Daniel Joseph Augustine (Coleman’s brother). The couple only had one daughter. (Names protected of living people)

While Frank and Helen were married and living a happy life – Frank was living another life. Frank, a bigamist whose real name was John was also married to Elizabeth Lengyel. To lower the chances of getting caught, John went by Frank to Helen and their family. Elizabeth and John had 8 children together (Names protected of living people) If Elizabeth Lengyel did find out, she didn’t care about his other life. She never filed for divorce, kept his name, and is buried next to him.
When Helen found out about her husband’s bigamy, she kicked Frank/John out of the house and told him never to show her face to her again. He obeyed Helen, and they never saw him again. Frank/John died in 1966 while living in Kentucky.
After hearing about this, (Young) Helen started going by Helen Fisher Augustine to dishonor Barath, but honor Halasz. Halasz = Fisher in American.
Marriages not included in the text:
Steven Barath married Mary Yurich (1921-1999) in 1940 – 1 son Steve
Thelma Barath married Lawrence Yeager (1919-1983) in 1942 – 1 son Lawrence Jr.
Elizabeth Barath divorced Daniel Augustine in 1944
Thelma Barath divorced Lawrence Yeager in 1944
Thelma Barath Yeager married Toney Dress (1893-1974) in 1948
Robert Barath – NEVER MARRIED
David Barath married Betty Jean Parker (1931-1992) in 1956 – 3 children
Elizabeth Barath Augustine married Carl Kneeland (1893-1968) in 1957
Picture of Helen Barath & sons: provided by Danielle Yeager
Picture of Dan, Betty & Daughter: provided by Bob Piros
Headshot of Frank/John: Provided by his descendants
Headshot of Elizabeth, the second wife: Provided by his descendants
All other photos provided by Carlo Ciliberti & Audrey Cimaglia
David “Moose” Barath had a crush on my mother, Darith Jill Adkins in high school and signed her yearbook as such! He also had his initials on his belt buckle DB loves DA! She never went out with him so he took her best friend Julia Adams out and told her not to tell my mother! Mom truly enjoyed his friendship!
Cecilia, Thanks for this lovely comment about my uncle! It is adorable that he had a crush on your mother and put the initials in his belt buckle! He wound up marrying Betty-Jean Parker, whom he met after his time in the service, and they have three kids, all alive. I will ask if they remember hearing about your mother or her friend!
CARLO, really appreciate the update on Moose. Now, I vaguely remember that he died early and I was shocked. I had already left Logan by then( but still “ took The Banner!”)
Hi again Vern-
You were correct in the first place. David was Moose, not his brother Robert. I apologize for any confusion I may have caused. I always knew them as Davy and Bobbie, so Moose was a surprise to me when I first heard about it. Now I know that David is definately Moose. David (Moose) Barath was born in 1931 and died in 1980. He is burried in Elmwood Memorial Park in Lackland City, Texas. I’ll see if one of his three kids wants to add anything else. He was such a lovely person from what I’ve heard… I wasn’t born yet when he died, but my family have such fond memories of Uncle Davy.
Vern, there is a photo of David
in the 1949 LHS Yearbook on this
website,the last photo on the page.
Shows the football team, he is the
first one on the page,upper left
corner of page, says End.
Also shows him as the Class Secretary.
A 1962 obit for Robert says that David
was serving in the USA Air Force in Turkey.
I dated David “Moose” Barath in high school. He was a year younger than I. The caption of the photo of the boys is incorrect; David is the one on the left, not the right. He was such a nice, nice person and very goodlooking.
Jane, thanks, for the follow-up on Moose. Easily found him. I’m in that group, as well. Surely, I must know you from back then. Suppose you do not remember me? Think we must have been in the same class-1950.
Vern, its truely remarkable that
you & Jane knew David.
Guess you must have been the
first boy in the photo wearing the
white jacket?
If Jane would look at your photo
she might recall knowing you.
Wonder if you looked for her photo
in your LHS Yearbook?
Also what was life like back in
your time at LHS?
Hi Jane,
Very interesting that you dated my uncle back in High School! You are exactly correct on my caption being incorrect. It should state: David, Bobbie, Helen and Steve. I still find it amazing that people called him Moose – since I’ve never heard him called Moose before – but it was a common nickname for him! Do you remember anything else about him? Carlo
Hi Vern – I uploaded some of my family photos to the “Family and Friends” section of the photos. There were a couple of David/Moose Barath – and I thought you’d like to look them over.
Thanks, a lot! Found a real good studio-type shot of Moose. Guessing maybe post LHS as he looked a little bit older and like he “had a suit”—Ha! Appreciate! As an aside, seems there aren’t many folks from my era “tuned in” to this Logan nostalgia. Probably are not many of us left who can maneuver these hi- tech instruments.
Bob(and Carlo)–amazing how info eventually surfaces thru your efforts and this project. I really enjoy it–even though most of it finds me “outdated” by decades! Ha!
Thanks, to Carlo, too, for the clarification. Good to hear from her and that input confirmed what I had already pretty much concluded. The “David and the dates” seemed to fit. Believe me, he was nicknamed and known as “MOOSE” because he was so big and tough–and played some good football at LHS. Shame he didn’t go on and play in college somewhere. Maybe, sometime, we’ll hear from on of his “children”.
Vern, thanks for your help as you got
us looking for David. Please go to
Site Index this site. Then down page
to 1950 LHS Yearbook.
Go to 13 th row, 2nd photo, says
Varsity Club. The 4th row at top
over to the third boy is David.
Thanks, a lot, Bob. I “just happen “ to have BOTH those yearbooks since I was a JR and SR, respectively, in those two years. Coincidentally, I also “happen “ to be in both those picture groupings! Ha—
Vern, you’re welcome.
Ok, I found you in the 1949 Yearbook.
The names are mixed up.
Are you # 1, # 2 or # 4 with the girls?
Did you live close to Cherry Tree?
Did you know any of the
Augustine family members?
Hey, Bob. Thought I could put my finger right on my Guyana’s. CANNOT- spouse must have em stashed somewhere. I’ll find em and respond but, at least, wanted to answer now. I know most are on the website but I can’t even locate them now! I grew up in OMAR SO I KNEW NONE OF THE AUGUSTINE family. Knew Esposito— that’s close! Will get back later on the pics. Thanks, a lot—
Bob, Vern Wilson here! Got a little confused on the “reply” and “comment” sections. Finally dug out my LHS yearbooks from ‘49 and ‘50. Found Jane McDonald in class of ‘49–1 year ahead of me. I do remember her face. Lots of OLD memories stirred by those Annuals! I still trade emails with several of my old LHS pals. Have tried to encourage all to get on this fun website but don’t have evidence that many actually have. Surprising how many of us are still “hangin in”! Being an OMARITE, one of these days I’ll take time to relate some thoughts about Omar and that ERA. Actually, during this period of COVID-19, I’ve got PLENTY of time. Ha! Take care and be sure to wear a MASK!!
Vern, good hearing from you.
I hope that you will write up
something about your life living
in Logan County ( Omar ) as it will
add to this website.
Yes it would be so wonderful if
your friends & Jane would make
more comments on this site.
Maybe someone can ask
Dwight Williamson to write an
article about the LHS class
of 1949 to 1950 football team.
It would be great to read about
the players & records of those years.
There must be some articles in the
Logan Banner of that era.
Yes I wear my mask everywhere I go
here in CA. If there is Halloween this
year, I’ll wear it to greet the kids at
my door.
Moose was a friend of my brother, Ronald McCormick who graduated from Logan High School following his graduation. They used to play football in the empty field beside the two room Cherry Tree Grade School.
Hi Robert –
Do you know what Moose Barath’s real name was?
Remember 1950 at LHS and a big, good football player named “Moose” Barath. I’m thinking his actual name was DAVID AND i’D ASSUME HE WAS THE “DAVID” MENTIONED ABOVE. THE 1931 BIRTHDAY PROBABLY FITS HIM. i WAS THINKING MAYBE HE LIVED IN CHERRY TREE. Seems like he entered the military and then I lost track of him. Want any of his offspring to know he was a really nice, tough guy that I really liked. Bet he had a good career. Seems vaguely familiar that he passed away prematurely.
Vern,there is a photo on the
Friends & Families site that
might be David Barath.
Its on page 1 photo 1. I ID
it as Victor Augustine taken
about 1931. Please look at it
& see if you think its David.
Thanks, for the help, Bob. However, I cannot seem to find the “Friends & Families” Site.. Pic may have been David as a newborn. I figured he was probably born in 1931–same as Betty Jean Parker whom I assume he married in ’56.Maybe one of their offspring will see this and respond with some clarification.
Vern, the photo is of a young man
wearing a suit & tie about 1948.
Go to Logan County Photos page
& then to Friends & Families page.
Thanks, Bob. Found Vic (1931) but no ’48 pic of young man. Probably not Moose anyway. Doubt he’d have known what a tie was at that time. Ha! Still looking for “word” from one of his offspring-maybe!
Hi Vern –
Uncle David was born in 1931 – married Betty Jean Parker in 1956 (1931-1992). He did join the service, and they had three children, still living. David died in 1980. Hope this can be of any help. I’m not sure if he was called Moose – but I will be sure to let you know if I find anything!
Vern, sorry about the confusion.
The photo in question that you
found was the one that I ID
who might be Victor Augustine
is the same photo but isn’t
David Barath or the person
you are calling Moose.
Hi Vern-
It looks like Moose Barath was Robert/Bobbie Barath. He died in 1962 from a preexisting condition and is buried next to his mother in the Logan Cemetery (I will get back to you on the cemetery name). David Barath married Betty Jean Parker, as shown in the story, and they had three children. His children are still alive, hence why I am not listing their names. I have a couple of pictures of him I can also ask Franklin to share on the site.