The more time goes by, the more it seems we try to hold onto the past. They say you can never go back but it’s nice to touch a piece of the past again. One of my fondest childhood memories is of the merry-go-round at the Justice Grade School. While visiting Logan one weekend in 1999, I couldn’t resist the temptation of stopping by my old grade school. More than forty years had passed so imagine my surprise to see that the playground equipment was still there including my favorite, the merry-go-around. I hadn’t seen it since 1957 and it looked great. I can remember we would get it going so fast that it would be all you could to do to just hang on. It was great fun. Since my memory of it goes back to 1957, I’m guessing it was in service for over fifty years. Being in use for so many of years, there are probably thousands of kids like me that thoroughly enjoyed and loved it. Sadly, when I went back to visit in 2001 it was no longer there. Like most of the other merry-go-rounds throughout the country, it was removed because of safety concerns. The pictures below were taken in 1999.

If you have any Justice Elementary School (a.k.a Justice Grade School) class photos you’d like to share with this page, please send them to admin at
Does anyone have a picture of the 5th grade class (1960-61) with teacher Charles Gore? I was one of four pupils from Henlawson to be in his class that year. I would love to have the class picture. Most of the Henlawson kids were in Ms McKeny’ class. I have a copy of that class picture. Thank you in advance
I went to 1st thru 3rd grade there 64 to 66/67. Had Ms Sennett in 1st, then had Mabry for both 2nd and 3rd. The 3rd grade teacher was overloaded with students in Sept’66, so the principal had Mrs Mabry come over and handpicked 9 of her “pet” students to come take 3rd grade in her classroom along with her 2nd grade class for that year (split classroom).
We lived 4 doors from school my sister got her picture in the paper she fried an egg on that merry go round
I attended Justice Grade School from Sept. 1949 to May 1957. 1st grade (old frame school) & 2nd (new brick school) to 8th grade. Culture shock to go to 9th grade Jr. High on the hill in downtown Logan in 1957. I remember that merry go round & it had an awful odor, like maybe the paint or the metal that smell always made me sick. Crazy, but I wouldn’t go near it after awhile. Worst thing I remember about Justice Grade was when the police came & shot the blonde cocker spaniel pups right in front of us kids at recess – PTSD from that I guess! Best thing: Tea parties at Valentine’s Day & I was selected Mary in the Christmas Pageant! Politically incorrect today! Teachers in order Burger (mean), Mabry (OK), Fitzgibbins (mean), Browning (nice), McKinney (mean), Dingess (nice), Clark (nice), Midkiff (nice), Wilson, Prin. (nice). Remember teachers, we always remember!
I am a little late,Just found this site..It really brings back memories ,I also went to little wood school for awhile At Justice Addition moved to Henlawson,went to that old 4 room school before it was tore down,then went back to new Justice addition big school….Had Mrs.Counts in seventh grade….I am old now I Can say..Man she was mean….lol….Thanks for who shared this ..Sorry I did not fine it sooner. LOve seeing Henlawson and where I grew up..May god Bless
I went to Justice Grade School in 1959 (fifth grade), while the new school in Henlawson was being built. I remember being on the merry-go-round and a classmate/friend, Jean Richardson, would run around it and get it going so fast that there was no chance of jumping off. You just had to wait until she got tired. I remember thinking I was going to die on that thing. However, it didn’t deter me from riding it. I’d ride it many more times, and more often than not, Jean would show up to push like a person on a mission. I guess I was a slow study. I always thought it might be different each time, but mostly I got the same result……fear of impending death. It’s always been a good memory for me, though. Thank you, Jean, for providing me with a vivid memory that I’ve kept all these years.
Many a great basketball game was played on the Justice Grade playground….man, what fun! The teter toters gave me a nice bruised up nose/face in 2nd grade!
I was there with you cousin Frank
My younger sisters had to go here when Peach Creek Grade School shut down. They hated the school.
I was in the first class (first grade) when this school opened. I even saw the demolition of the old wooden school on the right side of the present school building, where the old merry-go-round used to be. One year my father was president of the PTA for that school. I remember most of the kids in my grades thru the years, including the seventh before Central opened.
Teachers I remember, years 1950-1957:
Mrs Greever substitute,andoneother who’s name I cannot remember
You bet I remember that merry-go-round! I had just started fifth grade (1958), I was riding it alone and a boy on the playground kept whirling it faster and faster and I lost my grip and hit the concrete. My head was busted open at the crown. Principal Wilson wrapped my head in a towel until my parents arrived to take me to Logan General Hospital. I had very long hair and my head was shaved where the stitches had to go. I was so embarrassed to return to school with that bald spot but I did get a lot of attention! LOL It is still a fond memory but certainly gives substance to the saftey issues. LOL
Frances (Dillow) Greene Browning
I grew up in Justice Add. went to Justice grade School, Mae Cox Wilson (Grannie Wilson) was the principal. I broke my ankle jumping off that merry go round. The old Gulf station, Parkway Drive Inn custards, pushing wooden boats up the river, Counts Grocery, Phips Grocery, Justice Christian Church. Justice Add. was a great place to be from.
My Dad (Grover Seafler) was the preacher at the Justice Christian Church from ’59 (I think) to the end of ’62. He started Preaching here in Kansas, Illinois at the beginning of ’63. I attended Justice school from first to half way through third grade. Life was a lot simpler then……I loved that custard stand!
wendell was a great friend and neighbor. I remember Wendell giving me some of his favorite marbles for my birthday present. As far as the merry go round, I remember that it was made and donated by Mr. JT Fish who lived in the south side of Justice Addition. I think that his daughters name was Jackie who attended school there. It seems that the playground was a dangerous place, after reading other posts. I was struck by a baseball bat and suffered a fractured skull while in the 6th grade, Mrs. Dingess. Loved her. I also remember when Congressman Bird visited our school and played the violin for us. There were many great people as neighbors and friends in Justice Addition. Great memories!
I was in Logan for reunion got to go throw school noticed merry go round was gone made me sad if anyone knows where it is I would like to buy it and Put it at my house for the children
Wendell, it was a great neighborhood and I feel blessed to have grown up there.
Wendell, your comment was 13 years ago. I thought you grew up in Cherry Tree with your brother Bobby?
Wendell, did your bother Bobby die in 2022?
I remember this merry-go-round!!! My sister lived in Justice Addition and me and my niece would walk down to the playground and play for hours, this was about 1973. Thanks so much for the picture, it brought back so many wonderful memories!!! lisa
I remember the merry go round yaaaaa!!!
Just curious, You wouldn’t happen to be Phyllis Gore, would you? If you are, I think it was your dad that moved our family to Illinois in ’63.
I remember there was a merry-go-round on The Island prior to construction of the high school (1957?). I remember playing on it and I remember one evening when Mr. Eiland (Eddie Eiland) was supervising us. He may know if that merry-go-round was moved to the grade school.
There was one at Cherry Tree Grade School.
The school was torn down in 1958.
Maybe it was moved.
One of the fun things I remember was going to see relatives up above Man. Accoville, Lundale? Not sure of the name, but the grade school had a fire escape from the second story that was a slide and we had a ball on that in the summer.