The Pilgrim Holiness Church (Wesleyan Church)

See the Pilgrim Holiness Church Gallery.
Pilgrim Holiness Church is a religious denomination associated with the holiness movement that split from the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1897. It was first organized in Cincinnati, Ohio as the International Holiness Union and Prayer League. The organization later became the Pilgrim Holiness Church which eventually merged with the Wesleyan Methodists in 1968 to form the Wesleyan Church.
Recollections of the Pilgrim Holiness Church at Cherry Tree:
The retired (due to health) Rev Hattie Hickman lived in the big Victorian house across the street from us In spite of her strict fundamentalist demeanor, the church experienced good growth in the 1930’ and early 1940’s under her leadership. Rev. Hickman had previously also served as pastor in the 1920’s. Emma Jean Sexton was her housemate. Rev. Hickman and Emma baby sat me for one school year while my mother was teaching school so I heard many of her church stories. Emma became a practical nurse after Rev. Hickman’s retirement.

I clearly remember Revival meetings & one pastor, Rev Ward VanBriggle (a polio survivor, I believe), playing his violin and we sat mesmerized as his wife Mrs. Margaret Jessup VanBriggle gracefully moved her fingers across the piano keyboard. She sometimes would lead the congregational singing with embellishment from her shiny trombone. My minds’ memory can still recall her blasting out on “Look & Live, My Brother Live.” This was sometimes a prelude to the brothers and sisters running the aisles and shouting “Glory” as they experienced their religious fervor. A falling away of attendance finally lead to the demise of the congregation in the early 1990’s.
—-Robert McCormack
Quote from Eddie Atkins:
“I attended the Pilgrim Holiness Church faithfully from 1935 to 1940 and received a number of awards (called religious mottos) for thirteen Sunday continuous attendance. At one time I believe a man named Everett Hanners was our Sunday School Superintendent. Our Sunday school teacher was Chester Adams. As an award for not acting up in class and learning our Sunday school lesson he would take the entire class on a Saturday afternoon hike. One trip I well remember was a trip walking the railroad track from Cherry Tree to Chauncy and back with no food or water. The elders that I most clearly remember from that time period were: Fred Hutchinson, Bill Clark, George Browning, Ned Samson, Walter Dings, and Mr. White.”
“Once during a revival meeting a woman evangelist played “Onward Christian Soldiers” on an accordion. Most of us kids had never seen or heard an accordion. Some cried, some hid under the seats and others tried to leave. I don’t remember which group I was in but I will never forget the sound of that accordion.”
Sunday School at the Pilgrim Holiness Church
Grandma Kitchen with her black stockings and long dresses immediately come to my mind. One of the Fred Hutchinson grandchildren one time kindly referred to her as “Mother Goose.” That, in itself, brings a smile and I do see the resemblance as I think of the colorful story books of my childhood. Bible stories and the colorful Bible character rolls hanging on the basement classroom wall stand out clearly in my early memories. One page from that role would become a prize for our perfect attendance during the quarter.

I see the familiar Grandma Kitchen leading us in singing “I’ll be a Sunbeam for Jesus.” Now I realize that it certainly wasn’t her voice, but rather her enthusiasm that infected us. We would run up the stairs to the sanctuary where we sat with her for the birthday offering and the Sunday School secretary, Robert Stoneoff (or was it Jimmy? ), would read the attendance and Sunday School offering figures. Sunday school would never again be as much fun as we moved on to the older classes and some of our peers dropped out. Others teaching Sunday School which come to my mind are Erie Wiley, Carrie Biggs, Harriet Sanson & Mrs. Edmondson.
–Robert E. McCormack
Church Pastors Submitted by:
William C Clark
Archives Director
World Headquarters
Wesleyan Church Corp
- 1921-22 G. M. Cunningham
- 1923-24 J. C. Wakefield
- 1925-28 J.S. Hayton
- 1930-33 Hattie Hickman
- 1934 H. Hickman starts Fayetteville, Everett Bailey takes Logan
- 1935-38 Everett Baily
- Harry Ensley (Supply?)
- 1939-43 Hattie Hickman
- 1944 J.E. Alba
- 1945 Roy Bellomy
- 1946-50 Vard Van Briggle
- 1951-52 E.E. Leadingham
- 1953 J.H. Berrige
- 1954-57 Everett Wooten
- 1958-64 John Nester
- 1965 Noel Davis
- 1966-67James F Scalf
- Merger to form The Wesleyan Church
- 1968 James F. Scalf
- 1969 No Pastor/ to be supplied
- 1970 Donald Walker
The Pilgrim Holiness Church (later the Wesleyan Church) closed in the early 1990’s. The records cannot be found. This is a list of some of the families who were members or who attended the church. The church was so strict that many faded away after a while and found another church home. | |
Adams, Chester | Sunday School Superintendant, Sunday School teacher, Husband of Lucy Adams |
Adams, Lucy | Wife of Chester Adams |
Adams, Maude | Sister of Willow and Chester Adams |
Adams, Willow | Sister of Maude and Chester Adams |
Atkins, Eddie | Son of Edward and Kayte Atkins; Sister to Doris Atkins |
Bailey, Annette | Daughter of Donis & Betty Bailey |
Bailey, Betty | Wife of Donis Bailey |
Bailey, Donis | Husband. of Betty; Sunday School Superintendent |
Bailey, Fred | Son of Bessie Helen Bailey |
Bailey, Gary | Son of Donis & Betty Bailey |
Bailey, Greg | Son of Donis & Betty Bailey |
Bailey, Gwen | Daughter of Donis & Betty Bailey |
Bailey, Jack | Son of Bessie Helen Bailey |
Bailey, Rosemary | Wife of Jack Bailey |
Bailey, Sharon | Daughter of Bessie Helen Bailey |
Bailey,. Everett, Rev | Pastor 1935-1938 |
Baisden, Johnnie | Daughter of Nole Baisden |
Baisden, Nole | Mother of Johnnie , Staten Stonoff, Robert Stonoff |
Ballard, Kyle | Husband. of Ollie Ballard |
Ballard, Ollie | Wife of Kyle Ballard, daughter of Ollie Kitchen |
Biggs, Billie | Son of Carrie Biggs |
Biggs, Carrie | Sunday School Teacher, Mother of Bill, Elbert, Mildred |
Biggs, Elbert | Son of Carrie Biggs |
Biggs, Mildred | Daughter of Carrie Biggs |
Blevins, Imogene | Daughter of Mrs. Blevins |
Blevins, Mrs. | Mother of Imogene; Sister to Everett Hanners |
Brooks, Gwendolyn | Daughter of Elizabeth Taylor Brooks Keathley; Granddaughter of Scott and Alice Taylor |
Browning, Anna | Wife of George Browning |
Browning, Donna Gayle | Daughter of Elmer and Exel Browning |
Browning, Doris | Daughter of Elmer and Exel Browning |
Browning, Doris | Daughter of Elmer and Exel Browning |
Browning, Elmer | Husband of Exel (Browning) |
Browning, Exel | Daughter of Ollie and Plato Kitchen; Wife of Elmer Browning; Mother of Naomi, Jean, Doris, Joan, & Dona Gayle |
Browning, George | Husband of Anna Browning |
Browning, George | Son of Pliny Browning |
Browning, Jean | Daughter of Elmer and Exel Browning |
Browning, Lena | Daughter of Pliny Browning |
Browning, Maude | Daughter of Pliny Browning; Wife of Roscoe Long |
Browning, Naomi | Daughter of Elmer and Exel Browning |
Browning, Pliny (Aunt Pliny) | Mother to George, Maude, Lena |
Buchannon, Mr. | Husband of Sadie Buchannon |
Burton, Bessie | Mother of Willard J. Burton |
Burton, Marvin | Son of Willard J. Burton |
Burton, Michael | Son of Willard J. Burton |
Burton, Nary | Wife of Willard J. Burton |
Burton, Phillip | Son of Willard J. Burton |
Burton, Willard J. (Junior) | Son of Bessie Burton; Husband of Nary Burton |
Buskirk, Beatrice | Wife of Joe Buskirk, daughter of Alice Taylor |
Buskirk, Joe | Husband of Beatrice Buskirk, killed in auto accident at Switzer about 1939 |
Cadd, Hazel | Wife of Oakley Cadd |
Cadd, Hazel | Daughter of Oakley and Hazel Cadd |
Cadd, Karen | Daughter of Oakley and Hazel Cadd |
Cadd, Oakley | Husband of Hazel Cadd; Son of Bessie Burton |
Cadd, Oakley, Jr | Son of Oakley and Hazel Cadd |
Cadd, Wilmer | Son of Oakley and Hazel Cadd |
Carver, Elwood | Son of Ora Carver; Husband of Carolyn Tiller |
Carver, Jane | Daughter of Ora Carver, Wife of Sam Tiller |
Carver, Ora | Mother of Jane, Elwood, Reggie |
Carver, Reggie | Son of Ora Carver |
Clark (Hannah) Martha | Mother to Bill and Bethel Clark;Wife of Van Buren Clark |
Clark, Bethel | Brother of Bill Clark; Sang with brother Bill, and played the mandolin. Became evangelistic singer |
Clark, Bill | Husband of Ruth Clark; Former Sunday School Superintendent; 14 years -song leader; special singer with guitar;. Pressman at Pilgrim Publishing House in Indianapolis. IN |
Clark, Billy | Son of Bill and Ruth Clark |
Clark, Judy | Daughter of Bill and Ruth Clark |
Clark, June | Daughter of Bill and Ruth Clark |
Clark, Ruth | Wife of Bill Clark; Mother of June, Billy, Johnny, Judi; Daughter of Guy & Lena Smith; Sister to Ray Smith |
Clark, Van Buren | Husband of Martha Hannah Clark; Father of Bill Clark and Bethel Clark; ; Died 06-1942 ; Funeral at church |
Conley, Ernest | Son of Mae Conley |
Conley, Freda | Daughter of Mae Conley |
Conley, Mae | |
Cornwell, Ben | Father of Cutis and Ernest |
Cornwell, Curtis | Son of Ben Cornwell |
Cornwell, Ernest | Son of Ben Cornwell |
Cox, Edward | Husband of Mrs. Cox; father of Jimmy |
Cox, Jimmy | Son of Edward |
Cox, Mrs. | Wife of Edward Cox; Mother of Jimmy |
Curry, Stella | Wife of Wayne Curry |
Curry, Wayne | Husband of Stella |
Deskins, Buddy | Son of Robert and Maude Deskins; Engineer in Texas; Pastored in Wayne, WV until his early 70’s; Children: Sandy, Terri, Susan & Kim |
Deskins, Doran | Son of Robert and Maude Deskins |
Deskins, Freida | Daughter of Robert and Maude Deskins |
Deskins, John | Son of Robert and Maude Deskins |
Deskins, Kim | Daughter of Buddy and Lois Deskins |
Deskins, Lois | Wife of Buddy Deskins |
Deskins, Maude (age 103 in 2003) | Wife of Robert Lee Deskins; Mother of Buddy, Doran, John |
Deskins, Robert Lee | Husband. Of Maude; Killed in 1935 |
Deskins, Sandy | Daughter of Buddy and Lois Deskins |
Deskins, Susan | Daughter of Buddy and Lois Deskins |
Deskins, Terri | Daughter of Buddy and Lois Deskins |
Dingess, Alberta | Daughter of Simon and Zelda Dingess |
Dingess, Betty | Daughter of Simon and Zelda Dingess |
Dingess, Darrell | Son of Simon and Zelda Dingess |
Dingess, Lilly | Wife of Walter Dingess; Sunday Sschool Teacher-Young Married Class; |
Dingess, Mary | Daughter of Simon and Zelda Dingess |
Dingess, Merle | Son of Simon and Zelda Dingess |
Dingess, Norma Jo | Daughter of Simon and Zelda Dingess |
Dingess, Ruth | Daughter of Simon and Zelda Dingess |
Dingess, Simon | Husband of Zelda Dingess; Logan County Clerk |
Dingess, Virginia | Daughter of Simon and Zelda Dingess |
Dingess, Walter | Husband. Of Lilly Dingess; Sunday School Superintendent; |
Dingess, Zelda | Wife of Simon Dingess; replaced Simon after his death as Logan County Clerk |
Edmondson, Mrs. | Mother of Pete Edmondson; Sunday. School Teacher; Moved to Ohio |
Edmonsdon, Pete | |
Ensley, Rev. Harry | Pastor Supply 1937 |
Frye, Bernard | Husband of Betty Fry; Daughter of Hattie Herald |
Frye, Betty (Herald) | Wife of Bernard Frye, Daughter of Hattie Herald |
Frye, Deana | Daughter of Bernard and Betty Frye |
Frye, Kathy | Daughter of Bernard and Betty Frye |
Frye, Patti | Daughter of Bernard and Betty Frye |
Gore, Anne | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Estell | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Helen | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Judy | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Lana | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Lona | Second wife of Guy Gore |
Gore, Margaret | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Mary Jo | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Peggy | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Polly | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Ruth | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Simon | Son of Lona & Guy Gore |
Gore, Virginia | Daughter of Lona & Guy Gore |
Hanners, Everett | Sister of Mrs. Blevins, Worked at Pilgrim Publishing House in Indianapolis, IN |
Herald, Hattie | Mother of Betty, Jimmy, Lafe, and Virginia |
Herald, Jimmy | Son of Hattie Herald |
Herald, Virginia | Daughter of Hattie Herald |
Hickman, Rev. Hattie | Pastor 1939-1933; 1939-1943 |
Hutchinson, Bertha | Wife of Fred Hutchinson |
Hutchinson, Doris | Daughter of Fred and Bertha Hutchinson; Doris & another young lady did some pioneer church work in Arizona. |
Hutchinson, Fred | Husband of Bertha Hutchinson; Children: Virginia, Paul, Silas, Freddie, Ruth, Doris |
Hutchinson, Freddie | Son of Fred Hutchinson |
Hutchinson, Mae Pearl | Daughter of Fred and Bertha Hutchinson |
Hutchinson, Paul | Son of Fred Hutchinson |
Hutchinson, Ruth | Daughter of Fred and Bertha Hutchinson |
Hutchinson, Virginia | Daughter of Fred and Bertha Hutchinson |
Hutchinson,, Silas | Son of Fred Hutchinson |
Jessie, “Uncle Bob” | |
King, Mrs. | Several daughters, Pauline |
King, Pauline | |
Kitchen, Chester | Son of Ollie Kitchen; Husband of Shirley; Pastored in Wayne, WV |
Kitchen, Claude | Son of Ollie Kitchen, Husband. of Stella; Sunday School Teacher |
Kitchen, Claude | Son of Ollie and Plato Kitchen; Husband of Stella; Sunday School Teacher |
Kitchen, Ernest | Son of Ollie and Plato Kitchen |
Kitchen, Esther | Daughter of Ollie and Plato Kitchen |
Kitchen, Ethel | Daughter of Ollie and Plato Kitchen; Operated the Stringer Children’s Orphanage on Mud Fork |
Kitchen, Exel | Daughter of Ollie and Plato Kitchen; Wife of Elmer Browning |
Kitchen, Jenny | Daughter of Tony Dress; Wife of Olus, Played the piano |
Kitchen, John | Son of Ollie and Plato Kitchen |
Kitchen, Margie | Daughter of Ollie and Plato Kitchen |
Kitchen, Ollie | Wife of Plato Kitchen; Mother of Claude, Ethel, John, Margie, Ollie, Ernest, Olus, Excel, Chester, and Esther; Primary Sunday School. Teacher |
Kitchen, Ollie | Daughter of Ollie and Plato Kitchen |
Kitchen, Olus | Son of Ollie and Plato Kitchen; Husband of Jenny Dress Kitchen |
Kitchen, Shirley | Wife of Chester. |
Kitchen, Stella | Wife of Claude |
Lacy, Charles Clifford | Son of Clifford and Faye Lacy |
Lacy, Dana | Son of Clifford and Faye Lacy; Preacher with program on WLOG radio station |
Lacy, Donna Mae | Daughter of Clifford and Faye Lacy |
Lacy, Faye (Steel) | Wife of Clifford Lacy; Mother of Charles Clifford |
Lacy, Leanna | Daughter of Clifford and Faye Lacy |
Leadingham, Earl | Son of Rev. E. E. Leadingham |
Leadingham, Everett | Son of Rev. E. E. Leadingham |
Leadingham, Phillip | Son of Rev. E. E. Leadingham |
Leadingham, Rev. E. E | Pastor 1951-1952, sons: Everett, Earl and Phillip |
Long, Maude | Wife of Roscoe Long; Mother of Barbara Long, sister to George Browning, Daughter of Pliny Browning |
Long, Barbara | Daughter of Roscoe and Maude Long |
Long, Roscoe | Husband of Maude |
Marushi Freda Mae | Daughter of Virginia Marushi |
Marushi, Gloria | Daughter of Virginia Marushi. Pianist, Married a minister who pastored at Barboursville, WV |
Marushi, Virginia | Mother of Gloria and Freda Mae |
McCormack, Bobby | Son of Virginia, grandson of Scott & Louis Taylor, Brother to Ronald |
McCormack, Ronnie | Son of Clovis and Virginia McCormack |
McCormack, Virginia | Daughter of Scott & Louis Taylor, Husband of Clovis McCormack; Mother of Bobby & Ronald McCormack |
Nester, Carolyn | Daughter of Rev. John Nester and Mae Nester |
Nester, Debbie | Daughter of Rev. John Nester and Mae Nester |
Nester, John | Son of Rev. John Nester and Mae Nester |
Nester, John E, Rev | Pastor 1958 – 1964, Children: Carloyn, Mary, John, Debbie |
Nester, Mae | Wife of Rev. John E. Nester; mother of Carolyn, Mary, John, Debbie |
Nester, Mary | Daughter of Rev. John Nester and Mae Nester |
Nunley, Ben | Husband of Nan; Church janitor-slept in basement |
Nunley, Nan | Wife of Ben Nunley |
Robinson, Mrs. | |
Rogers, Margaret | Wife of John Rogers, Mother of Hattie Herald |
Samson, Beulah | Daughter of George & Rena Samson |
Samson, Bob | Son of Ned and Roxy |
Samson, Elba | Son of Ned and Roxy |
Samson, Luther | Son of Ned and Roxy |
Samson, Mae | Daughter of Ned and Roxy |
Samson, Mrs. | Mother of Beulah, Belvia, Silvia, David |
Samson, Ned | Husband of Roxy |
Samson, Rena | Wife of George, Mother of Beulah |
Sansom, Harriett | Wife of Oscar Sansom, Mother of Sonia |
Scalf, James F. Rev | Pastor 1966 -1968 |
Smith, Lena | Lena was church janitor, Mother of Esther Smith |
Staggs, Blandine | |
Staggs, Cora | Mother of Arthur Staggs; Later married Mr. White then Mr. Dell |
Staggs, Dorothy | |
Staggs, Rosie | |
Stonoff, Robert | Son of Nole Baisden; Active in Youth Society, went to Indiana to Frankfort Bible College, became an educator |
Straight, Lorraine | Wife of Roger Straight; Sunday School Teacher |
Taylor, Alice | Wife of Scott; Mother of Virginia McCormack; grandmother of Bobby McCormack; Sunday School Teacher |
Taylor, Elizabeth | Daughter of Scott and Alice Taylor; Wife of Johnny Jones; Mother of Johnny Jones Jr. and Gwen Brooks; Later married Clarence Brooks, then Lee Jess Keathley |
Taylor, Scott | Husband of Alice; Father of Virginia McCormack, grandfather of Bobby McCormack |
Taylor, Virginia | Daughter of Scott and Alice Taylor; Wife of Clovis McCormack |
Van Briggle, Nancy | Daughter of Rev. Vard VanBriggle and Margaret Jessup VanBriggle |
VanBriggle, Margaret Jessup | Wife of Rev. Vard VanBriggle; Mother of Nancy; Pianist, played the trombone |
VanBriggle, Vard, Rev | Pastor 1946 – 1950; Father of Nancy |
Wakefield, Jj. C., Rev | Pastor 1923 – 1924 |
Walker, Donald, Rev | Pastor 1970 |
White, Ditha | Wife of Wallace, mother of Doris |
White, Doris | Daughter of Wallace and Ditha White |
White, Wallace | Husband. of Ditha |
Wiley, Erie | Sunday School Teacher, local preacher |
Wilson, Charlie | Husband of Florence, father of Evelyn, Esther, Elvie, Lilly, Maxine, David, Doreen, William and James |
Wilson, David | Son of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, Doreen | Daughter of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, Elvie | Daughter of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, Elvie | Daughter of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, Esther | Daughter of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, Evelyn | Daughter of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, Florence | Wife of Charlie Wilson; played the piano |
Wilson, James | Son of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, James Everett | Son of Charlie and Florence Wilson, Husband of Violet Wilson |
Wilson, Lilly | Daughter of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, Maxine | Daughter of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wilson, William | Son of Charlie and Florence Wilson |
Wooten, Bean | Wife of Rev. Everett Wooten |
Wooten, Corda | Second Wife of Everett |
Wooten, Everett | Pastor 1954-1957, Husband of Bea; Husband of Corda; Father of Russell and Margaret |
Wooten, Russell | Son of Rev Everett Wooten; Became a minister; and pastored many years |
York, Carolyn | Daughter of Norwood York |
York, Chester Norman | Father of Bessie Helen Bailey |
York, Helen | Daughter of Norwood York |
York, Larry | Son of Norwood York |
York, Patti | Daughter of Norwood York |
Pilgrim Holiness Church Gallery

My grandmother lived at White’s Edition and she was a member of the pilgrim holiness church. Her last name was Curry her first name was Stella.
I remember her very well. Saw her many times walking to church with her granddaghter, Janet. She once warned me about the girl that I was dating whose family she knew. She was very sweet and only concerned about me. I recall a very sad funeral of her daughter who had taken poison. Life was not easy for her but her faith was strong.
Zelda, church photo was taken in 1958 and donated by me to the C.T. site.
My grandparents were Bill and Ruth Clark. I grew up hearing so many stories about the Church and now I can add faces to names. Thank you for posting this wonderful trip down memory lane
I remember them quite well and recall when they left to begin a new life in Indiana. Bill was a real asset to the church and was sorely missed but the people seemed proud that he was working at church headquarters.
I’m the granddaughter of Fred and Bertha Hutchinson. I noticed a couple of pictures of them on your website here that I don’t have and would love to have copies of them. They are protected though to prevent downloading or copying. Is there any way that someone could allow me to have them or send them to me?
Frank Thompson, web master, is going to share those with you. I knew Fred and Bertha very well and visited in their home many times. My Mother adored them and she often remarked how she admired how devoted they were to each other. Mother, Virginia Taylor McCormack, knew them from when she was a teenager. My parents are buried next to the Hutchinsons at Highland Memory Gardens..
Robert, (I always fondly remember you as ” Bobby”)
Do you remember where the church had their Baptism services? I remember it being in the river but cannot remember the exact location.
Hello, Carolyn! I was in WV on Thanksgiving. My son lives in Teays Valley. I always think of the Nester family when I visit WV. Your Dad played an important part of my late teen years. No, I don’t recall where baptisms were held. How is your Mom and the rest of the family.
I was much interested in Eddie Atkins comment about receiving awards for attendance in the church and calling them ‘religious mottos” I also was raised in the Pilgrim Holiness Church and recall those mottos we used to sell them as fund raisers in those days also.
I have looked for one for years and years just to have for a remembrance. My father and grandfather pastored and started many Pilgrim churches. If you have any info on how I could buy or whatever one of those mottos if anyone still has one I waould appreciate hearing from you.They were usually blue or purple with sparkle around the edge with a bible verse.
Bob Simmons
Last week I had a long distance conversation with Doris Atkins who grew up in Cherry Tree and attended the Pilgrim Holiness Church Sunday School in the 1940’s. She is not on internet. She has a motto and would be glad to give it to you.
Doris Vranch
PO Box 714
Stollings, WV 23646
Robert McCormack
October 9, 2022, death of Doris Atkins Vranch as reported in the Charleston Gazette-Mail. Doris passed away September 28, 2022 in Logan,WV. She was the daughter of the late Edward and Katie Atkins. Doris was married to the late Steve Vranch for 50 years. They lived in McConnell.
I was hoping to see a photo only of Doris, since this Logan site bans all types of ads.
When the Pilgrim Holiness and the Wesleyan Methodist Churches merged to become the Wesleyan Church some of the more radical Pilgrim Holiness Churches left the denomination, the largest being the New York district which is now called the Pilgrim Holiness Church of New Your, Inc. If you look at this web site, you will see examples of what the Pilgrim Holiness Church was like in the 1950’s regarding standards of dress, youth rallies, camp meetings, etc. When I viewed the web site it was like going back in a time machine to the 1950’s.
I attended Eastern Pilgrim College at Allentown, Pa and sang in the Chapel Singers. Many of those churches were included in our spring tour. I especially recall singing at the Pilgrim Holiness Church at Sayre, PA.
Granny Kitchen was my Cradle Roll teacher. I loved her. Every Mother’s Day my sister Patty and I would buy her a handkerchief in a pretty box and take it up to her in the front row, where she always sat. We would hand it to her, give her a hug, and she would always be so sweet and thankful. I can’t remember anything she said, but I remember the love. (Of course, I was very young.) I do remember that she taught us the song, “Jesus Loves Me.”