The End of an Era
The gradual decline of Dehue caught many of us unaware, especially those of us who had moved away. Dehue began to fade away by the early 1970′s, and now the end of the era we once knew is forever gone.
General Articles.
The gradual decline of Dehue caught many of us unaware, especially those of us who had moved away. Dehue began to fade away by the early 1970′s, and now the end of the era we once knew is forever gone.
LOGAN COUNTY REVENUERS – STILL DESTRUCTION The man on the left is wearing “snake boots.” The high-top boots were protection from poisonous bites of rattle snakes and copperheads as they beat the brush down on their way up the mountainside Dogs came in handy when searching for the moonshiners and their stills. Lock . .
The Reverends and the Revenuers Read More »
The word telephone is derived from the Greek words “tele” meaning “far off” and “phonos” meaning “sound.” Alexander Graham Bell lacked the funds to develop his invention of the telephone. So, he tried to sell all rights to his telephone patent to the Western Union Telegraph Company for $100,000 in 1876. They turned him down
Dying under those grim circumstances, some have written tender, assuring words to their mothers, vowing to see them again in Heaven. Some have scribbled terse notes declaring how and where they should be buried. Others have penned short but intense love letters to their wives.
Updated March 13, 2011 On November the 15th, 2010 the Aracoma Hotel suffered heavy fire damage. On Thanksgiving Day the Cole and Main Street corner of the building collapsed. Consequently, the building was demolished about a month later. The Aracoma Hotel was built in 1917 and was a historic Logan landmark. Over the years, the
Aracoma Hotel Fire Read More »
Logan County Tidbits of History and Facts This page is a collection of short (only a paragraph or so) tidbits of facts and history about Logan County too small to post in a separate page. To contribute a bit of information or history about Logan County, please use the Contact Page or submit it via
Logan County Tidbits Read More »
HATFIELD PIONEERS By Coleman A. Hatfield Foreword by Dr. Coleman C. Hatfield (1927-2008): “My father, Coleman A. Hatfield, the son of Cap Hatfield, spent the majority of his adult life researching Hatfield and McCoy feud history. Besides being a Logan attorney, he was a gifted writer and researcher in his own right. He kept meticulous