This page serves as a community discussion forum and comments not related to a specific post can be made here. (If you are seeking family information, it would be best to leave your comment on the Connect with Relatives page.) You can include a website link or a YouTube video link you wish. If you want a personal reply to your comment, you can insert your email address in the body of your message. Please note, unless you leave your email address in the body of your message, your email address will not be displayed. If you are concerned about spam and do not want to use a mailto link, provide an email address like the example below: at gmail dot com
Comments with advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks are prohibited as are political and religious comments.
“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.” — Abraham Lincoln
My name used to be Carlene Denise Smith. I lived behind a grocery store, on a hill, across the river from Logan WV. My mother’s name was Barbara Jane Smith (Chapman). Her mom was Addie Chapman. My dad’s name was Carl Douglas Smith and his dad was Foster Walker and his mom was Nina Walker (Brown?). Nina had a sister named Hazel (Able?). I lived with my grandma, Nina, and her sister, Hazel. I can find no information on my mom’s dad or my dad’s mom’s side (Nina). Can someone please help me? I have searched Ancestry and Familysearch and both have not been able to help me on my mom’s dad side or my dad’s mom side. Thanks!
Years of birth and death and where are needed for you to do a online search.
I lived in Earling from 1955-1962 and attended Earling Elementary from 1959-1962. I had Mrs. Jeffries as my first grade teacher and Mrs. Cook in third grade. We lived in the second row of houses behind the Halls and next door to the Fremans. My friends were Randal Robinett, Jerry Dale Robinett, Junior Block and Danny Mullins. We shopped at the local store, Herman’s Market, where they had groceries, clothing, shoes and boots, toys gasoline and general merchandise, as well as served as our local post office.
Ken, go to Site Index, Earlimg has photos and other info.
Anyone have information on the Sammons family?
Tania, lots of info about them online.
I’m in some of the pictures of the Aracoma Story – one the kids dressed like Indians. My first time on the stage – I remember the Logan Centennial as a great celebration. As I recall Chuck Yeager was Grand Marshal of the parade
Hello, Im searching for photos and information on the Pack General Store ran by George and Nancy Pack. Also I am searching for information on Ossie Pack and Marie Baisden Pack.
Name of community where store was located?
Susan, your family members are buried in Pack Cemetery on the findagrave site.
You might find info about the store by contacting those alive who are listed in the obits on the
Hello to who it may concern, Trying to find some info and history of a family member. A great aunt of mine who was an only child and now in assisted living near us. Her father was supposedly a doctor from out of Logan, West Virginia. His name was Frank R. Jamison and worked with many coal miners who had suffered from black lung. If any one has any insight or more info please respond.
Online search shows him in the 1940 census. Also on Facebook.
Dr.Jamison is listed in the 1947 phone book on this website. Go to Site Index.
He also made house calls.
Looking for information about a sawmill that my grandfather called the Crawley Mill near Chapmanville. This was around 1920. Thank you
Gene, do a online search for Crawley Creek Mill
History in Chapmanville.
My Father listed as Emil Ball #14 in the 1937 SHS Football Team picture, he was called Emil back then to differentiate tween him and his Father Nick Ball of Clothier. They’re both in Seng Camp Cemetary 💙, I’ve been up in ‘21 and ‘22 and it appeared as if I was the first visitor in awhile. Love WV
My grandfather worked for Amherst Coal Company at Accoville and Elk Creek. I am trying to find photos of the tipples where he worked, the ones I find do not give the location, just Amherst Coal No. 1, No. 2, etc.. Does anyone know which mine was at what location? Any assistance is appreciated.
Hello! Does anyone know anything about Rebecca Ferrell who married Andrew Jackson Chafin and Moses Chafin? I think it may be two different Rebecca Ferrells who married the brothers. has her listed as the same woman but the death dates don’t match up and birth dates of all the kids don’t either.
Try to find the record at familysearch. for a match.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone who uses this site. Many thanks to Franklin Thompson for his work through out the year in keeping this site going.
Does anybody have the names and present location of the three very capable lady managers, Ruth?, Loyce?, ??Gale?? Circa 1964-1966. Steve Wantling,,
I’m looking for historical information on the founding of Kistler, West Virginia. I can’t find any historical information online. Only population type info. Can you point me in any direction? My email is
Thank you
My grandparents were Fred and Bertha Hutchinson. My dad was there son, Carlton and I was born in Logan, but we moved to Ohio when I was a baby. I have wonderful memories of visiting them at their home at Ethel until they moved to Whites Addition/Cherry Tree.
I knew your grandparents well. Wonderful couple! My Mother, Virginia adored them. She knew them from growing up in the Church at Cherry Tree. I visitied them many times in their home at Ethel. They were like the grandparents that I never had since mine passed away long before I was born. They are buied very near my parents at Highland Memory Gardens. Any time I go back to WV to visit the cemetery I look at their graves and think fond memories. You were blessed to have them.
Are there any records regarding miners who died from black lung disease? I know my grandmother, deceased, did receive compensation when my grandfather died due to black lung.
Do a online search at U.S. Department of Labor, lots of records for you to search.
I am a descendant of Evan Ragland, of Granville County, North Carolina, Branch VII , 5th son of Evan Ragland of New Kent County Virginia and have recently come into possession of a hardcover book with typed pages of Henry Clay Ragland’s Book on Logan County, Chapters 1-25, 178 pages. I have not yet determined which branch Henry Clay Ragland was in but I am interested in the history surrounding this book. There are no dates on this copy or information on who or why it was created. It was professionally bound. All help is appreciated, thanks Jean
Jean, all books have a printing company. On the right hand side of this page go down to Brandon Kirk Blog and you can contact him by e-mail as he might be able to help you. You can also contact Keith Davis at Woodland Press, his address is online, he lives in Logan,WV.
Mr Piros, thanks for the help I am following your suggestions. Have found out of a total of 15 Branches of Raglands, Henry Clay was in Branch 14.
I am 77 years old and was born in Stollings March 29, 1945 in my grandmother and grandfather’s house. My grandfather was pastor at the Stollings First Christian Church for years (approx 1930s-1964). Their names: Elbert Hugh Toler and Laura (Bell–nickname)l Cook Toler. My Dad’s name was Willis Ralph Toler and my Mom from Charleston, Peggy Lorraine Rust Toler. My dad had a radio show on a station in Logan in the mid 1940s. My sister told me that my Mom said I was kidnapped from a restaurant in 1945 in Logan when a man came up to her and said “What a beautiful baby,” then grabbed me out of her arms and took off. My Dad chased him and got me back. Does anyone have a suggestion of how to verify this story? I realize that there may not be a record anywhere, but I’d like to look.
Beverly, call the Logan Banner, phone number online.
Robert (Bob) Stonoff died peacefully at home holding the hand of one of his daughters on December 9, 2019. His wife Anna Mary was with him as was a son-in-law. Another daughter was on the way and arrived shortly after. He was just one month shy of his 90th birthday. Bob was originally from the Logan/Mt. Gay area.
As per his request, his body was cremated and his ashes will be scattered at a farm owned by a daughter in Washington State. Anna Mary died on September 2, 2021. All four of his children, all daughters, are still living, as are numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandson.
Lurinda, his photo and obit which were online, have been added to the Cherry Tree News site.
I just happened to come by this and it really brought back Memories. My buddy and I would take our 22 rifles out to the slate dump, in Carolina, that is in Marion county West Virginia, and shoot rats. And yes there was a small pond not to far from there where us guys would swim. Thanks for the memories.
Jim, You lived in a nice coal mining town. There is a book written about the town of Carolina at Amazon. The town was built in 1915 by Consolidation Coal Company. It was named after James Watson’s daughter Carolina. James was a coal baron. Coal shows some of the remaining buildings, photos were taken in 2016 by Mark Phillips.
Is Mae Cox Wilson still alive? If so, what year did she pass.
Look for her at in Logan,WV.
My dad grew up in Logan, and his Dad was Mayor in 1945. Among my Mom’s things I found a tiny box marked “Peery’s Logan, W. VA. I am curious if anyone knows what kind of store it was? Goiglw was no help!
Carolyn, look in the 1947 phone book on this website. Call the Logan Banner.
Peery’s was a lady’s boutique with lovely jewelry & clothing. It was situated near the Logan Theater across from courthouse square. It was especially noted, in addition to fine fashions, for beautiful gift wraps during the holidays. My oldest sister shopped there & I went with her as a child, but was too young to shop there when my family lived there. It rivaled any boutique in a larger city.
The last time I was in Logan, 1996, it was still there, but don’t know if it was still the same because we did not go in – time not permitting.
Is there a way to get information on someone who served jail time in Logan for making moonshine in 1933?
I would call the sheriff’s depart and the courthouse records office. All I can thibk of. Thyen yxou could see if the Logan Banner has their back copies on line.
Thank You!
Larry, there is an online article written by Dwight Williamson on January 20, 2021 that tells the story of Frank Hall a legenday moonshiner in 1933 who lived in Logan County. He spent time in jail but he escaped, then had a shootout with the local police and he got away. He was caught 14 months later in Indiana and taken back to Moundsville.
Does anyone know what years the coal mine at Lyburn was in operation? I have check stubs showing my dad worked for Jewell Eagle in1954 and 1958 and Hutchinson Coal Co. (MacBeth) in 1949. I know he worked in the Lyburn mine but don’t have anything to show the years he worked there.
Elkay Mining was at Lyburn, WV. My dad, Matney Riffe, worked there many years I think it was still in operation in 1970’s. Search for Elkay Mining. Herman’s Company Store was associated with the Coal Company.
My grandmother was a Riffe – Mae Riffe
Elkay No. 1 was operated by Pittston Coal in the ’70’s I worked at the Dehue portal around 74’76, Jeff Burns was there as Superintendent then, a fine man, and many of the men that worked there also were some of Logan’s best coal miners, could name a bunch and I still have fond memories of those days.
Did you know Maggie and Frank Marino (Mariano) They lived in Dehue till they died on the 1990s Frank worked Dehue mine t for 48 years and when he retired he set up people’s cable TV over the phone. Si Mariano.
Magige worked the company store in the 40s and 50s.
I grew up at Monitor Coal’s clubhouse, on Cook’s Hill in Wilkinson, a couple of houses away. As I recall, Mrs. Spears served as a principal near Man, WV. She was a very nice and classy lady.
My dad, Martin L. Gillespie worked for Amhearst in Logan Counth, perhaps as a child or young man. Does anyone know if there are employee archives from the early 1900s?
Online search shows lots of info that you can check out.
Mrs. Elizabeth Spears was my Grandmother married to Edward Bebe Spears, who was a foreman at a local mine. Not sure which mine. She had two sons, Joseph Spears (my father), and John Spears (my uncle), John which took a corporate Job for a coal company and move to Paintsville Ky. What memories.loved coming to Wilkinson as a child for the holidays. I miss them all. All have since passed. Michael Joseph Spears.
Michael, thanks for the info.
Many thanks to Mark and Rachel Jones for their outstanding videos of Logan County WV. on Facebook. Wild horses in Logan County that is truely remarkable to see, just like the beauty of the deer at the Logan County Park.
Did a man ever live on top of a telephone pole in logan wv
Pole sitting is the practice of sitting on top of a pole for extended lengths of time, generally used as a test of endurance. A small platform is typically placed at the top of the pole for the sitter. Led by the stunt actor and former sailor Alvin “Shipwreck” Kelly, flagpole sitting was a fad in the mid-to-late 1920s, but mostly died out after the start of the Great Depression. – Wikipedia
I remember a guy doing it at Deskins Addition in the 50s. I think it was some sort of an advertising gimmick.
One of the sitters at Deskins Addition was named Pinky Pinkerton.
Douglas, familysearch and findagrave sites show Jesse William Pinkerton born April 8,1925 in Hamilton, Ohio and death April 8,2003 in Lanham,Maryland. His nicknames were Pop,Pop or Pinky.
He served in the U.S. Navy in WWII. Maybe he’s the person you are thinking of?
Many years ago Danny Sellers’s climbed to the top of a telephone pole in the alley where he lived in West Logan and put a drawing of John Lennon on it that he had drawn. It stayed there for many years.
Lisa, who was Danny Sellers?What else did he do in Logan history?
Hello, wishing all of you who use
this website to have a
Wonderful Christmas and a
Healthy and Peaceful New Year.
Hope all of you have gotten your
I have been researching my family and those of whom worked in the mines; in the 1930 census, my great-great grandfather, Henry Howard Cook Sr., was listed as working in the coal mines as a “Bradishman”. I have tried nearly everything on Google with no results. Many of the results are dated obituaries that include the passed’s occupation as a Bradishman. Does anyone more familiar with the mines know this term? I believe it to be dated, at least seen in the 30s.
I use duckduckgo as my search engine. Here’s what i found
What did the Bradish man do in the mines?
A carpenter working in mines; the bradish man was responsible for ensuring a steady flow of clean air is cycled past the working face (especially of coal). He achieved this by closing off old shafts with well-sealed wooden doors. Worked in a brick works. He worked in the kilns, stacking or ‘setting’ the bricks ready for firing. Merry Christmas
Si Mariano born Logan General Hospital Dec 1946 Grandfather father and uncle worked the mine at Dehue.
Thank you so much! Very appreciated.
The term originates from using a type of canvas to seal off worked out sections of mine and divert the air flow into active sections. It was typically nailed or bolted to the rock face as a diverter for the air. Sometimes a more permanent method was used by laying a cement block wall. A Bradishman was a ventilation man.
Is Yolyn West Virginia still there? If so how do you get to it?
east of logan this from google maps,-81.8789465,13.95z
James, the father of James and George
was Helery Edison- 1864 to 1923.
He was a coal miner who died
in a coal mine accident.
He is buried in Yolyn Cemetery which
is near Rich Creek. There is a
map of the area online.
My mother was born in Yolyn and my Grandmother die there in about 1921. My grand father was James W Edison. I had a uncle George Edison and so other kin folk there .
My Grand mother on my father side was a Fisher. I am looking for any information I can get of any of them.
James are you related to Audie Ratliff who moved from Logan to California, now deceased?
That as right now I do not know . I am still doing family research. I will be doing research all the time now m. I will let you know if I am .
Thank you .
Autie’s father played softball on the Silver Brand (a men’s clothing store in Logan in the 50s) TEam. Autie worked for the California Youth Authority which I also did but not in the same location. I saw him now and then. I think he died about n15 years ago.
I just saw on the Facebook site that
Nagy’s store in Cherry Tree has
been torn down. Its been closed for
many years.
It was built before WWII.
Wonder if the Nagy family will
be putting in a parking lot?
It would be so great if the Nagy
family would write up a history
of when Alex Nagy Sr. arrived in
the USA and how he got started
in business.
I really enjoy reading Dwight Williamson’s articles. Logan County’s history is rich.
My Grandfather Tom Kent worked at Bengal Coal Mine Company in Kistler,WV. He died of black lung in Jan 1935, His death certificate states he was buried at Bengal Cemetery.Where can I find information on the location of the cemetery and more information on Bengal Coal Company.
Debbie, do an online search for the info.
On this website in the photo gallery under the MAN & TRIADELPHIA DISTRICT topic listed in the SITE INDEX, photo number 25 is an old photograph of the community where Bengal Coal Company was located. The photo is labelled as taken circa 1920. The photo was posted by Bob Piros and donated by Eddie & Yvonne Dean.
As posted on 3-28-18 under the GENERAL COMMENT section of this website, Bob Piros and I had discussions about the photo and the Bengal Coal Company with my comments suggesting that the picture was taken later than the 1910 era.
My comments were:
I have seen the large hollow at Kistler shown on some maps as Burgess Branch or as Bingo Hollow. I have seen it on some maps as Bengal Hollow. Today’s 911 mapping shows a Bengall Hollow Road Rte 16/02 branching off a Rte 16/2 “unnamed” road going up the hollow. Current USGS maps show it as Bingo Hollow.
On some old mine mapping of the Kistler area there shows a listing for a Bengal No. 61 mine with Utilities Coal as the owner. There was no definite map of the Bengal No 61 mine.
Apparently, the #61 Mine area is on the left (west) side of the hollow and the #62 Mine area is on the right (east) side. I haven’t seen any mapping listing a Bengal No 62 Mine but on another map of the area there is a label of a Bengal No 62 mine (Utilities Coal also) on the right side of the hollow.
I personally don’t recall ever seeing any railroad siding tracks on the north side of Buffalo Creek at Kistler. The 1913 USGS topo maps (Logan Quad) show railroad on up Buffalo Creek but no sidings at Kistler, nor do the maps show any “mining” activity at Kistler in 1913. The 1926 USGS maps do show sidings on the north side (and south side) of Buffalo Creek at Kistler and they show “tram road” mine haulage tracks going up both sides of the “Bingo” Hollow at Kistler.
I don’t know anything about the connections between Bengal Coal, Utilities Coal and Amherst Coal
I note that Dwight Williamson’s article on the town of Man lists Bengall Mining Company as one of four (presumably large) mining companies in the vicinty of Man in the mid-1920’s. I note that Dwight lists separately Bengall and Kistler among Taplin, Mallory and Landville as areas comprising the community of Man at that time.
It would seem that a theatre at Bengall/Kisler would have come some years later than in 1910.
We appreciate your research and documentation. Keep up the good work!
Since my discussions with Bob, I have seen some additional information about the Kistler area that may be pertinent. The 1915 West Virginia Geological Survey report does not mention Bengal Coal Company.
I note that the above photo was donated by Eddie & Yvonne Dean and there is currently listed on the Logan County tax rolls a certain Yvonne Dean at Kistler, WV. You may want to try to contact her for further information she may be able to provide.
Please note that simultaneously today, I am sending a map of portions of the Bengal mine workings to this website for posting in the photo gallery under the MAN & TRIADELPHIA DISTRICT topic listed in the SITE INDEX.
Good luck!
Douglas, thanks for your input.
The photo says taken in 1910.
Family search shows Eddie ( 1939 to 2006 ).
Yvonne ( 1939 to 2008 ).
Both lived in Kistler.
Debbie has the wrong info for
Tom Kent, family search shows
his death being in Becco,WV.
Burial in Browning Cemetery.
Since he was buried in 1935, the
grave probably will never be found.
With the info I did put up a
Memorial for him on the
Find A Grave site.
There are directions on how to find
the cemetery on the site.
It would be so wonderful if Debbie
does find the grave and takes a
photo of it and puts it on the
Find A Grave site.
Thanks for calling my attention to the 1920 vs 1910 dating of the photo. (I have been working at dating a photo of bosses houses in the LUNDALE topic and there is some discrepancy in the dating of that photo as “1920”.)
About Bengal,
In the photo gallery of the 1922 MAN HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK topic listed in the SITE INDEX, there is an article titled LOGAN PAST AND PRESENT and image number 59 of 65 in the gallery has a statement of: “….. In the fall of 1912, three small operations began shipping coal on Buffalo Creek, viz.; Avon (now Deegans-Eagle) Amherst and Kohinoor (now Lundale)…”
The Avon Coal Company mine was described in the 1915 WV Geological Report as being located on Right Fork of Buffalo Creek, 0.4 mile southeast of Accoville. It appears that by 1914, the Deegan Coal Company had opened a mine across Buffalo Creek on the hillside opposite the mouth of Bengal Hollow at “Kistler Station”. Apparently, between 1914 and 1922, Deegans acquired the Avon operation.
The Feb-15, 1924 Logan Banner article mentioned by Dwight Williamson lists Bengall Coal Company as being in operation at that time.
Please note that yesterday, I sent a map of portions of the Bengal mine workings to this website for posting in the photo gallery under the MAN & TRIADELPHIA DISTRICT topic listed in the SITE INDEX.
Admin insert – Bengal Mine Workings Map (click to enlarge):

Douglas, thanks for your input.
Hopefully Debbie will see it
since she requested it.
Your info is online for her to
do an online search.
There is a cemetery at Kistler at the coordinates 37.758725, -81.852818 It is accessible with an atv but is very grown over and in rough shape. I haven’t been to it in years but as far as I can remember the last burial there that I could find is from the 50’s. If anyone wants to go there let me know and I can guide you to it. It is a pretty large cemetery but most of the graves are not marked and are only able to be identified by depressions spaced evenly in the ground.
I’m searching Google to reminisce of my mawmaw, and saw this comment from a few months ago. Yvonne Dean (maiden Sargent) was my grandmother, and she passed this morning, so the record you had of 2008 is very incorrect. Eddie dean did pass in 2006, though. She would’ve absolutely loved to chat old history like this thread. My eldest brother (Ricky Dean Jr) is still a miner in the kistler area, my father (r. Dean Sr) and my remaining family in that lineage does still live in Kistler, Man, & Bruno. Most all of them could likely have a conversation, as my family were told info and background on every picture in my grandparents albums.
Christopher, my Condolences to you and
your family about the error I made
about your Mawmaw. Sorry to hear
of her passing.
I looked at her record on the
site, born July 2, 1939 and residence
March 25,2008, Kistler, WV. Thought
she had died in 2008.
I was so excited when I read this history about John and Gracie frye from logan West Virginia and my great grandparents. My grandpa was thier son Earl Eugene frye and one of the greatest men to have lived in my heart. Im Roxie ann frye and i am daughter of barbara jean frye who is earl eugenes and mary magdaline easley fryes daughter Barbara Jean Frye and id love to know more of my wv family history would like to know more..memorys
My father, David Wright, grew up in Wilkinson and then moved to Roanoke for high school. He was killed in Vietnam when I was little so I never had the opportunity to ask him about his childhood. My great grandfather was Arthur Downing who was a manager at Monitor and my grandfather was Irvin Wright, who may have been a bookkeeper.
West Virginia was a big part of my dad and I would like to visit the area. Any suggestions for how I could learn more about Monitor, Logan and the area?
Thank you,
Sharon Wright Mester
Sharon, click on Site Index and
folllow list down to Monitor.
Lots of stories about Logan.
You can also do research at which might
show your relative’s census records.
Hello All:
Reviewing this page and looking at all the pictures makes me think I was born a couple decades late. After the passing of my Mother recently, I am researching my Grand & Great Grandparents on her side. Not much information was ever spoken about them or talk about their life growing up. My grandmothers name is Freda Curry-Jackson and she was born in Logan (Mud Fork or Verdunville) is all we were able to tell. Her parents were Anna Roberts and Wayne Curry who according the 1940 census worked at the Island Creek Coal Co as a motorman and lived at 401 Whitman Creek (Which looks to be a baseball diamond at this time) during this time. Are there any pictures of this area at that particular time or information I could review? The other side is my grandfather who went by the name of Robert Jackson. The story we hear is he would always brag he killed a man and took his name. I was able to find his marriage license from 1948, to my grandmother which list his parents names (Thomas and Gladys Davis-Jackson) and them being from Peach Creek. I assume this is close to the same area where my grandmother lived but I seem to hit a dead end when trying to get further back. If anyone recalls a story where a man named Elmer went missing on a fishing trip and later was assumed dead. I’d love to hear from you. My family say he was a very evil mean who finally met their maker in 1965 while confined in the State Hospital in Huntington. I was in contact years ago with a lady and thought it was promising but with family illnesses and technology, have lost their contact information. I’d just like to complete the pieces of my puzzle.
Hello Everyone,
my Grandpaw William H. Howell Sr died in the coal mines in Ethel, West Virginia when my mommy was 4 and a half years old and it left my grandmother with 3 kids to raise. I was always told that a big slate of Coal fell on him and crushed him I believe with 2 other miner’s he was carrying his bible in the left pocket of his shirt because he was a Freewill Baptist Church Preacher. If anyone has any information on this would you please email me. I would love to here from you. My grandmother was Nancy Louise Akers Howell and my mommy’s name was Jean Louise Howell married to Donald Henry. My name is Teresa Henry
Try to look for
his death record. This will give you
the facts.
Teresa, would you consider posting his
photo and his story that you posted on
the Find A Grave site on this Logan
Do you have anymore Logan County
photos you can share with this website?
trying to locate a Mary Lou Diamond maiden name. From Holden circa 1950s went to catholic school in Paintsville KY with me. Probably 75 years old or thereabouts.
Silas, you need to go to
& put in her name & click on All States.
You can also go to Facebook & look for her.
You can go to & put in her
name in KY. This might turn up a
married name for her.
If she never got married there might
be records for her.
Hope you are able to find her.
I was one of the boys that went to Our Lady of the Mountains in Paintsville, KY from Logan in 1959.
We left the school Christmas break Dec, 1958 and headed out to Cal. I was in touch with John Cahill for a years but lost track of Mary Lou Diamond and Jo Ann Evans 7th graders. We were the last of our class who signed up as first graders. John had a sister and brother Michael in the HS class there when he was in 7th grade. They were from Drift Ky. Don’t know where Jo Ann was from.
Happy July 4th to all of you who use
this Logan,WV. site.
Hope all of you have a Wonderful Safe Day.
My wife and I live in Northeast Georgia and we drove up to Logan, WV this last Saturday and then drove from Logan to Beckley on Sunday and then back home.
We loved the area, even though we got lost going up to Blair Mountain and around back to the hotel.
I would recommend more signs to tell visitors where they were. We travel backroads and visit small towns frequently and know many people who do the same. We like to eat at local restaurants, like your drive-in, where we stopped.
Also it might be nice to know that once you go past Man, to go East, you have to go on a gravel bumpy up hill and down hill road. We were worried because of no cell phone nor signage.
Otherwise, a very enjoyable trip. Please continue with the History of the area. Would love to hear more about the past local governments.
John Stevenson
Clayton, GA
You have a picture of Brig. Gen Reuben Lindsey Walker and the comment in the picture says he was born here in Logan. As much as I wish this were true, unfortunately he was born in Logan Village of Albemarle County, VA.
Does anyone here know of jerry vance he was related to my father im trying to get in contact with him my father is Glenn Adam’s all I know about Jerry is he owns cattle can anyone help please
John, you’ll find Jerry at
Just put in Logan,WV.
Let us know if he still has those
cattle and post a photo to
this website.
The Logan High School that I attended — I graduated in 1945 — was right across the tracks from Wilson mine. The mine was active and noisy! The coal got down to the tipple by way of a conveyor of some kind and the screech of metal on metal was loud, almost as bad as fingernails on a blackboard. After a while, though, I suppose we all tuned it out.
There is a little write-up of the H.T. Wilson Mine in George T. Swain’s 1916 book: “History of The City of Logan, W.Va.” I don’t know if Swain mentioned it in his other book.
The mine(s) were in the Alma seam. Mine #1 was started in 1907 and it’s opening was behind the old Logan High School as you described. It mined down to Stratton Hollow and up to Bill Ellis Hollow across from Midelburg Bridge area. Mine # 2 opened in 1917 about a quarter mile above Bill Ellis Branch and mined the area between Bill Ellis Branch up to about Morrison Drive Inn where it was constrained by the Dingess Rum properties. A few of the houses across the railroad from Morrison Drive Inn were on Wilson property. Indications are that there were 10-or- so houses in Bill Ellis Hollow at one time but I seem to recall a “slate dump” being there later on.
At some time later, the H.T Wilson mine property became the property of J.T. Fish. (probably after all mining had stopped).
It is always good to hear from you.
I have several old photos I could add to the Blair WV section if It were put on here as an album, but not if I would have to E-MAIL to someone in order to do so. Administrator could always delete any they felt a need to do so. Some are my own and some I have permission from the owner. I do not use my E-mail, so I will not be responding through it.
I am very interesting in your Blair photos but adding a 2nd Blair album wouldn’t be feasible. If you are on Facebook, you could post them to our group or on your timeline and I’ll pull copies from there. You will be credited for the photos you share with our site. Thank you!
Does anyone have any info about
the H.T. Nelson Coal Company
located in Logan County WV.
Name was found on a 1918 Draft card.
You are probably meaning the H.T. Wilson Mine in the upper end of Logan. You can see the location on some of the Sanford fire insurance maps. The area is now known as “Wilson Camp”
Douglas, thanks for your input.
You might be right, as the N could
be a W as it was written not printed.
It says Logan city, Logan county, WV.
I’ll use it in the article I’m writing.
February 3, 2021
I’m looking for a photograph of Enoch Scaggs. Respond at
John,Enoch’s 1918 Draft card shows
that he had blue eyes and light
brown hair. He was of medium
height and build.
He was 36 years old and he was
the Foreman at Logan County
Light and Power Company
in Logan,WV.
You might look at the photos on
this website or do an online search.
I’m a relative of the Curry family that goes quite some ways back. My great aunt Pearl Abraham had been a long time and prominent citizen of the county. I’m beginning to piece together facts around the murder of my cousin and our relationship to the Hatfield’s. Thank you
For those of you who like to read.
Please put this info into your search:
3 Men Who Refused to Bury The Past.
It was wrtiten in 1986 by the Washington Post.
The story is about the Becco Cemetery now
called Browning Cemetery at the site.
Three old retired coal miners who had relatives
buried in the Becco Community Cemetery
filed a lawsuit against the Island Creek Coal Company.
Hello, im trying to find out if my daughter’s grandfather is buried here.
His name was Frank Dempsey. His wife was Diana williams Dempsey.
Deborah, many found at
None with wife name of Diana.
One name of Frank who was single, was born in 1913
& he died in 1953. He was a coal miner.
D.R. shows burial in Claypool Cemetery.
I recently did research on exactly your family and found interesting connection through Celia Lucy Ward that are worth everyone’s time. The Ward family itself goes back to early colonial times. But her mother was Elizabeth Bolling and Bolling’s are connected to Pocahontas and both Presidents Bush.
Nancy Clark, did you look in the
1947 & 1969 phone books on this site
for the store. Might be ads in the back
of the phonebooks.
What was the name of it & where
was it located?
Does anyone have any memories, stories, photos of the late William “Bill” or Madonna George from Holden? Im one of their many grandchildren and would love to hear any stories folks may remember of them?
Adam George
Yes, I knew Bill and Madonna. Madonna was my piano and choir teacher. Steve, Brent, Mark, Jeff, and Debbie were friends of mine. We went to the same church together. A wonderful family of good, decent people. I think I’m a better person from knowing them
Yes. The George family was my next door neighbor on Bebe St, before Debbie was born. Madonna was my piano teacher in 2nd thru 5th grade, then we moved to St. Albans. My mother would look after the boys while she gave me my piano lesson. She was the BEST!
Never had any piano teacher that I liked( after we moved) after having her! Great family!!
Judy Marcuzzi Johnson
My grandfather Walter Humphrey worked there and that morning he didn’t go cause him and grand ma had an argument and he called off ,but he ended up being electrocuted years later at a time he owned in Barnesville down netherworld ,my father shared this with me
Bob Piros you once posted a 1969 Logan phone book. Can you tell me where I can find that once again?
Mary, go to the site index on this website.
Also Franklin Thompson is the owner
of this Logan website & he did all of the
work of posting the phonebook.
I only donated it to his site.
Thank you so much. I found what I was looking for.
In Dwight Williamson’s January 22, 2020 LOGAN BANNER article regarding 1916-17 era events in Logan County, he commented: “…. It was also noted that a person could catch a train at 7 a.m. in Huntington and be at the “new model town” of Omar at 11:30 a.m., just in time for lunch at Island Creek Coal Co.’s “fine new club house…..”.
Dwight inadvertently misnamed the name of the coal company at Omar.
Dwight apparently was referring to information discussed in the opening comment in the OMAR topic of this website which was a March 30, 1916 article (courtesy of Brandon Kirk blog) in THE LOGAN DEMOCRAT newspaper. The article reads, in part, thusly: “……we can leave Huntington at 7 o’clock in the morning or at 2:40 in the afternoon, just as you prefer. If we go in the morning, we arrive at Omar at about 11:40—in time for a good dinner at the company’s fine, new club house….”
The town of Omar, WV was the center of operations for the MAIN ISLAND CREEK COAL COMPANY which started operations in 1914. It was not the same company as the ISLAND CREEK COAL COMPANY which began operations (as UNITED STATES COAL & OIL COMPANY) some 10 years earlier at Holden, WV.
The 1908 telephone listing for phone number 95 was: United States Coal &Oil Co. The 1925 telephone listing for number 95 was: Island Creek Coal Co.
MAIN ISLAND CREEK COAL COMPANY was not listed in the 1925 directory but WEST VIRGINIA COAL & COKE CO. at Omar, WV was.
In the display featured in the topic “1916 West Virginia Advertisements” on this website, there is a business card of:
Island Creek Coal Co.
Holden, W. Va.
Mines of
There also is a business card of:
Main Island Creek Coal Co.
Omar, W. Va.
In the 1916-17 era, there was a mine at Switzer, WV operated by the ISLAND CREEK COLLIERY CO. There also was a LITZ-SMITH ISLAND CREEK COAL CO., CHAUNCEY, WV and a LOGAN ISLAND CREEK COAL CO., CRITES, WV. None of these operations appear to have been affiliated with any of the abovementioned companies.
I would suggest that one of the most significant Logan County events of the 1916-17 era was the coming of public utility electricity to the non-coal town general public accomplished by the 1915 completion of the Logan County Light & Power Company plant at Logan.
The next-to-last paragraph of my above commentary lists three (3) 1916-17 era Logan County coal companies with “ISLAND CREEK” in their names. Please note there also was a STANDARD ISLAND CREEK COAL CO., CORA, WV. None of these operations appear to have been affiliated with Main Island Creek Coal Co. at Omar or with Island Creek Coal Co. at Holden. Although, part of a Standard Island Creek Coal Co. mine at Cora was on property leased from United States Coal & Oil Co. (Island Creek Coal Co.)
Family members had a grocery store at 550 Stratton St and later at 48 St Charles Street in the late 1940’s early 50’s. It was called Marino’s they delivered groceries all over and in a few of the surrounding cities. Nono woimd bake bread and have it ready for whem the miners gotnoff of work. Does anyone remember this store? Im looking for stories or pictures during that time that would coincide. They owned the building at the time but later sold it to the salvation army. Where would I go to obtain the property sale information?
Sandy Mariano
Sandy, are you related to Charlie Mariano,
might have been a Basketball player at
Logan East Jr. High School?
You might call Logan County or check with
a local Logan realtor for help.
Sandy, you might try the Logan
County Assessor, phone # is
Yes sir, Charlie Mariano 🙂 and thank you for the number, I will try that number.
Sandy, you’re welcome.
Do you know your relatives
first names & when they were
born? Lots of listings on the
familysearch site.
You might be able to find them
in the 1940s census.
I do know them thank you 🙂 the only thing that most of them couldn’t remember where details about the store since they were young.
Thanks for your help 🙂
Sandy, look at the photos
in the main gallery on this
website as it shows a few
photos of Stratton st.
At least you can see the
area where the store might
have been.
You can also pinpoint the
location by looking up the
addresses of the other
stores on the street.
You can also search online
for Marino store photos.
I found a listing for Marino
Brothers restaurant in
They are on Facebook.
They might be related to you.
Always keep searching.
Thanks, Bob. I have looked up the old addresses already and have seen the photo’s of a Stratton Street. They are super cool. Marino’s is not related as our last name is actually Mariano. I think the general consensus was that Marino’s was easier to say than Mariano’s. Nono and Noni sold the store and part of the family left for California. Was just hoping someone else may have a little more personal knowledge of the store. I’m going tonhave to make a trip there this year. I need to find Black Wolfe Cemetary. It’s top of a hill that is pretty inaccessible as it is near a strip mine, near the golf course. I am told by a woman at the court house that her husband has been 4 wheeling near that area and it’all over grown and fenced off. I would like to go clean it up and photograph the graves that are marked. My childrens 3rd great grandmother is buried there. Are you in the know about that place? I’ve done all the paper and online search for them and the location. to go there.
My grandmother Mary McCloud had a general store in Logan. It burned down around the early 70’s after she died. Does anyone have a picture of the store?
Sandra, we lived directly behind Marino’s grocery, at 549 Main Street. The mother’s name was Sonja. Silas was my age (I’m 73 now) and his younger sister was Sarah. When I went back to Logan in 1987 I took some photos of the store as it stood, although I’m pretty sure the Marino’s didn’t own it then. I’ve often wondered what happened to my childhood friend Silas. We left in 1959 when I was 12.
Hi Charlie!! So excited to read your comments!!! I will get you in touch with Si and Sarah! My email is happen to still have thise photos? I would love a copy of them if possible.
I would love to hear your memories of everything as well.
I believe I have those photos. I’ll try to put some together and send you some jpegs.
Sounds fantastic Charlie thank you so much! Just shoot me an email and I’ll forward it on to Silas and you guys can connect.
Hello Charlie, so glad that you will be able
to help Sandra out.
This website has a form that you
can fill out if you want to send
your photos to share with others.
Also you & Sandra feel free to share
your Logan history with this
Thank you for all your efforts Bob 🙂
Is it Charlie or Doc. My son’s ex Sandy is doing a geneology for his for her children. She said she ran into your post yesterday. Amazing. We left after Christmas 1958 and took our time and got to Pomona CA in Jan 59. I guess we weren’t into phones and letters. We severed all friendships getting caught up in life in California. Pity.
I’m retired after 35 years in youth corrections and my wife and I are real estate brokers. We live in Oceanside CA. 2 children, 2 step[-children (she’s my second wife) 3 grand kids, 1 great grand. Sarah in Pulaski VA with her husband. Parents passed a few years ago.
Hope to hear from you. My e-mail is attached but I post my phone number. 951-764-4881. Si
Hey Sandy Sorry I don’t know our connection. I assume you are the daughter to one of my cousins, sons and daughters of Maggie and Franck. Hello. The store was opened by my Noni and Nono and my parents. When we moved to Cal they gave my parents 1700 for their share. yes, that’s right 1700 in the early 60s. Soon after they bought a house on Pine just above the railroad tracks in Logan.
For awhile they leased the store to the Charleston Gazette as a place the carriers came in the morning and pick up the papers for delivery. Then it sat vacant and deteriorated. I was there about 1982 for one of the funerals and the Salvation Army had the key. They told me it was unsafe to go upstairs where we lived with our parents and grandparents, but he turns his back and I went up the rickety steps and looked inside at how small the rooms were for 5 people.
Don’t know if they refurbished the place or tore it down, but the SA bought it. Trying to message Charlie Barnes by old neighbor and playmate. Thanx Hope to hear from you.
PS Saundra, we owned the place on Charles and THEN later moved to Stratton.
Si, wonderful family story
posted on Facebook.
Hope to see it posted on
this Logan site as a Post
where it will remain for many
who don’t have Facebook
to see & read.
To find the property sale information you will need to see the deed for the sale which is on record in the Logan County Clerk’s office. The seller of the property is the “grantor” and the buyer is the “grantee”. There are “GRANTOR” and “GRANTEE”record books indexed alphabetically in the Logan County Clerk’s office records room.
IF you know the CORRECT names of the parties, you can look at those books and find out the deed book and page number for the transaction. It is a fairly simple task and takes only a few minutes. The office workers will make you a copy of the deed for a modest fee. Typically, they will not do this research for you by telephone but they are cordially helpful when you visit. If you have friends or family in Logan, you may get them to do the work for you.
Good luck!
I remember the store. I had a friend by the name of San Marino. Any info about him?
sam passed away His brother Frank Mariano is on FB
How many of you got paddled
while going to Logan County Schools?
Do you recall the teacher & school?
Did your teacher tell you why you
were getting paddled?
Did the teacher ask your parents
if it was ok to hit you?
Happy New Year to you Bob. I just recently added an article to my post, “Memories of a WV Mountain Kid”, about an incident that occurred when I was in the 9th grade, riding the school to Logan East Jr. High where I ended up getting my butt busted by A.R. Marushi.
Bob – I made a mistake. The article I posted is about a rooster named “Stubbs”. I haven’t posted the article about the school bus ride and the paddling yet. Getting ready to though. Sorry about that. Keith Gibson
I don’t know if anyone can help but I’m going to give it a shot. My Grandparents Alvin (Wayne) McDonald and Ollie Emma (Hale) McDonald were from Logan. (Peach Creek)
My Grandmother’s 1st born son was born out of wedlock Elbert Jefferson Hale on January 15, 1927. I cannot find a birth certificate.
He died September 2, 1940.
On his death certificate (I did find one) it lists her dad as the baby’s father Elbert Hale.
I did not know about any of this until I was older. All my Greatmother’s other children clam up and claimed to know nothing. All are gone but 2 and one is my dad. He is the last of 9 kids. He never knew the 1st born because he was born and died before my dad’s time.
I guess my grandmother had a picture of him displayed but I was also to young to remember. Jefferson cannot be found on find a grave because he only had a rock for a headstone. He is buried in McDonald Cemetery. The way he died is conflicting some say dynamite but my Grandmother told my dad he was shooting at mine caps.
Which he has the gun with a stick shoved in it by my Grandfather so it could never be shot again.
I hope someone can fill in some blanks and give me peace. I would love to get him a headstone so he’s not forgotten.
Thank you.
S S, make a donation in his memory
every year.
Lots of churches use money to help
those in need.
Wishing all of you who use this site
to have a Wonderful Christmas &
a Happy New Year.
Stay Alert & Safe everywhere
that you go.
Is there a cemetery on or very near the Country Club near Chapmanville? Need name of Cemetery and those buried there, especially any Elkins.
The internet is the window to the World.
Put the info into your search & see
what comes up.
You can also call the Country Club
& ask them.
Search on the site.
Yes. You can put a golf ball through one of the old headstones; I forget which hole. I believe it is an old Butcher cemetery. I have seen a listing of the graves in an old Logan County Genealogical Society publication from the 1978-1984 era.
Brandon, do you have any history
about the Augustine family & their
truck hauling business of produce
in Logan County about 1928 to 1932?
Also not sure who you are replying to
in your article about the Butcher cemetery?
I replied to the person who asked about a cemetery at the golf course.
Ok. Say I was wondering since
you are taking photos of cemeteries
if you have ever thought about
taking some of Man Cemetery.
There are two located behind
the Speedway in Man.
There are over 200 graves that
haven’t been recorded due
no one is able to get through the
There is a 1947 photo on the
Man Cemetery site on this Logan
site that shows the location of
the second cemetery.
Some people have said that
both cemeteries use to be
well maintained.
Many thanks to all of the Veterans who
have served & are still serving our
Wonderful Country.
Thanks for keeping us Safe.
You give us Hope for the Future.
For all of you who use this Logan website.
Happy Halloween.
Stay Alert & Safe as you travel everywhere
you go.
For Douglas Dempsey, you were looking for a
photo of four men in suits.
There is a photo on the Monaville site that
you might be interested in.
Row 3- photo # 4.
Quite a while ago I made a post commenting that I had seen some men in suits sitting at what looked like a banquet table. I recognized that one of the men was Mr. Larry Derenge (Sr.) whom I had worked with at Southern Ohio Coal Company in the early 1970’s. I could not recall where I had seen that photo on (I think) this website and that I could not find it again.
When I worked with Derenge in the early 70’s he was perhaps in his early-mid 60’s of age.
Derenge was an Island Creek Coal engineer at one time. In some way Derenge had been a protégé of Don Chafin and had been involved in the creation/early history of Chafin Coal Company. Derenge painted the picture to me that Chafin had “screwed him over” some way and forced him out of the deal.
Derenge was a tall, lanky man with an Abe Lincoln type face. I do not readily recognize anyone in the Monaville photo. However, the man in white has a stature like Derenge and I suppose that the man in white maybe could be Derenge since Island Creek had mines (11,12,13) at Monaville area. I really don’t know.
Doug, according to familysearch Larry
is in the 1940 census. Says he lived
in Holden & he was a Assistant
Superintendent. He was born in 1912.
No other records found.
In the ‘60’s Mr Derenge lived in the Midelburg Addition of Logan, on Nighbert Avenue. I grew up with his son, also Larry. The younger Larry also went into mining, possibly as some kind of engineer, have lost track of him. Curiously I later did some photography in a Chafin mine up Rich Creek.
Derenge, Lawrence F
Lawrence F. Derenge of Apple Grove died Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1995, in the Morris Memorial Convalescent Home in Milton.
A member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Point Pleasant, he was owner of the Hidden Acres at Apple Grove, a supervisor at Meigs Mines, an associate of Alum Creek Coal Co., and taught mining at the University of Rio Grande. A WVU graduate with a degree in mining engineering, he was the owner of Gallia Coal Company in West Columbia.
He was preceded in death by his parents, William Michael and Madalyn (Our) Derenge; 11 brothers and a sister; and his first wife, Edwina (Pering) Derenge.
Survivors include his wife, Marvella (Smith) Derenge; daughter, Penny Stauffer of Lexington, Ky.; son, Larry Derenge, Jr. of Lexington; eight grandchildren, a niece and several nephews.
The funeral will be Thursday, 11 a.m., at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Father Melvin Averman officiating. Burial will be in the Woodmere Memorial Park, Huntington. Friends may call at the Wilcoxen Funeral Home Wednesday, 7 to 9 p.m., with Rosary service to begin at 7 p.m.
I think that about 20 years ago Larry Jr. was an official of the Fola Mining Company (a Consol company) that had a large mining complex near Bickmore in Clay County.
Seen on Facebook today.
Happy Birthday to Mr. William ( Bill ) Farley.
106 years old.Hope you have many more.
According to his 1940 draft card he was a
coal miner who worked for the
Crystal Block Coal Company in Sarah Ann,WV.
He was born in Mingo County WV. as was
his wife Thelma ( 1920- 2005 ).
Wow!! Still no hard evidence!!
After several weeks of research I still haven’t been able to find any evidence that an elementary school existed at the mouth of Davy branch in the early 1900’s, even though three very credible witnesses have said it did. It is said that the school was situated at the mouth of Davy Branch somewhere between 1910 and 1940. There is proof that the property belonged to my great grandfather, Floyd Buchanan, from 1885 until 1912. After searching the 1835 to 1968 deed books of Logan county, I found no record of any deed between Floyd Buchanan and the Board of Education. Floyd passed away in 1909 and their daughter, Lillie Mae (my grandmother) became the legal owner of the property at Davy Branch in 1912. Lillie Mae was married to Andrew C. Harless at this time and there is a deed between Andrew C. and Lillie Harless and the Board of Education. The deed shows that Andrew and Lillie Harless sold 19/100 of an acre to the Board of Education in 1917. However, the deed also shows that the property was at Rum Creek. The problem is this: There’s no record of Andrew C. and Lillie Harless ever owning any property at Rum Creek. Could this have been error, and possibly should have said Davy Branch instead of Rum Creek, which is only a little over a mile up river? …………..Just wondering. Keith Gibson
When you emphatically state that “…There is proof that the property was owned by my great grandfather, Floyd Buchanan, from I885 to 1912…”, it suggests that the exact location of the purported school is known. Accordingly, within a somewhat localized area, you should be able to determine the current owners of the lands/lots at that site are. Researching the title chain for each of the current owners should reveal as to whether or not any of them have a conveyance from the board of education in their title chain.
The 1917 conveyance of 19/100 of an acre to the Board of Education amounts to being a lot of some 8,000 square feet in size (nominally, a lot about 80 feet by 100 feet in size). This suggests that the lot was a part of a larger tract of land which your grandmother (and Floyd Buchanan) may have owned.
It is possible that the 1917 deed had a reversionary provision whereby the property would be conveyed back to the original owner when the property was no longer used as a school. Often, this reversion is not documented in a timely manner or is not done simply because no one followed up.
I would note that by 1917, the Logan County coal industry was thriving in the Rich Creek, Rita, Lyburn, Rum Creek areas. Accordingly, much of the properties (at the least, the mineral rights) in those areas had been secured by the mining and land companies. It is possible that Floyd Buchanan could have conveyed property to a mining or land company. Typically, such conveyances would have somewhat detailed descriptions (surveys?) of the property.
You can find a listing of the current owners of properties at Davy Branch by using information on this website:
It will give you the names and addresses along with tax map/parcel numbers for current owners. Using that information you can get further information from this website.
That information may include the deed book/page number of the the deed by which the current owner acquired their property. This will give you a head start on doing title searches.
Good luck!
Thanks Doug! A lot of good information there. Really appreciate it. –
Keith G
Keith, wonderful job of researching.
You might want to send a letter to the
Editor of the Logan Banner.
Maybe contact Franklin Thompson who is
the owner of this Logan site to see if your
Logan County history research could be
put on this website as a Post.
Then it could be shared on Facebook.
If you have any family photos please consider
sending them to Franklin to be posted on
this Logan site.
Bob, thanks for the compliment. I do have some old photos and have written down some things I’ve discovered about some of my ancestors, actually on both mom and dad’s side of the family. One in particular is my great great grandfather Thomas Buchanan, a 2nd Lieutenant (Union) in the civil war who was even mentioned in a book by Robert Alonzo Brock, written in 1888, called “Virginia and Virginians.” I’d be more than happy to submit some of the photos and information I have. Just don’t know much about how to do it.
Keith, go to top of page,
click on contact & fill
out form.
Thanks Bob, I just submitted some pics and info. to Mr. Thompson.
Does anyone know how I can get some information about an elementary school that existedl at the mouth of Davy Branch in the early 1900’s, across the river from Lyburn. I’m convinced that it existed because my mom, who was born in 1910 said she graduated from the eighth grade there. I even have her diploma, dated 1926. I asked my older brother and sister about it (they were born in the early 1930’s) and they said they could remember the school and that a couple of the local boys burned it down so they wouldn’t have to attend school. Any help would be much appreciated.
K. Gibson
Keith, doesn’t the diploma give the name
of the school?
You could try an online search.
Maybe call the Logan Banner.
Logan Board of Education.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately the diploma doesn’t have the name of the school on it. I remember back in the 1950’s when mom showed me some old foundation blocks that was all that was left of the old school. My older brother and sister (who live in Texas and North Carolina) who are in their 80’s, said they could remember the teacher allowing them to sit in class with our aunt Blanche Harless before they were even old enough to start school. The reason I’m searching for some evidence is because I’m finishing up a manuscript for a book I’ve written called “Buchanantown – Memories of Days Gone By.” I’ve already finished one manuscript called
“Memories of a West Virginia Mountain Kid,” but I need to get someone to read it and give me their honest opinion about it. I’ve searched the internet for information about the school but haven’t come up with anything.
Keith, sounds like you are going
in the right direction.
Go to External Links on the right
hand side of this page.
Contact Brandon Ray Kirk’s Blog.
He is an expert writer.
He is a book author.
Thanks Bob!! Really appreciate it
As to the existence of a school at the mouth of Davy Branch, I will offer this information.
On the 1913 USGS Topographic map (Logan quadrangle) the only school shown on that side of the river was at the upper side of the mouth of Rich Creek. There was a low water ford crossing of the river at the mouth of Rich Creek and one just above the mouth of Madison Branch (“Madison Creek”).
On the 1926 USGS Topographic map (Logan quadrangle) there was a school shown at the upper side of the mouth of Madison Branch and a school shown at the lower side of the mouth of Rich Creek. The low water ford river crossings at Madison Branch was shown there but no crossing or bridge was shown at the mouth of Rich Creek. The map shows an extensive amount of houses and coal mining at the mouth of Rich Creek. This is somewhat puzzling to have coal mining with no apparent roadway for transporting coal to the railroad on the other side of the river. The railroad bridge to Rich Creek was not built at that time.
On the 1925 and 1928 USGS Topographic maps (Gilbert quadrangle), there is shown a Rich Creek School located near the head of Rich Creek. This was perhaps 4 or 5 miles up Rich Creek and in a very sparsely populated area.
All of the old maps show the Davy Branch Madison Branch areas sparsely populated.
I seem to recall a discussion on this website about old schools in the Madison Creek area but I don’t know under which topic title it was posted. I seem to recall that comments were made that students walked a mile or so from the area below and at Davy Branch to the Madison Branch school.
I seem to recall posting in that discussion that if a person knew the exact or closely approximate location of an old “school”, one can research the title chain of current properties at those sites and find where the old property owners conveyed parcels of land to the “board of education” for use as a school house. (Sometimes lots were conveyed to “churches” and those buildings were also used as schoolhouses, or, vice-versa.)
I note that the “new” road construction displaced many of the old houses and properties, However, the construction plans for the road has maps and information showing the names of the property owners that sold right-of-way to the state. In reviewing that information, you may be able to recognize names that lived at or very near where you think a school might have been,
Good luck!
Thanks Doug, really appreciate your comment. I mentioned before that my older sister (born 1931) related how the teacher allowed her to sit in class with our aunt Blanche Harless, before she was even old enough to attend school. She also said, if she remembers correctly, that the teacher’s name was “Paul Amos,” but mom’s1926 diploma shows the teacher’s name as “Nelle Yvonne Kane. It also shows the County Superintendant as “E.V. Parsons, My sister also said the teacher lived there at the boarding house that our grandmother, Lillie Harless, ran. I’ve searched everywhere I know to search, but I haven’t contacted the Logan Banner yet, which I intend to do as soon as I can. Thanks again, Keith Gibson
Researching Gertrude “Gertie” Mae Gunnells Thompson. In 1940 census she lived in Triadelphia (Houses facing Buffalo Creek). I think she died shortly after the birth of daughter Shelba Jean Thompson in 1941 since her husband Watha remarried shortly after that. May be buried in Scalf family Cemetery. Shelba Jean never knew her mother and would love to find her grave. Thanks for any pointers! Lauren Davis
Lauren, try &
search for her death record which
will show you where she is buried.
Thanks 🙂 I’ve tried both Family Search and Ancestry. No record of her death. Just going to keep lookin. Thank you, Lauren
Lauren, you might try searching at
Also do an online search for
Scalf family cemetery as there are
lots of them in many states.
I searched in Kentucky, no luck.
Thanks Bob!
Wondering if anyone here went to Sunbeam Elem in the early 50’s. Two story gray building, grades 1 through 6. We moved to Ohio 1953. Teachers were Mrs. Hale, Mrs.Scaggs, Miss Gore, of what I remember. Now that I’m 76, I wonder what happened to classmates. My name is Jean Ann Morrison. My dad worked in mine at Omar.
Jean, you could call the Logan Banner
to see if they have ever done a story about
the school.
You could search for classmates on Facebook.
My grandfather Bernie Eddings was the mayor of Logan in the 30’s his son was born in Breacolm not sure of the spelling anyone know anything about them Diana Eddings Sevy
Diana, do an online search for the info.
Check the site.
Call the Logan Mayor’s office.
For those of you who do family research projects.
Always be willing to search all sources.
In 1987 when I started my family research I sent a letter
to the Williamson Memorial Hospital in Williamson,WV.,
seeking info about family members who might have been
treated there. I received back a reply about a child Balazs Piros
which was my Grandfather’s name who had died there in 1922.
No one in my family knew about this child. My Aunt who lived
in Huntington,WV said she would drive over to the cemetery in
Williamson & look for the grave. After cleaning off the brush & weeds
from my Grandmother Vilma Piros’ grave she found the grave of a
child on the backside of my Grandmother’s grave.No marker was
there so my Aunt had one made.
Hello, I live in California and have started writing my family history. Where was Skin Creek (as listed in the 1900 census)? I assume around Mill Creek. My Bell family moved to Logan from Tazewell, VA, after the Civil War. I am related to so many families, due to the families being so large at the time: Craddocks, Pridemores, Elkins, Whites, Canterburys, Belchers, Neeces, Nuckolls, Marcums, Jarrells, Sansoms…. That is just the direct line. I have lived in California most of my life, so my 30+ years of doing genealogy, is to bring me back home.
Best Wishes.
Marilyn, did you do an online search for the names?
Are you asking about Logan County WV?
Which family member was in the 1900 census?
Marilyn, I also have Bell in my line. My Bells turned in to Gunter (Gunther). Do you find Gunter in your line?
Great Logan memories, Ian trying to find out about my grandfather, I was told by my Father that his dad Joe Arnold Moses operated a beer joint in blackbottom in the late 40’s early 50’s. I seen the picture on this web sight from the Logan Banner of three black men and a women standing in the middle of black bottom, do anyone know the tall light skin in the hat in this picture. He may be my Grandfather.
Vince Moses Sr.
I have always herd that a woman was burried alive at the Devil Anse cemetery and was wondering if its true or anyone else herd this..i think it happened in the early 80s
Ana, have you checked with Logan County Law
Enforcement about this? Sounds like a Boo-Boo
story someone told you. You can’t believe
everything that you hear.
Douglas Dempsey had good information on the drive-ins of many years ago, many of which I remember. The one near the end of the Midelburg bridge was operated, and probably owned, by “Uncle Dave” Coeburn, who lived near the railroad crossing in the upper end of Stollings. It was a favorite place for the high school crowd to eat lunch. Even closer to the school was a small restaurant that catered to the LHS trade but I don’t remember its name. Later it was called the Gold and Blue. As for Mecca, I don’t know when it went into business, but my father, William T. Harvey, operated it from around 1933 to 1945. He didn’t like running a beer joint, but he was trying to scrape up enough money to get back in the coal business. Mecca was situated on the property of the Dingess-Rum Land Company, which owned large tracts on Dingess Run and on Rum Creek. Mecca’s probably long gone now — it’s been ages since I was on that road. Some years ago I asked Dad where the name came from, but if he knew and told me, it has completely slipped my mind.
From your comments on your father being in the coal business I assume he is the same William T. Harvey who operated a small mine in Bearwallow Hollow at Melville in the late 60’s-early 70’s time period. If that is so, I will tell you that I did some surveying work for him at that time in that mine. As I recall, I was working full time surveying for Island Creek and a co-worker there and I did some sideline “moonlight work” surveying for some small coal operators in the Logan area. I had some interesting conversations with Mr. Harvey and I was most impressed by his mining knowledge.
He was living in a large brick house across from Minton Chevrolet at the time.
Yes, that was Dad you did the surveying for, but I don’t remember the name Bearwallow. Could that possibly have been Bandmill Hollow? Wasn’t that where Melville was located? Dad’s last operation was a company called Logan Coals, Inc., and it worked the Five Block seam, way up near the top of the mountain.somewhere between Buffalo Creek and a branch of Little Coal River.
If you talked with him at any length, he probably asked you if your folks were from Fayette County — he was raised on a creek in that county named Upper Dempsey.
The hollow is Bearwallow Hollow but it is on up the road from Melville just below Wanda.
Most of my conversations with your father were about mining engineering, etc. I seem to recall he had several books and maps about coal mining in general, not his specific operations.
Was your mother Helen Harvey, the teacher? I had her for a social studies class at Logan in the late 50’s. I recall that she had an expression which she used. Speaking in the voice of a refined Southern lady she would say: “Well, my stars and garters!” (I often use that expression myself.)
Yes, my mother was Helen Harvey. She began teaching at Dehue during the Great Depression, then migrated down to Logan High School. No doubt she used the expression “Well my stars and garters” at school and probably at home, too, but I don’t remember.
Thanks for the comment.
Wondering if anyone has information or recollection of the Paluso Family. My grandfather was Louie Paluso and he retired from Amherst Mines I believe. His brother – Simmons – and father worked for Island Creek and drove a truck. His father – Tony – was a plumber for the mines as well. Julia was his sister. Louie ended up moving to Man and married Elizabeth White, the school teacher who was killed by some kids by throwing rocks at her. Simmons and Julia lived up in Holden until they passed within days of each other in the early 90’s.
Melissa, you can find the family in the
1930 & 1940 census at
Shows Louie & Elizabeth marriage in Logan
in 1963.
Dwight Williamson, since you are an expert of the
Hatfield family, can you answer why Midleburg Island
was once named after Elias Hatfield?
Also does the Logan Banner have any history
or photos of the Island in the early 1900’s?
There was a wooden bridge built before the
concrete bridge was built. It was from the Island
to the side of the Kroger store.
I remember crossing that bridge. They once rented horses for people to ride. It was probably in the early 1950s.
Shelly, thanks for your reply.
It was the only way to get on
and off the Island?
Just wonder if anyone has a photo
of it?
I am looking for information regarding Amherst Coal Company store. I have no idea if it was in Amherstdale or Logan. I purchased some scrip for a Christmas gift for my brother and would like some background information to go with it. He is at least a third generation coal miner in the central part of the state and has an interest in coal mining related antiques. The scrip will be a nice addition to his collection.
Thank you,
Judy Channell
I lived on Buffalo Creek at Latrobe about 2.5 miles above Amherstdale during my grade school years (1st thru 5th in the late 1940’s-early 50’s). My father worked for Amherst for a short time.
Amherstdale (Amherst Coal Company) is a small community located on Buffalo Creek about 4 miles up above Man, WV.
There are several photographs pertaining to the community and company on this website. My favorite photo is the 3rd photo on page 4 of the Main Gallery of the Logan County Photos. That photo is a view from the front of the Amherstdale Theater looking at the large houses of the higher-up officials of the coal company. In the foreground of the picture is a billboard posting of movies being played or upcoming at the theater. I spent many hours watching movies there.
Some other Main Gallery photos you may want to review include:
Number 22 on page 5, Number 46 on page 5,
Number 29 on page 6
In the Bits of History and Nostalgia photo gallery photos 17 & 18 along with others are pertinent . Photo number 15 is also pertinent.
In the Directory of Logan, WV Circa 1925 photo gallery you will find photos 12 and 14 of interest.
In looking at items on this website I have seen pictures that are “articles” from a publication called “FOUR WING NEWS”. (It is listed as FOUR WINGS NEWS also). The articles seem to relate to Island Creek Coal’s activities and employees. One article is dated 1948.
I assume the publication is an Island Creek “newsletter” they furnished to their employees periodically. Does anyone know anything about his publication? Thanks!
“In addition to the Logan Banner there have been the “Four-Wing News” (1942-1949), which was produced by Island Creek Coal Co.; the Logan Democrat, 1911 thru 1919 and again in 1936 thru 1938; the Logan News (1941-1962 and 1963 thru 1983, and the Guyandotte Voice, 1987-1996.” – Info credit Dwight Williamson
Anyone remember the Sammons family? My dad Paul was born in 1941 and grew up in Ethel.
Regarding Dwight Williamson’s recent Logan Banner and Williamson Daily News newspaper article about the MECCA DRIVE-IN and other Logan County drive-ins detailed on the home page of this website, I have some observations and comments.
Dwight recalls several of the old 1950’s-60’s era Logan county “curb girl” drive-ins which I too recall. (I believe Dwight inadvertently misnamed the Cliff Side Drive-In as the Clifftop Drive-In.)
Dwight missed the popular OUTSIDE-INN between West Logan and Justice Addition which had curb service. Likewise, he missed the STEWART’S ROOT BEER place in West Logan.
I seem to recall there was a roadside eatery place at the upper end of Crites on Buffalo Creek in the early 50’s. I don’t recall if it had curb service. I seem to recall it may have been named, owned or operated by someone by the name of Stephens (sp?).
In Chapmanville town itself, in the late 40’s-early 50’s there was a “drive-in” place owned by my great uncle Enoch Fillinger. It was next to what was then Chapmanville High School across from about where the Town ‘N Country Foodland store is now. I seem to recall the place was called TIGERS DEN or something like that. I think they had curb service but I’m not sure. It and Enoch’s house next to it were bought out to make room for an expansion of the high school back then. (I know that years later there was a dance hall place called TIGERS DEN near the Crawley road railroad crossing.)
In the 40’s-50’s there was a sort of “roadside” eatery in the east end of Logan near Midelburg Bridge called EAST END BARBECUE. I recall that driving through Logan my Dad would stop in there and get sandwiches and drinks. Sometimes he would stop at a place just past the Buick garage at Stollings and get hot dogs or burgers. I believe that place was a beer joint called the STOLLINGS BARBECUE. I don’t think either of these places had curb service.
Similar to Dwight’s experiences, MECCA was the late night hangout spot for me and my friends during high school. We would meet there for the cheeseburger meals and listen to the bluesy rock-and roll music on Randy’s Record Shop on our car radios.
One night we were parked beside a couple of coal miners and one of them got out to go to the rest room. When he got back to get in his car he sat down in his seat, grabbed the door and slammed it closed. Unfortunately, he had forgotten that he had a tray full of food and drinks hanging in his car window. It all landed up in his slap.
Over a period of time my friends and I developed a friendship with a young curb girl at MECCA. I believe Betty was her name. As I recall, later on we heard that she had been seriously injured when a car pulled in too fast to park and hit her, pinning her against the building breaking her legs.
Dwight’s article suggests the MECCA opened around 1946. I note that a photo of the MECCA on this website (Logan County photos, main gallery, page 2, row 18, 3rd picture) has a note suggesting the MECCA existed as early as 1936, noting that an advertisement of it appeared in the Logan Banner that year. It is easy to forget that until Corridor G was built, the main road to Charleston (old Route 119) from Logan went through Stollings and passed by the MECCA. It is possible that the MECCA existed there in the mid-1930’s.
Dwight doesn’t know how the MECCA was so named. I believe I know how it got that name. It could have been one of those “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”
Of course the word “mecca” has long been a colloquial expression signifying a central point of gathering, congregating, socializing and meeting. This derives from the name of the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia known as the holiest city of Islam, the birthplace of Muhammad and the destination site of the great obligatory annual pilgrimage of millions of Muslims. In other words, Mecca became a “guiding star” for billions of people.
As I recall, the neon light sign on top of the building was a sort of fan-shaped starburst array of several straight neon lights a few feet long and of various colors. As I recall the lights blinked on and off, sort of a “twinkle effect”.
Sometime, in my several semesters of learning Latin from Mrs. Ghiz at Logan High in the late 50’s, or in some other reading I have done over the years, I ran across a Latin phrase of: “MECCA, MECCA, PARVA STELLA”. The translation listed for that phrase was: “TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR”.
Recalling the “twinkling” neon light sign atop the MECCA DRIVE-IN, it immediately answered my own question as to how the place got its name.
Of course the question still remains: Was the place named to match the neon sign or was the sign designed to fit the name of the place? Hmmmm??
I recall that the design of the sign on top of the MECCA changed some time after the 1950’s-60‘s. I recall I missed the old “twinkling star” sign. I also miss MORRISON’S old “CHICKEN IN THE BOX TO GO IN THE FINGERS HERE” sign. As I recall, that sign had a band of “blinking” neon arrows around its edge pointing to the building.
To me, you went to MECCA for the cheeseburgers, PENNY’s for the onion rings and MORRISON’S for chicken. I don’t recall the MORRISON’S jumbo burger basket from my late 50’s high school days but I recall it from the mid-60’s. MORRISON’S jumbo burger basket is the best drive-in restaurant meal in the country!
Logan County drive-ins served another function in the late 50’s and especially during the mid-to-late 60’s. Hot rod cars and street drag racing! Many a street race was arranged on the curb at MORRISON’S with the preferred stretches of road being Melville straight stretch, Holden straight stretch, Barnabus straight stretch, Logan-Wyoming county line on Huff Creek, Three Mile Curve, Logan-Lincoln county line. The straight stretch from West Logan to Justice Addition saw its share of action too. In the late 60’s racing was done on the road to Williamson just past 22 Mountain on the Mingo side.
15 Mud Fork straight stretch was used often on a limited basis. Of course, anywhere on Mud Fork was like a speedway at any time. (My first street race was a short run by the railroad tracks at Crooked Creek. I lost!)
I don’t consider PENNY’S or MECCA as having been places where much street racing was arranged but I’m sure some impromptu races were cooked up on those curbs too. Of course, the PATIO was a big hub for racing on that end of the county and the JUNCTION was the deal on that end of the county. It was common for groups of Logan cars to go to PATIO or JUNCTION for racing.
I hope others can provide their own commentary and answer some “drive-in” questions posed by Dwight’s typically excellent article.
Blair,WV.,1950’s/60’s, Gibson’s Drive Inn.. Owners were Virgil Gibson(former Logan police officer) and Doyle (Kinkaid) Gibson, formerly taught at Logan Jr. High.They resided in Blair, their home was attached to the drive inn. Great hand cut french fries, homemade slaw or chili dogs, cheese burgers, pop cooler, hand dipped ice cream and a great candy case.Add a great juke box .So us Blair folks had our little place to go.A dollar, when you could get it as a kid, could get you a plate of hot fries and a cold Nehi.
Looking for info on the ice plant that was located in Mt Gay.
You might want to check this website’s 1947 & 1969 phonebooks.
Do you recall the name of the Ice Plant, if so do an online search.
On page 47 of the 1947 phone book under the topic ICE, there is a business listing of:
I don’t know if Monitor Junction is the same as Mt. Gay but I seem to recall that in the early 1950’s, there was an ice plant located at about where the Logan Auto Trim and Glass shop is now in Mt Gay.
I also seem to recall that there was ice available in Logan on or near Dingess Street. This may have been at one of the wholesale grocery business locations.
I recall that in the early 1950’s somewhere around Logan my father bought some “dry ice” (frozen carbon dioxide) to use in a picnic cooler basket when we drove from Logan to Gilbert for some kind of an outing. After our picnic, when we were driving home we stopped and threw the remaining chuck of dry ice into the river and watched it bubble up like a small volcano for several minutes.
It was located by S Joe Ally Behind Fortunas market. Do not have any additional info. When I was a kid I would help unload refrigerated semi trucks there.
Rick, you are right about the location of the Ice Plant.
It was close to the Joe S. store. The Plant was run
by a Romeo Comeretto who was born in 1892 in Italy.
He also worked at the Pure Water Company in the
City of Logan in 1942 according to his Draft Card.
There was a significant Jewish community in Logan which began about 1920 and lasted until the 1990’s.
There is a book, Coalfield Jews
An Appalachian History which
can be bought at
It tells the story of a Logan family
in 1920.
Here is a bit of Jewish history for Logan:
Thank you for the historical information I read about the Jews in Logan. I went to Our Lady of the Mountains Academy catholic Boarding School in Paintsville KY, now a day school There were approximately 100 Italian families in Logan County in the 1950s IIRC. But one of our classmates from Logan was not catholic, he was Jewish. His family owned the Capital Theatre The capital unlike the Guyan and the Logan theaters all downtown, ran older movies. I saw all the abbot and costellos there and The Wizard of Oz, made in 39, seemed new to me in the 50s.
On Sept. 10th 2018 it was reported in
The Gazette-Mail that the New River Gorge
National Park in Thurmond,WV. started using
” Goats” to eat the weeds. Their website is:
Wonderful to see a better solution in getting a
job done with less expense.
Many times there have been requests by people
looking for family members graves in brush filled
cemeteries in Logan County WV.
There is a solution to this problem, ” Goats ” to
eat the brush.
Its being done at the Congressional Cemetery in
Washington,D.C. There are 68,000 graves there
& 30 ” Goats ” are eating the weeds & vines.
This site is also a wonderful research site.
So take some ” Goats ” for a walk in
Logan County cemeteries & let them do
the work for you.
Looking for information on William C Ferguson. Married to Florence Osborn. they had a son Alton. They lived in Chapmansville.
Nancy, what are their birth &
death dates. What info are you
I am trying to find anyone that is willing to tell me about, Logan Memorial park ( Logan Cemetery) and Black Wolf Cemetery in Logan. Black Wolfe I have been told is top of a mountain and near a strip mine. I have family buried there and would really like to get photos of the area, as well as headstones. The family at Black wolf I have been told you can only get to by ATV, and is just passed the golf course. Anyone have info. on it, or have been there. The family names are Mitchem and Day.
As for Logan Memorial Park, there is a Sarah Elizabeth Clark Rankins. Any information would be so helpful. I want to plan a trip there before summer is over and would appreciate any tips for getting to both places. I am told Black Wolf is remote and a little scetchy to get to. Any idea’s?
Sandy Mariano
Sandy, the D.R. which you posted on the
FAG site says the cemetery is located in
McDowell Co. WV.
You also posted a photo of Sarah 1888-1948
on the FAG site.
Not sure what you need help with?
Yes I recall posting the photo. I was asking for someone to take a photo of her headstone. and also someone that could help me with information on Black Wolfe Cemetery, since it’s remote.
Does anyone know when the Logan Bus Terminal burned down? And I’d also like to know if anyone has a picture of the old Greentop Drive -in at Aracoma?
I am searching for the burial site of Bertha Mae Belcher Vance. She was married to Larkin Bilton Vance. He died in Feb. 1942 and is buried in Claypool Cemetery. Thank you for your help.
You might try looking fot
the D.C. at,
it will show you where she
is buried.
Claypool Cemetery is at
Does anyone have any info about the
Bengal Coal Company that was in
operation in Kistler.There was also
a Kistler Theater at the
Bengal Camp about 1910.
I have seen the large hollow at Kistler shown on some maps as Burgess Branch or as Bingo Hollow. I have seen it on some maps as Bengal Hollow. Today’s 911 mapping shows a Bengall Hollow Road Rte 16/02 branching off a Rte 16/2 “unnamed” road going up the hollow. Current USGS maps show it as Bingo Hollow.
On some old mine mapping of the Kistler area there shows a listing for a Bengal No. 61 mine with Utilities Coal as the owner. There was no definite map of the Bengal No 61 mine.
Apparently, the #61 Mine area is on the left (west) side of the hollow and the #62 Mine area is on the right (east) side. I haven’t seen any mapping listing a Bengal No 62 Mine but on another map of the area there is a label of a Bengal No 62 mine (Utilities Coal also) on the right side of the hollow.
I personally don’t recall ever seeing any railroad siding tracks on the north side of Buffalo Creek at Kistler. The 1913 USGS topo maps (Logan Quad) show railroad on up Buffalo Creek but no sidings at Kistler, nor do the maps show any “mining” activity at Kistler in 1913. The 1926 USGS maps do show sidings on the north side (and south side) of Buffalo Creek at Kistler and they show “tram road” mine haulage tracks going up both sides of the “Bingo” Hollow at Kistler.
I don’t know anything about the connections between Bengal Coal, Utilities Coal and Amherst Coal companies.
I note that Dwight Williamson’s article on the town on Man lists Bengall Mining Company as one of four (presumably large) mining companies in the vicinty of Man in the mid-1920’s. I note that Dwight lists separately Bengall and Kistler among Taplin, Mallory and Landville as areas comprising the community of Man at that time.
It would seem that a theatre at Bengall/Kisler would have come some years later than in 1910.
We appreciate your research and documentation. Keep up the good work!
Douglas,thanks for the info & comment.
Please look at the photo gallery under the
Man & Tradelphia District. I found this photo
years ago in a coal mining book as I was
doing research about my GG Rebeka Lipcsak
who lived & died in Kistler. Your info has helped
me greatly regarding the location of the Bengal
Coal Company.
In the photo look on the left side & one can see
coal cars. In the middle of photo one can see
the coal tipple & the cables on the hill.
Appears to be a Church in the background.
Thanks for calling my attention to the photo of Bengal. As I discussed before, the photo is probably 1920’s or later vintage because the 1913 USGS maps doesn’t show the camp, mines or railroads on that side of Buffalo Creek. The 1928 maps do.
An Eagle Chilton Coal Company proposed coal augering map dated Dec-1961 indicated the tipple was some 600 feet down from the hollow. (The hollow is named Burgess Branch on that map.)
The photo is quite grainy so it is difficult to discern the details. I believe what you think is “cables” going up the hill is actually a pasture fence along a cleared field. As to what the larger building is up in the hollow, I think it is more than likely it is one of the coal company’s buildings rather than a church.
I think the tipple is off the left edge of the photo and it appears that there is a railroad coal car visible at the upper left side of the photo. Above the car about halfway to the top of the picture appears to be a mine haulage tramroad which ran from the tipple area all the way up in the hollow at the coal seam elevation about 100 feet above the houses in the hollow. Tramroads ran up both sides of the hollow to mines on each side. There was another tipple on the upper end of the camp for the mines on the right side of the hollow.
I note that the 1928 USGS maps shows no “churches or schools” on them at Bengal but a schoolhouse is shown at Crown. The 1963 USGS map shows 3 churches at Bengal, one at the lower end and a couple at the upper end toward Crown. I think it is likely that the lower end church (in 1963) came to be in either the Bengal Coal Company building or the Kistler Theater building shown in the photo.
Good luck on additional research!
There are so many “branches” on this website that it is (at least for me) very difficult to go back and find a photo that one may have seen in a casual review of the site. SOMEWHERE on this site, there is a picture that I have not been able to find, even after doing quite a bit of looking.
The picture I’m looking for is a black & white picture of a small group of men dressed in suits. The title information states that one of the men is Larry Derenge. The photo appears to have been taken perhaps in the 50’s or 60’s or so.
Larry Derenge was a mining engineer that had worked at Island Creek (among other companies). I met him in the early 1970’s when we were working at the huge Southern Ohio Coal Company Meigs Mining project that was being built near Pomeroy, Meigs County, Ohio. That project consisted of the construction of the James M. Gavin power plant on the Ohio River near Gallipolis, Ohio, two very large shaft and slope underground mines (Meigs #1 and #2); #2 connected to #1 by a two-mile or so long overland conveyor belt and a 14-mile overland conveyor belt from the Meigs Mine #1 site to the power plant.
Derenge and I were at the Meigs Mine #1 operation where he was chief engineer and I worked for him as resident engineer for the mine. Technically, I was the very first person ever hired by Meigs Mine #1. At that time, our offices were literally in house trailers parked in the middle of a muddy corn field. Each mine was designed to have 300 or so underground employees. At that time Derenge was perhaps in his early 60’s and I was about 30. Both of us being Logan Countians and ex-Island Creek employees, we hit it off quite well and he took me under his wing and became my mentor.
Although I hadn’t gone to college, by that time in my work experience I had acquired a pretty good engineering education in fields related to mining. I grew up in Logan County mining, worked several years as an operating engineer in steam plants in Washington DC followed by several years in mining engineering at Island Creek, Dehue and other companies.
The huge Southern Ohio Coal Company mining complex was being built in the boonies of farm country where there were not any experienced coal miners. Accordingly, virtually everybody that worked there was “imported”. As one might expect, there were literally dozens of Logan Countians that came to work there. At times, it felt like old home week for us. Regretably, on the very first day of “production” at Mine #1, there was an accident where a roof bolt operator had a serious injury to his hand, the very first injury for the mine. That person was Roger Bryant from Logan County.
Except for the very few of the highest engineering jobs, the lower level engineering jobs were filled by very young graduate engineers, some of them being quite recently graduated from college. Notwithstanding the fact that I didn’t have the college education, Derenge told me that he wanted me to specifically handle the planning for the #1 Mine. That work was basically the planning of the mine ventilation design, sequencing production development, budgeting and monitoring construction. Although I wasn’t very much older than the other low level engineers, they came to regard me as the “old timer” and they often would come to me for advice.
The mine was a slope and shaft mine which had just begun construction. The shaft(s) were some 300 feet deep. On the morning the construction of the first shaft reached the coal seam Derenge grabbed me to go with him to “see” the coal. He had the construction crew rig up a 55 gallon steel drum to a hoist rope. We climbed up into it and stood up in it holding onto the hoist rope. The crew lowered us down the 300 feet. We got out and inspected the seam. I picked up a large lump of coal as we got back into the barrel proudly proclaiming to Derenge that I was the first first employee of Meigs Mine #1 to load coal from the mine. I still have that lump of coal although it has crumbled into small pieces over the years. It was an exciting time.
In those days my father had just begun working for Chafin Coal Company. Upon my telling Derenge of that Derenge told me that earlier on, he and Don Chafin had some sort of “partnership” in a deal for operating coal mines to feed the power plant in Logan. Derenge told me that by some “hookery or crookery”, Don Chafin had forced him out of that deal. I never asked for details.
Once, on the spur of the moment, Derenge gave me an impromptu lesson on the “least radius of gyration” engineering principle, sketching out drawings on a table top napkin. He was an engineer’s engineer and a heck of a nice fellow.
I left Southern Ohio Coal in 1975, returning to work at Dehue as chief engineer.
Derenge lived in Point Pleasant when I worked with him. His hobbies included bird dog hunting. He had a son, Larry Derenge, Jr. whom I think was(is) in coal mining, I seem to recall him involved in mining operations in Clay County some time ago.
If anyone can find the picture of Derenge on this website I would appreciate it.
For those of you doing research and
find a Code 189 on the D.C. It means
injuries by animals such as a bite,gored,
or kicked by an animal.
My name is Genny Chambers Smith and I am seeking info on a trial that was in Logan in April 1949. My Father Frank told me my mother Patsy was a witness to a crime and went into labor with my brother who died 2 days after birth. My Father and mother are both deceased now.
Genny, you might contact the
Logan Banner & see if they
can do the research for you.
Thanks Bob, I will see what they can do.
Genny, you’re welcome.
If nothing pans out for you
you might try this site,, go to
links to WV Web sites.
Also do an online search
for 1949 Logan County WV
Murder Trials.
Ginny, Since you know the date (April-1949) you can find it in the Court House records. I can’t recall but I think that the records show cases which were heard in a particular term of the Court. It may be that the cases are indexed by date too.
Thanks for that tip. I did not know that.
My family moved to Latrobe on Buffalo Creek when I was 4yrs old in 1945 As I can remember my father worked in mines at Lundale and at Cartwright Hollow at Crites until 1952 when he began working for Island Creek and we moved to Mud Fork. I went to Crites grade school first thru third grade and there was a post office and large store at Crites at that time which I assume was a company store. There was a company store at Latrobe too. (This store building was moved across the creek and used as a Boy Scout Hall when the camp was built.)
I went to Lundale grade school for fourth and fifth. I seem to recall that there was a large office building at Lundale and I seem to recall the building had a walk-around sidewalk around part of it where there was a payroll window that men would walk by to collect their pay. This same type of mine company office with walk-by payroll windows was at Amherstdale next to the theater. I assumed that was the Amherst Coal Company office.
Later on in life I came to think my father had worked for a company called Logan County Coal Corporation which I understood had its offices at the large office building at Lundale. I don’t know where he collected his pay.
I always thought Amherst Coal Company operations as being below Latrobe on Buffalo Creek and Logan County Coal Corporation above Latrobe.
Recently I happened to be looking thru some of my father’s old papers and found that for all the years he worked on Buffalo Creek, he was paid by Amherst Coal Company, not by Logan County Coal Corporation.
I recently was looking at some examples of coal company scrip and found that there is scrip in the name of Logan County Coal Corporation, Lundale, WV. Likewise, there is scrip in the name of Amherst Coal Company, Lundale, WV. I know there was a company store at Lundale but I don’t know which company it was. I think there was only one coal tipple at Lundale.
Does anyone have any information as to which of the companies had any mines, offices and/or stores at Crites or Lundale?
One thing I am sure of is that whichever of the companies my father worked for had a person the employees called “Uncle Bill Chaney” who was a mine official, like maybe a mine superintendent or general manager.
Douglas, you might want to look at
photos under Logan Co. Main Gallery.
There is still a Cliff’s Coal Mine
in Lundale. Four photos that I took
while visiting in the area in 2014.
Bob, The Cliffs Coal Mine facility is located a few miles above Lundale at what is/was Saunders, WV. It is my understanding that Cliffs is a successor company of Pittston who “caused” the flood.
Through a succession of ownerships Alpha Natural Resources had the property and when Alpha went bankrupt Cliffs acquired it. I assume Cliffs is a subsidiary of iron-ore producer Cleveland-Cliffs, who attempted to buy Alpha outright a few years ago but the deal didn’t go thru due to a downturn in the metallurgical coal market.
I think at one time, Bill Chaney, worked for Amherst Coal at Slagle….
I assumed that the “Uncle Bill Chaney” my father worked for on Buffalo Creek in the late 40’s-early 50’s was a middle aged man or older. He had a son Bill Chaney (Jr) who was into mining also. I met Bill Jr. in the early 1970’s. He appeared to be in his mid-30’s at that time. We briefly discussed his father. It is possible Bill Jr. may have been the Chaney that worked at Slagle.
My grandfather, Ben Tobin, his wife, Rose, and his 5 children lived in Logan from 1913 to 1931. Ben had a restaurant called “The German Restaurant” from 1913 to 1914 and then had to change the name to the “Tobin Restaurant,” This was in the Bennett and Campbell Bldg on Stratton St. Does any one know the address from the Bennett and Campbell Bldg today? The in 1916, Ben changed the name to “The Tobin Hotel and Restaurant”. It was next door to Dr. Steele’s home and also next door to The Mick Hotel, the Chambers Hotel and the Riffe Hotel. The Aracoma was nearby but on the next street. If anyone can figure out where the hotel, please let me know!
my email address is
Below is a poem which I transcribed from a typed Xerox copy. I think I typed it correctly, spelling and punctuation. I will note that in the fourth line of the typed Xerox copy the word “ROUND” appears to me to have been overwritten in pencil by the word “ROTTEN”. It could be some other word. The Xerox copy appears to be a second or third (or more) generation Xerox copy. The Xerox copy was found in some of my father’s papers by my sister. She has no idea where the document came from. I have no idea about the five men listed at the end of the poem. I would like information about the document.
Douglas, great poem.
Some of the lyrics sound
like the song,Dark As A Dungeon..
This is the Rowan County Crew composed by J.W. “Bill” Day. It references the Tolliver-Martin Feud in Morehead.
On the website that shows some 116 pictures, there is a picture titled Logan WV that was saved by a woman named Melissa Allison. The photo is a faded yellowish color showing a view of a community of houses with a smokestack in the background. The picture is not of Logan but is a view of Peach Creek with the railroad yards in the background and the smokestack that was once there.
Douglas, my e-mail is
Send me yours.
Hello everyone, I’m trying to find out some information about the Island Creek Company Store that was in Amherstdale, WV at one time. I’ve seen this location referenced as the Amherst Coal Company Store also.
Basically I’m trying to find out where the building stood and if it still stands to this day? I can provide the links to images below. Thanks for your help.
The photo of the area that is on this web site of Shanty Town at Blackbottom..does anyone know the names of the three men and the lady thats in the foreground of the picture??? I am trying to find any history or stories of a tall light-skin man name Joe Moses that ran a beer joint in Black bottom in the 1940’s early 1950’s. I am very interested of the name of the tall light skin man with the hat on. Does anyone know his name??
Thanks for any help.
Vince Moses
My name is Vince Moses Sr. Does anyone ( ask your grandparents or great-grandparents ) Remember a tall very light-skinned black man with stringy hair that used to run a beer joint in Logan West Virginia maybe in shantytown was the nickname of the coal camp. His name was Joe Moses, around the mid 1950’s early 1960’s. He is my grandfather, just trying to complete some family Tree history. My email address is
Vince, shows a
Joe Moses marrriage to Ornell Johnson
May 14,1923 in Logan,WV.
Shows him as a coal miner & living
in Holden,WV.
Bob, Thank you for that information. Yes I already have that info, Ornell Johnson is my grandmother.
They had a son Virgil Moses who would come down to Logan from Huntington to help his dad Joe Moses to help run the beer joint. Have you or anyone know the coal camp call “shantytown” in Logan..maybe someone may have a old pic of the place or him. He also may have had a pinball place in Williamson, WV in the 50’s or early 60’s on Logan Street in Williamson, WV. Thanks for the info again Bob I really appreciate it.
Vince, a shantytown wasn’t a coal mine.
The name sometimes meant a group of
wooden houses that the poor of the area
lived in. I recall as a child hearing people say
” I heard they were living in shantytown”.
On this website, there is a 1947 phonebook it
shows a Union Beer Parlor,page 71 as being in
Deskins Addition or Black Bottom.
There is a 1969 phonebook that shows a Cora
Beer Garden in Cora.
Also shows a Delbert Moses living in
Mitchell Heights on page 38.
You can also do a search online for the word
Does anyone have any wonderful Halloween stories to tell
when they lived or are still living in Logan County WV.?
All of you have a Safe & Happy Halloween.
I once heard that there was a yearly Rossmore reunion held at Chief Logan State Park. Does anyone know anything about this event? Is it still held? Could someone communicate with the organizers…etc?
Does anyone have photos of the
Cora Cemetery & know where in
Cora it is located?
Is there anybody out there who lived in Rossmore camp from 1950 to 1959? My name is James (Jim) Coleman and my family lived in the gray house with a rose bush fence right across the street from Fred Rushden’s store. I just recently learned that my best buddy from Rossmore, Joe Borders, had passed away a couple of years ago. I’d sure like to hear from some of the folks who lived there when we did. We’re certainly not getting any younger are we?
Jim, my mother Beatrice Rice lived in Rossmore earlier than 1950. She worked at Fred’s store! My grandmother Hester Rice lived in Rossmore until her death in the 1970’s. I believe my mom was a good employee and well liked at Fred’s store. I have fond memories of walking to the store from my grandmother’s home when we would visit in the late 1960’s and 70’s. I don’t recall the names Coleman or Borders. I am related to the Dameron’s and one of my aunt’s first marriage was to Fred Steele. My mom also talked fondly about the Abraham’s. Are any of those names familiar?
Thanks Becky for sharing your memories of Rossmore! None of the people you mention ring any bells except for Fred. I did go to school with a kid named Richard Damron, He would be in his early 70’s now. I can’t remember if it was at Rossmore School in grades 1 thru 4(Teachers: Lonny Baldwin and Betty Petroff) or at Monoville grades 5 and 6. (Teachers: Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Vanoy.)
I’m going to list some of the family names that I remember, they might be ones that you’ve heard of too. They are: Borders, Fitch, Jude, Brewer, Green, Hardin, Napper (sic), Baisden, McNeely, McCloud, Pelgram, Brooks, Lane, Seise (sic), Parker, Campbell,
These are some family names that I can remember off the top of my head. It’s been 58 yrs. and I was 13 yrs. old when we left and moved to the state of Washington and settled in the small town of Morton. 22.4 miles North West of Mt. Saint Helens.
I am a retired teacher that was inspired by Ms. Petroff , Mr. Baldwin and Mrs. Hall who were there for us during the labor crisis in the mines due to automation. There were thousands of undereducated and uneducated folks whose world was turned upside down. I was able to thank my Dad before he passed away for getting us to another place with some measure of opportunity. I understand that things got really tough in the early 60’s and many did not fair as well as our family did.
Those things aside, I have many, many, many, fond memories of my pre-teen years in Rossmore. My wife and I plan to visit the area this spring.
Thanks a million for your comments and hopefully you will recognize some of the family names I’ve mentioned.
Thanks again Jim
My mom was 20 years older and in the 50s would have moved to Stollings I believe after getting maried. They owned a restaurant or drive-in in Switzer I think for a short while; I wish I would have asked more questions when they were alive.
My grandmother lived in a 4 room coal camp home; it was to the left when you go across the bridge off of Rt 44 to go into Rossmore. It is all different in that section now; mobile homes.
My parents Charlie & Beatrice Fowler came to Ohio in the mid 50s. I am related to Willard & Dorothy Dameron, Mildred & Lige McKinney, Willard & Lucille Green. I do remember mom talking about Betty Petroff. Look at the photos on this site under Monaville, there are photos of young Bates and Betty Petroff.
Other names right now that come to mind: Letha Mae Maynard was the postmaster; Mary Hardin; Lucille Gollihue, Frank Chambers.
On my dad’s side I have a step marriage relationship with Lyda Mae Mcneely who was the daughter of Andy Mcneely in Stollings.
Hi…this is Donna Borders Wooten….we lived in Rossmore until 1960…..Letha Maynard bought the house we lived in. Bates Petroff was my one of my brother, Dallas’ best friends.
Donna, thanks for the reply to me about Letha and I’m glad you had info for Jim. I hope he sees your post. Did any of the other names I listed sound familiar? My mom and her sisters are the Rice girls.
Jim, I am a first cousin to Joe Borders. His sister, Donna Sue Borders Wooten is on Facebook; along with other sisters, Darlene and Connie. My name is Joan Steele-Taber and I am very close to these cousins. Please feel free to contact me at
Hi Jim….I’m Joe’s older sister, Donna Sue. Our cousin Joan Steele Taber saw your post and told me about it. I then told sister Phoebe, who remembers you well. Said she thought you were in the band at LJH with her and Joe. She also remembered you & Joe nicknamed the three of you as Popeye (Joe), Bluto (James) and Olive Oyl. It was with great sadness when we lost Joe a couple of years ago. Joe along with Phoebe, Darlene and I all live in Lexington, KY . If you want to catch up with Phoebe, her facebook page is under Phoebe Borders Wellman. Nice to hear from you.
I’m looking for information about Dr. Thomas McClellan, b. 1876, d. 1953 in Logan, West Virginia. My email address is
Debra, shows
him in the 1910 census.
Wife was Lula McClellan.
Can some one show me on the Logan map where dipsy branch is.
Mike, your last name is what?
Did you try Mapquest or do
an online search?
Try looking up dempsey branch.
On Mud Fork where SWCC college is located is called Dempsey Branch. On some maps it is shown as Lower Dempsey Branch. Going on up Mud Fork about 3 miles at Shegon, there is an Upper Dempsey Branch shown on some maps. This branch is more often referred to as Orchard Branch and colloquially as Baisden Branch.
On Main Island Creek at Crystal Block there is a Lower Dempsey Branch and about 1.5 miles above Crystal Block there is an Upper Dempsey Branch; both these are on the east side of Main Island Creek.
Also, on some old maps there is shown a Dempsey Branch on the west side of upper Crawley Creek located about 1.5 miles up Main Crawley from the Corridor G exit on Crawley. This branch is sometimes referred to by locals as Workman Branch. It is worth noting that the road sign at the foot of the Corridor G ramp at the Three Forks of Crawley shows the road (RT 701/25) going up Crawley is “Eagles Roost”. This is a misnomer brought about when the 911 mapping was done. Inasmuch as 911 already had a “Pigeon Roost” road designation (an existing road off the old “Airport Road” near Highland cemetery), they arbitrarily changed the Pigeonroost Branch Crawley road to Eagle’s Roost. This misnaming of the road is doubly in error since the Pigeonroost Branch of Crawley Creek doesn’t split off main Crawley Creek until another mile or so up from the Corridor G ramp. To further compound this situation of errors, some maps erroneously label main Crawley Creek as Pigeonroost Branch above where Pigeonroost Branch splits off main Crawley Creek.
It is worth noting that going up Mud Fork the major branch between the “upper and lower” Dempsey branches is Ellis Hollow which is where Corridor G goes by the large mall. This Ellis Hollow is shown on some old maps as Cincinnatus Branch.
I need to make a correction to the first paragraph of my above post which reads in part:
“…..On Mud Fork where SWCC College is called Dempsey Branch. Going on up Mud Fork about 3 miles at Shegon there is an upper Dempsey branch shown on some maps. This branch is most often referred to as Orchard Branch and colloquially as Baisden Branch…..”
The paragraph should read:
“…..On Mud Fork where SWCC College is located is called Lower Dempsey Branch. Going on up Mud Fork about 3 miles at Shegon just above the Maryatta Church the branch where the old gas compressor plant was is shown on some maps as Upper Dempsey Branch. On some old maps it is shown as Widow Dempsey Branch. I believe the road up that branch is shown as Widow Dempsey Road (Route 5/29). This branch is also known by some as “Workman Branch”. Going up Mud Fork, Orchard Branch is the branch about halfway between Ellis Hollow and Upper Dempsey Branch. Orchard Branch is often referred to as Baisden Branch…..”
I apologize for the erroneous information in the original post.
Douglas, that’s alright,we all
make errors when doing research.
Does anyone remember Frank Hutchison from Logan West Virginia who was a musician and live in a coal camp near Logan and wrote a lot of blues and slide bar getuar songs I am his nephew and would like to know if any of you remember him. and what you can tell me about his mother which is my grandmother my name is Deskins he was also a postmaster and grocery store owner and the 20th near Logan and my family started the Deskins addition near Logan I currently live in Ohio
Here is a link to an article about him:
I’ve researched Frank Hutchison for over twenty years. I would love to hear some family stories about him.
Enjoyed visiting this site and reading the various stories and comments, it’s a wealth of info and history for visitors and locals alike. Wanted to ask and make sure I haven’t missed anything, because I dident find anything on the Buffalo Creek Flood in Logan County, February 26, 1972. I may have missed it, could someone let me know for sure? If there is no info here for it, this website would be a prime place to read about it. I noticed there were other disasters mentioned. And to those who lived through it, or read about it, its hard to believe there are those in this generation that know nothing about it. It should be in our history books. Hope someone will let know, thank you so much.
Below are two articles on this website:
Buffalo Creek Disaster
Buffalo Creek Disaster – First Hand Account
Yes, I missed it, and thank you so much!!
I added it to our Featured Posts where it should have been in the first place. Thank you!
Hoping someone on this site could help me out. I recently came across a couple mentions of a serpent shaped Indian mound in Logan county. However, I can’t find any indepth information. Does anyone know anything about it, or maybe know someone who does? Thanks
Ray,maybe do an online search.
Call the Logan Banner.
There is a mound in Logan CO. Ohio.
Also contact the Chief Logan Museum,
There is also site.
Hi, Ray. I research native sites in the local area. Mostly, I find references to Indian burial sites in the old Logan Banners prior to 1930. The late Ron Moxley noted that Chapmanville had the largest number of mounds outside of the Kanawha Valley. I would be curious to know where the serpent mound is located in the county and also if you have photos of it. Thanks.
It saddens me deeply to put this on the wall. My mom Violet (Vi) Copley Johnson born in slagle went home to Heaven on March 7. She was with the class of 55 in Logan. She Will be missed deeply by her husband Frank daughters Barbara and Tammi and her grand and great grandchildren and so many other lives that my Mom touched. Her services will be tomorrow at crouse Kauber Fraley funeral home in johnstown Ohio from 1-3 service following calling hours. Barbara Johnson-shewak
Sadly, since Vi has passed away, I understand that her husband Frank also has passed away. I used to receive emails from them. Barbara, I’m very saddened for your loss of both parents. Joan Steele-Taber.
yes, Dad was so very sad when she left and He went down hill fast. He was in the garage where he fell and hit his head on mom’s 67 mustang’s trailer hitch. He had several brain bleeds in which he never recovered from. He passed exactly 5 months to the day and is in her arms once again where he wanted to be. thank you for your thoughts..barbara
Anyone have information about dulcimer makers in and around Logan? Zeke Ellis (“Uncle Zeke”)?
shows a James Ezekial Elllis,
born in 1877 & died in 1960.
He’s buried in Forest Lawn
Cemetery.Photo of him on
Memorial page at
I am in search of pictures of slagel in the 40s and 50s to have a painting made for my mother who was raised there. Does anyone have anything they would be willing to share? My mother is Judith Thompson her parents were Hersel and Edith Thompson.
My reason for wanting the book is that I lived in Dehue with my grandparents until 1957 or 1958. Their names were Paul and Vanessa Rohland. Thanks again.
Are the Dehue history books still available for purchase and how much are they? Thanks!!
Thompson Family of Logan Research
John Mark Thompson –
My name is John Mark Thompson and I was born in Huntington. My father is Rex Kenton Thompson born Verdunville, 1949, grandfather James Harold Thompson, Sr, born in Holden 1922, great-grandfather Wilburn Thompson, born in Verdunville 1896, great-great grandfather Leander Scott Thompson born in Logan 1873 (my son Robert Brian Thompson shares his birthday of June 6), and I believe his father to be John Evert Thompson born in Logan in 1837. I’m just getting started on my research but I am really enjoying myself. Any confirmation or correction you can provide to my efforts thus far would be greatly appreciated!
It’s possible for you to join the Logan County Genealogy Facebook page, if you haven’t already done so.
anyone know where the wv school furniture company was located in logan….early 1900s..1908-10?
It was located about where the old Guyan Machine Shops were located. The company moved to Huntington in 1912. — Admin
I am looking for Ailene Wells or any of her family from Logan County WV, My Mom was adopted from Logan in 1948 and We are looking for her birth mother or anyone related to her birth mother with the Wells name, contact me via FB message if anyone has any information! Thank you
I am searching for the grave sites of my Great Grand Parents. Their death certificates state they are buried in Pine Creek Cemetary in Logan Co. WV. They died 1943 and in 1954. Can you please help me locate this cemetary? That shows all the ones in Pine Creek.
I’m wanting to know where the Sunbeam Cemetery and Mercy Hospital in Logan is located.
mercy hospital was on dingess st. it was the first hospital in logan.. it was later named guyan valley… the orig building was the home of c. v. white..
Getting back to the Harriss Funeral Home History………… In the 1930s, there were only two funeral homes to choose from in Logan County WV : they were Harriss, and J T Wyatt Funeral Home at Aracoma. in Boone County, Hunter Mortuary was the only morticians to serve the county back then
For Larry Hurley,looking for newspaper articles.
Try Susan Scouras,# 304-558-0230.
She is a researcher at the Archives & History
News,The Culture Center in Charleston,WV.
Also,Harless Library @
I would like to offer our deepest condolences to the family of Delores Riggs Davis. We hold you all tenderly in our thoughts and prayers. ~ Carla and David Herkner
I was wondering if anyone knew anything about a Melvin Tennis White and/or Amanda White who lived in the Triadelphia District in Logan in the 20s and 30s. Amanda was married to Melvin Blackburn White, son of Andrew Wilson White , and Melvin Tennis was their oldest child, probably born around 1916. The story we have is that Amanda or “Mandy” died from childbirth in 1920 and we believe her grave to be in Earling Cemetery. Melvin T reportedly died from a gunshot wound sometime after 1930, while still in his teens. If anyone has any info , it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you – Tricia White
Tricia,findagrave shows a
Amanda O’Donald White buried
in Earling Cemetery.Death
March 12,1920. shows a
Amanda White in 1920
census born in 1885.
Please check the sites.
I have found Amanda in Earling Cemetery and in the 1920 Census. We were hoping to find a birth/death record for her, but no luck. Melvin T appears as Tennis in the 1930 census and just disappears after that. We are planning to visit family there in the spring, so maybe the courthouse will have some record that is not online? Anyway, thank you for your reply!
Also check I’ve had great success at finding family documents there. Birth, death, marriage. Try different spelling variations.
Bob, I also saw her listed there along with the other family members she mentioned.
Here’s what I found on Death Record for Melvin Blackburn White
Melvin Blackburn White’s actual death cert
Do you know Amanda’s maiden name? Did she outlive Melvin? Could she have remarried? I can’t find anything for her or her son
Thank you Brenda, but I already have those documents. I believe her maiden name is O’Donald, as that ‘s what listed in Earling Cemetery records. She and Melvin T appear in a couple censuses and then nothing…no birth or death records. That ‘ s why I thought I would give it a shot posting here. Thanks so much for your efforts, I sincerely appreciate it!
does anyone know the names of these young coal miners in the picture on this site?
I would like to know the names of the two mines in Chapmanville that operated near Rt. 10 in the 1930s. The lower one was called Thompkins. The other was unknown to me. One had a trash coal fire that burned for many years. I do not believe either mine was ever sealed properly. We got our household coal from the dumps in the great depression. there was no money for coal deliveries back then, so we foraged for our own fuel. In the summer months we got our coal from the Guyandotte river with flatbottom boats.
Would anyone know where the Bad Man of Crawley Creek, Howard Conley, is buried? He happens to be my husband’s great-grandfather. A person can google, Bad Man of Crawley Creek and read the story but there is no mention of his burial. Thank-you in advance. Cathie Guinto
Howard is probably buried in the Conley Cemetery at Chapmanville. It is overlooking the Guyandotte river near the Crawley Creek road. Hundreds of people were buried there. I am thinking the Conley heirs, (Thomas & Lula ) donated the land for the cemetery.
Pending what you may have determined since 2014, I suggest that I think Howard Conley was buried at a cemetery at the mouth of Three Forks of Crawley on the point behind where the old one-room school (and church) once stood. (This point is between the Middle Fork and the South Fork of Crawley at Three Forks)
Douglas,Shelby has passed away since the post was made. If you know when Howard was born & died you might search for his record at & try to find his D.C. which should show you where he is buried.
Bob, I have it from other sources that Howard Conley is buried at the cemetery at Three Forks of Crawley as I stated above. The reason I was fairly sure of that information is that many years ago a teenager cousin of mine lived within a few hundred feet of the cemetery and he was punished for practicing rifle shooting by shooting into the grave marker of Howard Conley.
I have heard that at one time when Conley was on the run from the law, he hid under a rock shelf on the hillside of the Middle Fork. That rock shelf area was destroyed by Corridor G construction in the Middle Fork.
Douglas, ok but most of his
family is buried in Conley Cemetery
in Chapmanville.
Do you have a photo of the
grave marker?
Bob, I don’t have a photo of the grave marker but I saw it around 1980. Actually, there are two cemeteries there, one is slightly higher on the hill above the other. At the base of the point is where an old one-room school building was. It was used as a church also.
Bob, on another matter, in the “Black Bottom” thread, I saw a picture of Joe Piros, Sr. putting gas in a car at a Gulf station. The picture showed a bit of the Milne Pontiac dealership building in the background. I am a member of a Pontiac car club and there are some members that collect and archive pictures and memorabilia of old Pontiac dealerships. Could I get a copy of that picture to put in those records? Thanks!
To Shelby Burgess, you said you went to school with some from Harts Creek, Goldie Adams was my mother, Monroe Adams was my uncle. I would love to hear from some one who went to school with them.
Hi, Joyce;
Yes, I did attend school with Goldie Adams.This was in the 1940s. As you can guess- I am very old.i have the Tigers 1941
Yearbook. I believe Goldie is in the pic ture. Give me your US mail address, and I will send the pic to you.
Shelby B.
I am so glad you answered, sorry it took so long to get back with you. I would love to have any picture of my mom. Nice to know some one who went to school with her. Thank you very much
my home address
9274 Mill Dam Rd. Se.
Hebron, Ohio 43025
camillia joyce
My mother is Carrie Vance and is living in Worthington ,Ky.She has a sister named Goldie Vance who lives in Wilmington,Delaware.Also a sister whom is desist named Bonnie Vance .Would it be possible If u could look thru your yearbook and see if u can find any one of the three?
I am doing research on a woman named Maria E. Parker. She was from Charleston, born in 1899, but taught school in Omar. In 1926, she was convicted of murdering Rev. Edward Howard and sent to the WV State Penitentiary. If anyone happens to know anything about this case or Maria Parker, I would love to learn more: (Thanks for posting the beautiful video about women in NC.)
I have been trying to locate the cemetery that my Great grandfather Jesse Meek is buried. Jesse was a construction foreman for Island Creek Coal Company. He died of a gunshot wound in Logan County at Monitor Junction on December 14, 1919. According to the newspaper account, he was buried on Mud Fork of Island Creek. Does anyone know where he would have been buried? The records I found of the two cemeteries listed as being on Mud Fork do not indicate any burials for a Meek or Meeks. His second wife’s name was Belladora Ann “Belva” Baldwin Meek. She was Jesse’s wife when he died and I have not found any record of her burial location as well.
Steve, shows him as
Jesse M.Meeks,born in 1871 in KY.,
in the 1910 Logan Co.Census.
Also shows #1 wife as Belle Deskin
in 1889 & # 2 wife as BVA Baldwin
in 1895.Shows only Mud Fork as
I am a Baldwin ancestor and Historian and I live at Hewett ……..There is a Baldwin/Meeks Cemetary located at Lake WV and I do believe that is where Jesse and his 2nd wife are actually buried. I have information on Jesse if you would like to contact me.
Thanks for your information. I would like more information on Jesse Meeks. My e-mail is
One remeberance I have as a kid was when our teacher drove us to the big White oak tree. The bottom of the tree was as large as my bedroom at home. Was this tree in Logan, or Mingo counties ? At the time, the big tree was said to be the largest White Oak in the world. Does anyone have a pic of the big tree ?
There are a couple photos of the Mingo Oak in our Holden Gallery. Here is a link to more information about it:
The West Virginia Encyclopedia – The Mingo Oak
Which governor started the farm to markets roadbuilding, back in the 1830s ? I am thinking it was Gov Kump.
Before any new roads were built from logan to Huntington & Charleston, the farmers had a dreadful time getting their farm products to any larger citys. I remember my relatives, the Bias and Vickers familys had to take their tobacco crop to Huntington in farm wagons. They had to pick a time when the stream waters were low; and take axes & saws along to clear the roadways. This was the only cash crop for many farmers.No trucks had yet been invented.
Does anyone know how Georges Creek,in the headwaters of Dingess Run, Logan co. WV, got its name ? The Post office there is Hetzel, WV Probably named for some early settler there by the name of George ; but George who ? Thanks.
sorry to see that Johnny Patrick passed away this past week , did not know he was in that bad health , I went to school with Johnny at Mill Creek and at Logan central Jr.
high , he lived right below the grade school on Mill Creek .
I grew up on Mill Creek, Went to grade school at mill creek grade school, JR. high Logan Central, now live in Michigan for the past 24 years. the last time I was in that area was labor day weekend 2010, a lot has changed don’t see anyone from Mill Creek on here. my email address is
I noticed there was no pictures of the buffalo creek disaster, very important part of logan.
Yes, I wish I could find some I could legally use. Maybe someone will contribute a few from their personal collection.
what about the stuff that was in the news papers??? can you use them….
I have a question that I hope someone can answer for me..My ex who no longer lives in Logan anymore remembers two older people (couple) in glass sitting in rocking chairs above the ground somewhere in or around Logan..he said towards Omar..Its not the Hatfields…But says he can’t remember exactly where or who it is..Can anyone else answer this for him..Thank you
I can barely remember that, but I think it was a radio station promotion for something. Seems like they called the man ” Pinky” or 1 them. I would love to find out something more also.
In the 50’s there was an advertising gimmick called “flagpole sitting”. In Logan at about that time there was a “flagpole sitter” event that went on and the fellow was named “Pinky Pinkerton”. I don’t recall any details but I seem to recall the “sitting” took place near where the boulevard bridge now crosses at Black Bottom near the power company.
I would like to take a moment to thank Dodie Browning for all her help in locating family members..Also,to all those who replied to my postings..This site,and helped other members of my father’s side of the family connect..After 55 yrs..My father spoke with his brother,he never knew he had,finally saw photos of his father (for the first time ever) also his siblings,Aunts,Uncles etc..Sadly though,some of the siblings who were also searching,passed away at an early age..I wish I would have known about this site before..maybe his brother that just passed in Dec.2012..could have spoke with him or met in person…It’s never too late to search for lost loved ones..because you never know who’s searching for you too..Once again,thank you all for the help..God Bless you Dodie Browning for all your hard work and the kindness you show towards others and your love for West Virginia…My mother also thanks everyone for helping us in this research.
I just learned the sad news that Terry L. Mullins passed away March 12, 2012. Terry was born June 2, 1948 at Holden. I was trying to find him on Facebook and came across his obituary. I am sure many of you have visited his web page at:
Thanks for the “Fuzzy Mullins site”. I knew many of the people shown
I think my heart is going to burst! It has been a long time since anything touched me so deeply as the latest video (Logan County WV USA) on the home page. I had never heard that song before and I want a copy!!! I had tears in my eyes listening to the song and watching the streets go by where I spent my childhood days. It was getting towards the end, approaching the tunnel and I was wishing there had been a picture of City View, because that is where I spent most of my life in Logan. I was suddenly amazed when right at the end, there was City View in the distance and it shows my house perched high on that hill. I could not hold back the sobs-tears of JOY! Thank you Frank, for posting that wonderful video and please tell us who put it together.
I was surfing the web today and happened upon some of my old web pages that the servers have chosen to restore, with music and all! This one is especially meaningful to me and I hope it will be to each of you. Crack up you sound and read the wonderful story about “The Builder”. You will more than likely enjoy a picture taken by my husband. It is an old Logan County Landmark that is no longer there and it was not an easy shot to get.
Thank you Ron Browning for your love of Logan County, but most of all, thank you for loving me. You (and my mother) were the Wind Beneath My Wings.
You are right. This is a wonderful story. The music ain’t half bad either. Thanks for the reminder.
Glad you enjoyed it, Kyle. God always knows best and sends us an angel when needed. He sent me several today… Have you seen the new picture (The old Chapmanville High School) on the Homepage? Frank just put it up. I found out for certain that Chapmanville High School was built in 1929.
1929 may be the year the school waa finally completed, but it took two years to erect the structure. It began in 1927. I remember the men hauling cement in wheelbarrows to the site ; slow laborious work back then; I dont remember the first Principal’s name, but the athletic director was a man named Peterson.
My uncle Henry Justice was principal for many years at Chapmanville High School. He retired in 1973. Uncle Henry shares many great memories from his days at Chapmanville High in a short biography titled THE CROOKED FINGER THAT GOT THINGS STRAIGHT (Experience of a High School Principal).
He was a great guy.
I love that needle point work. Congrats on solving a mystery. Of course then again that’s second nature to you. Re-Search, Re-Search, R-Search.
1927 was the year Chapmanville High School was built. This new school made some changes to folks who lived on Harts Creek. Buses did not operate at that time, so students had to board away from home to attend the new High School. Some families just moved away from Harts, in closer to Chapmanville. The school board finally got bus service going in the late 1930s.
Shelby, What is the source of your information regarding when Chapmanville High School was built? Swain doen’t mention it in his chapter on schools (copyrighted 1927). The older people I know from Harts Creek (some still living, including my sister), went to Jr. High at Logan and then we moved from Harts Creek. I do not know of any students from Harts Creek (Logan County) who attended High School in those days. It was much later that Harts Creek finally got decent roads and school buses started running to Harts Creek from Chapmanville. All of this is in my Book “Whirlwind In Appalachia” Chapter 5 (well researched and documented), with interviews of people who actually lived there. Here is one excerpt: (pg 32)” In an interview with Faye (Smith) Nicolas in 2001, Faye related that when she was promoted to seventh grade in 1952, they did finally have a school bus running from Harts Creek to Chapmanville, but still no decent roads. She said it sometimes took two hours or longer to get to Chapmanville, over the muddy, icy dirt roads. She recalled once when they were on the way home from school in the winter, the bus broke down just outside of Chapmanville and the children had to walk home. She said they had to walk over Smokehouse Mountain in the snow, ice and mud and they were nearly frozen when they got home about 9:30 at night. “
Dodie ;
I watched the building being erected as a small kid back then. So, I know when Chapmanville High was built.
Some of the Harts Creek boarders back then were : Monroe Adams, Goldie Adams, Custer McCann. They stayed at the home of Cora Mckinney, near the school.
For your information, Harvey Dingess also boarded and completed his education at the same High School. He went on to college,earned some degrees; and later became Logan County Superintendent of Education.
Shelby, I do not have a date for when Chapmanville High School was built. All I know is what Swain wrote in his 1927 History Of Logan County AND what I found in Public records at the WV Department Of Archives and History. Swain stated that there were 4 senior high schools in Logan County in 1927: “Logan, Man, Sharples and Aracoma, the latter being a colored school”. (Source: History of Logan County WV by G.T. Swain, Chapter XXXVI, Logan Churches And Schools, page 197).
Based on a records search in the database of WV Department Of Archives and History, Monroe Adams was born Sep 15, 1921. It is doubtful he was boarding with anyone and attending High school when he
was six or 7 years old (1927). Also, He was not from Harts In Logan County. He was from Little Harts Creek in Lincoln County and he died there at age 35 in 1957. They took him to Logan General Hospital where he was pronounced DOA (dead on arrival). His death record is shown in both counties. Goldie Adams was born about 1923. She was sister to Monore Adams. As stated, they were from Little Harts Creek in LINCOLN COUNTY.
Custer McCann’s family also lived in Lincoln County, not Logan County. Cora Mckinney, According to her death certificate, lived at Garretts Fork.
Joy Vance (a former Mayor and lifelong resident of Chapmanville) was the first school bus driver from Chapmanville to Main Harts Creek in Logan County and she told me in an interview some years ago that in was in the early 1950s that buses first went to Harts Creek (LOGAN COUNTY) to take children to school at Chapmanville.
Harvey Dingess was my cousin….
Everyone is welcome to double check my research and post your findings. As the famous poet, Alexander Pope once said, “to err is human, to forgive divine”.
You seem to have some events you mentioned, in differnt time decades. Those students I named went to CHS in the late 1930s. Two others I didnt name were Diamond Collins, Claude Workman, who were my classmates. They had Shively p.o. as their home mailing addresses, which is on Harts Creek. Also, I am informed by Goldie Adams’ sister that their father was a store merchant on Big Harts, not Little Harts..
Cora McKinney lived at Chapmanville nearly all her life. She died on Garretts Fork, where she was cared for by relatives.
Oops, I made one small typoo can change an entire meaning. I meant to say that Joy Vance was one of the first school bus drivers to Big Harts Creek. (I don’t know who was the first).
Not really sure of who was the first bus driver to Harts Creek. I do know a man named Lace Dingess drove the Crawley Creek bus line to pick up students to Chapmanville H. S. This was as early as 1939. I believe the bus went as far as Smokehouse Mountain road. The roads were terrible back then. Also, busses ran to the Northfork & Garrets Fork roads back then. A bus garage was finally built about 1940 to service the busses. I do not know the date when Harts Creek bus service started.
To never have made a mistake is to never have accomplished anything. Durn I’ve made every mistake in the book and still ain’t through. Thank You Dodie for your tireless work and historical research on Harts Creek and for that matter Logan and its environs. Also thank you for the Workman Family History. I’m so proud to say, “I know the Lady that did this history”.
Thank you so much, Kyle. I needed that! Most of my mistakes online are typos. (I’m the world’s worst typist) I have been on the phone most of the day, trying to find someone who actually knows when Chapmanville High School was built. It is not in the 1970s year books. You know what? Something positive always comes out of something negative. I have talked to people today that I had not heard from in years. Surely someone can document the date that the old Chapmanville school was built. I’m considering posting Chapter 5 of “Whirlwind” that tells about the schools on [BIG] Harts Creek. I can’t remember if I posted it previously? Do you have Chapter 5?
I do not have Chapter 5. But I sure would like to. Also you are so surely welcome. Having someone you trust put in print your family history is truly wonderful. Again my thanks.
Custer McCann was raised on Piney Fork of West Fork of Big Harts Creek, on the Logan County side. He boarded in Chapmanville while he finished High School there. I know he boarded with Walt and Ivy Chapman.
I don’t how correct the following information is but on the back cover of Uncle Henry’s book; THE CROOKED FINGER THAT GOT THINGS STRAIGHT the is a needle point picture of the old school. It is dated 1929-1993. The initials of the person that done the work is BJB. Hope this helps with determining the year the school was built.
I hope you are still on here. Goldie Adams was my mother,Monroe was my uncle. my Mom died when I was six, it would be so nice to talk to some one who went to school with her.
Hi, Shelby. The Logan Banner, issue 17 April 1935, identifies the senior class of 1935 as “the fifth class to graduate from Chapmanville High School” and notes it as being “the largest class” up to that time. The issue also identifies the graduates, including my great-uncle Wetzel “Buster” Kirk and my cousin Custer McCann. (I also have copies of the Banner articles from when the high school was planned in 1926 and erected thereafter.) Hope this helps.
Dodie ;
When James Perry did the 1850 Logan County Census, he was on Harts creek also.
His record shows Josephus Workman lived in house # 182. Some of Joesphus’ neighbors on Harts creek were : 181 (James Tombolin), 183 ( Joseph Adams),
Some of the other Workmans who lived nearby were 187 (Abijah Workman), 186 (Obed Workman), 189 John Workman. No record of Mary & Josephus ever living in Lincoln county, as you posted.
It seems to me like Workman fork, and White Oak fork were one & the same back then.
If we were on Harts Creek, I could take you to where each of those folks lived. Remember in 1850, just because a Census taker numbered houses to look like they were close together, they could be miles apart. White Oak does run into Smokehouse, but it has ALWAYS been White Oak. Some of the old deeds even say White Oak Fork Of Smokehouse. Everyone who lived on White Oak was my family and I have all of the land grants and deeds for same. That was Bryant (and Hensley) Country
(Abijah “Bige” Workman lived at Bulwark, Obediah lived at Henderson and Josephus (aka Joseph) age, 40 lived at Smokehouse where he had lived for a couple of years. In order to obtain a land grant, settlers had to stake a cliam and live on the the land, making improvements for at least 2 years before a grant was finalized. There is a Joseph on the 1860 Wayne County Census, but I do not know if same one. (I have the census records but can’t get to them now) If you check the 1870 Census, Harts Creek District, You will find him as Joseph (and Mary) both age 60. This is why I KNOW he lived in Lincoln County and I assume it was where Workman Fork in Lincoln County got its name.
Here is my proof of everything I just said:
Workman, Joseph. grantee.
Land grant 10 July 1834.
Location: Cabell County.
Description: 40 acres on the Trace Fork of the right fork of 12 Pole Creek.
Source: Land Office Grants No. 83, 1833-1837, p. 257 (Reel 149).
Workman, Joseph. grantee.
Land grant 1 July 1850.
Location: Wayne County.
Description: 140 acres on the branch he lives on of the right hand fork of Twelve Pole.
Source: Land Office Grants No. 103, 1850, p. 317 (Reel 169).
(There were 2 men named Abijah Workman in the area The one on “Bull Work” (sic)Bulwark is my family- s/o Moses Workman Sr and bro. to my gr grandfather Mose Workman Jr.).
Workman, Abijah. grantee.
Land grant 1 September 1855.
Location: Logan County.
Description: 78 acres on Hart’s Creek and the Bull Work Fork of same.
Source: Land Office Grants No. 111, 1855, p. 647 (Reel 177).
Workman, Obadiah. grantee.
Land grant 1 September 1854.
Location: Logan County.
Description: 44 acres on Hart’s Creek of Henderson’s Fork of same.
Source: Land Office Grants No. 110, 1854-1855, p. 466 (Reel 176).
Workman, Abijah. grantee.
Land grant 1 December 1851.
Location: Logan County.
Description: 100 acres on the Hager Branch of Cane Patch Fork of Twelve Pole.
Source: Land Office Grants No. 106, 1851-1852, p. 591 (Reel 172).
1870 LINCOLN COUNTY Census Harts Creek District (This is Little Harts Creek)
Workman Joseph 60
Workman Mary 60
Workman Julia Ann 36
Workman Eliza 24
Workman Dicy 21
Workman Joseph E. 20
Workman Joseph Jr. 10
Workman William 8
Workman Tucker 3
Workman Robert E. Lee 2
Workman Rosie 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This was physically very hard for me and I wouldn’t do it for anyone else. All of these records are online now.
Hi Dodie; Thanks a bunch for all the hard work! I discovered the map maker omitted Workman Fork of Little Harts Creek, Lincoln Co. WV. so his works are unsatisfactory. However, we now know that Josephus Workman was a dweller on both creeks (Big Harts & Little Harts). As for the houses being close in the Logan Census, that was not possible; because farms needed large areas of land for food & grazing purposes.
Do you know how I can find land grants or transfers for Whitman (Whitman Creek?) in Logan County? My stepdad’s family lived on Whitman for many years and owned a cemetery on the side of the mountain. That’s the cemetery where Bige Workman’s stone was recently found. His stone reads B.J. Workman. A picture of his tombstone and death cert have been uploaded to’s Baisden Cemetery Whitman.
Back to my question. I really need to try to find a document that states when our family came to possess this land. I know for sure Thomas M Baisden lived in the old homestead by 1910 and his father Thomas T Baisden lived in Big Creek in late 1800s. My records show him born in Big Creek, but a census shows him born in VA (I confused) and Thomas M as having lived in Rich Creek in 1871 and was a widow at 38 yrs old and living on Whitman 1910. He ran a boarding house.
Abijah Workman? My niece just found a tombstone in our family cemetery onWhitman Creek (Baisden Cemetery). “Bige” born 1872 probably Abijah, Jr.
Would anyone know where the Pine Grove Cemetery in Mingo County is or is there such a cemetery located in Mingo County?
Hi Barb;
I believe Pine Grove cemetery is located in Cabwaylingho St. Park. Go to Dunlow,WV,Route 52 ; then enter the park road, and travel a distance of about two miles on the left side of the highway.. I have never in been the cemetery, but have passed it a number of times.
Thanx Shelby
I often gather death records from West Virginia Vital Records and on Hugh Tomblin’s death record it states that he was laid to rest at the Pine Grove Cemetery in Mingo Co., His mother was said to be laid to rest at White Oak Cemetery in Mingo Co.
On the Find A Grave cemetery listings Pine Grove is not an option but White Oak is. I was told that they were the one and the same cemetery? Would you know if this is so or not?
Hello Barb! Remember me? We met a few months before Buster passed away. I’m the daughter of Buster William Browning. Hugh was his stepfather. Millie is my grandmother. I tried to find that cemetery also.Is White Oak and Pine Grove the same place?
Is either of these cemeteries connected to the Spry Cemetery where Bass Spry was buried? Thanks
I have a map of the 55 Counties of WV. It was published about 1990. There is no White Oak Fork of Harts Creek on the map. Where White Oak Fork is supposed to be, the map has Workman Fork. I have an ancestoral aunt I have been told, is buried on Workman Fork. Her name was Mary Burgess (1807). Her husband was Josephus Workman. I know the state renamed a lot of the places back several years ago. Too many places had the same name which was confusing.
Shelby, there is no Workman Fork at Harts Creek in Logan County unless the name has been changed. I believe Workman Fork is at Little Harts Creek in Lincoln County. Josephus Workman didn’t live at Harts Creek in Logan County, so more than likely Workman Fork in Lincoln Co was named for his family. It is very possible that the map is incorrect. I have Bryant Deeds from mid 1800s and they state White Oak Fork Of Harts Creek, Logan County. You were right about it connecting to Smokehouse Fork.
Hi, Shelby. Workman Fork is a branch of West Fork of Harts Creek. The mouth of the fork marks the boundary between Lincoln and Logan counties. For the most part, Workman Fork is located in Logan County. I visit people who live up there all of the time and have attended Workman Fork United Baptist Church near the mouth of the fork. In the old land records, you will find other Workman Forks–but this is the most commonly known Workman Fork in Harts area today. Best of luck in sorting out the names.
I just viewed a wonderful video about 3 beautiful mountain women and it made me so homesick for the mountains that I actually cried aloud. These ladies are not from Logan County, but their heritage is very similar to ours and they are from my generation. They come from 3 different races but they are one in spirit.
YouTube video – Women of These Hills
Thanks for sharing the video..I enjoyed it
Thank you! I enjoyed it very much also.
Someone wanted to know where White Oak Fk. is located on Harts Creek. It is the next fork down from Smokehouse Fk. (Shively). You can also travel the Crawley creek road to Harts Creek mountain, and then cross over the ridge to Smokehouse Fk. If you are in the Chapmanville area. The distance is about 4 miles.
White Oak is a branch of Smokehouse Fork of Harts Creek.
Thanks for your work. Missed the 22 reunion. Glad to visit this site (MEMORIES) are good. Lonnie & Nora parents, Janice sister photo 1942 1st grade pic, Thomas, Larry brothers #22 was a wonderful place to grow up at.
My favorite scene of the “Hatfields and McCoys” mini-series is where they showed a copy of the Logan Banner.
As a former employee at the Banner, I really enjoyed that part, too. However, I couldn’t help but note that the newspaper began publication in 1889 and was in those days titled the Logan County Banner. You can find the Logan Banner on microfilm all the way back to 1889 at the Cultural Center in Charleston, WV. It’s good reading!
My mother, Kathryn Curry Muncy was born and raised in Verdunville. I would love to gather any information that is available about the Curry family. My grandpa was Rev. Willie Curry, his wife, Eliza Bryant Curry and their children: Orpha (dec), Relma (dec). Lell, Lahoma, Arvis, Esmond, Irmith, Paul, Kathryn, and Estelle. All but my mom and Aunt Estelle have passed away. Thank you in advance! Katrina Blankenship
The History Channel will air the “Hatfields and McCoys” six-hour miniseries starting with Part 1 on May 28th. I am looking forward to watching it, but I am very pissed that it wasn’t filmed in WV. It was filmed in Romania.
I agree, Frank. I do want to watch the series, but I am so sad to learn about this “snub.” WV should have been the location for the whole series.
I am doing Logan-related research for a book I’m hoping to write on my birth parents, who were not from Logan, but lived in Logan/West Logan from about 1948 to 1951. I am trying to find old-timers still living who might have known my birth parents, Bob and Betty Workman. They lived most of their lives in Huntington — Bob was born in 1916 and died tragically when he drowned in Florida in 1962, after he and Betty had divorced in 1959 in Huntington. Betty was born in 1921 and died of lung cancer in Huntington in 1992. She gave me up for adoption at birth at Cabell Huntington Hospital in Feb. 1961.
I have talked to a number of Logan old-timers, including Ed Eiland, Stan Maynard, Howard McNeeley, Ann Vickers, Otis Ratliff, Bruce Hobbs, Ralph Noe and a few others, but have not found anyone yet who knew my parents. My father Bob worked for Bordens in West Logan, and Bob and Betty both performed with a band in Logan, the Jerry Winters Orchestra. Bob played the bass and Betty was a vocalist, and we have some audiotapes from about 1951 when they were performing with the Winters band in a March of Dimes benefit broadcast on WLOG from the old Guyan Barbecue that used to be on Stratton Street in Logan. At the time my parents performed with the band, at least at that benefit concert, other members were Jerry Winters, Hal Bainbridge, Francis Steele and Eddie Thornbury. I also have a photo of my father Bob performing with Eddie and a fellow named Percy Kilgore, who I understand also had his own band. I have talked to Roscoe Thornbury, Eddie’s younger brother, but he did not know my parents because he was away at college when my parents and older brothers Crys and Robin Workman lived in Logan. I’ve also talked to Tom Bainbridge, Hal’s younger brother, and Tom remembers my father Bob but not my mother Betty. My oldest brother Crys, who is 17 years older than I am, attended first grade at West Logan Elementary in 1950-51.
If you know of old-timers I can contact still living in Logan, or who have Logan roots, or with connections to the Borden’s in West Logan, the Jerry Winters band or any of the numerous other dance bands in Logan during that late ’40s/early ’50s period, please email me at If you have Logan roots, maybe we can correspond and figure out folks you may know that I can get in touch with.
I appreciate your time and help.
Frank Christlieb
Arlington, TX
Am wondering if anyone saw my previous post looking for folks who may have known my birth parents Bob and Betty Workman when they lived in Logan/West Logan in the late ’40s and early ’50s. I’m also looking for anyone who knows anything about Jerry Winters, who had a dance band in town for a few years, and my parents performed some with him. I believe Jerry may also have worked at one of the radio stations, either WLOG or WVOW. He died about 30 years ago. Also, if you know any history of the old Guyan Barbecue that used to be on Stratton Street, I would be grateful for your help.
If you have any ideas, please drop me a note at
Thank you very much.
Frank Christlieb
Arlington, TX
Subject: Logan hotels.
Before the motels came along, there were hotels. Logan had the Pioneer, Aracoma, Justice Inn, Sidebottom hotel in Black Bottom. Chapmanville did not have any hotels back then; but there were some “tourist cabins” located at Big Creek. As far as I know, the town of Man did not have any back then I believe the Aracoma had family apartments. Theirs was the only ones for familys back then. Logan county has came a long way in providing accomodations for visitors since then.
Does anyone remember 2 children being shot by their mother at Macbeth in 1952? We left WVa. in 1952 and this happened right after we moved. One of the little boys name was Jimmy. Would appreciate any help.. Thanks, Janice
Shelby, I recently obtained some old pictures of Black Bottom and the “Cow Shed” is in one of the pictures. I remember the Casino Club. Was never inside, but we could hear the music on Friday & Saturday night all the way on top of City View Hill. The only Wagon Wheel I remember was on Dingess Street. I will be posting the pictures as soon as I finish the article. I am waiting to get more pictures that have been promised.
I know of the Wheel cafe on Dingess St. The one I referring to was in Black Bottom. I believe it was abandoned after one of the many floods that hit the area. Glad you have some old pics of the area.
The other Cow Shed saloon I spoke of was located on the French Butcher property at Chapmanville.
Does anyone remember the Cow Shed at Black Bottom back in the 1940s or 1950s? Was it a beer garden?
The only beer tavern I have ever heard of in Logan Co. named the “Cow Shed” was located at Chapmanville, at the mouth of Crawley Creek.
You may be thinking of a tavern named The Wagon Wheel located on Rt 44 at Black Bottom. It had a wagon wheel in the front, thus the name. Down the street was a night club named “The Casino Club”. They had a huge dance floor, and I have been to some of the square dances they occasionally held. That was a lot of fun. Square dancing gave way to Rock & Roll about this time.
Spankem, WV
Was one of the odd names for a community on Huff Creek, Logan Co.WV.
When the railroad was built up Huff Creek, the train people was wondering what to call the settlement. They heard some kids crying, as their mother spanked them for gettting their clothes wet & dirty in the creek. One of the train crew yelled out loud: “spank em, lady ” The name hung on for many years, until the p.o. decided Davin was to be the Post Office.
My uncle ( James Lewis Burgess) lived there for a while. He always called the town “Spankem “.
Janet (Barker) Hager passed yesterday. Her obituary is in the Logan Banner.
Janet was a leading family historian & genealogist of southern WV. I was on her website for several years. I admire Janet for her selection of her final resting place, in the Hager cemetery, at Hewett, WV. I too am related to the Hagers.
I am trying to find family related to a friend of mine who was adopted out shortly after birth . Her mothers name was Eva Gay Hager . She thought she was the oldest child at that their were several more children that followed . Any help you could give me would be appreciated. I am not sure where these responses go so if you could email me. Jd.
Julie, you can do research at You need to
have birth & death dates to look
for census records.
You have to set up an
account on the site.
I saw the photo of the painting my dad did, entitled Slag Fire on the Guyandotte. That is so cool to see.
Two other Logan county millionairs come to mind;
One was Don Chafin who befriended the coal operators in their fight to disrupt unions. Another man was John ‘Johnnie” Vickers at Chapmanville. He came off the farm at Big Creek to establish a clothing store. He sold lower priced clothes to the residents, mostly on credit terms. He and his son, Tracy, started up another store at Gilbert later on. When he died his estate was worth a million.
Logan county WV had a millionaire who was illiterate. His name was Standard Vanatter.He operated a used car parts business in Black Bottom. He died and left an estate worth one million dollars. His wife did all the paperwork for him.I believe he was born on Big Ugly creek.
When I was growing up, anytime my dad wanted another car/truck, he would just go to Stanley Vanatter’s. My Mom said he was trading off the devil to get the witch. I remember one time my brother and I went with my dad and we brought a billy goat home. Oh, did that goat stink. We had a little nanny goat and she wouldn’t even get close to that stinky goat. So, I know one illiterate millionaire who also sold used vehicles and stinky goats.
Hi again,Dodie;
Black Bottom was also known as Ellis Addition to the city of Logan. Some say its name was due to the black waste coal that covered the area. Others say its name came from the African American population in one part of the addition. Black Bottom was a mixture of retail stores, saloons, scrap dealers, horse traders, and dwellers.
A popular song back then was called: Black Bottom Blues
“if you go down to Black Bottom; put your money in your shoe For the women in Black Bottom, will take it away from you”. Oh, sweet mama, daddys got them Black Bottom Blues. Oh sweet Mama, daddys got them Black Bottom Blues. (Chorus)
I am finding more opinions about Black Bottom than “Carter had pills.” (The youngins’ won’t know what that means). I walked through Black Bottom every day when I was growing up (only way to get to post office in Logan where we got our mail). You forgot to mention that it also encompassed Deskins Addition. Where was the scrap dealer located? 🙂
Frank Gaylock ran a used car parts & scrap operation up near Baisden’s farm store. There was another similar operation across old rt 119, but his name doesnt come to mind. I just remembored the horse trader’s name ; it was Sam Pack. He was a shrewd operator, and got many complaints from customers. The late judge Chambers got a horse from one of the dealers, only to later discover the animal was nearly blind. He later told the story in his memoirs of Logan Co. WV.
For several months now, I have been working on the History of Black Bottom in Logan County. Would love to have some input from people with first hand knowledge and memories about Black Bottom in the 1940s and 1950s. Do you know how Black Bottom got that name?
(Bet you can’t say “A Booklet About Black Bottom” – 3 times really fast without laughing or getting mixed up!)
Dodie: When I was researching the Mamie Thurman book for Keith Davis, I came across some information in the Banner where the town council had voted to change the name of Black Bottom to White Bottom (or something like that). There was an article on it in the Banner. I may have copied it but I doubt it since I was looking for something else entirely. However, I did find it interesting. I recall discussing it with some of the other employees at the Banner. Of course, I don’t think the White name caught on. I know this sounds vague but it’s been over ten years ago that I saw it.
Brandon, The “town council” voting to change the name of Black Bottom to White Bottom makes absolutely no sense. What Town Council? There has never been a “town council” for Black Bottom. Black Bottom was never incorporated and that was never even the official name of the area, so how could they “vote” to change the name?
Apparently you read the article written to the Banner in the 1990s by the late Sam Rogers. The article has been on line for years. Sam was writing about a letter that had been written to the Logan Banner by K. F. Deskins in 1928. Sam opined that he wondered if White’s Addition was the outcome. I mentioned his article in the booklet that I wrote (unpublished) about the history of Black Bottom. I know the area well and worked on the booklet for a long time and combined it with my genealogical research and personal knowledge, as well as researech nthat I had previously done in primary records. I wanted to make sure all information was factual.
Black Bottom encompasses present day Deskins Addition and present day Ellis Addition. The area that became known as “Black Bottom” (Ellis Addition section 0f “Black Bottom”) is where my ancestor (and yours), Patton Thompson and wife Judy Farley lived. I bet you didn’t know that.
“White Bottom” had nothing to do with White’s Addition. Whites Addition is up by Cherry Tree. A Booklet About Black Bottom In Logan County WV, along with my other DOCUMENTED research will be placed (FREE) in the libraries in Logan as well as in the Dept. Of Archives and History in Charleston.
Here are a couple of excerpts from my unpublished booklet about Black Bottom:
“I will state categorically that White’s Addition was not the “outcome” of the attempt of Kennis Farro Deskins to change the name of Black Bottom to “White Bottom” in 1928. Sam Rogers’ statement that many people “correlate Black Bottom with the Black Americans living there during the early and middle part of the twentieth century” is true, but the premise itself is invalid. Historically there were never many black families living at Black Bottom. I suspect that K. F. Deskins was trying to get deed restrictions placed on the area, due to the fact that a high school for black students had recently been built at Coal Branch…
“When I began researching Logan County History and genealogy, I was very surprised to learn that the deed to my parents’ house at City View revealed that the area had been deed restricted since a resurvey and redrawing of maps in October 1926 that would end in 1960.”
Brandon, I am old but my memory is quite clear. I am also very familiar with the original research on the history of Mamie Thurman. I believe it originally sold for $2.00 (?). I have a copy of the original research. You were probably in diapers or a toddler at that time, from Lincoln County.
What’s in a Name? Nothing about a “Town Council “voting” on name of Black Bottom being changed to White Bottom in Sam’s article. Would love to see a copy of the letter written to the Logan Banner by K. F. Deskins though. Previous “historians” not doing documented research in primary records are repeated over and over. For example, Henry Clay Ragland stated that Harts Creek was named for a man named Stephen Hart. That cannot be true. Stephen Hart was born in NC many many years after “Heart Creek and “Little Heart Creek” were shown on an 1820 map of Cabell County) . I found no record of Stephen Hart ever living in what is present day Logan County, plus the fact that he hadn’t even been born when “Heart Creek and “Little Heart Creek” were named. People just keep repeating that same mistake without actually checking in primary records.
Sam Rogers article about place names of Logan County can be found here: (Use with caution)
I believe the old Merrill coal co. at Henlawson ceased operations about 1950. One of my late wife’s in laws was employed there (Walter Grabowski). They lived at the old single men’s boarding house up Little Buffalo creek. I have a pic. of the old boarding house some where in my clutter. Little Buffalo creek was where the present park now is located.
Hello everyone I was raised in Logan back in the 1970’s. I attended Justice Grade School and stayed with Mrs. Craddock in the evenings after school. She lived at the end of the Henlawson RR Bridge. I loved trains and was always curious as to when the last year that the rail line and bridge that went up the hollow of Chief Logan State Park was used. I would love to see any pictures or have some information on the history of that line when it was still in use and what year the railroad stopped using it.
Love this website,
TJ George Jr.
I knew the Craddocks and their son, David. I remember Moss Craddock was a preacher and a mine foreman. I can remember him preaching on the radio.
Can anyone tell me the name of the cemetery located on the hill in back of the college?
It’s called the Mounts Cemetery. My great grandmother is buried there. I will be posting some photos of the cemetery soon.
Hi Charlie;
Good to hear from you again. Yes, many Logan countians had hand dug water wells back then. Water was no problem.
The biggest problem was waste disposal.We had no waste pickups at that time. I burned & buried my waste, as I had a large piece of land. Others just dumped their waste over the creek banks ; or took them to some remote hollows. I do not use Facebook, Sorry.
I was looking over the West Virginia maps of the 55 counties, and Logan city now has only one addition, (Whites Addition). It reaches from rt 10 to Monitor. No mention of any others: Deskins, Ellis, Buskirk, Midelburg. I knew there was a Whites addition alongside rt 44, where the county bus garage is. Looks like the other additions have been relegated to history.
A little postscript to the letter I left yesterday that may be of interest to Shelby, Joseph McDonald of Blacksburg IE Toms Creek had all these sons of which were Bryan where my line runs through and also Edward his brother,Now I think Bryan stayed at Toms Creek and his son John my greatgreat grandfather settled there at Crooked Creek,But this Edward was the first to leave the toms creek area and by the assistance of an english scout went into what is now west virginia,Edward settled through the negotiations of an Indian Chief the area known today as Oceana, this town was named after the daughter of the Chief. I believe if you do a little research this may be where you find the two seperate families,though distantly related.Through Edward and Bryan being brothers and probably being influenced by his uncle John chose like edward to relocate.John at crooked creek,uncle ed at oceana.
Thank you John, for the interesting rundown on the Logan Co. WV McDonalds. I apologise for saying in my post there were two unrelated sets of the McDonalds in Logan co. My set probably came down to Stollings from Huff creek, and like you say were remotely related,via Edward.
I am a bit confused what Frank said about his ancestors living across the river from McConnell . We always called that area ‘Gore bottom’; named for the early settlers, the Gores. Perhaps both the Gores and Thompsons lived there at differnt times.
Tell us more, Frank.
I am reminded of a tale Frank Crabtree of Blair once told me ; The miners were in the mantrip cars riding out from their shift in the old Soverign mine one day. Somehow, the mule got his head into a raw electric line, and jumped back into mine car hauling the miners. It took some time to untangle the men from the bewildered animal. At that time, electricity was just coming into use. Mainly for the face cutting machines & drills.
I lived in Chapmanville district for several years; I knew some of the people mentioned in the texts Johnny Adams’ mother was a Baisden and distant kin of mine.I also knew many more on Harts creek: Scott Brumfield, Earl Black, Chas. Adams, Victor Adkins, Rev. Vernon Mullins, Henry Mullins, Walter Chapman, and all the Brownings who were brothers (Warren, Ward).
Hi, Shelby. Vernon Mullins was my great-uncle. I’m more distantly related to Scott Brumfield and Victor Adkins. I knew Ward Browning, too.
Brandon, didn’t Shelby pass away a few years ago?
Hi, Bob. I didn’t know. Sorry I missed him. I enjoyed reading his comments at this site.
Like everyone, I enjoy vintage photos. But, let’s put things in perspective. Not everyone has a Facebook page or wants one. By only posting your old photos on Facebook you’re just making the company richer and denying non-Facebook users.
I agree, HSH! Same with Topix.
Can anyone remember the burning landfill on the riverbank approaching Logan on Rt. 10 ?Motorists had to use headlights in daylight to see. The smoke was very stong. It was hardtimes, and the city had no money to haul the trash away, so over the riverbank everything went.I dont know how the people living in cityview endured all that smoke.This was back in the 1930s.
Hi Shelby,
1930 was before my time, but my family moved to City View in 1942 and I don’t recall Route 10 ever running close to City View. Could you possibly mean Draper Hill or those houses at the base of the backbone at Deskins Addition, across from the Triangle Service Station? If memory serves, the trash dump for the City Of Logan was at Draper and we used to sometimes get the smell of burning trash (and smoke) at Logan Central Grade School and Logan Jr. High (on the hill in back of town) in back of the old Hinchman house.
Route 10, as you enter Logan from Aracoma, runs along the Backbone and people often confused the houses at the base of the Backbone with City View, but that wasn’t City View, it was Deskins Addition.
Hello Shelby, This is Charlie Crabtree Frank Crabtrees oldest son. You lived below us in Midway. I helped you one summer on your produce route. Helped your Dad and brother dig a hand well at your house. Haven’t seen you in 50 years or better, hope your doing well. I am on Facebook under AnnCharlie Crabtree. We live in Morgantown.
Dodie :
My mistake. It was’nt city view, but was Ellis Addition. I don’t recall any trash burning at Draper, which is across the river from Rt 10. There was a bowling alley, service station, and an A & P store nearby.Also an International truck dealership. All are gone now.
Deskins Addition was farthur up Island creek than Ellis Addition.
Deep Logan Co. WV Roots;
Deep Logan County WV Roots; My Ancestors were in the Guyandotte Islands section very early, around 1800. They were: John Dempsey, Elizabeth Baisden Deskins, John Workman, and am related to the Dingess family through the Moores.
My Burgess ancestor was Meridith Burgess (1774) who settled in the Man area.
George McDonald of Stollings married a daughter of his. Also related to the Hatfields through the Vances
Correction :
Meridith Burgess b. 1794
Does anyone know what year the Logan Train Depo was built? You might recognize it now as Logan City Hall.
Since no one has replied, I will add some additional info on the Logan train station. It is near a hundred years old.The station was built prior to World War one. My dad and many others went off to war at that station. It was a beautiful station with a weather canopy along the tracks.It was the second station buildt. The first was a small building later demolished after twin tracks were built.
Thank you Shelby, I kinda knew it was prior to WWI. I think you’re right about it being over 100 years old. There might be a build stone somewhere on the building.
Has anyone ever heard of BIG SPRING in Logan County? I have been putting some of my research into book form to donate to the State Archives in Charleston and to the Community College at Mud Fork and would like to find something to prove (or disprove) information provided by Tom C. Whited in a letter he wrote to the Logan Banner July 23, 1929 stating that the first courthouse in Logan County was at Big Spring, the first designated the first county seat of Logan County. Other than that letter, I have never heard of “Big Spring” in Logan County. Can anyone help?
Hey Frank, What happened to the “tidbits” section?
Big Spring branch flows into the Huff Fk at Mallory, Logan Co. WV. I believe the state erected a fire tower there, and it was called ‘Spring Mountain’. I can hardly believe that location was once the Logan County seat, since it was so isolated.
Shelby, I knew I could count on you to find out where Big Spring was actually located. Tom C. Whited wrote a letter to the Logan Banner in I think 1929 and said that he first County seat was at Big Spring and that Big Spring is present day Peach Creek! I knew that wasn’t correct but didn’t know where Big Spring was actually located. Your info fits perfectly with the extant Petition (1824) to form Logan County which states that the commissioners met at Wm. Hinchmans house (at The Islands) and that Huff Creek was one of the places some of the residents wanted the county seat to be located. The other 2 places they considered were “John Cook’s Place” (present day Wyoming County) and The Islands (present day town of Logan). Thank Goodness there were more signatures from folks who wanted The Islands as the county seat. If they had actually gotten Huff’s Creek or John Cook’s Place, what you and I know about Logan County History would have been forever different! Not a word anywhere in the Petition about Big Spring or Peach Creek! Thanks Shelby! Always good to hear from you.
Logan County and the genealogy community has lost a very special friend. Donna Louise Brown, 55, of Bruno, passed away Monday, October 3, 2011, at her residence after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Donna was a very special lady and one of the most caring people I have ever known. Donna spent many long hours in the Logan County Courthouse doing research and copying records that are not available elsewhere. She published several books, including births, deaths and marriages of Logan County and she was the webmaster for Logan County Genweb from the time the U.S Genweb was started. She gave generously of herself and her time to anyone who ever contacted her for help. Donna taught me how to use a computer and how to design websites. I treasured her friendship and my heart is breaking, but our loss is Heaven’s gain.
Frank, is there some way we can have a special page in honor of Donna? There must be lots of people who would want to pay tribute to her memory. Her obituary can be found in the Logan Banner:
I was very sad to hear about her passing. She was certainly a special lady and will be missed by many. Yes, we should do a page to honor her memory.
I believe that the Rev. Alexander Lunsford was the elder brother of my great grandfather Andrew Jackson Lunsford. I was wondering if there were still Lunsfords from this family in Logan County. (I live in Georgia and am not familiar with the Logan County area.) I would love to make contact. I’m at yahoo and my address is pcharles_lunsford. Thanks
No Easy Way Out…
It does not matter who you are or where you live, the series called “COAL” will touch your heart and you will feel a wrenching in your gut ( as I did) as you watch this documentary about coal mining in West Virginia. No matter who you are or where you live, if you were born in West Virginia, these are your people and a large part of your heritage. Most of us have never been inside a real coal mine, but this series takes you right down in the mines where you can almost taste the coal dust and feel the damp dark air, clammy on your skin.
The series is about REAL people and survival. Michael Browning, Editor of the Logan Banner, wrote an excellent editorial about the series and he said it very eloquently here:
Michael’s editorial prompted me to do a Google Search and here are some links that you might want to check out. In my opinion, this series should be part of the required
curriculum for high schools and colleges all over the country.
The series “COAL” is on Spike TV Channel
Wednesday Nights 10 PM- 9 Central
You can watch an episode here:
Aron Barnhart, The Kansas City Star:
“Coal” is a formulaic, context-free hour about hazardous duty that shuttles the viewer brilliantly from one adrenaline rush to the next.
Tim Goodman, The Hollywood Reporter:
(“Coal”) immediately stands on its own as a worthy subject, not just a way to capitalize on a trend. The men who go into the coal mines in West Virginia are originals with the kind of amazing stories and backgrounds, vocal patterns and lifestyles that conjure a documentarian’s dream. Of course, “Coal” is billed as a docu-reality series and will undoubtedly, in future episodes, fall into some familiar patterns (human behavior and editing being what they are).
Sharon Levy, executive VP of original programming at Spike TV said, “We’ve tapped into something that people are passionate about; this is a topic the world is interested in,” he said. “Everybody is afraid of being buried alive. These people risk their lives every day to make the world move, yet most of us never really think about how we get [our energy].”
I am new to this site. I know quite a bit about “Coal’, being the s/o a coal miner.
Dad told me how he got started as a miner; back then there were only a few jobs a working man could do : either work in log jobs, or go in the mines. The wages were about the same ; the big difference was a miner could work year around ; logging jobs were seasonal, as Winter months the timber industry was mostly dormant times.
We lived all Over Logan county, at one time or another. When a mine closed, dad would go to some other mine to work. This is the reason I know so many folks in the county
Shelby B.
Shelby, that’s the kind of comments I enjoy most. Thank you for sharing it.
You are welcome, Frank.
In reading the early mining days of Logan co. WV. I learned the first coal mine near Logan was the mine owned by Harry S. Gay. The railroad had been built to Logan, but no spur line was yet built up Island creek. So, Harry hired wagon teams to haul the coal to Logan. this was about 1905.
Later, Aracoma mine started up ; then Wilson Co. on the east end of Logan. the railroads opened up Logan Co. to future prosperity. The C&O railway later started up passenger trains, and people could travel much faster than before.
Shelby B.
Thanks Dodie for sending me the link to the YouTube video of “The Green Rolling Hills of WV by Tom Roush”. I liked it so much that I’ve loaded the video in the sidebar.
Hi Dodie, I’m researching Rev Alexander Lunsford and was in the process of trying to determine if he was a minister when I found your wonderful post, “A few of Logan County’s Earliest Ministers”. Now, I have no doubts I was on the right trail and he was indeed a minister. In the last paragraph of the story it states you have photographs of all the Logan County ministers.
I read your reasons for withdrawing your photos from this site and completely understand. However, I’m wondering if there is any way I could get a copy of a picture of Rev. Alexander Lunsford to add to my family tree on
Like you, I believe in crediting those who graciously allow others to post their photographs, documents, etc and will credit your name with the picture. There is so little information out there on Alexander Lunsford, I couldn’t believe it when I saw you may have a photo.
Thank you regardless of whether or not you permit me to use a picture of Rev. Lunsford. The article was wonderful to read!
Jane Lawry
Galena, Ohio
Hi Jane,
Im glad that you enjoyed my posts. I have been hesitant about answering your posts, because I don’t want to get into any discussions about religion or “politics”. That is definitely against the policy on Frank’s website. Thank you for your honesty., Inc., is an Internet company based in Provo, Utah, US, (Home of the MORMAN Church) and, Inc., is the largest FOR-PROFIT genealogy company in the world.
I’m sure the libraries in Logan have pictures of “Dad” Lunsford, beloved Deciples Of Christ Minister, who was alive and preaching the Gospel according to his own beliefs, at the time the Mormans were forced into moving west.
Best Regards,
Hi Dodie, Thanks for your reply. I will give try contacting the library to see if they have a picture of Rev. Lunsford. I appreciate your help! Please keep doing your wonderful posts! We need the stories .. memories of the past to help us understand the hard work, love, courage & building of our great country. Learning their trials & tribulations gives us a greater respect for our ancestors & sometimes even a better understanding of ourselves! Jane
Jane, I agree with everything you said about the work, love, courage & building of our great country. As a retired family therapist, I especially agree that learning about our ancestors gives us a better understanding of our selves. John F. Kennedy (or some very intelligent person in history- my memory is not what it once was-) said that if we don’t learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it.
Dodie, your statement “if we don’t learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it” reminded me of when I worked in D.C. and my daily commute would take me by the National Archives Building. Many times I would reflect on the quotation engraved on the building:
What is Past is Prologue
Frank, I had no idea that quote was on the National Archives Building. What profound words of wisdom. I suspect that the majority of folks never give it a second thought. I nearly died once due to the fact that history does repeat itself. Here is a true story that is on my old Families Of Steel(e) web site:
I an interested in finding some pictures of the Mt. Gay Grade School that I attended in the 1940,s. I know that someone in Logan has some pictures of the school. Could someone help me find pictures, please? Thanks, Beulah
Just a note to let you know that I did find some pictures of the Mt. Gay Grade School with the help of a friend, Connie Kirk. She knew someone that had the pictures and she put them on facebook and I saved them. I think she still has them on her facebook page. Now, I am looking for some pictures of the coal camp at Mona Hill. If anyone has any would you please post them on facebook or my email. Thanks, Beulah
I was wondering if you had any information on my great grandfather (General Bryant), great, great grandfather (Preston Bryant), or my 3x great grandfather (Corbin Bryant). I have not been able to find much information about Preston or Corbin Bryant.
Whose son are you? Preston Bryant was my grandfather.
Galen Muncy is my father. Lena (Bryant) Muncy was my grandmother. Her father was General Bryant & Preston Bryant was her grandfather.
Brandon, If you will give Frank permission to share your email with me, I will send you some pages from my book (unpublished) about Uncle General (yes, he was my mother’s brother) and a complete chapter about your Uncle Don (one of my favorite cousins). Will also send you the story of Grandpa Pres’s funeral.
Dodie, thanks! That would be greatly appreciated. I’ve always been interested about that side of my family.
Frank, You have my permission to share my email with Dodie.
I would love to read your history of Island Creek. How would I go about finding it?
I am so saddened that Dodies’ work will no longer be available. I have personally known Dodie for a long, long time, she has always been honest, caring and hard working. I am especially aware of the time (YEARS) and hard work she has put forth in research. She has always been very generous sharing such research, so I understand her frustrations when it is used improperly.
Many pictures (from a lot of people) have been shared with Dodie and she has ALWAYS given credit to the donor. I know that a picture I shared with Dodie (Peach Creek Grade School group picture) showed up on Topix (no credit given as to where it came from.)
Sorry for our loss!
I love the photos on this site.
Dodie my sister told me that our dad was actually born at Ranger. Is that Harts Creek? I have gotten some info. from Hal Smith, a cousin on my dads side of the family. My dad was born in 1909, so I doubt he was younger than you, 🙂 he passed away in 1972 at the age of 62. He is related to the Gartins,Workmans and Brownings.
Ranger is in Lincoln County and is not close to Whirlwind (Big Harts Creek in Logan County). Ranger is not Harts Creek. Your Smith’s were not related to my Smiths. Your family was pretty easy to trace though (unusual for the Smith surname). I did a very brief search of census records and death records for Lincoln County this morning and here is what I found your family:
Granville Smith appears to be the s/o David F. Smith Jr. and wife Martha J. He was in their household, age 21 on the 1900 Lincoln County Census (Laurel Hill Magisterial District). The Census shows that “Granvil” was 21 years old, born Feb. 1879. His dad David, was age 52, born April 1848. His mom, Martha J. (Jane?) was born June 1854. David was a farmer, but “Granvil” was a day labor in the logging business.
I found David, age 22 (Granville’s dad) in the Sheridan District of Lincoln County on the 1870 census, living with his father, and several siblings. Tolbert Smith and family lived next door.
In 1870 (Lincoln County), I found Both David and Tolbert (brothers) in the household of Ballard Smith. Apparently Ballard’s wife had died, but David had a brother named Tolbert. I looked up Tolbert’s death record and found that his parents names were Ballad Smith and Tina Mars. (You and I might possibly be very distantly related through your Marrs ancestor).
I then checked the 1860 Boone County Census and found that Ballard Smith (age 8 in 1860) was the s/o Henry and Cynthia Smith from Greenbriar County. There was a 75 year old Mary Smith (probably the mother of Henry) living in the household. Mary was born in Monroe County. There is some writing that is very hard to read, but I believe it says that Mary was blind.
From the birth places of Ballard and Cynthia’s children we can determine that they had lived in Fayette Co., Cabell Co., and Boone County after they left Greenbriar County.
Almost forgot to say that Tolbert Smith died in 1933 and is buried in the Smith Cemetery at Ranger WV. (This would be Granville’s uncle).
Hopefully is enough to get you started and give you some direction as to where you should be searching.
Hope this helps. Good Luck!
I found your dad and grandparents in the Tridelphia District of Logan County in 1920. Tridelphia Dist. is up around Man, Bruno, Robinette, etc. I’m not sure where Enumeration District #37 would be, but at least this places thm in Logan County for you.
Granville Smith Family:
1920 LOGAN CO CENSUS – TRIADELPHIA DIST. – E. D. #37 (pg.141)
(Compiled by Donna Brown)
** 275-293
SMITH Granville 40 Head
{Workman} Carrie 34 Wife (note by DB- doubtful she was that old)
Linzy 16 s
Connie 13 s
Ray 11 s
Carless 6 s
Ruby 1 8/12 d
MCKILLEN Elba 30 wd bdr
ADKINS Gilbert 28 md bdr
Dodie I`m sorry about the misuse of your material! My dad ‘Roy Smith “was born on Harts Creek and I don`t have a lot of information about him and his family, so I really enjoyed reading about Harts. His mother was Carrie lee Workman, his dad Granville “Dutch ” Smith. I appreciate all of the hard work you have put into this info. It`s to bad there is always someone waiting to screw up a good thing !
Thank you for the kind words. Was your dad from Harts in Logan County or Little Harts in Lincoln County? Your dad and grandparents must be younger than I, but maybe someone reading this can help. We are almost certainly cousins to some degree. Be sure to print out the Whirlwind (Harts Creek) chapters for your own use and to pass on to future generations..
Linda, One of my dearest friends is the grand neice of Carrie Workman. Carrie Wokman used to babysit my friend. My friend is the lady in the Mystery Christmas picture that I had posted and had asked people to see if they could guess who it was. If you don’t mind, have Frank send me your email address and I will put you in touch with her. I just talked to her and she has some good memories to tell you about Carrie. Carrie was the daughter of (John) Lewis Workman, born circa 1866 married to Nancy Caroline Gartin. That makes you my cousin too. She and I had been friends since 7th grade and I didn’t know until a few years ago that her mother was a Workman. It truly is a small world!
I will send you the rest of your lineage in private email after we connect.
It is with regret that I have asked Frank to remove most of my work from this website. Frank has spent a lot of time making this forum available for Folks with Logan County roots to share and exchange their memories and knowledge.
Sadly, there are TROLLS (bottom feeders) out there who surf the net looking for ways to make a fast buck or to make a name for themselves, no matter how insignificant. They steal, yes, steal other people’s work and pictures and claim them as their own. For example, I have never posted a picture on “Topix” nor have I ever given anyone permission to post my pictures on Topix, but most of the pictures from my old Logan County Nostalgia site are on there, with no credit given to the actual owners of the pictures. I have always given credit to folks who so kindly shared their pictures and knowledge with me.
I have devoted a large portion of my life (thirty plus years) to researching genealogy and the history of Logan County. I have never submitted anything to commercial enterprises nor given any commercial enterprises (companies) permission to publish (for profit) my work, nor the property of others who have trusted me with their old pictures and knowledge. My work would have been mostly dry-flat statistics if not for so many people sharing their old pictures with me so that I could tell stories with pictures as well as facts.
I am old and tired and wanted to share some of my work that might be of interest to others. Peach Creek and Harts Creek especially have been neglected by historians, but I spent many years researching and compiling the history of those places, as well as other areas of Logan County.
The straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back was when a man from Logan contacted Frank Thompson recently asking for written permission to publish some pictures from some of my pages. Frank had no choice but to contact me about the request. The man who contacted Frank was not only rude, but in my opinion, underhanded and unethical, when the man knows full well who I am and how to find me. This man is well known and is strictly in business to make money.
There are many old pictures in families that will never be shared because many folks are sick of their families being exploited for money, like Logan County people have been exploited since the beginning of the county. Most of us have ancestors who died old before their time, “working for the man” and being exploited by the money changers.
Thanks to all of you who have participated in discussions about what I have posted and hopefully we can still continue the wonderful discussions. I just will no longer be handing my research, sources and hard work to business endeavors on a silver platter.
Dodie (Smith) Browning
I forgot to mention it, but I will be donating my work to the Community College Library in Logan. as well as to the public library if they want it.
Dodie, I am so sorry all this has happened to you. I have so enjoyed reading all that your patient research has uncovered and appreciate your letting me make some additions or corrections (as far as I know) to a couple of things. I’m sure I speak for all of us who have visited your website and who have taken a “walk back in time” with you. I hope that 2011 brings you better health. Again, thanks for all your hard work.
My dad worked at Fairmont Foods in Stollings, if anyone has any pictures or comments would you please post them, I would love to see them!! thanks!
I’ll be home for Christmas;
You can count on me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree.
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love-light gleams.
I’ll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.
I had so many wonderful christmases at Peach Creek, I love all our neighbors , speical love for the Rayburn’s and Hull familys. Merry Christmas to all,
Barbara Randant Thomas
A friend sent me this link of WVU Happy Holidays eCard to share. Enjoy!
Where did you get that great picture of Logan circa 1875?
Just wanted to wish all of my Logan County friends a Blessed Christmas Season. I made my first Christmas web page 10 years ago, but the pictures and sentiments still hold true today. If you would like to see my special pictures and wishes for you, click here:
Kathy, I have been doing genealogy (and history) research for 30 plus years, (long before the Internet) so I have many old pictures and post cards. I used to have lots of Logan County pictures on one of my old websites, “Logan County Nostalgia”. Many wonderful people shared generously with me over the years- others, not so much. I started putting old pictures online in 1998 but people were lifting them, (as well as my research) and posting elsewhere with no credit given to original owners, so I stopped posting them online several years ago. My LHS Class Of ’55 Memories web site is the only one I keep updated these days. My husband was an avid amatuer photographer and many of my “old” pictures were from pictures that he took of originals, often hanging on a wall in someone’s home in Va. or WV (or a library or courthouse). I believe the picure you asked about is from an old post card.
My health is poor these days but I have posted some of my work here, to help Frank get his web site started but most of my work; microfilm, micro fische, books, old picture collection, old post cards and unpublished manuscripts will be donated to the Community College Library at Mud Fork when I die. I bet they would like to have a CD copy of your wonderful pictures of Crooked Creek cemeteries. Those pictures are excellent.
Dodie its saddens me and lots of others that you are not going to post anymore.I have always enjoyed all you posts, at times i felt as though i was back in time.What wonderful storys and pictures,you have posted .So at this time i want to say Thanks for the memories,and god bless you and yours ,Barbara
Thank you for your nice comments. I will still be posting under the comments section, because I enjoy sharing and exchanging our Logan County memories. For example, when Frank posted the pictures of the old railroad bridge at the edge of town, it triggered many memories of how I, along with other children used to take “shortcuts” under the bridge and under trains loaded with tons of coal so we didn’t have to wait at the crossing to get to town. That was before I moved to Peach Creek. I wouldn’t trade growing up in those “billion dollar coal fields” for all the big city lights or tropical islands that we used to see in movies at the Logan Theatre and Middleburgh Theatre when we were young. I have seen those big city lights and tropical islands and after all is said and done, there really is “no place like home.”
I was so happy to find this website. I have been doing some research on the McDonald family history. Any infomation you have would be appreciated.
My Great Great Grandfather was Boliver McDonald. My Great Grandfather was John McDonald. My Grandparents were Wayne and Ollie (Hale) McDonald.
My father is Richard McDonald.
I am interested in everything you can find on the McDonald “clan” in Logan County. My great-grandfather was a brother to Bolivar (we always spelled it with an “a”); his name was Astynax and everyone called him Styne. My grandfather was John Bryant McDonald, who lived in Peach Creek all his life. He was a barber there. He took care of the graves on the point above the Peach Creek Post Office where my great-grandfather and great-grandmother (Martha Jane Dingess McDonald – I was named for her) were buried. There were four or five graves there, but I don’t remember who the others were. At that time, I was a child and not interested in history!
The only Richard McDonald that I knew was the son of Alex, grandson of Charles McDonald (my great-uncle and brother to John). He was never married. Who was your John McDonald? My grandfather named my father “Orloff” and always said he did so that “someone else wouldn’t get his mail.” Maybe the overlapping names was the reason?
My great grandfather was John Alexander McDonald and he married Annie Frye. They had Wayne (my grandfather), Woodrow and Wilson (twins), Magdalene, Samuel (killed in WWII) and Edith.
My Grandfather was Alvin Wayne McDonald and he married Ollie (Hale). They had Juanita, Earl, Carl, Jo, Harry, Mary, Sammy, Johnny and Richard (my dad).
I have a little family record of Bolivar and Mary McDonald if you need any info on them.
I have never researched the Logan co. WV McDonalds, but I’m wondering if there were two unrelated sets of McDonalds in the county
My great aunt, Martha Burgess, b. about 1850, married George McDonald of Stollings. Any help appreciated.
Shelby B.
In my post I mentioned my great aunt, Martha Burgess married George McDonald. She was the wife of Lewis McDonald. Sorry!
I am the great grandson of Maltravers McDonald whos son was Joseph Floyd McDonald and Maltravers was the brother of Bolivar,John McDonald their father was whom I was named after,This John came to crooked creek in the early 1800s he was the son of Bryan McDonald these folks originated in Blacksburg Va, in what is considered Toms creek just north of va tech. Their father Joseph McDonald moved to this area after an attack by indians left him with a head wound, My father said he was told it was a removed ear but this attack also left his brother edward dead at what was considered to be the big spring which is located on the catawba road just south of fincastle va.the reason for the attack is sketchy there were indian attacks then and we as a nation were dealing with the tory laws of england and it is known that Edward was an outspoken lawyer and Joseph was a very devout christian and had no issues with proclaiming the gospel,which was treasonous to the english and it is mentioned that there could have been no worse profession then an evangelist for it flew in the face of the church of england ,I truthfully thought this was the reason he moved near what is now Blacksburg, look up Whisner Methodist Church in Blacksburg Va.But Joseph and his six sons faught in the revolution with his wife elizabeth making and supplying the gun powder,if you look at a detailed map of that part of va ,just east of blacksburg you will find a small town called McDonalds Mill there is an old mill that is there and that mill is actually the second mill built on that same spot,this mill belonged to Joseph and Edwards brother George,now if you continue up that road east,you will come to the catawba road on this road is where you will find Josephs father cabin it can not be seen from the road but it was built around 1745 seeing as that was the time he bought the property approx 600 acres. His name was Bryan McDonald II he came to America in 1691 at the age of 5 his brothers were john,William,James,Richard and sisters Mary and Annabelle .Bryan bought the property and settled there,across the road from his property sits another home that sits next to a cemetery ,again hidden by trees from the road this old colonial was built in 1766 and was built by Bryans son or Josephs other brother Bryan McDonald III it still stands and is beautiful,Now Bryan IIs father was named Bryan MacDonnell McDonald he came with his wife Mary Doyle and just a few small children,they settled in Mill Creek Hundred Delaware after having sailed and docked in New Castle Delaware. Bryan was a Lieutenant in the army of King James II I have not found the exact cause for their departure but was most likely as not religious persecution,The family was Presbyterian,up until Joseph. England had its Church of England and was bent on making the British Isles as well as America the same,and Ireland had it catholic faith. Plus I believe they knew the battle could not be won there that was proven the next year in 1692 when the Glencoe massacre happened as well as the Highland clearances then colloden,The torch had to be passed to a new era of people lets none of us take it for granted,Liberty comes with a price,Lest we Forget.Bryans father was Alexander MacDonnell and Icould continue just a few more generations to the Kings we are decended from but thats it for now
I love this website! My family immigrated and ended up in Omar at the turn of the 20th century, so I love any history about the area I can find. Bob, you are right about my Grandfather flying P-51’s in WWII. I was actually trying to find anything I could about the bridge in Logan that was dedicated to him (William J) back in the late 90’s; to see if it was still bearing his name but I can find nothing. I am currently living in Charleston, the rest of my immediate family has moved away from WV to Kansas and as far as Hawaii, but I can’t bring myself to leave the area. I was surprised to see Bob’s and Raamie’s posts on here; it’s great to see good people that care about their roots. My father spoke very highly of both of you; I know he still looks over all of us and may he rest in peace. I really wish I had continued the tradition of flying but instead became an accountant… I do see a private pilot’s license in my future though 🙂 mother is Ruby Saunders, daughter of Ernest and Ada Saunders of Coal Branch. Her brothers and sisters are Albert (deceased), Mary Madeline (Peg), James, Frank, G.C. (deceased), Elizabeth, and Virginia. My grandpa built one of the first roads up into Coal Branch, probably in the 30’s. He was a miner, and also a preacher. I’m just wondering if anyone remembers them? My mother is 84 now. Thanks for this wonderful site. I’m trying to show her the photos, but her vision is nearly gone, and its hard for her to see them. She’s enjoying the memories though, as i describe the pictures to her.
I saw a 6½ oz Logan WV coke bottle sell for over $100 on eBay. I can remember when I was a kid I only got 2 cents a bottle at Kroger. I sure wish we had eBay back then. 🙂
The week in Logan was wonderful. I went to the library several times and to the genealogy club meeting one evening. It was like coming home. We drove a lot to places I heard Grannie talk about and a few I had visited many years ago as a child. A second cousin is buried in Mitchell cemetery at Mitchell Heights (up the hill). We drove up several roads but did not get out to explore. A lady at the cemetery at Man told us it was there. Oh well, another day and another time. Went to Henlawson and found the house my great aunt lived in. Island Creek flooded while we were there and that was sad, but I understand there are plans for dredging. We met so many wonderful people that my husband said he would like to stay awhile but there is not many places to park the RV except at Chief Logan. I have some old postcards of Logan from the 1940’s that I will share when I get home in October.
Vera, it was nice to hear that you enjoyed your trip. Thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to seeing the postcards. Have a safe trip home.
We are now in Logan. A week in Monroe Co. was wonderful. We did climb Worf Creek Mt. An hour and a half up. The other day we went up the mountain at Peach Creek. What a huge cemetery and grossly neglected. I found a lot of McNeely graves and two Lawson. We are staying at Chief Logan and will leave here Wed for Ky. Did drive up Island Creek to the end where Grannie Wilsie Ellis was born.
We moved to Peach Creek in 1952, so I didn’t know the folks you mentioned, except the Harrisons. In which house did you live at top of hill? We moved there in 1941 or early 1942 and if memory serves, I believe we bought our house from the Bias family.
There were no houses between the end of the paved road and the top of the hill, other than Rasnick’s Goat Farm when we moved there. The Rasnick farm was on the hill at the last curve before the top of hill. Later the Hunters lived there and built a second house on the property. I remember rumors about “prehistoric” animals being seen at the big rocks on top of the mountain, but everyone living on City View laughed at the stories because they knew that it was the Rasnick family’s goats that had climbed to the “Big Rocks” to graze. I believe there was even an article about those “prehistoric” animals in the Logan Banner.
The Harrisons lived in the row of houses where the pavement ended. The name Rainwater sounds a little bit familiar. Seems like that might be the family that built after we moved there. Didn’t they live on the right hand side on the dirt road, going up the hill? Didn’t you have to climb a bunch of steps to get to their house?
When we moved there, there was a family next door to us that moved to Middleburg. I’m having a “Sr. Moment” and can’t remember their names. Dr. Haydue (dentist) lived two doors from us. They had a little boy named “Frankie”. The Jones family lived in the next house, had a daughter named “Bobbie”. The Dean family lived in the next house; had two children, Barbara, a redhead with freckles and I forget the little boy’s name. In the last house (next to the cemetery) was the Staton family; had a teen aged son named Roy. When you topped the hill, our house was the one in the curve, with the pillars on the front porch (2nd house on top of the hill). The first house was a duplex and Norman & Audrey Conley bought that one. They sold it to the owners of Peerless Cleaners. I can’t remember the names of that couple, but I used to baby sit for them. The Oxleys lived in the smaller house down under the main road when we moved there and they sold their house to the Parsons family- Parsons had a daughter “inky” and a little boy, Roy. August & Mamie Gertz bought that house from the Parsons, then rented it out and moved next door to us. The Hefners lived in the large two-story house down under the road. They later sold to Monnie & Hobert Young.
About 1948 or so, Mose Ferguson built a Snake handler/ “free love church down under the hill between where the paved road ended and before the last curve. That was when Mother started talking about moving, because of the “free love” church and because people started building what she called “shotgun houses” all over the hillside. She was afraid it would destroy property values. After I was married she later moved back to City View (where the pavement ended). She lived on the hill in last house where the Harrisons lived. Goldie Napier then built a snake handler church in front of Mother’s house. Wonder if that church is still there? We used to sit on Mother’s front porch and really “jam” to the music from Goldie’s church; piano, guitars, drums, symbols and tambourines. I love that kind of Gospel music to this day!
Have you heard of Logan Merchantile Co or Vandale Undertaking Co?
Bruce Harris started his business on the 3rd floor of the Logan Mercantile. I’ve never heard of Vandale Undertaking.
This is the listing on my grandmother’s death certificate as the place taking care of her burial. What was the Logan Mercantile Co in 1929?
To: Dodie (Smith) Browing
I read one of your posting where you wrote that you once lived at the top of City View. As a child we lived at the very top of City View until we moved to California in April, 1963. I was 10 years old when we left West Virginia. However, I have been returning to visit Logan on a regular basis since 1974. Sometimes I’ll visit more than once-a-year. Anyway, I remember a lot of our neighbors on City View: The Rainwaters, Harrison’s, Bowman’s, Belchers, Kirk’s, Ferguson’s, Frey’s, Blankenships, etc…. I’m wondering if you lived there when we lived there, around 1958-1963? We moved into my granfathers house on City View, sometime after he passed away. His name was John Bokosky. Do you remember the Bokosky family of City View? I couldn’t find your e-mail address anywhere on this web site, this is why I’m posting this here. You can contact me at
No documentation is given, but the WV State Archives has this same information on their website under the History of Omar:
I have been searching for info on Omar, WV which I believe is in Logan County. In the 1800’s, Cole Porter’s (famous song writer) grandfather, James Omar Cole, went to WV and purchased land. He sold the lumber and then discovered coal and/or oil. He returned to Peru, IN, which is my home town. I was told the town of Omar was named after him. Can anyone offer some insight on this? I am the docent at the Cole Porter birthplace in Peru and trying to verify information to relate to tourists. Thanks.
@Vera Sengstock
Vera, I have researched in all of the places you are going this summer. All have excellent records, but last time I was in Russell Co (Lebanon) they wouldn’t let us photocopy some of the old records because of damage to the books. All of their records are on microfilm though and can be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan.
Logan County (my place of birth) is naturally my favorite place to research and IMHO, has the most beautiful campground.
Chief Logan State Park fills up fast so best to make reservations NOW (It may already be too late to get a spot for July).
Application For Reservations
Hope you enjoy your trip and have
Dodie (Smith) Browning
We are on a genealogy road trip this summer. We will be in Russell and Scott Counties in Va. Then Monroe and Logan W. Va. Does anyone know of a campground near Logan? We are traveling in a notor home and have a tow car to get around in. Plans are to be there about mid July. I have really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and history of Logan. Vera
We are searching for anyone who lived at Slagle Wv in the mid 40.s to early 50,s
Frank and Vi Copley Johnson
Growing up in Logan I soon found out that not everyone was honest. When buying meat at the local grocery store nothing was prepackaged or preweighed. The butcher would tear off a long piece of white paper, place it on the scale, and then throw a cut piece of meat on to it. Now the paper was extra long and what the customer could not see was the paper extended down to the butcher’s waist. When he threw the meat on the scale it would bounce up and down. The butcher would apply traction to the paper at the proper time and he could increase the weight of the cut of meat and add to his profit. Filing stations did something called short sticking. Stations were full service them and they would gladly check you oil. The attendant would pull the dip stick out, wipe it off, and reinsert. Only problem was he put his thumb between the cap on the dipstick and the neck of the pipe. The was just about a quart of oil on the stick that would show as low. They would bring the dipstick to your door and show you that you were a quart low and did you want him to add it. Sure, one would say. Now the oil at Pure Oil Stations was green and kept in a wire rack of six bottles. The scam was one of the bottles was just painted green and this is the bottle that was upended into your filler pipe. The attendant would once again check the oil level with your dipstick without his thumb in the way and gladly show you the level was now up to the full mark. Station attendants would also wear a string cutter’s ring and nick your fanbelt or drop a piece of Alka Seltzer into your battery which would kill it instantly.
We have a scam going on in the Charlotte area where a young lady will pull into a convenience store station and buy some gas. When she goes into pay she will tell the person at the counter that she lost her wedding band around the pump. They go out and look for it and, of course, they cannot find it. The young lady then tells the attendant that it has great sentimental value and if anyone finds it she will offer a 500 dollar reward. She says she is staying at a local motel for a few days and leaves her phone number. Well, later that afternoon her cohort pulls in and produces a dime store wedding band. He offers to sell it to the attendant inside for 100 bucks. Now the attendant sees a quick 400 dollar profit and buys the wring. When he calls the number: no one home. I guess we will always have crooks and con men amongst us.
LHS Grad. Class of 1951. Love this new site. Would love to hear from any old friends from Dingess Run. Grew up in Ethel . To list all my wonderful memories would take a book. My parents were Earl and Marie Williams.
I still have a brother and sister in the area and I try to get back at least once a year.
Re reocities sites.
Thanks Frank for the warning below.
I hope all who would check into their web page to be careful and use their own best judgement.
I personally haven’t seen any warning windows but Franks virus program may well be better than mine.
There is also another place who has saved some of these sites. If anyone wants to have that site name I can provide it as well.
Just a bit gun shy now though. Even though I didn’t get a window doesn’t mean that they aren’t trying to down load goodness knows what. 🙂
Careful everyone
@Sandy Gallion Hays
Sandy, to submit a picture for posting on this site, just email it to me. Also, check out the posting guidelines on the Home page. I am looking forward to seeing your pictures.
Here is my email address:
Can anyone post a picture of the Blue Goose Saloon?
So, how are we able to get photos posted?
does any one have an old pic of the old east end elementry school in williamson
@Joanna (McDonnell) Newman
Warning! I visited Joanna’s (West) Virginia Genealogy Page ( and Norton reported that the site is unsafe. “Norton Safe Web has analyzed this page and determined that the site is unsafe to visit. This Web site may attempt to install malicious software on your computer.”
I am very sorry, Joanna.
Geocities was discontinued in October 2009 so many of us lost our web pages full of genealogy information and photos!
Great News!
Thanks to a great guy, named Jacques Mattheij, we can now access our web pages (for read only for now.)!
When he found out they were going down he raced to copy them before they disapeared forever.
I believe he hopes at some point to find a way for us to access our pages.
All you have to do to access you pages is to replace the “G” in geocities with and “R” to make it reocities plus the rest of your webpage address.
For instance
my old web page was
Now it is
Once you access your page again, take the time to read all he went through to save all the pages…and you also might want to send him a big thank you at his email
Hope this makes you as happy as it did me!
Some casual observations about Logan County, WV. As I drive from Charleston to Logan along Appalachian Corridor G I notice a strange site off to the right of the highway. About 100 55 gallon drums with the end cut out and a rooster tethered to a “T” shaped perch. I was not raised on a farm but I don’t think you need that many roosters to produce eggs. They are fighting cocks which I thought was illegal in WV. The handlers attach blades to their spurs and they will fight to the death. A good handler is much like a cut man in a human prize fight. He will have substances to stop the flow of blood as well as an assortment of different blades or spurs to attach to his rooster. I think that there is big bucks in betting on cock fights. Now the other activity that takes place in Logan County is marijuana production. It is reported to be the biggest cash crop in the state.The locals call it “wachy tobacchy”. The WV State Police, locally called the round hats, will try to spot the fields from the air as they turn a particular shade of green at a certain time of the year. From reading The Logan Banner I see where they manage to catch a few from time to time, but I would imagine that there are bigger fish to fry and some serious crime in Logan County. McDowell County led the state in murders at one time and I would imagine that Logan County is not far behind. A common defense during a murder trial is as follows, “Judge, I killed him because he needed killed” and many times the judge and jury agree and the defendant gets off relatively easy. Now in Logan County, if one does not get along with a neighbor, a favorite method of getting rid of the neighbor is to burn him out. I think it is very effective. I do know that the locals can spot an outsider without any problems. I think they suspect that you are a ATF agent looking for stills or a surface miner. I can remember the copper “worms” hanging on an auto parts yard in Deskins Addition. So much for some of my observations about Logan County.
When I was a kid in 1950s White’s Addition we referred to the rocks on that mountain as “Big Rocks” also.
Logan had several “big rocks” on top of the surrounding mountains. Ward Rock was up where WLOG and WVOW had placed their towers. There were large rock formations above Deskins Additions and I remember at one time the paper rumored that there were prehistoric animals up there. It turned out to be goats. The large rock formation above Midleburg Addition was known as Devil’s Hole and you could get on top but it was difficult. The rock was noted for a large hole in the middle. I think the proposed new road to man has cut into this hillside and it certainly is not the same. We spent a good bit of time on the hillside looking for grapevines to cut and then swing on. We would test them with the weight of two or three boys to insure that they were strong enough. All went well until the vine died about the third day and then it would break while you were over the great abyss. In the 50’s the Guyandotte was polluted with the washings from coal cleaning plants. It was jet black and in times of drought, almost ran like syrup. Untreated sewerage also was dumped into the river and gamefish were non existent. The annual floods did serve a purpose of giving the river a good flush.
I do remember Perunie and if you copy and paste the link above I think you can hear her theme song, Turn Your Radio On
What a lovely memory! Thanks for sharing it.
Dodie: When I was student at the Coal Branch grade school in 1949 or 1950, the white kids were invited to the black school for a May Day celebration. They had a May Pole with red and white streamers or ribbons attached to the top of the pole. All the kids danced around the pole, each holding a streamer, half were going clockwise and half going counter clockwise. When the pole was finished it had been woven top to bottom with red and white. Lunch of hot dogs and Kool Aid was served inside the school. I can’t remember if there were two or four rooms but it seems to me like there were two large rooms. I was most impressed with the hot lunch. I don’t know if they always served hot lunches or this was just a special occasion.
I want give my special thanks to Dodie (Smith) Browning for identifying the name of hill from where the Logan WV photo was taken. I also want to thank Sandy Gallion Hays and Kenny Collins who confirmed Dodie’s opinion. I’ve change the title of the photo to “Logan WV from the top of Buskirk Hill”. Again, thanks to all of you for your help.
Frank, Unless my bearings are off, If you look to the far left, about a quarter of the way from the bottom of the picture, you will see some yellow oblong “thingys”. If I am not mistaken those are school buses and directly in back of the buses is the Aracoma High School at Coal Branch. That is Coal Branch Hollow running in back of the school. Schools were still segregated when I went to school and Aracoma High was the High School for black students. The grade school for black students was a nice white clapboard building on the hill above the High School (to the left), but doubtful that it is still standing. Does anyone know? I was never inside, but believe it was a 4 room building. The little 2 room school where I went to school for 4 years was farther up the hollow. The small hill that separates the community of Aracoma (Route 10, shown in the picture)from Coal Branch was called the “Backbone”.
Dodie, no I cannot see the old Aracoma High School in the picture. Give me a hint where to look.
Thank you so much for making this website. It really brings back old memories, it’s great! I also really like the old pictures of logan. I would also like to say hello to Bob Marslender, I played football with your older brother Danny, at Omar Jr. High. (The old school, not the new one)
Sandy, I think the picture you are talking about is from the Logan Banner. If that’s the case, the Library should have it on microfiche and the article may tell you the names of the individuals in the picture. However, since he’s in the background, it’s probably not likely but good luck anyway.
Also, if the triangle picture is from the Banner, then you should be able to buy a large print of the picture and if the print is from the negative (not from a scanned copy), you will be able to do high resolution scan of the picture and maybe determine if it’s your grandfather.
a one in a million question for someone…the standard picture of the triangle, in 1936. I am sure most of you have seen it. Has anyone ever noticed the man walking in the background? I am almost sure that is a picture of my grand father, Lewis Gallion. He used to operate the horseback riding stables on Middleburg island and would walk from the island to where he lived on City View every day. I can only remember him wearing work pants with a long sleeved white shirt and a hat. For those who may not remember me, my mom was Lucille Gallion, “Perunie” on WLOG for more than 32 years.
my email address:
Buskirk hill above the old power plant and Buskirk Addition.
Can anyone (beside me) see the school buses and the old Aracoma High School (Coal Branch) in the 1999 picture of Logan?
it looks like this picture could have been taken up behind Jimmy Buskirks (way up)…you can see the turn off to the hospital, as well as Rt 10 on your left and entire Middleburg island (which my grandfather was offered to buy in the early 50’s since he operated the riding stables there and didn’t think it would be a good business decision…he wasn’t a very forward thinking kind of guy but he was really good with stock. hahhaha) with the middle school closer just as you would see it driving across water street bridge going into town from the triangle. you also notice the power lines, so yep I think it’s up on the hill behind Buskirks
My email address is
I am thinking that picture was taken from Draper Hill or High Street. I really like this web page. Fuzzy I too so love Logan WV. The only place I call home. Barbara
Thanks Terry, I enjoyed the pictures on your site. I won’t copy any of them but I would like to add a link to your site so anyone visiting this site will have the opportunity to enjoy them too. I totally agree with you about the way life is now. I think all of us that grew up in the 50s and 60s long for that simple life again.
I remember Morrison’s very well. My brother Doug and friend Odell M were there one night and some boys wanted to fight. We broke bad on them and the police were called. Sally, then a young lady, (we were young also) warned us that they were on the way. We made a hasty retreat laughing all the way. There was only three of us and about 10 of them from Man or somewhere. At any rate it was fun.
I remember the admission being 15 cents for a child and 25 cents for an adult. I think popcorn was a dime. We would sag our knees at the boxoffice to appear smaller. The theaters were all owned by a prominent Jewish family, the Talheimers. They had the only swimming pool in Midleburg Addition but were very kind to allow all of the neighberhood kids to swim there from time to time. The island was not very well developed in the 50’s and there was only one bridge near the old Kroger store. I understand that the old Logan High School at East End is only used for Board of Ed. storage. It is full of asbestos and it would be expensive and create more of a hazard to remove. Morrison’s Drive Inn is still in business and I think they have the best chicken livers in a box that I have ever eaten.
I have a Bertha Mitchell born 1892. Her parents were John N. Mitchell and Malinda Hall. John was the son of Archelaus Mitchell b. 1825 in Logan Co.,WV and Harriet Cline b. in Logan as well. Does anything
ring a bell??
Bob Mitchell
my mother in law was Bertha Mitchell, married John Miller of Logan,WVa.sons and daughters still live in Logan…
To the Wilson’s; thanks; after my initial post I actually remembered that Jack was the Basketball star; but I got the state location wrong on his college career.
Bill Abraham, I believe flew the old P-51 (? could be wrong on the AC model, but I am reasonably sure he was a fighter pilot. His son Billy Dale and I were good friends. He passed away just a few years ago. He flew C-130’s. We were in Viet Nam at the same time. He graduated the USAF Academy in 1967; my son Chris grad. there in 2004; he is an F-16 pilot with two tours in Iraq and newly assigned in AZ as an F-16 instructor pilot. At 6’4″ Chris is almost as tall as one of the Wilson brothers. So, a descendent of an Omarian carries on the fighter pilot tradition.
Mobile, AL
Your website was recommended to me by Sheridan Hill and just got my first look at it today. Hope you get more stuff than you possibly could dream of and I especially enjoyed the mountainside photo of Logan and the Logan County WWII bomber—that one is a first. I was born at the old Mercy Hospital in Logan, schooled in Chapmanville, graduated from MU and worked as a public school teacher in every high school in Logan County except Man (post integration) and also worked as editor of The Banner now working the past 14 years as an assistant to Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin. There is little recorded Logan history so I hope your website becomes a valuable tool for students and teachers as well as researchers. Anything I can do to help, just whistle a tune. Raamie Barker, 304-357-7887 Charleston, 855-3032 in Chapmanville.
My dad, Edward Bowling was born in Logan Co.WV…father was Cloid Bowling mother was Pearl…any relatives out there???
March 8, 2010
Houston, TX
Bob Marslender–remember him well from Omar. Nice of him to recall my mother’s smile. Brother, Jack, died of aortic aneurysm, in Florida, in 1988.
I think the third Wilson brother was Jack; is that correct Lyle and Vern; I still remember your mother’s happy smile
I am researching the Mitchell Families of Logan,Mingo,McDowell and Wyoming counties. would love to talk to anyone about Logan County and Coal mines, Lizard Creek State Park, etc. I went to a family reunion
up in that park.
Bob Mitchell