Submitted by Bob Piros
The Man Cemetery has also been called the Browning, Altizer & Ellis cemetery.

A big THANKS to Marksie Dunn (Aug. 18, 1952 – Nov. 15, 2017) for the new steps and for all of his other work on this cemetery. Also, a special thanks to Beverly Walls of Craneco, WV for the use of her photos and for a number of the listings herein. Beverly has devoted much of her time locating and photographing graves for many people.
Anyone wishing to help by providing headstone photos, corrections and additional burial information is welcome. Contact the admin at
Some of the interments at the Man Cemetery,
Logan County, West Virginia
John B. Allen, B.D.- June 3, 1881 – KY.- D.D. Dec. 12, 1941 – Mt.Gay WV.
S/O Albert Allen & Martha Allen (McCoy). H/O Rosa Allen.
Ora Allen, B.D. Jan. 24, 1921- Kistler D.D. March 21, 1922 – Kistler WV.
Stella Allen, B.D.1918 – WV. D.D. June 11, 1919- Mallory WV. D/O Leonard Allen.
Aaron Altizer, B.D. 1880 Logan WV – D.D. Dec. 13, 1910 Man WV. Aaron was a Farmer.
Aron Altizer, B.D.- July 23, 1824 – Montgomery CO. VA. D.D.- March 17,1923- Kistler WV.
S/O Emery Altizer.
Chas Altizer, B.D.- 1854 – D.D.- Aug. 6, 1926- Kistler WV.
S/O Aaron Altizer. Chas was a Carpenter.
Lee Altizer, B.D.- Dec. 1869- WV. D.D.- Apr. 2, 1948- Monroe WV.
S/O Aron Altizer & Mary Altizer (Skaggs).
Cecil Clyde Altizer – B.D. March 10, 1898, Man, WV – D.D. Dec. 3, 1931, Man, WV
S/O Joseph S. & Nancy Altizer
Marriage – Maggie Merritt, April 19, 1924 in Logan, WV.
Joseph S. Altizer – B.D. Nov. 3, 1849, Montgomery County, Virginia
D.D. March 9, 1913, Man, WV.
S/O, Aaron & Sarah Altizer (Scaggs).
Marriage – Nancy Frances Fillinger, Nov. 15, 1877 in Logan, WV.
Mary Altizer (Aliff) – B.D. May 1, 1846, Montgomery Co. VA.- D.D. Dec. 17, 1903, Man, WV. D/O, David Aliff & Nancy Aliff Aliff.
Marriage – (2nd wife) Aaron Altizer 1878 in Logan WV
Nancy Frances Altizer (White), B.D.- Sept. 2, 1859 – KY – D.D. Aug. 27, 1941 – WV.
D/O Green & Elizabeth White. W/O Joseph Altizer.
Sarah Altizer (Scaggs) – B.D. March 20, 1828, Montgomery Co. Virginia. D.D. June 6, 1876, Logan, WV.
Marriage – (1st wife) Aaron Altizer May 24, 1847 in Montgomery CO.VA..
D/O, William & M. Scaggs.
Sarah Elizabeth Altizer (Burgess), B.D.- Aug. 2, 1855 – Logan WV D.D.- Sept. 14, 1938 – Kistler WV. D/O Calvin Burgess & Jane Burgess (Vance).
These are the children of Thomas M. Altizer I & Ethel Altizer ( Earl).
All of the children were born & died in Kistler, WV.
- Gladys Fay, B.D. – Oct. 1, 1923 – D.D.- June 10,1934.
- Evelyn May, B.D. – June 10, 1928 – D.D.- Sept. 25, 1929.
- Thomas II, B.D. – Jan. 21, 1930 – D.D.- Apr. 13, 1934.
- Sara Millard, B.D. – Sept. 12, 1933 – D.D.- Sept. 7, 1934.
- Thomas III, B.D. – March 27, 1935 – D.D.- March 27, 1935.
William A. Altizer, B.D.- Sept. 1884- Logan WV. D.D.- Dec. 13, 1909 – Logan WV.
S/O Andrew Bruce Altizer & Venila Altizer (Browning)
H/O Amatie Ellis, marriage July 18,1907 in Mingo Co. WV. William was a Farmer.
Mamie Anna Belcher – B.D. June 16, 1891 in WV.- D.D. Dec. 5, 1947.
D/O, Andy Cage Belcher & Filo Belcher (Christian).
W/O, John Belcher.
Molly Belcher – B.D. 1913 – D.D. 1944.
D/O, Andy Cage Belcher & Filo Belcher (Christian).
W/O,Owen Belcher.
Sarah M. Belcher (Ellis) – B.D. March 7, 1880 in WV.- D.D. Feb. 8, 1937 in WV.
D/O, Squire Ellis & Eviline Ellis (Burgess).
W/O, Sherman AllenBelcher.
Sherman Allen Belcher – B.D. June 18, 1874 in WV.- D.D. Nov.11, 1953 in WV.
S/O Lewis Belcher & Minerra Belcher (Grimmett)
He was a coal miner for the Eagle Island Coal Co. in Kistler on the section crew.
Everett Hunly Blankenship – ★ WWI Vet ★ Pvt. US Field Arty. 80th Div.
B.D. Aug. 7, 1895 in Landville WV. D.D Dec. 13, 1926 in Kistler. His wife was Peachie (Vickers) Blankenship. He was a coal miner and the S/O Loren L. Blankenship & Laura Hatfield Blankenship.
Lee Blankenship – B.D. April 17, 1889, KY.- D.D. Aug. 15, 1931, Logan.
S/O, Riley & Mary Blankenship.
H/O, Iona Blankenship (Sexton).
Lee a coal miner for Bengal Coal Co. in Kistler, died in a slate fall.
Carrie G. Briles – B.D. Sept. 15, 1884, N.C.- D.D. Aug. 6, 1926, Accoville.
D/O, ? & Emma Robinson.
W/O, Bert Briles.
Fannie J. Brooks – B.D. April 23, 1901, Slab Fork, WV.- D.D. Mar. 3, 1920, Mallory.
D/O, Richard & Rispy Brooks (Bailey).
Vicie E. Brooks – B.D. April 11, 1905, Slab Fork, WV. – D.D. Jan. 7, 1918, Mallory.
D/O, Richard & Rispy Brooks (Bailey).
Joseph Lee Brown ★ Vietnam Vet ★ SP4 144 Aviation CO.
B.D. June 22, 1949, MN. – D.D. Dec. 26, 1970, Logan.
S/O Joseph Don Brown & Joan Brown (Altizer).
Joseph was a coal miner.
Ronald Clayton Brown – B.D. Oct. 21, 1939, Logan.- D.D. Mar. 5, 1942, Logan.
S/O, Carl Harry & Evelyn Brown (Payne).
Annaree M. Browning – B.D. Aug. 9, 1926, Emmett, WV. – D.D. Feb. 14, 1954, Logan.
D/O, Rush Justice & Pearl Browning.
Clinton R. Browning – B.D. Feb. 3, 1941- D.D. Mar. 6, 1941, Mallory.
S/O, Dave & Ollie Browning (Likens).
Columbus Browning – B.D. Sept. 5, 1922- D.D. Sept. 16, 1922, Mallory.
S/O, Monroe & Laura Browning (Murphy).
Kathleen Browning – B.D. Oct. 3, 1925- D.D. Aug. 5, 1926, Man.
D/O, Martha Jane Browning.
Frances Genoa Browning – B.D. June 18, 1922 – D.D. April 24, 1941, Logan.
D/O, Chas & Maggie Miller (Dugger).
W/O, Millard Browning.
Leatha E. Browning – B.D. Feb. 8, 1872- D.D. May 12, 1957, Man.
D/O, Squie & Eveline Ellis (Burgess).
Mary Ellen Browning – B.D. Mar.11,1900- D.D. Nov. 5, 1918, Man.
D/O, Lee & Phata R. Browning.
Monroe W. Browning – B.D. Dec 6, 1896, Christian, WV.- D.D. Oct. 15, 1924, Logan.
S/O, Lee & Leatha Browning (Ellis).
H/O, Laura Browning (Murphy).
Monroe was a coal miner.
Walter Browning – B.D. Mar. 24, 1912- D.D. Sept. 8, 1938, Man.
S/O, Lee & Leatha Browning (Ellis)
Marriage- Millard Akers, Feb. 20, 1937, Kistler, WV.
Walter was a coal miner.
Dock L. Burgess – B.D. June 7, 1889- D.D. June 10, 1970, Man.
S/O, Aaron & Cal Burgess(Gultnir).
Marriage – Viola Burgess, June 21, 1912, Logan.
Marriage – Helen Burgess, Aug .23, 1955, Logan.
Dock was a coal miner for Eagle Coal Co., Kistler, WV.
Aaron Burgess, B.D.- 1858- Logan WV.- D.D.- Apr. 3, 1941- Logan WV.
S/O Calvin M. Burgess.& Jane Burgess (Vance).
John E. Burgess – B.D. Dec. 1901- D.D. Nov. 16, 1918, Man.
S/O, Marion & Mollie Burgess (Mangus).
Mollie Burgess – B.D. April 1871- D.D. 1915, Man.
Pauline Burgess – B.D. Nov. 16, 1915 – D.D. Nov. 24, 1915, Man.
Maxine J. Cannon – B.D. 1917 – D.D. Mar. 8, 1920
D/O Charlie L. & Nora Cannon
Nile R. Cannon – B.D. 1915 – D.D. 1917, Man.
S/O, Charlie L. & Nora Cannon.
Woster Carper – B.D. Aug. 23, 1873 – D.D. July 1, 1918, Man.
S/O, Bartly & Mary Carper.
Marriage- Nellie V. Cook, Nov. 28, 1896, Man.
Woodrow W. Carsey ★ WWII Vet ★ SGT US Army
B.D. Nov. 6, 1921, D.D. Nov. 4, 1945, Belguim. Died of skull fracture.
S/O George Carsey & Sarah Carsey (Altizer).
Martin A. Doss – B.D. June 16, 1824, VA. – D.D. Jan. 15, 1914, Man.
S/O, James & Mary Doss (Slaughter).
Marriage – Mary M. Gore, June 30, 1875, Logan.
Mary M. Doss – B.D. Aug. 30, 1845- D.D. Jan. 7, 1929, Man.
D/O, Eli & Nancy Gore (Ellis).
Eveline Ellis – B.D. Feb. 5, 1851, VA.- D.D. Oct. 8, 1926, Logan.
D/O, Calvin & Jane Burgess (Vance).
W/O, Squire Houston Ellis.
Squire Houston Ellis – B.D. Oct. 30, 1850, Logan- D.D. Dec. 26, 1923, Man.
S/O, Owen & Nancy Ellis (Vance).
H/O, Eveline Ellis (Burgess).
Christine Farris – B.D. Mar. 2, 1932- D.D. Dec. 8, 1938, Man.
D/O, Charles & Ruth Farris (Vance).
Her death was caused by being struck by a car in Kistler.
Letha P. Harless – B.D. Jan. 10, 1895, Boone, WV.- D.D. June 5, 1914, Man.
D/O, Charlie & Alice Harless (Barlsen).
Thomas Newton Harless – B.D. Aug. 14,1900 – Wyoming CO.WV.D.D. Aug. 10, 1924 – Huntington, WV.
S/O E. S. Harless & Susie Harless (Vance).
He was a taxi cab driver in Huntington, he died of pneumonia.
Benjamin Monroe Harrison – B.D. Dec. 12, 1889 – D.D. May 4, 1958, Man.
S/O, Tom & Etta Harrison (Baccus).
H/O, Vada J.Harrison (Johnson).
Esther Harrison – B.D. Nov. 26, 1911- D.D. May 14, 1927, Logan.
D/O, Roe & Vada Harrison.
James Ward Harrison – B.D. Aug. 15, 1879- D.D. Sept. 29, 1923, Man.
H/O, Clara Harrison (Workman).
Vada J. Harrison – B.D. Feb. 5, 1892- D.D. March 5, 1963, Logan.
Cecil Lee Justice – B.D. Dec. 7, 1927- D.D. Dec. 15, 1927, Emmett, WV.
S/O, Rush & Pearl Justice.
Clifford Justice – B.D. Sept. 15, 1941- D.D. Feb. 1, 1942, Christian, WV.
S/O, Mary Justice.
Danny Eugene Justice – B.D. Feb. 10, 1945 – D.D. Aug. 24, 1945, Emmett, WV.
S/O, Herman & Mary Ellis (Justice).
Elbert E. Justice – B.D. Oct. 10, 1894 – D.D. July 23, 1920, Logan, WV.
S/O, Ben F. & Sarah A. Justice.
James N. Justice – B.D. Feb. 8, 1847- D.D. May 19, 1922.
H/O, Jane Justice.
Pearl Justice – B.D. June 8, 1898- D.D. Dec. 27, 1929.
D/O, Lee & Letha Ellis (Browning).
W/O, Rush Justice.
Roy Justice – B.D. Sept. 15, 1923- D.D. Sept. 15, 1923.
Sarah Ann Justice – B.D. Jan. 4, 1864- D.D. Sept. 11, 1942, Man.
D/O, Lewis & Martha Curry White.
Stonewall Justice ★ WWI Vet ★ WV PVT SAT-C WWI
B.D. May 12, 1897, Accorville, WV., D.D. Mar. 1965, WV.
S/O Benjamin Justice & Sarah Justice (White).
H/O Audie Justice.
Stonewall was a coal miner.
Eli Lester – B.D. Oct. 1862 – VA. D.D.- Dec. 9, 1926 – Amherstdale,WV.
S/O Jake & Sallie Lester(Whitt)
He was a coal miner,died of natural causes.
Istvanne Lipcsak – B.D. Dec. 24, 1858, Panyola, Hungary- D.D. Apr. 4, 1919, Kistler, WV.
The grave is of Rebeka Lipcsak. She chose to honor her husband Istvan (Steve). The ne means wife of Steve Lipcsak. She was a Szabo. Nyugodjon Bekeben translated means “Let her have a restful, quiet peace”. She was the Great Grandmother of Bob Piros.
Anna Maude Marcum – B.D. Dec. 4, 1901- D.D. Aug. 28, 1941, Logan, WV.
D/O, William David & Minnie Marcum (Bailey).
W/O, Elmer Marcum. Anna was a nurse.
Daniel McCone – B.D. July 17, 1926- D.D. Aug. 4, 1927, Man.
S/O, S.B. & Mabel McCone (Day).
Viola McCone – B.D. 1923- D.D.- 1923.
D/O, S.B. & Mabel McCone (Day).
James M. Molly Sr. – B.D. Mar. 24, 1885, Italy- May 31, 1936, Man.
James was a Stone Mason.
S/O, Frank & Nancy Molly (Pedereley).
H/O, Mary Molly.
Mary Molly – B.D. March 24,1872, Italy- Aug. 22, 1943, Man.
D/O, James & Frances Napale.
James Molly Jr. – B.D. Oct. 5, 1946- D.D. Oct. 5, 1946, Man.
S/O, James & Mary Molly.
Rosa Moore – B.D. Mar. 28, 1879- D.D. Aug. 13, 1942, Man.
D/O, Riley & Eliza Meade Dillon.
W/O, Pat Moore.
Mary Vass Motto – B.D. April 27, 1877, Veszprem, Hungary – D.D. July 5, 1925, Taplin WV.
D/O, John & Mary Vass.
W/O, Mike Motto.
(Originally recorded as Mary Wasle Mato but other records have substantiated the correct spelling.)
Lawrence Mullins – B.D. Jun. 6, 1912- D.D. Aug. 22, 1914, Man.
James Napier – B.D. June 8, 1903, Wayne, WV.- D.D. June 20, 1941, Monaville, WV.
S/O, Thomas & Lucy Napier (Riffe).
H/O, Marie Napier.
James was a coal miner.
Anna Elizabeth Overton – B.D. Aug. 29, 1914- D.D. July 12, 1915, Man.
Alongo Owens Jr. – B.D. July 10, 1921- D.D. Oct. 25, 1922, Kistler, WV.
S/O, Alongo Owens Sr. & Missouria Owens (Deal).
Mattie Payne – B.D. 1886 – D.D. 1941
Adrain Elmo Peek – B.D. May 19, 1907, Tenn.- D.D. Mar. 13, 1959, Stollings, WV.
S/O, William & Dollie Peek (Eastham).
Adrain was a coal miner and died of black lung.
Samuel Perry – B.D. June 28, 1925- D.D. June 31, 1925, Kistler, WV.
S/O, Sam & Carrie Perry (Adkins).
Arron Earl Peyton – B.D. Feb. 13, 1953, Logan
D.D. May 24, 1954, Big Creek. Died of accidental drowning.
S/O, Clyde & Bessie Peyton (Moore).
Annetta Peyton – B.D. Nov. 26, 1939 – D.D. July 30, 1952, Man. Died pf swimming pool drowning.
D/O, Clyde & Bessie Peyton (Moore).
Frank Phillips – B.D. June 16, 1934- D.D. June 16, 1934, Man.
S/O, John Sr.& Rene Phillips (Ellis).
John Phillips Jr. – B.D. May 10, 1925 – D.D. May 10, 1925, Man.
S/O, John & Rene Phillips (Ellis).
Emma Robinson – B.D. Jan. 30, 1866, N.C.- D.D. Apr. 2, 1942, Accoville, WV.
D/O, Abraham & Jane Evans.
W/O, Bill Robinson.
Joe Russell – B.D. Feb. 2, 1884, Michigan – D.D. June 26, 1926, Man.
S/O, Boyd & Angeline Russell (Adkins).
Enid Leila Sister Scaggs – B.D. May 5, 1921- D.D. Aug. 21, 1927, Man.
D/O, E.H. & Maggie Scaggs (Sauls).
Leslie Scaggs – B.D. Nov. 28, 1916 – D.D. Nov. 29, 1916, Man.
Robert L. Shelton – B.D. Sept. 3, 1886, VA. – D.D. Oct. 9, 1926, Slagle, WV.
S/O, Harmon & Ruth Shelton.
Robert was a coal miner for Logan Coal Corp. He died in a slate fall.
Watie Shumate – B.D. May 8, 1905 – D.D. Mar. 20, 1923, Man.
Wade Sexton – B.D. Mar. 26, 1882 – D.D. Sept.28, 1926, Man.
S/O, Bryant & Telitha Sexton (May).
He was a coal miner and died in Wilburn, WV.
James Sizemore Jr.- B.D. Feb. 10, 1925 – D.D. Feb. 10, 1925, Man.
S/O, James Sr. & Martha Sizemore (Parsons)
Linda Smoot- B.D. Jan. 20, 1944 – D.D. Jan. 20, 1944.
D/O, Ralph & Lula Smoot (Robinson).
Laura Street – B.D.Apr.18,1890- D.D. May 18, 1945.
W/O Joe Street.
Oliver G. Street ★ WWI Vet ★ B.D. Feb.7, 1896, Scaggs VA. – D.D.Dec.4,1945 – Huntington, WV.
S/O Ankney & Stacy Street.
Aural Susan – B.D. Apr. 28, 1922 – D.D. June 25, 1922, Taplin, WV.
S/O, Theodore & Mary Susan (Juksz).
Roy Franklin Taylor Jr. – B.B. 1926 – D.D. Nov. 23, 1946.
S/O Roy F. Sr.& Dora May Taylor(Altizer).
He was a coal miner & he died from a fractured skull.
Joseph W. Thornbury – B.D. April 30, 1915 – D.D. May 2, 1915, Man, WV.
S/O Joseph W. Thornbury Sr. & Bertha Thornbury. Joseph Sr. (1881-1963) was a doctor in Man who cared for many of those buried in Man Cemetery.
Mabel Trail B.D.- Jan. 20, 1912, D.D. May 1, 1920.
D/O Walter & Louisa Trail.
Earl Dean Vance – B.D. April 9, 1890, D.D. April 14, 1932
Husband of Minervia Belcher, S/O Isac and Sarah Vance.
Died of TB.
Inez Walls – B.D. 1900, D.D. Unknown. W/O John Walls.
Lee Walls – B.D. 1871, Logan – D.D. Dec. 13, 1937, Man.
H/O, Mary Ann Walls (Christian).
Lee was a Timberman.
Mary Ann Walls (Christian) – B.D. 1868, D.D. Unknown. W/O Lee Walls.
Patterson Walls, B.D.- 1863 Wyoming CO. WV.- D.D.- Apr. 23, 1950 Kistler WV.
H/O Matilda Walls (Kennedy), B.D.- March 1873- D.D.- July 13, 1947 Kistler WV.
Shirley Sue Walls – B.D. Feb. 24, 1943, D.D. Feb. 17, 1944.
D/O, Berlen & Dorris Walls (Stafford).
James Harrison Ward – B.D. Sep. 15, 1879 Wayne Co. WV, D.D. Sep. 29, 1923 Taplin, WV. He was a coal miner.
H/O Clara Harrison (Workman).
S/O Alex Ward & R.B.Freeman
Metta G. Westfall – B.D. April 18,1890, D.D. July 5,1920.
W/O, A.G. Westfall. She was a school teacher in Accoville, WV.
Jesse D. Yeager – B.D. Jan. 23, 1889, D.D. Aug. 13, 1935.
S/O, Frank & Mary Ellen Yeager (Lewis).
H/O, Evabell Yeager.
Jesse was a coal miner in Kistler, he died of electrocution.
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My grandfather, Tom Kent, lived in Kistler, WV. He worked for Bengal Coal Co. and died in 1935 of pneumonia at Logan General Hospital. His death certificate states he was buried in Bengal Cemetery. I have not been able to find any record of this cemetery.
Debbie, I saw Toms D.C. at
There is a line drawn through Bengal Cemetery,
so maybe he was buried somewhere else.
Findagrave site doesn’t list the cemetery.
There is a listing for a Kistler Cemetery.
He isnt shown buried there.
My bigger question is was or is there a Bengal Cemetery in Kistler. I saw that line drawn though Bengal Cemetery on DC also. But I know my grandmother like other coal miner family did have money for burial. They would have relied on coal companies to assist. Especially on deaths attributed to their line of work.
Debbie, do an online search for the Bengal Coal History.
Also please read this article online about the
community of Becco and its cemetery.
3 Men Who Refused to Bury the Past,
Nov. 23,1986 in the Washington Post.
Being that Tom was a black man the
Becco Cemetery is where he might
be buried.
I have put up a Memorial for him.
If anyone ever comes across the headstones for Patterson Walls and wife Matilda, I would love to have pictures. They are my niece’s 3x great grandparents. Any other Walls graves that are found would be appreciated also.
Go to
Children of Patterson Walls buried
in White Cemetery.
My great grand parents and several other family members are buried here. My grandparents lived just around the hill from this cemetery for many years. My grandfather was Squire Belcher and my grandmother was Nola Belcher .My mother and father were Fred and Gladys (Belcher) Ferguson. As remember, my family’s plot had an iron fence around several graves. I have not been therefor many years, but I want to come see it again. I do remember my great grandfather. Our family story is that my great-great grandfather donated the land where the cemetery is located to the Town of Man. If course there is no legal record of this. I grew up in man Man and Lorado, but moved to Charleston area in early 60’s.
Susan, I hope that you can find their
graves. Many gravestones have
been destroyed through the years.
To add to my previous comment which was somehow lost in translation: The Findagrave Memorial that was done by Ezekiel’s descendant, was only listed as being buried there when, in fact, she doesn’t know where he is buried. I am trying to help her locate where. Thanks again.
Phyllis, Ezekiel’s D.C. is posted on the
find a grave site. Says burial in Earling,WV.
At the bottom of the D.C. it says Registrar,
Bess Turan, address Man,WV.
Also a few of Ezekiel’s relatives are
buried in Earling Cemetery.
Hello. I have read the above comments and responses and see that like many older cemeteries, there are numerous graves with no headstones. I am looking for Ezekiel K. Counts 1846-1927, and was reported in a genealogy book as having been buried “at Man, West Virginia”. His memorial on Findagrave was done by one of his d 1927, I am wondering what cemeteries existed and if perhaps he wasn’t buried on family property. Thank you.
In memory of Marksie Dunn who passed away
on November 15th ,2017. He was a good friend.
He & his family did lots of work at Man Cemetery
trying to clean it up & more work needs to be done.
He graduated from Man High School in 1970 & went
into the USA Army & was a Specialist 4 for 3 years.
He was a coal miner for 23 years working for
Powellton Coal Company. He had to retire due to
health issues. He was a talented carpenter.
He was a member of Man Church of God.
He was buried at Highland Memory Gardens,
where military burial rites were conducted.
I grew up in Kistler born in 55 and left the area in 74. On one of the hills behind my house there was an old cemetery, I think an all Black graveyard. I went up there to look around while on vacation a few years ago and I could see no signs that it had ever been there – no gravestones or anything. It was like the hills just reclaimed the spot. I’d love to find out what became of the graves.
Regarding the 1947 Man Cemetery photo on this
site. These graves have never been found. I urge all
of you who have missing graves of family members to
please call Man Mayor Jim Blevins at 304-583-9631 or
304-583-2741 & ask him to please organize a clean up
of the Man Cemetery. Its so sad that the Altizer family
living members haven’t made an effort to respect their
family graves.The Altizer family did a lot of wonderful
things for the Town of Man & the town should honor
their graves.
I maintain an Altizer Family genealogy site and, as such, often get question such as this one regarding the grave of Cecil Clyde Altizer, Man Cemetery, which is supposedly covered by dirt bulldozed up from surrounding area:
“Do you know if there might be an entity that could be contacted to see if these graves could be dug up & relocated to a safer area?”
Looking at Google Earth, and an online Topo map, (I now live in Oregon) I don’t see where any bulldozing has taken place. But then I don’t see the cemetery through the trees either.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
Jay Altizer
Jay, please look at the photo where the
gas station is. You will see some wooden
steps that go up the hill to the cemetery.
Suggest you contact Mayor Jim Blevins of
Man, phone # 304- 583- 9631.
Yes lots of the graves are covered over with
brush, I’m not aware of any bulldozing going
on up there.
Please post your e-mail address.
No dozer has been around the graveyard at the man cemetery it does need lots of work done to it my dad started doing a lot of it helped him some with it till his health wouldn’t allow him to continue to do so but the last time I was up there and I drive by the area daily and no dozer work has went on
Marksie,thanks for your reply.
Are your Dad’s wooden steps
still there?
Is anyone working on the second part
of Man Cemetery? There is a 1947 photo
of that area on this site.
There are over 200 graves that need
attending to. I heard that a coal mine
company was looking to open up a
mine in the area. Any truth to that?
There don’t appear to be any ramifications to the cemetery’s status/maintenance relative to any mining in the area.
Per the below provisions of the SURFACE MINING CONTROL AND RECLAMATION ACT OF 1977, mining activities cannot take place within 100 feet of a cemetery. (These restrictions would include haulroads, settling ponds, drainage structures, etc.)
“…………….After the enactment of this Act and subject to valid existing rights no surface coal mining operations except those which exist on the date of enactment of this Act shall be permitted………….
Section 522 (5) within three hundred feet from any occupied dwelling, unless waived by the owner thereof, nor within three hundred feet of any public building, school, church, community, or institutional building, public park, or within one hundred feet of a cemetery………..”
Inasmuch as there does not appear to be any hope for a systematic cleanup and maintenance of the cemetery (and other Logan County cemeteries of such deteriorated conditions), I would suggest that extreme efforts be made by interested parties to IDENTIFY and MAP the locations of graves that they know about.
This would “preserve” information that would assist future efforts to clean up and maintain the cemetery (cemeteries).
Good luck!
Doug, thanks for your input.
My question was to Marksie
Dunn Jr.,since he lives & works
in the area.
There is no way the people of
Man are going to map the graves
as they would have to do some
work cleaning out the brush.
Curious if there is a picture for Grade Sextons grave? Bryant and Telitha Sexton are my 2x great grandparents.
Cheryll, not at this time.A lot
of graves are missing their
headstones.Some are covered
over with years of brush.You might
want to contact the Man Town
Government, to see if they plan
on doing a cleanup of the
Man Cemetery.
Ok thank you I was just curious about the stone because his name was Wade Sexton not Grade Sexton so I didn’t know if it was written wrong on his headstone or not.
His name was corrected to “Wade”. Thank you! — Admin
Cheryll,thanks for the info.
I found his D.C. at family
It says he was a coal miner.
Do you have anymore info
about him,his wife’s name?
Area photos? The D.C. says he died
in Wilburn,WV.
Cheryll,further research shows
Wade married Hannah Hall in
1901 in KY.,where he did
some farming.
His father Bryant died in 1935
in Boyd KY. He was a
coal miner. Nothing found
about Talitha Sexton.
My great grandfather, William Carroll, is supposedly buried in the Browning Cemetery, is this the only one named Browning? He is listed also listed in a Browning Cemetery on; it is also listed on his death record. I was hoping he would have a stone; if he does not, as this list suggests, then I wonder how the person from knew he was in this cemetery? Any help is appreciated!
Patty Townsend
Patty, years ago some families would say that their relatives were
buried in their family cemetery like Browning,in Man.
FindAGrave lists 13 Browning Cemeteries in Logan County.
Your GG William D.C. shows him buried in Browning Cemetery
but doesn’t say where.You should contact the person who put
up your GG William’s D.C. Ask them to take a photo of his
gravestone as proof that he is buried there. Please note that
they have him buried in Christain Cemetery.Also on the site
do they have the correct family info listed as you know it?
Unfortunately, the person who added his info to the site has passed away, so I cannot contact him. At one time, he was listed in a Browning Cemetery on findagrave, perhaps the person deleted him or changed the name of this cemetery after I saw it. I have the death record, and it is the same as the one posted, and the informant was a John Kesler. Willam moved around a lot, and married an Agnes Kesler while living in Logan County, but he was supposedly married to my great grandmother at the same time. The marriage record says that he is a widow, but my great grandmother was in fact, alive and well living in Carter County, KY. Was this Christian Cemetery at one time called Browning??? There are quite a few Brownings listed as being buried here. The info concerning his parents is correct on the find a grave site. Do you know how to get to this particlar cemetery???
Thanks for your help!
Patty Townend
My Grandfather is there. June Younce. i remember walking up that hill as a small child. can’t remember where tho. cause i don’t live in wva.
Heather, shows a June Younce,
born June 18,1897 & he died Jan.1986.
Findagrave shows him buried in Forest Lawn
with his wife Ethel,1924-1995.
There is a photo of the grave
taken by Beverly Walls.
Mary Motto is my wife’s great grandmother. We went to the cemetery a few months ago but could not find her grave.
Jared, sorry you couldn’t find the grave.
You might contact Beverly Walls @ & her
husband Eddie spent many months
spraying weeds & cutting brush to dig
out the gravestones that she took photos
of that are posted on this site.
Jared, if you look at the 1947 photo
you can see lots of graves behind the
MJHS, that part of Man Cemetery
has been found but lots of cleanup
work needs to be done to find the
I am looking for a Amanda Ferguson she had been married to a Marcum then George Lafferty they are thought to be buried in Man.
Janet,that are not buried in Man Cemetery.
Please go to the FindAGrave site.
Shows Amanda,1893-1980.
Shows George,1886-1944.
Janet, shows them in
High Lawn Memorial Park in
Oak Hill,WV.
Is it possible that Samuel Perry’s mothers first name was Corda (Corida, Cordia) Adkins? Your input is greatly appreciated.
Sherry, the death record is
at like
Carrie or Corrie.Both parents
were from Morgan Co.KY.
Good question do u happen to know if Calvin M. Burgess is buried there he is my great great great grand father born 1826and died after 1910 any information would be appreciated
Clinton, there are no records that
show Calvin buried in Man Cemetery.
No grave of him has been found. shows him in the
1850 Census.
His son,Calvin M.Graves Burgess Jr.
is buried in Rita Snap Creek Cemetery
in Rita,WV,which is near Earling,WV.
He was born in 1863 & died in 1941.
I’ve found info kinda contradicting where Calvin M graves burgess is buried I’ve found him to be buried at the whites cemetery of long fork of mill creek so I’m all confused now lol
Clinton, my error. You have it right.
Hope you find Calvin Sr’s
death record or grave soon.
Still looking for Calvin Sr. But I did find Calvin graves at the cemetery over the new road job just across the new bridge going to Madison creek thanks for ur info
Clinton, if you haven’t found Calvin Sr.’s
grave, you might consider sending
$ 15 for a records check at the
Culture Center In Charleston.
I’ve had great success in their
finding records for me.
Yes I am looking for a grave site for an infant girl name Bertha Mae Johnson born Feb 2, 1947. Is there anyway you can tell me if she is buried there in this cemetery. She died the same day she was born Feb 2, 1947. Or you may know of a cemetery that was moved from the Braeholm or Lax area maybe even in the Kistler area or Crown area. If you know any of this information would you please contact me on this. I sure would appreciate it very much. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, DebbiePullen
Debbie,you can see Bertha’s record
@ burial in
Johnson Cemetery Man,WV.Shows
Father- Willie Johnson &
Mother- Virginia Johnson(Blankenship).
There are many small graves with rocks
as markers with no names in Man Cemetery.
You might try to look for
the other info.Also check with
Beverly Walls, e-mail of Jan.12,below.
Thank you very much for your information. Would somebody know for sure what location in the cemetery she would be buried at?
Debbie, no gravestone has been
found for her.If you need more info,
my e-mail is:
My Grandparents and great Grand parents are buried there. Sarah and Sherman Belcher and Squire and Evelyn Ellis. Also a couple of Aunts. Thanks for sharing and thanks to whoever has been caring for the property.
Frank, if you or your relatives
would like to see your family
graves,please contact Beverly Walls,
at: is the
person who took the photos of the graves
& knows their locations.
I have been checking a few cematarys around there for people in my family for our
family tree. Do you know of any Lesters or Bishops buried there? I heard once that
some were buried there. Please let me know if you hear of any anywhere.
Thank you.
Linda, shows
lots of Lester & Bishop family
members buried in Logan CO.
Shows Eli Lester BD- Oct.1862
DD- Dec.9,1926,buried in
Man Cemetery.For more info,
please go to the site.
My uncle Earl Dean Vance is buried there, head stone destroyed. Dates 4/9/90-4/14/32. Died of T B, husband of Minervia Belcher, son of Isac and Sarah Vance. Also you may add that my sisters death was caused by being struck by a car in Kistler, her name is Christine Farris.
The information you provided was added to the Man Cemetery listing. Thank you. — Admin
Betty, sorry that your uncle’s headstone is missing.
I just returned from visiting Man Cemetery.
Lots of headstones missing. Do you have old photos
of the grave site?
My e-mail is
I met with some people who are trying to locate the
graves in the cemetery.
Betty, the head stone for your Uncle Earl Vance has been found & has been posted to this site.
I think this is great didn’t know that there was a cemetery on the hill
Mary Mato, the last name should be listed as Motto. She is my husbands grandmother.
The name has been corrected. Thank you. — Admin
Are those the only Altizer’s buried there? There should be Cecil Altizer circa 1931, if is there, I want come visit.
I’ve reviewed his death record and updated the list to include his name. Thanks.
The ones that are on the hill behind the speedway in Man are my great grand parents Charles Evert Altizer and Sarah Elizabeth Burgess and my mothers sisters and brother 3 sisters and 2 brothers of Thomas Milbern Altizer and Ethel Earl Altizer.
I am a great niece of Cecil Altizer. My grandfather Julius Altizer was his brother. My mother was Maida Altizer (Watson) Uncle Cecil died right before her birth. His widow & son left the area though I believe I tracked the son to FL
Rebecca,my e-mail is
I would like to talk to you
regarding the Altizer family graves
in Man Cemetery.
I am Heidi Altizer Kennedy, Cecil’s granddaughter, and would love to connect with family. My father, Billy Edward Altizer, went with his mother, Margaret Merritt Altizer, to Huntington, WV, and grew up there. After WWII, he married Shirley Wills,had three children. Dad became a Chiropractor and practiced in Clarksburg. After retiring, he moved to Florida, and passed away in 2010.
Does any0ne have information on the family of Mary Mato wife of Mike Mato listed above? She is my husbands grandmother.
Hi Kathy, you might want to start at
That’s where I got the info on the Mato family.
Also the Mato name can be found at
Its listed in many states. Take care.
Kathy, regarding Mary Motto’s grave.
She might be buried in the newly discovered
part of Man Cemetery,entrance behind the Speedway.
Now is a good time to go looking for her grave.
Please look at the 1947 photo on this page.