Peach Creek, WV

ca. 1950. Used with permission & courtesy of
This is a collection of photos, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia that depicts some of the history and nostalgia of Peach Creek, WV. You can help preserve a bit of Logan County history by sharing your vintage photos with us by sending them to the admin at Please note that you must own the photo you are submitting or ensure that no one has a copyright claim on it.
Everyone is welcome to share our images on Facebook, etc., but please use the Share Button. Share don’t take.

Coaling station at the Peach Creek Yards. From Sept 1930 issue of West Virginia Review. Courtesy of Danny Kennedy, Image 18943.
Coaling station at the Peach Creek Yards. From Sept 1930 issue of West Virginia Review. Courtesy of Danny Kennedy, Image 18943.

C. B. Walls and Verge Hinchman, Peach Creek, WV. If you can ID the other man, please leave a comment. Image ref. 12979.
C. B. Walls and Verge Hinchman, Peach Creek, WV. If you can ID the other man, please leave a comment. Image ref. 12979.

Looking toward the Peach Creek Yard courtesy of Bill Lamont. 34681
Looking toward the Peach Creek Yard courtesy of Bill Lamont. 34681

Peach Creek Bridge with Evelyn Hampson and son, John. Courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson. (34598)
Peach Creek Bridge with Evelyn Hampson and son, John. Courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson. (34598)

Bible School Group-Peach Creek Methodist Church, late 1940s - Mrs. Coulter a teacher. Courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Bible School Group-Peach Creek Methodist Church, late 1940s - Mrs. Coulter a teacher. Courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Peach Creek YMCA during a flood early 1950s courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Peach Creek YMCA during a flood early 1950s courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Peach Creek Grade School Toy Band under the direction of Mary Elizabeth Davis. Courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson. If you can name any of them,, please leave a comment and reference photo 1146813.
Peach Creek Grade School Toy Band under the direction of Mary Elizabeth Davis. Courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson. If you can name any of them,, please leave a comment and reference photo 1146813.

Apartments in Peach Creek courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Apartments in Peach Creek courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Peach Creek underpass courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Peach Creek underpass courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Peach Creek Yard Office, Jan. 1947 courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Peach Creek Yard Office, Jan. 1947 courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Old Peach Creek Post Office courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Old Peach Creek Post Office courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Peach Creek Grade School courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Peach Creek Grade School courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

The Peach Creek “cat hole” courtesy of courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
The Peach Creek “cat hole” courtesy of courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Photo courtesy of Mark Sefton. He writes. My Grandfather N.L. Sefton standing in the back yard overlooking the old bridge and YMCA.
Photo courtesy of Mark Sefton. He writes. My Grandfather N.L. Sefton standing in the back yard overlooking the old bridge and YMCA.

Old Peach Creek Bridge courtesy of Susan Browning.
Old Peach Creek Bridge courtesy of Susan Browning.

Peach Creek Methodist Church courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Peach Creek Methodist Church courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Photo courtesy of Leah Jane Ferguson Luptak. Mom and Dad, Patsy Hobbs and Ernest Elmo Ferguson, sitting on Granny and Papaw's (Viola znd Charles Ferguson) back porch at Peach Creek, probably in the fall of 1948, notice the wringer washer, the bushel basket of apples, their dog, Puppy standing in the screen door( they still had Puppy when I was born) and Granny's shadow taking the picture. I love moms outfit she saved her money from working at the lunch counter in GC Murphy's to buy the whit blouse at Mannings Department Store and Granny made the skirt for her, it was bright red with white eyelet lace. Any time she could save money and buy something not from the company store was a source of great pride and accomplishment!
Photo courtesy of Leah Jane Ferguson Luptak. Mom and Dad, Patsy Hobbs and Ernest Elmo Ferguson, sitting on Granny and Papaw's (Viola znd Charles Ferguson) back porch at Peach Creek, probably in the fall of 1948, notice the wringer washer, the bushel basket of apples, their dog, Puppy standing in the screen door( they still had Puppy when I was born) and Granny's shadow taking the picture. I love moms outfit she saved her money from working at the lunch counter in GC Murphy's to buy the whit blouse at Mannings Department Store and Granny made the skirt for her, it was bright red with white eyelet lace. Any time she could save money and buy something not from the company store was a source of great pride and accomplishment!

Peach Creek Methodist Church 1963 courtesy of Lillian Porter-Smith.
Peach Creek Methodist Church 1963 courtesy of Lillian Porter-Smith.

Peach Creek Methodist Church courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.
Peach Creek Methodist Church courtesy of Frances Pierce Nelson-Hampson.

Peach Creek Yard, Sept. 23, 2017. Copyrighted by Jay B. Lochard. Used with permisssion.
Peach Creek Yard, Sept. 23, 2017. Copyrighted by Jay B. Lochard. Used with permisssion.

C&O Yard at Peach Creek. Photo from Page 91 of the Centennial Program Booklet published by the City of Logan, West Virginia in 1952.
C&O Yard at Peach Creek. Photo from Page 91 of the Centennial Program Booklet published by the City of Logan, West Virginia in 1952.

Crooked Creek Grade School courtesy of Dale Browning.
Crooked Creek Grade School courtesy of Dale Browning.

Peach Creek Yard photo from the collection of Julia and Walter Shelton, courtesy Ralph Mcneely and the Museum in the Park.
Peach Creek Yard photo from the collection of Julia and Walter Shelton, courtesy Ralph Mcneely and the Museum in the Park.

Crooked Creek Church of Christ built in 1894 and burned in 1979. Photo courtesy of Ralph Mcneely.
Crooked Creek Church of Christ built in 1894 and burned in 1979. Photo courtesy of Ralph Mcneely.

Photo courtesy Susan Browning. Mom, dad and my son at the old YMCA at Peach Creek. My Dad (J.H. Conley) started working there in 1957 and retired after 40 years.
Photo courtesy Susan Browning. Mom, dad and my son at the old YMCA at Peach Creek. My Dad (J.H. Conley) started working there in 1957 and retired after 40 years.

Photo courtesy Susan Browning. My dad started working on the Railroad at Peach Creek in 1957 until he retired after working 40 yrs. Here is a work order paper from 1958 and the key he carried and his block used when he went to work to show he was out on a run.
Photo courtesy Susan Browning. My dad started working on the Railroad at Peach Creek in 1957 until he retired after working 40 yrs. Here is a work order paper from 1958 and the key he carried and his block used when he went to work to show he was out on a run.

Bird's Eye View of Railroad Yard at Peach Creek, Logan County, W. Va.
ca. 1950. With permission & courtesy of
Bird's Eye View of Railroad Yard at Peach Creek, Logan County, W. Va.
ca. 1950. With permission & courtesy of

1930s M. G. Sutherland Stores, Athens, Henlawson and Peach Creek, WV.
1930s M. G. Sutherland Stores, Athens, Henlawson and Peach Creek, WV.

This was a postcard sample being sold to retailers for $7.90 per 1000. This image is not of Peach Creek.
This was a postcard sample being sold to retailers for $7.90 per 1000. This image is not of Peach Creek.

Picture postcard of the Chesapeake and Ohio Locomotive No. 2748. A 2-8-4 Wheeler K4 (Kanawha) type at Coaling Station, Peach Creek, WV Photo by Max Miller, 5-19-53.
Picture postcard of the Chesapeake and Ohio Locomotive No. 2748. A 2-8-4 Wheeler K4 (Kanawha) type at Coaling Station, Peach Creek, WV Photo by Max Miller, 5-19-53.

Old one-room schoolhouse at Peach Creek taken in 1974 courtesy of Lee Hall.
Old one-room schoolhouse at Peach Creek taken in 1974 courtesy of Lee Hall.

Peach Creek, WV 8-23-1931 Type 2-6-62, Class H-2, No. 1319.
Peach Creek, WV 8-23-1931 Type 2-6-62, Class H-2, No. 1319.

Peach Creek Rail Yard 12-26-1946 courtesy of Ralph McNeely
Peach Creek Rail Yard 12-26-1946 courtesy of Ralph McNeely

1920s Peach Creek Yard, The Logan Banner, Friday, July 2, 1976. Clipping courtesy of Herb Harvey.
1920s Peach Creek Yard, The Logan Banner, Friday, July 2, 1976. Clipping courtesy of Herb Harvey.

Photo courtesy of Connie Pruitt-Graybeal. "My dad (Delbert Pruitt) and my granddaddy (Eugene Pruitt) 1948 Peach Creek Rail Yard." If you can name any of them, please leave a message and reference photo 49.
Photo courtesy of Connie Pruitt-Graybeal. "My dad (Delbert Pruitt) and my granddaddy (Eugene Pruitt) 1948 Peach Creek Rail Yard." If you can name any of them, please leave a message and reference photo 49.

The YMCA lounge at Peach Creek. The Peach Creek YMCA opened in 1926. Message on back: “This is the lobby where Cy’s stand is. In corner marked (x) you will see Cy at his desk. The opening at that end leads into the Dining Room.”
The YMCA lounge at Peach Creek. The Peach Creek YMCA opened in 1926. Message on back: “This is the lobby where Cy’s stand is. In corner marked (x) you will see Cy at his desk. The opening at that end leads into the Dining Room.”
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Bird’s eye view of railroad yard at Peach Creek W.Va. Photo no. 49 of the men on the engine, my dad James Boyd “Windy” Newman is on the top right with his thumbs in his waist band and gloves in his back pocket. Started in 1947 after he got out of the Navy. Also of the 3 men squatting at the right foreground the middle one is my Grandfather Jesse Hobson Newman came from Shellhorn Ala in 1921 to work for the C&ORWY Co at Peach Creek. Jake Newman
Hello! I’m trying to track down anyone who knew of the George and Harriet Cook family, and their children AJ, George Ann, Ronald and Donald?
Meredith, can you post some photos of them?
In which years did they live there?
What were the ages of the children?
Thanks for your interest, Bob! I think the family was there from the early 1900s…maybe as late as 1920, then in the area at least through 1975. George and Harriet Cook were born early 1900; AJ “Bob” Cook in 1926, George Ann in 1927, and twins Donald and Ronald in 1937. Any info would be appreciated!
Meredith, you can find the family in the
1940 census at
There’s a Cook family tree on site.
Go to Sources on site, shows the
obit for Donald in 2011 in Huntington,WV.
Also shows a George Cook
age 63 living in Logan.
Thanks! I had this info, just was really looking to find someone who knew them personally. I didn’t know about George Cook Age 63, so I will follow up on that.
Is there any other place you could recommend to find those who might have known the family?
Does living family members count?
They live in Powell Ohio.
His obit online.
Donald Cook- 1937 to 2011 died in
Columbus,GA. He was born in Huntington.
Parents George and Harriett Cook.
I think I use to play with Ronald and Donald..i think they may have lived next to my Aunt Molly’s house..there was Brenda, Donald, Ronald and Billy Harvey
Thank you, Karen! I’m looking for anyone who knew George Anne! I know she had twin brothers Ronald and Donald…they were younger than George Anne. She was born in 1926; the twins were born in 1937. Do you think it might be the same family?
Yes, George Ann was the sister to Bob, Donnie & Ronnie. She had a daughter, Rebecca Neal Holbrook. She passed away in the late 70s or early 80s. Becky had a daughter, Beth Ann, that I am in touch with. Bob was my step father.
Hi Leslie, Yes, my mother passed away in 1974. That must make Beth Ann my niece! I would be so grateful if you gave Beth Ann my information. I would love to hear from her. And I so appreciate your information!! Nice to meet you! Meredith
PS: George Ann had Rebecca, but also twin boys in 1951 that she gave up for adoption, then finally me in 1955. I have been in touch with one of the twin boys’ family.
the Ronald and Donald that lived next to Molly and Denver were the Brewer twins, Goldie and James Brewer were their parents.
Karen, I dont remember you but the twins Ronald and Donald (also called Aye and Nay) in case you didnt know it. I used to pay marbles with both of them, they were easy to win against. We lived straight across the road drectly behind Mollie and Denver Harvey. Parents name Rowe and Martha Chafin.
My name Larry Chafin, more detailed post later in this publication Just not sure if I knew you then.
We lived behind the Harveys and we played with the twins a lot. They had nicknames Ay and Nay, not sure of the spellings tho. My dad Rowe Chafin was a coal miner, my mom Martha worked at stations groc store.
Many great memories back there
This is Bob Cooks step daughter she did help Harriet until shed did pass. Harriet did pass in Huntington West Virginia Fromm a friend Jack
Hello, AJ (Bob) was my step father. He, Granny Cook & his brothers & sister have all passed.
May I ask, are you related to the Cooks or Conleys?
Hello Leslie, So glad to see your post!! I AM related to the Cooks. George Ann Cooke was my mother, although we never met. She gave me up for adoption when I was an infant. And I guess your step father is my uncle! Did you ever meet George Ann or know of her?
My grandpa, John Ferrell used to work at the roundhouse there in Peach Creek. He also painted the dairy across the street from his house I’m told. Is it the Mathis Motel? His wife Ella was a Jeffries and moved to Chattanooga to live with my Uncle Con Ferrell and his wife. My dad also worked for a short while at the roundhouse.
My dad Don Shelton was the Yard Master there until he retired. Lots of memories here
Hey John, my mother’s parents were Herbert and Lula Ferrell who lived next to the old theater in PC. Herbert worked for the C&O there in the train yard. After my Mom graduated High School, she went to work there in the pay office.
Eric, Was your mom Loretta? Loretta and I grew up together in Peach Creek…best of friends. We went to school together, kindergarten/high school graduating in
1955.I hope you are doing well.
My aunt and uncle owned Freeman’s market. Eric is my cousin. I was just in W.Va, this last weekend.
Does anybody remember my grandfather Doc Shelton and my grandmother Arizona Shelton?
Hi.My name is Patrick Parsley. My grand mother is Arizona Shelton from Peach Creek. I don’t think there can be 2 of them! I don’t recall your name however. I was the youngest of all the cousins and such. My mom, Arizona’s daughter, was Betty Jane Shelton. She grew up in the little house by the railroad tracks in Peach Creek. You can reach me at would be interested in finding out the connection here.
Joe Turner..your name is very familiar..I used to visit with Ruby Mcginnis a lot..she made the best biscuits (next to my grandma’s..(Laura Adkins)..and supplied them to many of us hungry youngens..My grandmother owned and ran the Guyan Inn..which was just cross the street from the Post Office..and I knew Kelly Cox ..whose daughter Brenda and I were high school classmates at Logan High.. Hope your life has been good and wish you the best..please feel free to contact me again for any questions you might have..I was there at Peach Creek a lot from 1950-1964.. Mary Morris Colmer
My name at the time was Lilee McDonald i had 2 brothers & 2 sisters, their names were Tom, John, Beverly and Lorraine. We left Logan, WV in 1968 or 1969 in November or December of that year. We went to Ohio and stayed at my Aunt’s house she was my dad’s brother’s wife. We got a house there later in a not so great neighborhood and we went to a bad school but later married my future husband his last name was Workman which was from the (Mudfork) Verdunville, WV area. We got married at the Church of God in Verdunville, WV. moved to Ohio had two sons. My two sons Allen & Curt married a Farley & Kesling girls then they gave us 4 grandchildren. (Ciara, Chase. Katelyn & Diana Workman. My oldest brother Tom married a Brumfield lives in Ohio had no children and got a divorce. John married a Perkins had 2 sons. 1 dead & Brian John. 1 step daughter Michele she married a Blackburn. Beverly married a Schoenleb had a son William Joseph we call him B. J. and husband died later on and she never remarried. Lorraine never married lives in Ohio works at Riverside hospital in Columbus, Ohio. All of us are still in Ohio and all still living as i write this.
Great to hear from you, we were childhood friends good to know everyone is doing well . My name is Lanny Stapleton
My email address is: I am from Peach Creek, grand daughter of Henry and Laura Adkins (owners of Guyan Inn and the old American Restaurant) .my Father was Frank Morris and mother Linda Lee Morris..brothers: Frank, Mack, Andy, Delbert and David..sisters Laura Sue and Nancy V Morris..and My name is Mary Morris Colmer
My name is Cindy Brock. My grandfather was Luther Patrick Palmer, married to Euella Pieratt and they had a son named James Clay Palmer who is my father. Having no luck trying to find any family history on him, any suggestions? Luther was also married to Lillian Toten and then they got a divorce? she had a daugher Lena, not sure if her dad was Jo Lowe, Thanks. my email address is :
Cindy,all info about Luther can
be found on
Also shows some
Thank you, I have found some info on and will double check We are trying to do a family history day so everyone can share what info they have found.
My name is John Pouch and I lived in Huntington from 1945 to 1959. My grandmother, Betty Kirk, married to a railroad conductor John Kirk lived in Peach Creek. She lived on a bend in the road where there was a bridge where the trains would pass over. I remember as a child spending summers with Grandma and being warned not to play in the front yard as the cars coming around the bend might hit me. Grandma had a beauty parlor in the front room of the grey brick house she lived in and in the back of the house, there was a creek, perhaps Peach Creek, I don’t know. I don’t recall much of Peach Creek except there was a building not far from Grandma’s house where they would show black and white movies on a Saturday night, usually on a giant white sheet. I saw Clark Gable there in “It Happened One Night” in the early fifties. A wonderful memory! Grandma died in a nursing home in Point Pleasant, WV in the early 70’s. I miss you Grandma, and I still see you shuffling your feet through that little grey brick house in Peach Creek!!
John: I was B. Huntington & raised in Peach Creek. Was on Ch.13 TV news 1956-59,
so you may recall.(Five Star Final News)
Now RET radio-tv IN WEST texas. Will reply, as we may know same people in WV.
Col. Robert Hanger
I remember your grandmother somewhat..and I could take you to that spot you are talking about, it always floods when there is a lot of rain and your grandma was a friend of my grandmother Laura Adkins.. not much else, except hello, I pray you are well and happy..
thank you Mary. Sorry I took so long to reply but I forgot I posted this.
I was raised in Huntington and knew many Adkins there…perhaps some of your relatives. Thanks for your response…I may try to find that spot one day. I now live in Michigan so it is several hundred miles from me.
Didn’t get a copyright on my picture, like I was told to, but just so you know……the picture of the Peach Creek Methodist Church is my picture not JayAnna Ellis’ but since I did not get a copyright….guess I have to live with it!!!
If you took the photo, you automatically have the copyright. Since you apparently do not want to share your photo here, it will be removed. Considering that the church is going to be torn down, I am sorry you feel that way. It would have been nice to preserve its memory here.
If you removed the Methodist Church with the wrong name, could you repost it with the correct photographer???
Not without permission.
You have my permission to replace my picture of the Peach Creek Methodist Church with my name Frances Pierce Hampson. I am always glad to share my pictures…I just hate to see someone else’s name on the ones I took.. I have shared many!
Thank you!
My name is Larry Chafin, my parents name Rowe and Martha, two brothers older named Terry and younger was Ralph. We grew up in Peach Creek from the early 1940’s until the early 1950’s. My dad was a coal miner and we lived in a company house midway up the holler behind Denver Harvey. He dad two sons named Virgil and Donald Ray, daughter name Brenda. I was recently up there in May 2015 after being away nearly sixty years. I did not recognize anything at head of holler where the tiple used to be. We were fortunate enuff to meet a young couple who took us up the hill to the top. I would like to know if anyone has pics, circa the 1940’s, 1950’s of the coal company homes, people, etc.
My email address is and I encourage you to help me.
Thanks and may God bless you all.
Larry Chafin
Larry: I am from Peach Creek too, & lived in Front St near Meth. Church. Contact me via email & I will reply. We may recall a lot of same people
there. My Paw was Engnr on C & O..
Just write me at:
Col. Robert Hanger, San Angelo, TX 76905
Lived in Peach Creek.My dad worked in the mines there ,Love all my memories from there ,Larry good to see you Was thinking of Terry the other day ,Wondering where he is ,
Barbara I remember your family well. You all lived a couple of houses near us, I believe you had a bro named Larry, is that right. Do you have any photos of the area we all lived. If so, pls email to I would greatly appreciate it. FYI, Terry passed away about four years ago, of cancer. He lived with his family in Lebanon, Tennessee at time of passing. He married a girl from Chapmanville, named Donna Harless, had three beautiful girls all still living in Tennessee.
I lived in Spring Hill, Tn for nearly20 years and moved to High Point, NC three years ago, happily married to my wife from High Point.
Larry Chafin, I have been searching for you for years. My name is Evelyn Kay Justice and your mother was my daddy’s (Ralph Justice), sister. So many memories of you, Ralph and Terry growing up.
It’s been a long time since hearing from you and I often wonder abt you all. Your dad Ralph was one of my favorite uncle’s.
Send me your email address and update me on all your family.
My email add is
Hope to hear from u soon.
Today’s date March 24, 2018.
My name is Joe Turner, I lived in Peach Creek from about 1950 to 1960. We lived on Back Street, there was the post office, ruby noble -McGinnis then our house. There was a cemetry at the top of the hill that was always overgrown. My grandfather was William Gayhealrt, and my grandmother Hanna Gayhart. My father was Irvin Turner who worked for the electric company, and my mother Virginia.
Joe, it has been years since I heard anythin about the Turner. My name is Bobby Gore my family lived across the street The Gore apt. brother name was Leon, 3 sisters Anna, Freda, Dreama parents was Bobby and Juanita. Still have good memories of years gone by. Just wantes to let you know that I still remember thos years when friendship meant somenthing
Joe Turner do you have an aunt Fredricka? husband name is Fred I remember your grandmother
Bobby and Leon Gore I remember you all were a bunch of bullies in school. Nobody liked you. And you didn’t have many friends either.
I think you are wrong there where other kids that was a lot meaner bullies
Bobby, My name is Doris Graham Simmons and I lived in Peach Creek until I married and moved to Charleston. I caught the school bus at the post office to ride to Logan Jr. High and Logan High schools. I graduated in 1945. I used to go to High Street in Peach Creek to visit friends, Marie Suarez and the McNeely’s.
Bob I don’t know if you will remember me, but Leon and I were good friends. I lived in Detroit, but would spend time with my aunt and uncle who owned Freemans Market. I also had a crush on your sister Anna. I still go to Logan a couple of time a year in fact I will be back in August for a family reunion. I always think about the good times I had at Peach Creek. I was on leave from the Marine Corp when Leon past away and I still think of him and the good times we had together. If you could give me a up date on everyone. My email is
John Wooley
I went to Peach Creek grade school I the 1940s with a Gene Woolley.
Omg, I remember all of you we use to visit my Aunt Thelma Lindsey and Uncle Scotty.we all use to hang out together, my brother was Ralph better known as Rag mop, and I am Shelia Kay. We lived in Cleveland Ohio and would come in during the summers.
I remember you and Jimmie and also Cecil at Linda and Ray on the hill at Peach Creek
Bobby is a small world after all.. you guys lived in the building behind my grandmothers restaurant (Laura Adkins) my sister Laura Sue Morris was best friends with your sister Dreama (and Laura named her first child “Dreama”..Laura passed from this life in 2011..You might recall some of my siblings: Frankie, Mack, Andy, Delbert and David..then girls Nancy, Laura and Mary (that’s me) Morris.. we lived for a spell in Staton’s apartments just off the hill and behind his store,, Nancy and I live in Texas ..David lives at Mud Fork..Frank passed 2016..Mack lives in Tennessee, Andy in Cleveland, Delbert in Utah..How about your family..where are all your siblings? My email address is:
Bobby remember years ago you and your brother Leon and tracy frye used to give my family the business all the time. Well we all are well and alive in Ohio. Come and see us sometime.
The gores and the fryes.It’s been a long time. You probably remember my brothers Gene and John Shelton
Bobby Gore I remember you and your family. I lives with my grandmother. Her name was Letha Peck. We lived in the 2 story brick house at the end of the block where you turn down the steep hill.
Bobby I remember you and your family. We went to school together. I lived with my grandmother. Her house was at the end of the block where you turn right to go down the steep hill.
my name is Jake Newman I remember the Gores I lived in the second house from Fremends store Joe Turner was best friend
Joe my grandfather and grandmother were the Gleasons 3. Doors up my name is lanny Stapleton
Anyone, is the Peach Creek Cemetery behind the Church on Peach across from the Post Office or at the end back up on the Hill where the Well’s are and the Old Coal Tipple and Office. Someone said it was by the Mine Office?
You might want to look at Joe Turner’s
comment on Oct.4,2015 above.
Also the Find A Grave site shows the
location on Westwind Dr., second road
on the right, adjacent to Peach RR Yards.
Seems like this question has been asked
many times on this site.
Hope a local person can answer it again.
Joe it’s Jake Newman we were best friends
My daughter is just starting to get into genealogy and for complicated reasons don’t know much about my family. It seems to me we used to go to Peach Creek when I was little. My Granny’s name was Opal and the last man she was married to had a last name of Poling. I seem to remember she had a sister named Dixie Fry(e) but that was in 1965 or so. Opal had daughters named Sadie, Mona and Chris. Not much to go on but can anyone help?
Louis, shows listings
for a few Opal Poling.
Also shows the name
Poling in WV.
Also shows a Dixie Frye living in
Branchland WV. phone #
Just discovered this site and your message. My grandmother was elsie bias. At one time opal was married to her brother ( Emza Bias I think). Opal and E. Bias and opals mother lived very close to my great grandfathers house (Bob Bias). Would love to talk more.
804 539 6477
R. Samuels
Betty Hartzell Richards where do you live would you please reply to my messages. Thank you.
You can write me at this Yahoo address.
I did not work with Virginia. I went to Columbus and shared an apt. with her.
I live north of Cincinnati, OH.
If you will write to Brady Smith, Peach Creek, WVa 25639 I’m positively sure he will get your letter. He lives right next to the post office and everyone knows him.
It’s a small community. Hope this helps. Their Dad had passed away I think before I got acquainted with them.
Betty I go to Brady’s in Peach Creek. How old were you when you visited Grandmother Smith. Your e-mail address did not come through.
I was in my late teens when I visited Brady’s mother.
Try this email
Betty I sent you a message did you receive it.
I would like to find some relatives of Robert Lee Smith who was married to my grandmother Matilda Scaggs Smith. My mother was Virginia Mae Smith who married my father Carl Dana Handley. He worked on the railroad and lived at Peach Creek, Wv. for a while.
Hello there, I knew your grandmother Matilda Smith. I used to visit her a lot. She was the mother of Brady Smith who still lives in Peach Creek. Brady and his wife (now deceased) were old friends of mine. Brady had a sister Virginia Handley. Her and I were in Columbus, OH working together. This was many years ago. I’m passed 80 years old now. Brings back memories. Brady’s house is on the very same spot that your grandmothers house sit years ago.
Betty it was great to read your posting I would love to talk to you about you working with my mother, Virginia Smith Handley Kendall. Where do you live.
Betty did you ever meet Matilda’s husband Robert Lee Smith. I would love to find out some information about him and meet some relatives.
I am from the Farley lineage of Logan and Mingo counties. Peach creek was named for the peach orchards my g.g. or g.g.g. uncle Henry Farley owned there. I have been told he and his wife are both buried there. I would love to know where. Tamara L Zeigler
Tamara, I was there yesterday and talked to Mr. Blevins I believe who lives the second house on the left going out PC. He said he lived there all of his life and the only cemetery he knew of was the 1st street past PC directly behind his house. Me and my dad went up there and I don’t see how that many people could be buried there (small area). We could see no headstones for the weeds and the near possibility of being able to stand up. I have some pic’s I can send. There must be another Cemetery up there. We turned around at the 1st gas well. We had already walked two cemeteries already. Someone else local will have to find out. My GGG Parents are supposed to be buried there also. My E-Mail
Try Whitman, McDonald and Hainor, they are on Crooked Creek. There is a McDonald on Peach Creek. If there are any more on PC they have not been done yet. Try Curry Cemetery in mingo or logan co’s. There are some Farley’s there.
Diane, I am the grand daughter of Kelly Cox, Sr. from Peach Creek, he was married to Gladys Mays, Kelly, Cox – they had a daughter named Brenda, and Gladys had a son Gene Kelly & daughter Betty Kelly. Kelly Cox had a son Kelly Cox Jr. & daughter (my mother) Maxine Cox Copley by her 2nd wife Betty Dean Cox. Kelly Cox Sr. born 1890 died 7/01/1971. His obit says he is buried at Upper McDonald Cemetery, Peach Creek. He was preceded by 2 granddaughters Kimberly Dawn Harvey 10 days old & the other infant I don’t have her name, she was 3 days old. The girls mother told me that they were buried in McDonald Cemetery of Crooked Creek and her dad was buried next to them. I have requested photos and I was told that all graves are on Find A Grave – but I can’t find these 3 on any. I live to far away to check, would it be possible for you to check & take a photo of them if you locate them? Thank you very much for any info you can provide.
Tamara, Go to Find a Grave. US, Wva, Logan County. Peach Creek (cemetery) or Crooked Creek. or just Logan Co. Wva. for (all) cemeteries. I’ve been through them all looking the names I’m looking for. Was suppose to be PC. Not there. I’m still plugging. Good Luck. Note cites are still a work in progress.
I am from the lineage of the Farley Families of Logan Co. and Mingo Co. Peach Creek was named from the peach orchards that my g.g. or g.g.g. uncle Henry Farley owned there.
Tamara, is trying to contact relatives of the Farley’s at Peach Creek. Please contact him. Diane