Unknown Faces of Logan County, WV
This page was created to help identify the unknown individuals in these vintage Logan County photos. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment or contact the admin.

Everyone is welcome to add a photo a to this gallery and in the Unknown Faces Facebook Group created for this purpose. If you wish to add a photo to this gallery, please email it to the the admin at loganwv.us@gmail.com. Please note that you must own the photo you are submitting or ensure that no one has a copyright claim on it.
Who are they?

Logan Bus Terminal - drivers and staff courtesy of Paul Hill. If you can name anyone, please leave a comment and reference photo 26497.
Logan Bus Terminal - drivers and staff courtesy of Paul Hill. If you can name anyone, please leave a comment and reference photo 26497.

Bus Drivers out of the Logan Terminal courtesy of Paul Hill. (3) Slim Ellis, (7) Rod Bell, (8) Frank Maynard, (10) Pop Spencer, (12) Frank L. Browning, (15) John Duty. If you can identify anyone else, please leave a comment and reference photo 115611.
Bus Drivers out of the Logan Terminal courtesy of Paul Hill. (3) Slim Ellis, (7) Rod Bell, (8) Frank Maynard, (10) Pop Spencer, (12) Frank L. Browning, (15) John Duty. If you can identify anyone else, please leave a comment and reference photo 115611.

Courtesy of Debra Mullins. She writes. “This picture was taken at the old Logan Bowling Center/Guyan Barbeque in the late 50s or early 60s. They must have won the league championship. Daddy, Bill Vankovich, is the fifth man from the left in the suit.” If anyone can identify any of the others, please leave a comment and reference photo 15569.
Courtesy of Debra Mullins. She writes. “This picture was taken at the old Logan Bowling Center/Guyan Barbeque in the late 50s or early 60s. They must have won the league championship. Daddy, Bill Vankovich, is the fifth man from the left in the suit.” If anyone can identify any of the others, please leave a comment and reference photo 15569.

City of Logan, WV Police Dept., 1960. L-R, Hugo Evans (Police Chief); 3rd, George Farmer; far right on the end, Paul R. Wellman Sr. Photo courtesy of Brad Johnson. If you can name any of the others, please leave a comment and reference photo 113461.
City of Logan, WV Police Dept., 1960. L-R, Hugo Evans (Police Chief); 3rd, George Farmer; far right on the end, Paul R. Wellman Sr. Photo courtesy of Brad Johnson. If you can name any of the others, please leave a comment and reference photo 113461.

Photo courtesy of Dave Seafler. He writes. I am trying to identify some of the people in the attached photo. I think this was our VBS at Justice Christian Church in 1961 or 62. My dad (Grover Seafler) was the minister at the time and I think he took the picture. Mom (Gladys) is in the picture (upper left, second from top with white necklace). I can identify my brother Bob, Stanley, Simon and the Darbys. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment. (246891)
Photo courtesy of Dave Seafler. He writes. I am trying to identify some of the people in the attached photo. I think this was our VBS at Justice Christian Church in 1961 or 62. My dad (Grover Seafler) was the minister at the time and I think he took the picture. Mom (Gladys) is in the picture (upper left, second from top with white necklace). I can identify my brother Bob, Stanley, Simon and the Darbys. If you can identify anyone, please leave a comment. (246891)

Unidentified lady taken at Monaville or Dehue courtesy of Bob Piros. If you recognize this lady, please leave a comment and reference photo 155342.
Unidentified lady taken at Monaville or Dehue courtesy of Bob Piros. If you recognize this lady, please leave a comment and reference photo 155342.

Photo courtesy of William Erlewine. The Nava-Jo Drive-in was at Stollings and was owned by Danny Harrison. This is Sarah Prater Pack and she was the manager. The boy is John Scalf, her grandson.
Photo courtesy of William Erlewine. The Nava-Jo Drive-in was at Stollings and was owned by Danny Harrison. This is Sarah Prater Pack and she was the manager. The boy is John Scalf, her grandson.

Courtesy of Carla Haslam Herkner. About 1920, an unknown little girl at the home of William and Mary Ann Haslam at Monaville. If you recognize her, please leave a comment and reference photo 189332.
Courtesy of Carla Haslam Herkner. About 1920, an unknown little girl at the home of William and Mary Ann Haslam at Monaville. If you recognize her, please leave a comment and reference photo 189332.

1916 Boy Scouts, Logan County, WV. The magazine the boy is holding is Illustrated World. One of the boys may be either a Spry or Browning. As the photo came from the estate. If anyone can provide any information, please leave a comment.
1916 Boy Scouts, Logan County, WV. The magazine the boy is holding is Illustrated World. One of the boys may be either a Spry or Browning. As the photo came from the estate. If anyone can provide any information, please leave a comment.

1930s Logan, WV. If you know the identity of this man, please leave a comment and reference photo 166478. Photo courtesy of Ralph Mcneely.
1930s Logan, WV. If you know the identity of this man, please leave a comment and reference photo 166478. Photo courtesy of Ralph Mcneely.

AP Photo March 11, 1937 Macbeth Mine rescuers getting coffee and sandwiches. This photo was purchased for our website hoping we’ll be able to identify these miners. Read the article by Dolores Riggs Davis.
AP Photo March 11, 1937 Macbeth Mine rescuers getting coffee and sandwiches. This photo was purchased for our website hoping we’ll be able to identify these miners. Read the article by Dolores Riggs Davis.

Unknown man taken c1910 at Holden, WV. Please leave a comment, if you know his name and reference photo 711654.
Unknown man taken c1910 at Holden, WV. Please leave a comment, if you know his name and reference photo 711654.

Center is Willie Thompson (1934-1976), the other two children are unknown. The photo was taken at Harts Creek around 1939. If anyone can ID the other two, please leave a comment.. Image 2083.
Center is Willie Thompson (1934-1976), the other two children are unknown. The photo was taken at Harts Creek around 1939. If anyone can ID the other two, please leave a comment.. Image 2083.

Logan County Unknown Family possibly Harts Creek. If you can ID any of these individuals, please leave a comment if you can name all of them and reference photo 1543.
Logan County Unknown Family possibly Harts Creek. If you can ID any of these individuals, please leave a comment if you can name all of them and reference photo 1543.

Unnamed WWII Serviceman. If you can ID this person, please leave a comment and reference photo 1873.
Unnamed WWII Serviceman. If you can ID this person, please leave a comment and reference photo 1873.

Logan, West Virginia Oct. 1935 photographer Ben Shahn (1898-1969).
Courtesy of the Library of Congress. If you can ID these men, please leave a comment.. Ref. Image 1577.
Courtesy of the Library of Congress. If you can ID these men, please leave a comment.. Ref. Image 1577.
Logan, West Virginia Oct. 1935 photographer Ben Shahn (1898-1969).
Courtesy of the Library of Congress. If you can ID these men, please leave a comment.. Ref. Image 1577.
Courtesy of the Library of Congress. If you can ID these men, please leave a comment.. Ref. Image 1577.

Courtesy of Nancy Rush. Identified as Belle (Gunnoe) Thompson and Peter Thompson by Joanna Newman. Photo 1806.
Courtesy of Nancy Rush. Identified as Belle (Gunnoe) Thompson and Peter Thompson by Joanna Newman. Photo 1806.

Eustace Thompson family photo? Courtesy of Nancy Rush. If you can ID this person, please leave a comment and reference photo 1804.
Eustace Thompson family photo? Courtesy of Nancy Rush. If you can ID this person, please leave a comment and reference photo 1804.

Wilbur Turnell and family. front: Mozell Turnell, Wilbur Turnell, Thelma Turnell
2nd row: Gertrude Turnell, Rebecca Turnell, Lena Turnell. 3rd row: Willie Steinbrecher (Rebecca's eldest sister) and Herman Turnell, son of Rebecca and Wilbur. Not certain about all of the names. If you see a mistake, please leave a comment. Image 2238.
Wilbur Turnell and family. front: Mozell Turnell, Wilbur Turnell, Thelma Turnell
2nd row: Gertrude Turnell, Rebecca Turnell, Lena Turnell. 3rd row: Willie Steinbrecher (Rebecca's eldest sister) and Herman Turnell, son of Rebecca and Wilbur. Not certain about all of the names. If you see a mistake, please leave a comment. Image 2238.

2239 - If you can ID this person, please leave a comment and reference photo 2239.
2239 - If you can ID this person, please leave a comment and reference photo 2239.

Logan Post Office staff courtesy of David S. Solar. “I was told that this is the old Logan Post Office staff sometime in the early thirties. The man in the middle, white shirt with glasses is my wife's grandfather Hubert Ray Dodd, He was born in Putnam County in 1883 and died in Ashland, KY in 1936." The others unknown. Image 3508.
Logan Post Office staff courtesy of David S. Solar. “I was told that this is the old Logan Post Office staff sometime in the early thirties. The man in the middle, white shirt with glasses is my wife's grandfather Hubert Ray Dodd, He was born in Putnam County in 1883 and died in Ashland, KY in 1936." The others unknown. Image 3508.

“The man in the middle is my grandfather, Emery S. Killen.
He would have been about 18 here. He was born in 1898. I don’t know who the other two are.” – Ralph McNeely. Image 3502.
“The man in the middle is my grandfather, Emery S. Killen.
He would have been about 18 here. He was born in 1898. I don’t know who the other two are.” – Ralph McNeely. Image 3502.

No. 11 Island Creek Coal Mine First Aid Team about 1930 courtesy of Bob Piros. L-R Bill Haslam, Paul Tarkany, Joe Edenton, Louie Veres, last two are unknown. Please leave a comment, if you can identify them and reference photo 118945.
No. 11 Island Creek Coal Mine First Aid Team about 1930 courtesy of Bob Piros. L-R Bill Haslam, Paul Tarkany, Joe Edenton, Louie Veres, last two are unknown. Please leave a comment, if you can identify them and reference photo 118945.

Masonic Lodge members, Logan, WV.
If anyone knows the date of this photo or can recognize any of these prominent citizens of Logan, please leave a comment.
If anyone knows the date of this photo or can recognize any of these prominent citizens of Logan, please leave a comment.
Masonic Lodge members, Logan, WV.
If anyone knows the date of this photo or can recognize any of these prominent citizens of Logan, please leave a comment.
If anyone knows the date of this photo or can recognize any of these prominent citizens of Logan, please leave a comment.

? Gore - If you can ID this person, please leave a comment and reference photo 3505.
? Gore - If you can ID this person, please leave a comment and reference photo 3505.

Unknown lady – note her portrait on the wall. This was a common practice of keeping track of someone as they aged.
Courtesy of Pam Brennan. If you can ID this person, please leave a comment. Image 3507.
Courtesy of Pam Brennan. If you can ID this person, please leave a comment. Image 3507.
Unknown lady – note her portrait on the wall. This was a common practice of keeping track of someone as they aged.
Courtesy of Pam Brennan. If you can ID this person, please leave a comment. Image 3507.
Courtesy of Pam Brennan. If you can ID this person, please leave a comment. Image 3507.

Unknown family at the Chapmanville Train Depot. Courtesy of Kathy Adams. If you can identify any of them, please leave a a comment and reference photo 3514.
Unknown family at the Chapmanville Train Depot. Courtesy of Kathy Adams. If you can identify any of them, please leave a a comment and reference photo 3514.

Logan County Sheriff and Deputies mid 1950s courtesy of Ralph Baldwin. (4) Grover Combs, (13) Otto Mann, (14) Harry Dingess, (18) Okey Justice, (20) Alvis Porter, (21) Sheriff Ray Watts, (22) Dutch Barber, (23) Ed Baldwin, and (24) Dolivar Baldwin. If you can ID any others, please leave a comment.
Logan County Sheriff and Deputies mid 1950s courtesy of Ralph Baldwin. (4) Grover Combs, (13) Otto Mann, (14) Harry Dingess, (18) Okey Justice, (20) Alvis Porter, (21) Sheriff Ray Watts, (22) Dutch Barber, (23) Ed Baldwin, and (24) Dolivar Baldwin. If you can ID any others, please leave a comment.

Christmas Dinner for the Logan County Deputies courtesy of Ralph Baldwin. (1) Elmer (Buzz) Kazee, (2) John (Dutch) Barber, (3) Ed Baldwin, (4) Carl Marsh, (5) Woodrow Lowe, (6) Gene Gallo, (7) Clyde Musick, (12) Ronald Myers, (13) Ronald Ferrell, (16) Leo McNeely, and (18) Troy Newsom. If you can ID any others, please leave a comment.
Christmas Dinner for the Logan County Deputies courtesy of Ralph Baldwin. (1) Elmer (Buzz) Kazee, (2) John (Dutch) Barber, (3) Ed Baldwin, (4) Carl Marsh, (5) Woodrow Lowe, (6) Gene Gallo, (7) Clyde Musick, (12) Ronald Myers, (13) Ronald Ferrell, (16) Leo McNeely, and (18) Troy Newsom. If you can ID any others, please leave a comment.

Mid 1950s - Grover Combs, unknown lady, Ed Baldwin. Courtesy of Ralph Baldwin. Image 3511.
Mid 1950s - Grover Combs, unknown lady, Ed Baldwin. Courtesy of Ralph Baldwin. Image 3511.

Mid 1950s - Otto Mann, last name Daniels ?, Ed Baldwin, last name Grimmett ? Courtesy of Ralph Baldwin.
Mid 1950s - Otto Mann, last name Daniels ?, Ed Baldwin, last name Grimmett ? Courtesy of Ralph Baldwin.
When all of the faces in a photo are identified, the photo will be moved to our Friends and Families Gallery.
that miner in freeze fork looks like my grandfather rufus merriman campbell. we would of been working the mines in that area around that time
This is my great-grand aunt and uncle. Belle (Gunnoe) Thompson and Peter Thompson Date ? Interestingly her sister Mary Elizabeth (Gunnoe) Thompson married James Thompson (Jr.) (my great grandparents. James being older than Peter. and Belle being younger than Mary Elizabeth In other words
The two sisters married two brothers ( both families completely NON related).
Sadly I have not located a picture of Mary and James (Jr)
Correction –
Belle Thompson was an Allen, daughter of Christina (Gunnoe) and Nehemiah Allen (Wyoming County moving toward Logan C.H. later per censuses ). Christina Gunnoe was the granddaughter of the notable Rev. John Gano . To find more info on this amazing man, He can be Googled. There are several books on him available on Amazon. there are (several different spellings for the Gano name which began as a French name. Rev John Gano help spread the Baptist faith up and down the east coast before settling near Frankfort Ky. He was a Chaplain with Washington’s Army during the Rev. War.
Also I have located a picture with James Jr and Mary Elizabeth (Allen) Thompson. I will try to add the picture soon. Also I have a photo of Mary and Belle’s mother Christina Gunnoe Allen that I will try to provide soon. I’ll add birth/death dates
To clarify the statement (both families non related) it was meant to mean there was no inbreeding 8-). Simply two sisters marrying two brothers.
Logan County Deputies pic, third row down, first pic on left – top row third from left is Elmo Gore, my grandfather, who was a deputy (and assesssor in Logan (#3 in closeup of pic) and pretty sure, his brother, Elbert, is # 1 in closeup of pic)
In the picture of Logan County Deputies having Christmas Dinner, #1 is Elmer “Buzz” Kazee, my father.
I corrected the name from Sam Kazee to Elmer “Buzz” Kazee. Thanks.
hi.. does anyone remember the old couple that walked the streets of logan in the 50s and 60s that carried the shopping bags… two each…. it was just an old couple … i would like to remember them and have their names remembered…. thanks for the help….
we called them maw and paw they were from beckly I talked to them once they lived on high street but stayed in the aracoma hotel don’t remember their names
Image 3613 Thomas Earl was the son of Thomas J Wysong, They lived in the stone house on Cassick and Lorraine Streets.
Thomas Earl Wysong and his girlfriend, Bertha. Standing in front of the Hinchman? house.
Willie was my uncle. Son of Millard and Mary Thompson of Harts WV, in later years they moved to Chapmanville. We do not know the children on each side him.
Just found this site. Hope you will add me to it. My grandmother was Nikita Thompson Curry, are we relatives? I am just learning a little about my family. Parents divorced and I know very little about dad’s family……
I don’t recall a Nikita Thompson in my family tree. Hope you like our website. Admin, Franklin Thompson