This is a collection of Logan County photos. You can help preserve our Logan County history and memories by sharing your vintage photos with us. To share a photo, please email it to the admin at Please note that you must own the photo you are submitting or ensure that no one has a copyright claim on it. If a photo owned by you appears on this website and you do not want it here, please notify the admin for its immediate removal.

Logan County Webcam – Brought to you by Logan 911 and the Logan County Commission.
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Logan County, West Virginia Photo Galleries
- Main Gallery
- 1952 Centennial Celebration Photos
- 1963 Flood Photos
- Bits of History & Nostalgia
- Black Bottom
- Blair
- Battle of Blair Mountain
- Buffalo Creek Disaster
- Chapmanville
- Chauncey
- Cherry Tree
- Chief Logan State Park
- City View
- Coal Branch
- Coal Miners – The Heroes of Appalachia
- Dehue
- Drive-Ins and Theaters
- Earling
- Ethel
- Friends and Families
- Harts Creek
- Henlawson
- Holden
- Lorado
- Lundale
- Man & Triadelphia District
- Monaville
- Monitor
- Mount Gay area
- Mud Fork
- Omar
- Peach Creek
- Rossmore
- Rum Creek (Including Argyle, Cham, Dabney, Hutchinson, Orville, MacBeth, Slagle, and Yolyn).
- School Photos and Yearbooks
- Sharples
- Stirrat
- Unknown Faces – please help us identify these individuals.
- Vietnam Memorial Gallery
- Whites Addition
- WWII & Korean War Veterans
You may also enjoy the Logan County photos on these external links:
*Logan, WV History and Nostalgia is a non-profit website and is not supported by paid ads or donations.
Is there anyone knows of Mt Lake Park overlooking Logan?
Hello Rev.Vance,I put your
question into the online search.
Zillow shows a single family home
built in 1940 that’s 840 sq.feet.
as being on Mt.Lake Park.
Maybe a map of Logan will show the
street & it might overlook the City of
Logan. Maybe some local people
know about the street.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you
but I’ve been busy sending photos &
doing research for this Logan website.